-- -- ga Intermediate Graphic Language for barcode drawing -- SVG library -- Copyright (C) 2020 Roberto Giacomelli -- -- All dimension in the ga stream are scaled point (sp) -- 1 pt = 65536 sp -- class for drawing elementary geometric elements local SVG = { _VERSION = "SVGdriver v0.0.1", _NAME = "SVGdriver", _DESCRIPTION = "A SVG driver for the ga graphic stream", } SVG.ext = "svg" -- file extension SVG.buf_sep = nil -- separation string for buffer concat function SVG.init_buffer(st) --> buffer, text buffer local bf = { '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', } -- additions for SVG driver to 'state' st.ident_lvl = 1 -- identation level st.char_buf = nil local mm = st.mm st.h_char = 2.1 * mm -- char height (mm) st.w_char = st.h_char / 1.303 -- avg char width (mm) st.d_char = st.h_char / 3.7 -- char deep (mm) return bf, {} end function SVG.close_buffer(st, bf, xt) bf[#bf + 1] = '\n' -- close svg xml element bf[#bf + 1] = '\n' -- a last empty line local mm = st.mm local x1, y1, x2, y2 = st.bb_x1, st.bb_y1, st.bb_x2, st.bb_y2 local w = (x2 - x1)/mm local h = (y2 - y1)/mm local fmt_wh = bf[7] bf[7] = string.format(fmt_wh, w, h) -- line 7 local x, y = x1/mm, -y2/mm local fmt_vw = bf[8] bf[8] = string.format(fmt_vw, x, y, w, h) end -- SVG encoding functions -- 1 ; set line width function SVG.append_001(st, bf, xt, w) -- nothing to do end -- draw an horizontal line -- 33 function SVG.append_033(st, bf, xt, x1, x2, y) local lvl = st.ident_lvl local ident = string.rep(" ", lvl) -- a couple of spaces as indentation local mm = st.mm -- conversion ratio sp -> bp bf[#bf + 1] = string.format( -- element '%s\n' end -- Vertical line: 34 function SVG.append_034(st, bf, xt, y1, y2, x) local lvl = st.ident_lvl local ident = string.rep(" ", lvl) -- a couple of spaces as indentation local mm = st.mm -- conversion ratio sp -> mm bf[#bf + 1] = string.format( -- element '%s\n' end -- Vbar -- draw a group of vertical lines -- 36 ... function SVG.append_036_start(st, bf, xt, nbar, y1, y2) local lvl = st.ident_lvl local ident = string.rep(" ", lvl) bf[#bf + 1] = ident..'\n' -- open a group st.ident_lvl = lvl + 1 end function SVG.append_036_bar(st, bf, xt, x, w, y1, y2) local lvl = st.ident_lvl local ident = string.rep(" ", lvl) local mm = st.mm -- conversion factor mm -> sp bf[#bf + 1] = string.format( '%s\n', ident, x/mm, -y2/mm, -y1/mm, w/mm ) end function SVG.append_036_stop(st, bf, xt, nbar, y1, y2) st.ident_lvl = st.ident_lvl - 1 local ident = string.rep(" ", st.ident_lvl) bf[#bf + 1] = ident..'\n' -- end group end -- Text -- 130 Text with several glyphs -- 130 function SVG.append_130_char(st, bf, xt, c) local ch = string.char(c) if not st.char_buf then st.char_buf = {ch} else local chars = st.char_buf chars[#chars + 1] = ch end end function SVG.append_130_stop(st, bf, xt, xpos, ypos, ax, ay) --> p1, p2 local c = st.char_buf st.char_buf = nil local txt = table.concat(c) local w = st.w_char * #c -- approx dim local h = st.h_char local d = st.d_char local anchor = "" local x1 = xpos local bx1 = xpos if ax == 0 then -- start (default) elseif ax == 0.5 then -- middle anchor = ' text-anchor="middle"' bx1 = bx1 - w/2 elseif ax == 1 then -- end anchor = ' text-anchor="end"' bx1 = bx1 - w else x1 = x1 - ax*w bx1 = x1 end local y1 = ypos if ay > 0 then y1 = y1 - h*ay else y1 = y1 - d*ay end local fs = st.h_char * 1.37 -- sp local lvl = st.ident_lvl local ident = string.rep(" ", lvl) local mm = st.mm bf[#bf + 1] = string.format( '%s\n', ident, x1/mm, -y1/mm, fs/mm, anchor ) bf[#bf + 1] = ident..txt bf[#bf + 1] = ident..'\n' return bx1, y1, bx1 + w, y1 + h end -- 131 , Text with glyphs equally spaced on its vertical axis -- 131 function SVG.append_131_char(st, bf, xt, c, xgap) local ch = string.char(c) if not st.char_buf then st.char_buf = {ch} else local chars = st.char_buf chars[#chars + 1] = ch end end function SVG.append_131_stop(st, bf, xt, x1, xgap, ypos, ay) --> p1, p2 local chars = st.char_buf st.char_buf = nil local n = #chars local h = st.h_char -- height local d = st.d_char -- deep local hw = st.w_char/2 -- sp half width local y1 = ypos if ay > 0 then y1 = y1 - h*ay else y1 = y1 - d*ay end local lvl = st.ident_lvl local ident = string.rep(" ", lvl) local fs = st.h_char * 1.37 -- (sp) font-size -> inter baselines distance local mm = st.mm bf[#bf + 1] = string.format( '%s\n', ident, -y1/mm, fs/mm ) local x = x1 for _, c in ipairs(chars) do bf[#bf + 1] = string.format('%s%s\n', ident, x/mm, c ) x = x + xgap end bf[#bf + 1] = ident..'\n' local x2 = x1 + (n - 1)*xgap -- sp return x1 - hw, y1, x2 + hw, y1 + h -- text group bounding box end -- 132 Glyphs equally spaced on vertical axis between two x coordinates -- 132 function SVG.append_132_char(st, bf, xt, c, xgap) local ch = string.char(c) if not st.char_buf then st.char_buf = {ch} else local chars = st.char_buf chars[#chars + 1] = ch end end function SVG.append_132_stop(st, bf, xt, x1, x2, ypos, ay) --> p1, p2 local chars = st.char_buf; st.char_buf = nil local n = #chars local h = st.h_char -- height (approx) local d = st.d_char -- deep (approx) local cw = st.w_char -- (sp) char width (approx) local xgap = (x2 - x1 - cw)/(n - 1) local y1 = ypos if ay > 0 then y1 = y1 - h*ay else y1 = y1 - d*ay end local lvl = st.ident_lvl local ident = string.rep(" ", lvl) local fs = st.h_char * 1.37 -- font-size -> inter baselines distance local mm = st.mm bf[#bf + 1] = string.format( '%s\n', ident, -y1/mm, fs/mm ) local x = x1 + cw/2 for _, c in ipairs(chars) do bf[#bf + 1] = string.format('%s%s\n', ident, x/mm, c ) x = x + xgap end bf[#bf + 1] = ident..'\n' return x1, y1, x2, y1 + h -- text group bounding box end return SVG