% prelude.tex % - titlepage % - dedication % - acknowledgments % - table of contents, list of tables and list of figures % - nomenclature % - abstract %============================================================================ \clearpage\pagenumbering{roman} % This makes the page numbers Roman (i, ii, etc) % TITLE PAGE % - define \title{} \author{} \date{} \title{How to \LaTeX\ a Thesis} \author{Eric R. L. Benedict} \date{2000} % - The default degree is ``Doctor of Philosophy'' % (unless the document style msthesis is specified % and then the default degree is ``Master of Science'') % Degree can be changed using the command \degree{} \degree{Master \TeX nician} % - The default is dissertation, unless the document style % msthesis was specified in which case it becomes thesis. % If msthesis is specified for the MS margins, you can % still have a dissertation if you specify \disseration %\disseration % - for a masters project report, specify \project %\project % - for a preliminary report, specify \prelim \prelim % - for a masters thesis, specify \thesis %\thesis % - The default department is ``Electrical Engineering'' % The department can be changed using the command \department{} %\department{New Department} % - once the above are defined, use \maketitle to generate the titlepage \maketitle % COPYRIGHT PAGE % - To include a copyright page use \copyrightpage \copyrightpage % DEDICATION \begin{dedication} To my pet rock, Skippy. \end{dedication} % ACKNOWLEDGMENTS \begin{acknowledgments} I thank the many people who have done lots of nice things for me. \end{acknowledgments} % CONTENTS, TABLES, FIGURES \tableofcontents \listoftables \listoffigures % NOMENCLATURE \begin{nomenclature} \begin{description} \item{\makebox[0.75in][l]{\TeX}} \parbox[t]{5in}{a typesetting system by Donald Knuth~\cite{knuth}. It also refers to the ``plain'' format. The proper pronounciation rhymes with ``heck'' and ``peck'' and does not sound like ``hex'' or ``Rex.''\\} \item{\makebox[0.75in][l]{\LaTeX}} \parbox[t]{5in}{a set of \TeX{} macros originally written by Leslie Lamport~\cite{lamport}. The proper pronunciation is {\tt l\={a}$\cdot$tek'} and not {\tt l\={a}'$\cdot$teks} (see above).\\} \item{\makebox[0.75in][l]{{\sc Bib}\TeX}} \parbox[t]{5in}{a bibliography generation program by Oren Patashnik~\cite{lamport} that can be used with either plain \TeX{} or \LaTeX{}.\\} \item{\makebox[0.75in][l]{$C_1$}} Constant 1 \item{\makebox[0.75in][l]{$V$}} Voltage \item{\makebox[0.75in][l]{\$}} US Dollars \end{description} \end{nomenclature} \advisorname{Bucky J. Badger} \advisortitle{Assistant Professor} % ABSTRACT \begin{umiabstract} \input{abstract} \end{umiabstract} \begin{abstract} \input{abstract} \end{abstract} \clearpage\pagenumbering{arabic} % This makes the page numbers Arabic (1, 2, etc)