CTAN:/macros/latex/packages With the 1998/12/01 release of LaTeX, the packages subdirectory of the LaTeX distribution has been withdrawn and its contents moved. Subdirectories of the old packages directory are now available as follows: amslatex/ now available from macros/latex/required/amslatex/ babel/ now available from macros/latex/required/babel/ expl3/ now available from macros/latex/exptl/project/expl3 graphics/ now available from macros/latex/required/graphics/ mfnfss/ now available from macros/latex/contrib/supported/mfnfss/ psnfss/ now available from macros/latex/required/psnfss/ tools/ now available from macros/latex/required/tools/ Some rationale for these changes is given in the latest issue of LaTeX news (source in the distribution, but also available from macros/latex/doc/ltnews10.ps) Robin Fairbairns For the CTAN team