\part{User Documentation} \section{Introduction} The \wsemclassic\ document class is designed to either conform with the recommendations of the Bavarian Kultusministerium for typesetting w-seminar papers (\hyperlink{udoc.opt.strict}{|strict|} mode) or to use another style which should look better. It is based on the \report\ class which comes with the standard \hologo{LaTeX} distribution. If you have any wishes or find bugs, please send an email to the author or \href{https://github.com/jorsn/wsemclassic/issues}{create an issue at GitHub}. \section{Usage} To use \wsemclassic\ for your W-Seminar paper, simply insert the following into your \hologo{LaTeX} preamble (before |\begin{document}|): \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[bibfile=]{wsemclassic} \author{} \title{} \date{Abiturjahrgang~} \subject{} \school{} \major{major}{} \teacher{} \place{} \end{verbatim} \section{License} \wsemclassic\ is distributed under a BSD License \hypertarget{sec.options}{\section{Options}} Like many other \hologo{LaTeX} document classes, \wsemclassic\ accepts options in the well known |key=value| syntax. In the following, you will find a description of all |keys| and their possible |values| (`|true|' may be omitted; `|nofoo|' may be used instead of `|foo=false|' multiple values, where allowed, must be enclosed in braces). \noindent\\ Option descriptions are in the following format:\\ \describeoption{\meta{option}}{\meta{opt type}}{\meta{default value}} \meta{describing paragraph: This is an option description. This option does this and that and you can change many things by specifying it.} \\ \noindent Since \wsemclassic\ is based on \report\ it accepts all of its options, but \hyperlink{subsubsec.unrecomm}{some of them should not be used}.\\ \noindent All Options not specified in \wsemclassic\ are passed to \report. \hypertarget{subsubsec.unrecomm}{\subsection{Unrecommended \report\ options}} \DescribeOption{\meta{foo}paper} Use \hyperlink{udoc.opt.paper}{|paper|=\meta{foo}} instead. \\ \DescribeOption{\meta{foo}pt} Use \hyperlink{udoc.opt.fontsize}{|fontsize|=\meta{foo}} instead. \\ \DescribeOption{\meta{language}} Use \hyperlink{udoc.opt.lang}{|lang|=\meta{foo}} instead. \subsection{Strictness} \describeoption{strict}{boolean}{false} Use exactly the format recommended by the Bavarian Kultusministerium. \\ This option sets \hyperlink{udoc.opt.stricttitle}{|stricttitle|} and \hyperlink{udoc.opt.frenchspacing}{|frenchspacing|} to \textit{true}. \\ It also sets the \hyperlink{udoc.opt.fontsize}{|fontsize|} to |12|, the \hyperlink{udoc.opt.paper}{|paper|} to |a4| and the \hyperlink{udoc.opt.lang}{|lang|} to |german|. \describeoption{stricttitle}{boolean}{false} Typeset "Seminararbeit" uppercase and not in small capitals as recommended by the Bavarian Kultusministerium. \describeoption{frenchspacing}{boolean}{false} Make the spaces after words and sentences equal. \subsection{Format and Language} \describeoption{fontsize}{number}{12} Fontsize in pt. \\ \describeoption{paper}{text}{a4} Paper format as used as \report\ option |\meta{format}paper|. \\ \describeoption{lang}{text}{german} Language. \\ If |lang|=|german|, the babel language is |ngerman|. \describeoption{plxtex}{boolean}{true} Specifies whether one of \hologo{pdfTeX}, \hologo{LuaTeX} or \hologo{XeTeX} is used. \\ \emph{Set to false if you don't use one of these engines!} \subsection{Bibliography} \describeoption{bib}{boolean}{true} Specifies whether to use a bibliography (requires \hologo{BibTeX}) or not. \\ \describeoption{bibstyle}{text}{natdin} Specifies the bibliographystlye for \hologo{BibTeX}. \\ \describeoption{bibfile}{text}{\char92{}jobname} Specifies the filename of the main \hologo{BibTeX} database (|*.bib|). \\ \emph{|.bib| can be omitted.} \\ All etries are included in the document. \subsection{Options Related to Used Packages} \DescribeOption[noindex=true]{\meta{package name}args \rmfamily\itshape option list} For most of the packages used by \wsemclassic, options can be specified in the format \meta{package name}|args|=\marg{option list}. These packages are \textsf{fontspec (|*quiet|), hyperref (|*unicode|), microtype (|*babel|), amsmath, titlesec (|*small|), geometry, fancyhdr, tocbibind (|*nottoc|)} and \textsf{natbib (|*round|)}. \\ \noindent For some packages there are additional or other options available: \subsubsection{\textsf{fontspec}} \describeoption{defaultfontfeatures}{\\ \texttt{type:} key value}{\\ Ligatures=\{TeX,\\ Common\}, Fractions=On} Specifies the \textsf{fontspec} |\defaultfontfeatures|. \\~\\~\\ \describeoption{mainfont}{text}{CMU Serif} These options specifie the fonts used as main (normally serif), \describeoption{sansfont}{text}{CMU Sans Serif} sans serif \describeoption{monofont}{text}{CMU Typewriter Text} and monospaced font. \\ \vskip 0.4em ~\\ \subsubsection{\textsf{hyperref} and \textsf{natbib}} \describeoption{hyperref}{boolean}{true} Turn \textsf{hyperref} or \describeoption{natbib}{boolean}{true} \textsf{natbib} on/off. \\~ \vskip 0.7em ~\\ %\iffalse vim: ft=tex %\fi