-- class gaCanvas -- Copyright (C) 2020 Roberto Giacomelli -- ga -- basic function local gaCanvas = { _VERSION = "gacanvas v0.0.4", _NAME = "gaCanvas", _DESCRIPTION = "A library for dealing with ga stream", } gaCanvas.__index = gaCanvas -- ga specification: see the file ga-grammar.pdf in the doc directory -- gaCanvas constructor function gaCanvas:new() --> object local o = { _data = {}, _v = 100, -- version of the ga format } setmetatable(o, self) return o end -- Ipothetical another constructor -- function gaCanvas:from_tcp_server() --> err -- end -- line width: opcode <1> function gaCanvas:encode_linethick(w) --> err if type(w) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'w' number expected" end if w < 0 then return "[ArgErr] negative value for 'w'" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 1 -- opcode for line thickness data[#data + 1] = w end -- line cap style: opcode <2> -- 0 Butt cap -- 1 Round cap -- 2 Projecting square cap function gaCanvas:encode_linecap(cap) --> err if type(cap) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'cap' arg number expected" end if cap == 0 or cap == 1 or cap == 2 then local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 2 -- opcode for line cap style data[#data + 1] = cap else return "[ArgErr] invalid value for 'cap'" end end -- line cap style: opcode <3> -- 0 Miter join -- 1 Round join -- 2 Bevel join function gaCanvas:encode_linejoin(join) --> err if type(join) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'join' arg number expected" end if join == 0 or join == 1 or join == 2 then local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 3 -- opcode for line join style data[#data + 1] = join else return "[ArgErr] invalid value for 'join'" end end -- Stop checking the bounding box -- opcode: <30> function gaCanvas:start_bbox_group() --> err local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 30 end -- restart checking the bounding box -- and insert the specified bb for the entire object group -- code: <31> x1 y1 x2 y2 function gaCanvas:stop_bbox_group(x1, y1, x2, y2) --> err if type(x1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x1' number expected" end if type(y1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y1' number expected" end if type(x2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x2' number expected" end if type(y2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y2' number expected" end if x1 > x2 then x1, x2 = x2, x1 end -- reorder coordinates if y1 > y2 then y1, y2 = y2, y1 end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 31 -- bounding box of the object group data[#data + 1] = x1 data[#data + 1] = y1 data[#data + 1] = x2 data[#data + 1] = y2 end -- insert a line from point (x1, y1) to the point (x2, y2) -- <32> x1 y1 x2 y2 function gaCanvas:encode_line(x1, y1, x2, y2) --> err if type(x1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x1' number expected" end if type(y1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y1' number expected" end if type(x2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x2' number expected" end if type(y2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y2' number expected" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 32 -- append line data data[#data + 1] = x1 data[#data + 1] = y1 data[#data + 1] = x2 data[#data + 1] = y2 end -- insert an horizontal line from point (x1, y) to point (x2, y) -- <33> x1 x2 y function gaCanvas:encode_hline(x1, x2, y) --> err if type(x1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x1' number expected" end if type(x2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x2' number expected" end if type(y) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y2' number expected" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 33 -- append hline data data[#data + 1] = x1 data[#data + 1] = x2 data[#data + 1] = y end -- insert a rectangle from point (x1, x2) to (x2, y2) -- <48> function gaCanvas:encode_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2) --> err if type(x1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x1' number expected" end if type(y1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y1' number expected" end if type(x2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x2' number expected" end if type(y2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y2' number expected" end local d = self._data d[#d + 1] = 48 -- append rectangle data d[#d + 1] = x1 d[#d + 1] = y1 d[#d + 1] = x2 d[#d + 1] = y2 end -- Vbar object: opcode <36> -- x0, y1, y2 ordinates function gaCanvas:encode_Vbar(vbar, x0, y1, y2) --> err if type(vbar) ~= "table" then return "[ArgErr] table expected for 'vbar'" end if x0 == nil then x0 = 0 elseif type(x0) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x0' number expected" end if type(y1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y1' number expected" end if type(y2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'y2' number expected" end -- ordinates if y1 == y2 then return "[ArgErr] 'y1' 'y2' are the same value" end if y1 > y2 then y1, y2 = y2, y1 end local bars = assert(vbar._yline, "[InternalErr] no '_yline' field") local bdim = #bars if bdim == 0 then return "[InternalErr] number of bars is zero" end if bdim % 2 ~= 0 then return "[InternalErr] '_yline' does not have an even number of elements" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 36 -- vbar sequence start data[#data + 1] = y1 data[#data + 1] = y2 data[#data + 1] = bdim / 2 -- the number of bars for i = 1, bdim, 2 do local coord = bars[i] local width = bars[i + 1] if type(coord) ~= "number" then return "[Err] a coordinates is not a number" end if type(width) ~= "number" then return "[Err] a width is not a number" end data[#data + 1] = coord + x0 data[#data + 1] = width end end -- [text] <130> ax ay x y chars function gaCanvas:encode_Text(txt, xpos, ypos, ax, ay) --> err if type(txt) ~= "table" then return "[ArgErr] 'txt' object table expected" end if type(xpos) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'xpos' number expected" end if type(ypos) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ypos' number expected" end if ax == nil then ax = 0 elseif type(ax) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ax' number expected" end if ay == nil then ay = 0 elseif type(ay) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ay' number expected" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 130 data[#data + 1] = ax -- relative anchor x-coordinate data[#data + 1] = ay -- relative anchor y-coordinate data[#data + 1] = xpos -- text x-coordinate data[#data + 1] = ypos -- text y-coordinate local chars = assert(txt.codepoint, "[InternalErr] no 'codepoint' field in txt") if #chars == 0 then return "[InternalErr] 'txt' has no chars" end for _, c in ipairs(chars) do data[#data + 1] = c end data[#data + 1] = 0 -- end string signal end -- glyphs equally spaced along the baseline -- [text_xspaced] <131> x1 xgap ay ypos chars function gaCanvas:encode_Text_xspaced(txt, x1, xgap, ypos, ay) --> err if type(txt)~= "table" then return "[ArgErr] 'txt' object table expected" end local chars = assert(txt.codepoint, "[InternalErr] no 'codepoint' field in txt") if #chars == 0 then return "[InternalErr] 'txt' has no chars" end if type(x1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x1' number expected" end if type(xgap) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'xgap' number expected" end if xgap < 0 then local n = #chars x1 = x1 + (n - 1) * xgap xgap = -xgap end if type(ypos) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ypos' number expected" end if ay == nil then ay = 0 elseif type(ay) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ay' number expected" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 131 data[#data + 1] = x1 -- x-coordinate of the first axis from left to right data[#data + 1] = xgap -- axial distance among gliphs data[#data + 1] = ay -- anchor relative y-coordinate data[#data + 1] = ypos -- text y-coordinate for _, c in ipairs(chars) do data[#data + 1] = c end data[#data + 1] = 0 -- end string signal end -- text_xwidth -- text equally spaced but within [x1, x2] coordinate interval -- <132> function gaCanvas:encode_Text_xwidth(txt, x1, x2, ypos, ay) --> err if type(txt)~= "table" then return "[ArgErr] 'txt' object table expected" end if type(x1) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x1' number expected" end if type(x2) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'x2' number expected" end if type(ypos) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ypos' number expected" end if ay == nil then ay = 0 elseif type(ay) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ay' number expected" end local chars = assert(txt.codepoint, "[InternalErr] no 'codepoint' field in txt") if #chars == 0 then return "[InternalErr] 'txt' has no chars" end if x1 > x2 then x1, x2 = x2, x1 end -- reorder coordinates local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 132 data[#data + 1] = ay -- anchor relative y-coordinate data[#data + 1] = x1 -- left limit of the text box data[#data + 1] = x2 -- right limit of the text box data[#data + 1] = ypos -- text y-coordinate for _, c in ipairs(chars) do data[#data + 1] = c end data[#data + 1] = 0 -- end string signal end -- experimental code section -- new opcodes under assessment -- [start_text_group] 140 function gaCanvas:start_text_group() --> err local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 140 end -- [gtext] 141 function gaCanvas:gtext(chars) --> err if type(chars) ~= "table" then return "[ArgErr] 'chars' table expected" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 141 for _, c in ipairs(chars) do data[#data + 1] = c end data[#data + 1] = 0 -- end string signal end -- [gtext_spaced] 142 gap string function gaCanvas:gtext_spaced(gap, chars) --> err if type(gap) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'gap' number expected" end if type(chars) ~= "table" then return "[ArgErr] 'chars' table expected" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 142 data[#data + 1] = gap for _, c in ipairs(chars) do data[#data + 1] = c end data[#data + 1] = 0 -- end string signal end -- [gtext_space] 143 gap function gaCanvas:gtext_gap(gap) --> err if type(gap) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'gap' number expected" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 143 data[#data + 1] = gap end -- [end_text_group] 149 ax ay x y function gaCanvas:end_text_group(xpos, ypos, ax, ay) --> err if type(xpos) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'xpos' number expected" end if type(ypos) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ypos' number expected" end if type(ax) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ax' number expected" end if type(ay) ~= "number" then return "[ArgErr] 'ay' number expected" end local data = self._data data[#data + 1] = 149 data[#data + 1] = ax -- anchor relative x-coordinate data[#data + 1] = ay -- anchor relative y-coordinate data[#data + 1] = xpos -- text x-coordinate data[#data + 1] = ypos -- text y-coordinate end -- amazing... function gaCanvas:to_string() --> string end function gaCanvas:get_bbox() end function gaCanvas:check() --> boolean, err end return gaCanvas