xymtx402.doc On-line document for XyMTeX in English Copyright (C) 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2004 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xymtx401.doc On-line document for XyMTeX in English Copyright (C) 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2004 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xymtx400.doc On-line document for XyMTeX in English Copyright (C) 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xymtx300.doc On-line document for XyMTeX in English Copyright (C) 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xymtx201.doc On-line document for XyMTeX in English Copyright (C) 1993, 1996, 1998,2001 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% renamed and revised: xymtex2.doc Copyright (C) 1993, 1996, 1998 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% renamed and revised: xymtex1.doc Copyright (C) 1993, 1996 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% `XyMTeX' is a macro package for drawing chemical structural formulas. (1) Setting up This package has been frozen with LHA. Set up according to the software situation of your computer. The following is only one example. Let the frozen package (xymtx402.lzh) be placed in the c:\temp directory, where the package is melt with an appropriate software for melting. Thereby, the directory <\xymtex> is automatically created as the subdirectory of the c:\temp directory; and the following hierarchy of directories and files is generated. c---\temp---\xymtex --- hetaromh.sty, hetarom.sty, ccycle.sty, | | | chemstr.sty, carom.sty, lowcycl.sty, aliphat.sty, | hcycle.sty, locant.sty, polymers.sty, chemist.sty | methylen.sty, fusering.sty | sizeredc.sty | (dtx files) | |---\xymtxps---xymtx-ps.sty, chmst-ps.sty | (dtx files) | |--\drvdvi---drv files | |--\doc200----\jobdoc --- xymtx200.tex, xymtx200.dvi, | | xymyl.tex, xymadd.tex | | (other files for the document preparation) | |--xymtx200.dvi (on-line document) | |--xymtx200.pdf (on-line document) | | |--\doc300----\jobdoc --- xymtx300.tex, xymtx300.dvi, | | (other files for the document preparation) | |--xymtx300.dvi (on-line document) | |--xymtx300.pdf (on-line document) | |--\doc401----\olddoc400 xymtx400.tex, xymtx400.ps, etc. | | | |--\jobdoc401 xymtx401.tex, xymtx401.ps, etc. | | | |--xymtx401.pdf (on-line document) | |--\doc402----\jobdoc --- xymtx402.tex, xymtx402.dvi, | | (other files for the document preparation) | | | |--xymtx402.pdf (on-line) | | |---xymtx402.doc (this document) | |---xymtx402.jpn (on-line document in Japanese) | |---readm402.doc (notes in English) | |---readm402.jpn (notes in Japanese) The package (sty) files in the \xymtex directory contains the macro codes of XymTeX commands. The specification of XyMTeX commands and examples of using these commands are included in the xymtex.dvi file of the \doc... directory. The xymtx200.dvi file is a dvi file that is a manual for utilizing XyMTeX (about 100 pages). The processed dvi file can be obtained in the same directory of this distribution. It can be printed with an appropriate printer driver (dviout, or others) and can be displayed with an appropriate previewer (dviout, etc.). The corresponding PDF file (xymtx200.pdf) is also available. The xymtx300.tex is the main file of the manuscript for creating the xymtx300.dvi. The other tex files in the \doc300 directory are input files which are read by the main file. The corresponding PDF file (xymtx300.pdf) is also available. The xymtx401.tex in the \doc401\jobdoc401 directory is the main file of the manuscript for creating the xymtx401.dvi. This dvi file has bee furthern converted into the corresponding PostScript file (xymtx401.ps), which should be browsed by using an appropriate PostScript view. This Postscript file has been further converted into a PDF file (named xymtx401.pdf), which can be browsed with Adobe Acrobat. Caution: Don't browse xymtx401.dvi by a dvi-ware such as dviout! The other tex files in the \doc401\jobdoc401 directory are input files which are read by the main file. The xymtx402.tex in the \doc402\jobdoc402 directory is the main file of the manuscript for creating the xymtx401.dvi. This dvi file has bee furthern converted into the corresponding PostScript file (xymtx402.ps), which should be browsed by using an appropriate PostScript view. This Postscript file has been further converted into a PDF file (named xymtx402.pdf), which can be browsed with Adobe Acrobat. Caution: Don't browse xymtx402.dvi by a dvi-ware such as dviout! The other tex files in the \doc402\jobdoc402 directory are input files which are read by the main file. (2) Designating a serach path Do this task according to the situtation of your computer. The path searching tool (kpathsea) supported by usual TeX distributions has already decided several input directories (named ``tex'' or others). Hence, you should only place the resulting ``xymtex'' directry generated from xymtx402.lzh in such an appropriate directory named ``tex'' or others. (3) Writing your manuscript Each command of XyMTeX can be used if you add the name of the corresponding style file to the option list at the top of your manuscript file, e.g. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{epic,hetarom,hetaromh,xymtx-ps} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ where the underlined names are XyMTeX package files containing your requisite commands. If all of the XyMTeX commands are required, the short-cut declaration: for using the LaTeX picture environment and epic: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xymtex} for using under Postscript mode due to PSTricks techiques: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xymtxps} can be used for simplicity. (4) Running LaTeX2e or pLaTeX2e You should use XyMTeX commands within LaTeX. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(END)