\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{xcolor} %\usepackage{xr-hyper} \usepackage[bookmarksopen,bookmarksnumbered]{hyperref} \usepackage{xbmks} % the xr-hyper package may also be used if you have % cross document links within the body of the doc %\externaldocument[m-]{master} %\externaldocument[d2-]{doc2} % just for laughs, we transfer the last section number from master \setcounter{section}{2} \begin{document} \section{Doc 1: Sec 1}\label{sec1} Some content goes here. \belowpdfbookmarkx{Home page}[action={/S/URI/URI(http://www.acrotex.net)},% color=magenta,style={it} ]{home} \newpage \subsection{Doc 1: subSec 1} Some content goes here. \newpage \subsection{Doc 1: subSec 2} Some content goes here. \newpage \section{Doc 1: Sec 2} Some content goes here.: go to Section~\ref{sec1} \newpage \subsection{Doc 1: subSec 1} \end{document}