\ProvidesPackage{addtoluatexpath}[2023-08-04] \RequirePackage{luacode} \providecommand{\input@path}{} % initialize input@path if not defined yet \begin{luacode*} function atlp_main(atlp_raw) -- add to path from raw string local atlp_tbl = require'luakeys'().parse(atlp_raw, {naked_as_value=true}) -- paths as table local atlp_no_lua = atlp_tbl['nolua'] or false -- check and set nolua=true local atlp_no_tex = atlp_tbl['notex'] or false -- check and set notex=true if atlp_raw:find('*') ~= nil then -- if *, must use penlight to expand subdirectories penlight = require'penlight' atlp_tbl = penlight.List(atlp_tbl) -- convert to pl.List for easy manipulation end for __, p in ipairs(atlp_tbl) do if p:find('*') == nil then -- add paths without *, continue loop after if not atlp_no_lua then package.path = package.path .. ';'..p..'/?.lua;' end if not atlp_no_tex then token.set_macro('input@path', token.get_macro('input@path')..'{'..p..'/}', 'global') end goto continue end local p, c = p:gsub('*','') -- if * added, include subdirectories local atlp_subdirs = penlight.List(penlight.dir.getdirectories(p)) -- troubleshooting --texio.write_nl(penlight.pretty.write(atlp_subdirs)) if c == 2 then atlp_subdirs = atlp_subdirs:map(function(s) return s ..'/**' end) -- add ** to subdirs for recursive inclusion end atlp_tbl:append(p) -- make sure p (current path without *) is still added! atlp_tbl:extend(atlp_subdirs) -- extend path to include additional subdirs; the for loop is lengthened ::continue:: end -- -- troubleshooting: show all paths --texio.write_nl('Lua Paths >>> \n'..package.path:gsub(';','\n')) --texio.write_nl('TeX Paths >>> \n'..token.get_macro('input@path'):gsub('}{','\n')) end atlp_main(token.get_macro('@raw@opt@addtoluatexpath.sty')) \end{luacode*} \NewDocumentCommand{\addtoluatexpath}{m}{\luadirect{atlp_main(\luastring{#1})}} % a command \AtEndOfPackage{\let\@unprocessedoptions\relax}