This is the complete release of the MEGATAPE-package ---------------------------------------------------- The FTP-server (Uni Stuttgart) contains an incomplete version of this package ! To run the demos you also need BRECHT.TEX. The contents of the package: ---------------------------- MEGATAPE.DOC Documented version of the MEGATAPE-Style MEGATAPE.STY Undocumented version of the MEGATAPE-Style TAPE.STY Original TAPE-Style from Sunil Podar MEGADEMO.TEX Demo for MEGATAPE.STY, needs BRECHT.TEX TAPEDEMO.TEX Demo for TAPE.STY, needs BRECHT.TEX BRECHT.TEX Input-File for MEGADEMO.TEX and TAPEDEMO.TEX READ.ME This file To compare the output of TAPE.STY and MEGATAPE.STY, tex' the demos: glatex tapedemo glatex megademo Both use the same input-file (BRECHT.TEX) but with different style-files. Take a look at the output: v tapedemo v megademo Do You see the differences ? I hope You see them ... Nevertheless thanks to Sunil Podar for his basic works on TAPE.STY. Martin Nickel Seminar fr Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik Universitt zu Kln Albertus-Magnus-Platz W-5000 Kln 41 e-mail: