#! /bin/sh eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'PERL_BADLANG=x;export PERL_BADLANG;: \ ;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" ${1+"$@"};#'if 0; eval 'setenv PERL_BADLANG x;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" $argv:q;#'.q+ #!perl -w package Htex::pdfboxes; $0=~/(.*)/s;unshift@INC,'.';do($1);die$@if$@;__END__+if !1; # This Perl script was generated by JustLib2 at Sun Feb 9 23:57:15 2003. # Don't touch/remove any lines above; http://www.inf.bme.hu/~pts/justlib package just; BEGIN{$INC{'just.pm'}='just.pm'} BEGIN{ $just::VERSION=2 } sub end(){1} sub main(){} BEGIN{$ INC{'strict.pm'}='strict.pm'} { package strict; use just; # by pts@fazekas.hu at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001 require 5.002; sub bits { (grep{'refs'eq$_}@_ && 2)| (grep{'subs'eq$_}@_ && 0x200)| (grep{'vars'eq$_}@_ && 0x400)| ($@ || 0x602) } sub import { shift; $^H |= bits @_ } sub unimport { shift; $^H &= ~ bits @_ } just::end} BEGIN{$ INC{'integer.pm'}='integer.pm'} { package integer; use just; # by pts@fazekas.hu at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001 sub import { $^H |= 1 } sub unimport { $^H &= ~1 } just::end} BEGIN{$ INC{'Pts/string.pm'}='Pts/string.pm'} { package Pts::string; # by pts@fazekas.hu at Sat Dec 21 21:32:18 CET 2002 use just; use integer; use strict; #** @param $_[0] a string #** @param $_[1] index of first bit to return. Bit 128 of byte 0 is index 0. #** @param $_[2] number of bits to return (<=32) #** @return an integer (negative on overflow), bit at $_[1] is its MSB sub get_bits_msb($$$) { # assume: use integer; my $loop=$_[1]; my $count=$_[2]; my $ret=0; ($ret+=$ret+(1&(vec($_[0],$loop>>3,8)>>(7-($loop&7)))), $loop++) while $count--!=0; $ret } #** @param $_[0] a string #** @return value if $_[0] represents a floating point numeric constant #** in the C language (without the LU etc. modifiers) -- or undef. Returns #** undef for integer constants sub c_floatval($) { my $S=$_[0]; no integer; # very important; has local scope return 0.0+$S if $S=~/\A[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.])(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\Z(?!\n)/; undef } #** @param $_[0] a string #** @return value if $_[0] represents a floating point or integer numeric #** constant in the C language (without the LU etc. modifiers) -- or undef sub c_numval($) { my $S=$_[0]; no integer; # very important; has local scope return 0+$S if $S=~/\A[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+\.?)\Z(?!\n)/; undef } #** @param $_[0] a string #** @return the integer value of $_[0] in C -- or undef sub c_intval($) { my $S=$_[0]; my $neg=1; $neg=-1 if $S=~s@\A([+-])@@ and '-'eq$1; return $neg*hex $1 if $S=~/\A0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+)\Z(?!\n)/; return $neg*oct $1 if $S=~/\A0([0-7]+)\Z(?!\n)/; return $neg*$1 if $S=~/\A([0-9]+)\Z(?!\n)/; undef } sub import { no strict 'refs'; my $package = (caller())[0]; shift; # my package for my $p (@_ ? @_ : qw{get_bits_msb c_floatval c_numval c_intval}) { *{$package."::$p"}=\&{$p} } } just::end} BEGIN{$ INC{'vars.pm'}='vars.pm'} { package vars; use just; # by pts@fazekas.hu at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001 require 5.002; sub import { my $callpack = caller; my ($sym, $ch, $sym9); shift; for $sym0 (@_) { die("Can't declare another package's variables") if $sym0 =~ /::/; ($ch, $sym) = unpack('a1a*', $sym0); *{"${callpack}::$sym"} = ( $ch eq "\$" ? \$ {"${callpack}::$sym"} : $ch eq "\@" ? \@ {"${callpack}::$sym"} : $ch eq "\%" ? \% {"${callpack}::$sym"} : $ch eq "\*" ? \* {"${callpack}::$sym"} : $ch eq "\&" ? \& {"${callpack}::$sym"} : die("'$ch$sym' is not a valid variable name\n") ); } } just::end} BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/PDFread.pm'}='Htex/PDFread.pm'} { package Htex::PDFread; # by pts@fazekas.hu at Sat Dec 21 21:28:09 CET 2002 use just; use integer; use strict; use Pts::string; use vars qw($pdf_last_ref0); my @pdf_classify; #** @param $_[0] a string in PDF source format #** @return a rewritten string, or "" if $_[0] is truncated, or undef if #** there is a parse error sub pdf_rewrite($;$) { my $explicit_term_p=$_[1]; my $L=length($_[0]); return "" if $L==0; my $S="$_[0]\n>> "; # add sentinel my $I=0; my $O; my $RET=""; if (!@pdf_classify) { # Dat: PDF whitespace(0) is [\000\011\012\014\015\040] # Dat: PDF separators(10) are < > { } [ ] ( ) / % # Dat: PDF regular(40) character is any of [\000-\377] which is not whitespace or separator @pdf_classify=(40)x256; @pdf_classify[ord('<'),ord('>'),ord('{'),ord('}'),ord('['),ord(']'), ord('('),ord(')'),ord('/'),ord('%')]=(10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19); @pdf_classify[000,011,012,014,015,040]=(0,0,0,0,0,0); } while ($I<$L) { $O=$pdf_classify[vec($S,$I,8)]; if ($O==0) { # whitespace } elsif (12<=$O and $O<=15) { # one-char token $RET.=" ".substr($S,$I,1); } elsif ($O==18 or $O==40) { # name or /name my $P=0; if ($O==18) { $I++; $RET.=" /" } else { $RET.=" "; $P=1 } my $T=""; $T.=chr($O) while $pdf_classify[$O=vec($S,$I++,8)]==40; $I--; ## die $I; $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"#%02x",ord$1@ge; # make name safe $RET.=$T; return $RET if $P and ($T eq "stream" or $T eq "endobj" or $T eq "startxref"); next } elsif ($O==11) { # `>' return "" if ++$I==$L; # only `>' has arrived return undef if vec($S,$I,8)!=62; # err(">> expected"); $RET.=" >>"; } elsif ($O==16) { # string my $T=""; my $depth=1; $I++; while ($I<$L) { $O=vec($S,$I++,8); bcont: ## print chr($O),":$depth\n"; if ($O==40) { $depth++ } elsif ($O==41) { last unless --$depth } elsif ($O==92) { # a backslash $O=vec($S,$I++,8); if (48<=$O && $O<=55) { my $P=$O-48; $O=vec($S,$I++,8); if (48<=$O && $O<=55) { my $Q=$O-48; $O=vec($S,$I++,8); if (48<=$O && $O<=55) { $T.=chr(255&($P<<6|$Q<<3|($O-48))) } else { $T.=chr($P<<3|$Q); goto bcont } } else { $T.=chr($P); goto bcont } } elsif ($O==110) { $O=10 } elsif ($O==114) { $O=13 } elsif ($O==116) { $O=9 } elsif ($O== 98) { $O=8 } elsif ($O==102) { $O=12 } } $T.=chr($O) } # WHILE return "" if $depth; # err("unterminated string") $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"\\%03o",ord$1@ge; # make string safe $RET.=" ($T)"; next } elsif ($O==10) { # hex string $O=vec($S,++$I,8); if ($O==60) { $RET.=" <<"; $I++; next } # parse hexadecimal string my $half=0x100; my $T=""; while (1) { 1 until $pdf_classify[$O=vec($S,$I++,8)]; # skip whitespace if ($O==62) { $T.=chr($half&0xFF) if $half&0x1000; last } # '>' return undef if $pdf_classify[$O]!=40; # err("unexpected token in hex") if (65<=$O and $O<=70) { $half+=$O-55 } elsif (97<=$O and $O<=102) { $half+=$O-87 } elsif (48<=$O and $O<=57) { $half+=$O-48 } else { return undef } # err("illegal hex digit") if ($half&0x1000) { $T.=chr($half&0xFF); $half=0x100 } else { $half<<=4 } } $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"\\%03o",ord$1@ge; # make string safe $RET.=" ($T)"; next } elsif ($O==19) { # single-line comment $I++ while ($O=vec($S,$I,8))!=13 && $O!=10; ## print STDERR "I=$I L=$L\n"; next } else { return undef } # err("token expected") # $O==11, $O==17 $I++ } ## WHILE ## print STDERR "XI=$I L=$L\n"; # die $explicit_term_p; return "" if $explicit_term_p; ($I>$L) ? "" : $RET } # Unit test: #die unless pdf_rewrite("hello \n\t world\n\t") eq " hello world"; #die unless pdf_rewrite('(hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld)') eq ' (hel\051lo\012\010w\050or\051ld)'; #die unless pdf_rewrite('(hel\)lo\n\bw(orld)') eq ''; #die unless pdf_rewrite('[ (hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld)>>') eq ' [ (hel\051lo\012\010w\050or\051ld) >>'; #die unless pdf_rewrite('>') eq ""; #die unless pdf_rewrite('<') eq ""; #die unless pdf_rewrite('< ') eq ""; #die unless !defined pdf_rewrite('< <'); #die unless !defined pdf_rewrite('> >'); #die unless pdf_rewrite('[ (hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld) <') eq ""; #die unless pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5 >]") eq ' (1O\134P) ]'; #die unless pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5") eq ""; #die unless !defined pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5]>"); #die unless pdf_rewrite("% he te\n<\n3\t1\r4f5C5 >]endobj<<") eq ' (1O\134P) ] endobj'; #die unless pdf_rewrite("") eq ""; #die unless pdf_rewrite("<<") eq " <<"; #die unless pdf_rewrite('%hello') eq ''; #die unless pdf_rewrite("alma\n%korte\n42") eq ' alma 42'; #die unless pdf_rewrite('/Size 42') eq ' /Size 42'; #die "OK"; #** Reads a single PDF indirect object (without its stream) from a PDF file. #** Does some trivial transformations on it to make later regexp matching #** easier. Stops at `stream', `endobj' and `startxref'. #** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), correctly positioned in the PDF #** file to the beginning of the object data (i.e just before `5 0 obj') #** @return string containing PDF source code, or undef on error sub pdf_read_obj($) { my $F=$_[0]; my $L=1024; my $M; my $S=""; my $RET; while (1) { # read as much data as necessary return undef if 0>($M=read $F, $S, $L, length($S)); $RET=pdf_rewrite($S,1); ## print "($S)\n"; return undef if !defined $RET; # parse error return $RET if length $RET; # OK, found object return undef if $M==0; # cannot read more, reached EOF $L<<=1; } #$S=~m@[\000\011\012\014\015\040]*( # %[^\r\n]*[\r\n]| # /?[^\000\011\012\014\015\040<>{}\[\]()/%]*(?=[\000\011\012\014\015\040<>{}\[\]()/%])| # unterminated # <<|>>|\{|}|\[|]| # <[a-fA-F0-9\000\011\012\014\015\040]*>| # hex string # \((?:[^\\()]+|\\[\000-\377])*\)| # literal string, the easy way # \( # an unfinished string, needs special care #)@gx } #** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file, positioned #** just before an `xref' table #** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56 #** from generation 4; will be extended #** @return the `trailer' section after the `xref'; or undef sub pdf_read_xref($$) { # made much faster at Wed Dec 18 09:50:23 CET 2002 my $T; my $E; my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; return undef if 8>read $F, $T, 1024; return undef unless $T=~s@\A\s*xref\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@; my ($first,$len,$flen); while (1) { ($first,$len)=($1+0,$2+0); ## print " $first + $len\n"; $flen=($len*=20)-length($T)+20; return undef unless $flen<1 or $flen==read $F, $T, $flen, length($T); for (my $I=0;$I<$len;$I+=20, $first++) { $E=substr($T, $I, 20); return undef unless $E=~/\A(\d{10})\s(\d{5})\s([nf])\s\s/; ## print "($1 $2 $3)\n"; $XREF->[$2+0][$first]=$1+0 if $3 eq 'n'; } $E=substr($T, $len); last if $E!~s@\A\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@; # next section $T=$E; } # die(-length($T)+$len); ## die tell($F); return undef if length($T)!=$len and !seek $F, -length($T)+$len, 1; ## die tell($F); return undef unless defined($T=pdf_read_obj($F)); $XREF->[0][0]=undef if defined $XREF->[0]; $XREF->[0][0]=$1+0 if $T=~m@ /Prev (\d+)@; # remember /Prev xref table return undef unless $T=~m@\A trailer( .*) startxref\Z(?!\n)@s; $1 } $pdf_last_ref0=0; #** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file #** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56 #** from generation 4 #** @param $_[2] an object number #** @param $_[3] a generation number #** @return PDF source code of the reference, or undef sub pdf_ref($$$$) { my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $ON=$_[2]+0; my $GN=$_[3]+0; my $T; $pdf_last_ref0=$ON if $GN==0; ## print "REF $ON $GN;\n"; until (ref $XREF->[$GN] and defined ($T=$XREF->[$GN][$ON])) { return undef if !ref $XREF->[0] or !defined $XREF->[0][0]; # no /Prev entry, `$ON $GN R' not found return undef unless seek $F, $XREF->[0][0], 0; return undef if !defined pdf_read_xref($F,$XREF); } ## print "REF at $T;\n"; return undef unless seek $F, $T, 0; return undef unless defined($T=pdf_read_obj($F)); ## print "REF=($T);\n"; return undef unless $T=~s@\A (\d+) (\d+) obj\b(.*) (endobj|stream)\Z(?!\n)@$3@s; $T } #** Gets a key from a direct dict, and resolves it if it is an indirect object #** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file #** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56 #** from generation 4 #** @param $_[2] a PDF source dict (`<< ... >>') or array #** @param $_[3] a key (`/...') sub pdf_get($$$$) { my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $S=$_[2]; my $KEY=$_[3]; my $POS=0; my $DEPTH=0; my $IS_DICT; my $C=0; my $N=0; ## print "\n"; while ($S=~/\G (\S+)/g) { $C=vec($1,0,8); $POS=pos($S); ## print "($1) $DEPTH $N\n"; if ($1 eq '>>' or $1 eq ']') { return undef if 0==$DEPTH--; last if !$DEPTH; $N++ if 1==$DEPTH; } elsif ($DEPTH==1 and !$IS_DICT and $KEY==$N) { $POS=pos($S)-=length($1)+1; goto do_ret } elsif ($1 eq '<<') { $IS_DICT=1 if 0==$DEPTH++ } elsif ($1 eq '[') { if (0==$DEPTH++) { $IS_DICT=0; return undef if $KEY!~/\A(\d+)\Z(?!\n)/; # err("non-numeric key in array") } } elsif (0==$DEPTH) { return undef } # not in a composite object elsif (1!=$DEPTH) { next } elsif (!$IS_DICT) { $N++ } elsif ($C==40) { $N++ } # `(': string or bare name elsif ($C>=47 and $C<=57) { # '/': /name 0..9: number ## print "TRY ($1) KEY=$KEY.\n"; next if ($N++&1)==1 or $1 ne $KEY; do_ret: ## print substr($S,pos($S)),";;\n"; return pdf_ref $F, $XREF, $1, $2 if $S=~/\G (\d+) (\d+) R\b/gc; ## print substr($S,pos($S)),"::\n"; $DEPTH=0; while ($S=~/\G( \S+)/g) { if ($1 eq ' <<' or $1 eq ' [') { $DEPTH++ } elsif ($1 eq ' >>' or $1 eq ' ]') { ## die "($1)\n"; return undef if 0==$DEPTH--; # err("nesting") return substr($S,$POS,pos($S)-$POS) if 0==$DEPTH; } elsif ($DEPTH==0) { return $1 } } } else { $N++ } # bare name } return undef if $POS!=length($S); # err("invalid source dict"); "" # not found } # Unit test: #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 0) eq ' al'; #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 1) eq ' makorte'; #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 2) eq ' 42'; #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 3) eq ''; #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> ]', 0) eq ' << >>'; #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> ]', 1) eq ''; #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> [ al makorte 42 ] ]', 1) eq ' [ al makorte 42 ]'; #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << /Alma [ 1 2 ] /Korte [ 3 4 ] >>', '/Korte') eq ' [ 3 4 ]'; #die unless !defined pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', '/Name'); #die unless !defined pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte 42 >>', 42); #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte 42 137 >>', 42) eq ' 137'; #die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte >>', 'al') eq ""; #die "OK"; #** Reported boxes: /MediaBox /CropBox /BleedBox /TrimBox /ArtBox #** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file #** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56 #** from generation 4 #** @param $_[2] a PDF source dict (`<< ... >>') of /Type/Catalog #** /Type/Pages or /Type/Page #** @param $_[3] hashref to update. $_[3]{BleedBox}[2] will be the URX corner #** of the BleedBox sub pdf_get_boxes($$$$) { my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $S=$_[2]; my $bbi=$_[3]; return if !defined $S; for my $name (qw{MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox}) { my $box=pdf_get($F, $XREF, $S, "/$name"); next if !defined $box or !length $box or $box!~m@ \[ ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) \]\Z(?!\n)@ or !defined c_numval($1) or !defined c_numval($2) or !defined c_numval($3) or !defined c_numval($4); ($bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=($1+0,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0) if $name eq 'MediaBox'; my $name2="Info.$name"; ($bbi->{$name2}[0],$bbi->{$name2}[1],$bbi->{$name2}[2],$bbi->{$name2}[3])=($1+0,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0); } } sub import { no strict 'refs'; my $package=(caller())[0]; shift; for my $p (@_ ? @_ : qw{pdf_get_boxes pdf_get pdf_read_xref pdf_read_obj pdf_rewrite pdf_ref}) { *{$package."::$p"}=\&{$p} } } just::end} BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/pdfboxes.pm'}='Htex/pdfboxes.pm'} package Htex::pdfboxes; # pdfboxes.pl -- extract bounding box information from PDFs and update them # see perldoc(1) POD documentation later # by pts@fazekas.hu at Sat Jan 25 14:26:26 2003 # docs at Tue Jan 28 11:29:55 CET 2003 # use just +1; use strict; use integer; use Htex::PDFread; BEGIN { $Htex::pdfboxes::VERSION=0.05 } #** Derived from pdf_read_xref() #** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file, positioned #** just before an `xref' table #** @param $_[1] a file offset #** @param $_[2] number to add to /Size #** @param $_[3] arrayref containing xref20 intervals #** @param $_[4] retval for original trailer length #** @param $_[5] retval for original trailer offset #** -param $_[6] arrayref, trailer offsets (not the topmost) will be pushed to #** @return the `trailer' section after the `xref'; or undef sub my_read_xref($$$$$$) { # made much faster at Wed Dec 18 09:50:23 CET 2002 my $T; my $E; my($F,$fofs,$addsize,$xrefs)=@_; my($first,$len,$flen); my $ret_trailer; prev_xref: return undef unless seek $F, $fofs, 0; return undef if 8>read $F, $T, 1024; $fofs+=length($T); return undef unless $T=~s@\A\s*xref\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@; $fofs-=length($T); while (1) { ($first,$len)=($1+0,$2+0); # Now: ($fofs ... $fofs+20*$len) contains xref enties push @$xrefs, $fofs, $fofs+20*$len; ## print " $first + $len\n"; $flen=($len*=20)-length($T)+20; # +20: two-number header of next section return undef unless $flen<1 or $flen==read $F, $T, $flen, length($T); for (my $I=0;$I<$len;$I+=20, $first++) { $E=substr($T, $I, 20); return undef unless $E=~/\A(\d{10})\s(\d{5})\s([nf])\s\s/; ## print "($1 $2 $3)\n"; # $XREF->[$2+0][$first]=$1+0 if $3 eq 'n'; } $E=substr($T, $len); $fofs+=length($T); last if $E!~s@\A\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@; # next section $fofs-=length($E); $T=$E; } return undef if length($T)!=$len and !seek $F, -length($T)+$len, 1; $fofs+=$len-length($T); return undef if 20>read $F, $T, 2048; # read trailer $T=~s@%.*@ @g; # assume there are no strings return undef unless $T=~s@(\s*>>\s*).*@@s; ($_[4],$_[5])=(length($T)+length($1),$fofs) if !defined $ret_trailer; # push @{$_[6]}, $fofs+length($1), $fofs+length($1)+length($2) push @$xrefs, $fofs+length($1), -($fofs+length($1)+length($2)) if defined($ret_trailer) and $T=~m@\A(\s*trailer\s*<<.*?)(\s*/Prev\s+\d+[\000\011\012\014\015\040]*[<>{}\[\]()/]?)@s; return undef if $T!~s/\A\s*trailer\s*<<\s*//; if (!defined $ret_trailer) { return undef if $T!~s@/Size\s+(\d+)@"/Size ".($1+$addsize)@e; ## $T=~y/\r/\n/; die "$T"; $ret_trailer=$T; } if ($T=~m@/Prev\s+(\d+)@) { $fofs=$1+0; goto prev_xref } $ret_trailer } #** Modifies the /Prev value in a PDF trailer, tries not to increase length #** of $_[0]. #** @param $_[0] string containing a PDF trailer /Prev entry #** @param $_[1] coderef to calculate modification #** @return the modified string, or undef sub modify_prev($$) { my($S,$N)=@_; my $lenS=length($S); my $T=$S; return $T unless $T=~s@(/Prev\s+)(\d+)@$1.$N->($2)@e; # preserve spaces if (length($T)>$lenS) { # Imp: test this $T=$S; die unless $T=~s@\s*/Prev\s+(\d+)[\000\011\012\014\015\040]*([<>{}\[\]()/]?)@ "/Prev ".$N->($1).(length$2 ? $2 : " ") @; # ^^^ don't check for comments: $T=~s@\s*/Prev\s+(\d+)\s*(?:%.*)* } die unless length($T)>=$lenS or $T=~s@(/Prev\s+\d+)@$1.(" "x(length($T)-$lenS))@e; # Now: length($T)>=$lenS $T } #** @param $_[0] $bbi hashref #** @return a multiline dump of all key--value pairs, sorted by key sub all2($) { my $bbi=$_[0]; my $RET=""; for my $key (sort keys %$bbi) { if ($key=~/\AInfo[.](\w+Box)\Z(?!\n)/) { #1{$key}; $RET.="/$1 ".(ref($val)eq'ARRAY' ? "[@$val]\n" : "$val\n"); } } $RET } sub usage() { die "This is pdfboxes.pl by pts\@fazekas.hu, version $Htex::pdfboxes::VERSION This program is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL. This software comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY. Use at your own risk! I can extract /MediaBox, /CropBox and other bounding box information from PDF files, and write back this information to the begininning of the PDF. Run this to get more docs: perldoc '$0' Usage: $0 [] []\n Action is one of: -- --show\n" } just::main; my $outfilename; my $infilename; my $show_p=0; usage if !@ARGV; if (@ARGV==1) { $show_p=1; } else { if ($ARGV[0] eq '--') { shift @ARGV; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--show') { $show_p=1; shift @ARGV; } elsif ($ARGV[0]=~/\A-/) { print STDERR "$0: unknown option: $ARGV[0]"; usage } } ($infilename,$outfilename)=@ARGV; # $outfilename possibly undef # Dat: reading PDF from STDIN not supported, because it is probably unseekable die "$0: open $infilename: $!\n" if !open F, "< $infilename"; die unless binmode F; my $head; # vvv 2048: file header + max length(/Type/pdfboxes) if (32>read F, $head, 2048) { IOerr: die "$0: I/O error in $infilename: $!\n" } if ($head!~/\A(%PDF-[!-~]+)/) { SYerr: die "$0: syntax error in $infilename. Not a PDF?\n"; } my $firstline=$1; my $binary_p=($head=~/\A[^\r\n]+[\r\n]+[ -~]*[^\n\r -~]/) ? 'Binary' : 'Clean7Bit'; #$head=pdf_rewrite($head,1); $head=~s@\A(.*?)(\bendobj\s*).*@$1@s; # The first obj decides whether it is linearized my $headprelen=length($1)+length($2); goto SYerr if $head!~/[\n\r](\d+\s+\d+\s+obj)/g; my $obj1ofs=pos($head)-length($1); $head=substr($head,$obj1ofs); my $page1obj; my $linearized_p=0; my $was_pdfboxes=0; # the obj # of the pdfboxes.pl already applied #if ($head=~s@\A((\d+)\s+\d+\s+obj\s*<<.*?/Type\s*/pdfboxes\b.*?\bendobj\s*)@@s) { if ($head=~m@\A(\d+)\s+\d+\s+obj\s*<<.*?/Type\s*/pdfboxes\b@s) { goto SYerr if !defined $headprelen; $obj1ofs=$headprelen; $head=""; # ^^^ remove previous instance of /pdfboxes # ^^^ might not be a real obj at $obj1ofs $was_pdfboxes=$1+0; } elsif ($head=~m@/Linearized\b@ and $head=~m@/O\s+(\d+)@) { $linearized_p=1; $page1obj=$1+0; } goto IOerr if !seek F, -1024, 2 and !seek F, 0, 0; my $tailofs=tell F; goto IOerr if 1>read F, $head, 1024; goto SYerr if $head!~/startxref\s+(\d+)\s*%%EOF\s*\Z(?!\n)/ and $head!~/startxref\s+(\d+)\s*%%EOF/; # ^^^ Dat: some PDF files contain binary junk at the end my $xref_ofs=$1+0; my $xrefs=[]; my $oldtrailerlen; my $oldtrailerofs; # my @trailersofs; my $trailerx=my_read_xref(\*F, $xref_ofs, $was_pdfboxes==0, $xrefs, $oldtrailerlen, $oldtrailerofs); # , \@trailersofs); ## print "(@trailersofs)\n"; goto SYerr if !defined $trailerx; goto SYerr if $trailerx!~m@/Size\s+(\d+)@; my $oldSize=$1-1; # Imp: remove code duplication with package Htex::ImgBBox goto IOerr if !seek \*F, $xref_ofs, 0; my $xref=[]; my $trailer=pdf_read_xref(\*F,$xref); goto SYerr if !defined $trailer; my $pages; my $type; my $bbi={}; if (!defined $page1obj) { do_pdf_slow: my $root=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$trailer,'/Root'); goto IOerr if !defined $root; goto SYerr if !length $root; $type=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$root,'/Type'); goto IOerr if !defined $type; goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Catalog'; # die $root; # vvv Dat: reading xref for /Pages in a linearized PDF is quite slow $pages=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$root,'/Pages'); goto IOerr if !defined $pages; goto SYerr if !length $pages; ## die $pages; my $kids; while (1) { $type=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$pages,'/Type'); goto IOerr if !defined $type; last if $type ne ' /Pages'; pdf_get_boxes(\*F, $xref, $pages, $bbi); $kids=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$pages,'/Kids'); goto IOerr if !defined $kids; goto SYerr if !length $kids; ## die $kids; $pages=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$kids,0); ## die $pages; goto IOerr if !defined $pages; goto SYerr if !length $pages; } goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Page'; # Dat: cannot set $page1obj properly here, because it might be a direct object $bbi->{'Info.page1obj'}=$Htex::PDFread::pdf_last_ref0; } else { # die $page1obj; $pages=pdf_ref(\*F, $xref, $page1obj, 0); goto IOerr if !defined $pages; $type=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$pages,'/Type'); goto IOerr if !defined $type; goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Page'; my $mediabox=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$pages,'/MediaBox'); goto IOerr if !defined $mediabox; goto do_pdf_slow if !length $mediabox; } pdf_get_boxes(\*F, $xref, $pages, $bbi); print all2($bbi) if $show_p; # -- write it back my @tmpfiles; END { unlink @tmpfiles } if (defined $outfilename) { my $inplace_p=0; if ($outfilename eq $infilename) { # die "$0: cannot modify file in place: $outfilename\n" $inplace_p=1; do { $outfilename.=".tmp.$$" } while -e $outfilename; push @tmpfiles, $outfilename; } if ($outfilename eq '-') { die unless open O, ">&STDOUT"; } else { die "$0: open_w $outfilename: $!\n" if !open O, "> $outfilename"; } die unless binmode O; # Dat: $newobj destroys the /Linearized property, but never mind. # my $newobj="$oldSize 0 obj\n<>\nendobj\n"; my $newobj="$oldSize 0 obj\n<>\nendobj\n"; my $outhead="$firstline\n"; $outhead.="%\307\354\217\242\n" if $binary_p; my $delta=length($outhead)+length($newobj)-$obj1ofs; my $newxrefentry=sprintf"%d 1\n%010d 00000 n \n", $oldSize, length($outhead); my $newtrailer="trailer\n<<\n$trailerx\n>>\n"; my $newtrailerlen; my $trailerdelta; do { # iterate until lengths are right $newtrailerlen=length($newtrailer); $trailerdelta=length($newxrefentry)+$newtrailerlen-$oldtrailerlen; $newtrailer=modify_prev($newtrailer, sub { $_[0]+$delta+($_[0]>$xref_ofs ? $trailerdelta : 0) } ); } until length($newtrailer)==$newtrailerlen; if (!print O $outhead, $newobj) { OOerr: die "$0: write $outfilename: $!\n" } # die unless seek F, $obj1ofs, 0; my %xrefs=@$xrefs; ## print STDERR "@$xrefs\n"; #** F has been dumped 0...$doneofs my $doneofs=$obj1ofs; goto IOerr unless seek F, $doneofs, 0; for my $from (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %xrefs) { ## print STDERR "xrefs $from $xrefs{$from} ($doneofs)\n"; my $to=$xrefs{$from}; # Copy die "$0: inconsistent offsets: $doneofs > $from" if $doneofs>$from; my $O=$from-4096; my $S; while ($doneofs<$O) { goto IOerr unless 4096==read F, $S, 4096; goto OOerr unless print O $S; $doneofs+=4096; } if ($doneofs<$from) { goto IOerr unless $from-$doneofs==read F, $S, $from-$doneofs; goto OOerr unless print O $S; $doneofs=$from; } if ($to<0) { # /Prev correction for the 2nd, 3rd etc. /Prevs # Example file: examples/lm2.pdf ## print STDERR "/Prev correction $from ... $to ($doneofs)\n"; goto IOerr unless -$to-$doneofs==read F, $S, -$to-$doneofs; $S=modify_prev($S, sub { $_[0]+$delta+($_[0]>$xref_ofs ? $trailerdelta : 0) } ); die "$0: modified /Prev too long\n" if length($S)!=-$to-$doneofs; goto OOerr unless print O $S; $doneofs=-$to; } else { # xref offset correction die "$0: inconsistent xref interval: $from > $to " if $from>$to or 0!=($to-$from)%20; while ($doneofs<$to) { # Imp: speed up with larger read bursts? goto IOerr unless 20==read F, $S, 20; goto SYerr unless $S=~/\A\d{10} \d{5} [nf]\s\s/; if ($was_pdfboxes and $doneofs==$oldtrailerofs-20) { $S=substr($newxrefentry,-20); } else { my $ofs=0+substr($S,0,10); $ofs+=$trailerdelta if $ofs>$xref_ofs; substr($S,0,10)=sprintf("%010d",$ofs+$delta); } goto OOerr unless print O $S; $doneofs+=20; } if ($doneofs==$oldtrailerofs) { # the xref entry we modify the trailer of ## print "$doneofs -> $oldtrailerofs\n"; goto IOerr unless seek F, $oldtrailerlen, 1; $doneofs+=$oldtrailerlen; goto OOerr unless print O ($was_pdfboxes==0 ? $newxrefentry : ""), $newtrailer; } } } my $extra_trailer="trailer\n<<\n>>\n"; $extra_trailer="" if $doneofs==$oldtrailerofs+$oldtrailerlen; { my $O=$tailofs-4096; my $S; while ($doneofs<$O) { goto IOerr unless 4096==read F, $S, 4096; goto OOerr unless print O $S; $doneofs+=4096; } if ($doneofs<$tailofs) { goto IOerr unless $tailofs-$doneofs==read F, $S, $tailofs-$doneofs; goto OOerr unless print O $S; $doneofs=$tailofs; } goto IOerr if 16>read(F, $S, 1025) or length($S)>1024; # ^^^ $tailofs is at most 1024 bytes before EOF goto SYerr unless $S=~s@ ((?:\btrailer\s*<<.*?>>\s*)?) startxref\s+(\d+)\s*%%EOF ( \s*\Z(?!\n) | ) @@sx; # @length($1)?($extra_trailer=""):""@sex; goto OOerr unless print O $S; } die unless printf O "${extra_trailer}startxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF\n", $xref_ofs+$delta; die unless close O; if ($inplace_p) { die "$0: rename $outfilename -> $infilename: $!\n" if !rename $outfilename, $infilename; } } just::end __END__ =begin man .ds pts-dev \*[.T] .do if '\*[.T]'ascii' .ds pts-dev tty .do if '\*[.T]'ascii8' .ds pts-dev tty .do if '\*[.T]'latin1' .ds pts-dev tty .do if '\*[.T]'nippon' .ds pts-dev tty .do if '\*[.T]'utf8' .ds pts-dev tty .do if '\*[.T]'cp1047' .ds pts-dev tty .do if '\*[pts-dev]'tty' \{\ .ll 79 .pl 33333v .nr IN 2n .\} .ad n =end =head1 NAME pdfboxes.pl - extract bounding box information from PDFs and update them =head1 SYNOPSIS C> S<[ C<-->> S<| C<--show> ]> S I> =head1 DESCRIPTION pdfboxes.pl is a standalone Perl script that can extract /MediaBox, /CropBox and other bounding box information from PDF files, and write back this information to the begininning of the PDF, so other programs, such as pdftex.def of the graphicx package of LaTeX can read the bounding box by simply reading the first few lines of the PDF output of pdfboxes.pl. To get the bounding box from other file formats, use img_bbox.pl from the same author. =head1 COMMENTS Breaks a linearized PDF (as defined by Appendix F of PDFRef.pdf) into a non-linearized one.