\documentclass[pagesize=auto]{scrartcl} \usepackage{fixltx2e} \usepackage{etex} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{framed} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{hyperref} \newcommand*{\mail}[1]{\href{mailto:#1}{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand*{\pkg}[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand*{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}} \makeatletter \newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\cs{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}} \makeatother \newcommand*{\env}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*{\opt}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*{\meta}[1]{\textlangle\textsl{#1}\textrangle} \newcommand*{\marg}[1]{\texttt{\{}\meta{#1}\texttt{\}}} \newcommand*{\oarg}[1]{\texttt{[}\meta{#1}\texttt{]}} \addtokomafont{title}{\rmfamily} \title{The \pkg{versions} package\thanks{This manual corresponds to \pkg{versions.sty}~v0.55, dated~2005/04/28.}} \subtitle{Omit passages optionally under \LaTeX} \author{Uwe Lück\thanks{\url{http://contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu}}} \date{2005/04/28} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Legal matters:} Released under the terms of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License (\url{ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt} version~1.3a; essentially: Free to use, copy, distribute [sell] and change, but, if changed, the name must be changed; \emph{no warranty}). For copyright see above. This file has the LPPL maintenance status ``author-maintained''. The Current Maintainer of this file is Uwe Lück. \section{Short description:} \label{sec:short} Varies Stephen Bellantoni's `\pkg{version.sty}' in optionally omitting environments, defining (among others) \cmd{\includeversion} and \cmd{\excludeversion} as well as a `\env{comment}' environment. (For comparison to `\pkg{version.sty}', see Section `\hyperref[sec:version]{Improvements}' below.) So multiple versions of a document may be printed from one source file. Cf.~packages `\pkg{comment}' (very similar functions and more, see \hyperref[sec:comment]{comparison} below), `\pkg{verbatim}', `\pkg{optional}' (on CTAN). ---Needs \LaTeX, even should work with \LaTeX 2.09 (please tell me if not). \section{Usage:} \subsection{User commands:} \label{sec:user} In the document part of your source file, put into environments \cmd{\begin}\marg{version} \meta{code} \cmd{\end}\marg{version} passages \meta{code} (or other code) to be omitted optionally. \meta{version} may be any string consisting of character tokens (see \TeX book, p.~40: `\cmd{\csname}'), and the document may contain environments with several names of this kind (\env{VERSIONa}, \env{VERSIONb}, etc.). Preceding \cmd{\excludeversion}\marg{version}, \cmd{\includeversion}\marg{version}, \cmd{\markversion}\marg{version} (in the preamble or even later on) control how these environments behave. % \begin{labeling}{\cmd{\excludeversion}\marg{version}} \item[\cmd{\excludeversion}\marg{version}] `\meta{version}' environments just not processed (ignored, i.\,e.); \item[\cmd{\includeversion}\marg{version}] `\meta{version}' environments processed as if \cmd{\begin}\marg{version} and \cmd{\end}\marg{version} just were not present, however they form groups like \verb+\begin{relax}+\meta{code}\verb+\end{relax}+ or \cmd{\begingroup} \meta{code} \cmd{\endgroup}. \item[\cmd{\markversion}\marg{version}] `\meta{version}' environments processed, resulting text may be marked in printout---for comparison of variants of your document, e.\,g. \end{labeling} % By default, these three commands send a message to screen, and \cmd{\markversion}\marg{version} results in printed marks indicating start, \cmd{\end}, and `\meta{version}'. Cf.~subsection `\hyperref[sec:customize]{Customize}' below. A warning is sent to screen if `\meta{version}' has been defined earlier (by \LaTeX, e.\,g.). (A `\meta{version}' environment must not overlap with other environments, of course, must be balanced with respect to \cs{if\dots}\cs{fi}, and must not contain \cmd{\outer} macros. In \LaTeX\ the only \cmd{\outer} macro is \verb+^^L+---\textsc{ascii} form feed.) TODO: (`\pkg{comment.sty}' and \env{comment} environment from `\pkg{verbatim.sty}' are superior concerning \cmd{\outer} macros. On request, I could equip my \cmd{\processifversion} with that \cmd{\outer} feature.) However, \cmd{\begin}\marg{version}\dots\cmd{\end}\marg{version} breaks inside macro arguments, e.g. of \cmd{\footnote} (it is even fragile). So there is \cmd{\processifversion}\marg{version}\marg{code} working analogously (grouping as well), depending on \cmd{\excludeversion} etc.\ (it is even robust). (`\pkg{optional.sty}' works similarly.) A pre-installed instance of `\meta{version}' is `\env{comment}', which is ignored by default. So you may put rather long comments as \meta{code} in \verb+\begin{comment}+\meta{code}\verb+\end{comment}+. (This feature serves compatibility with Stephen Bellantoni's `\pkg{version.sty}'.) Note that alternative packages `\pkg{comment}' and `\pkg{verbatim}' define \cmd{\comment} as well. \subsection{Options:} \verb+\usepackage[tracing]{versions}+ causes (i)~checking package commands for undefinedness, (ii)~messages on screen indicating line numbers of single excluded environments (`Ignore \meta{version}, lines \meta{xx} to \meta{yy}]'). If final line number and closing bracket don't appear on screen, the environment presumably contains (implicit) \cs{fi} or \cs{if\dots} not matching each other within that environment. This package option needs \LaTeXe\ and \TeX\ version greater equal~3.0\@. (No change of \cmd{\processifversion}.) \verb+\usepackage[nogroup]{versions}+ provides a user command \cmd{\includeversionno\-group}\marg{version} working like \cmd{\includeversion}\marg{version}, but included `\meta{version}' will form no grouping. \subsection{Customize:} \label{sec:customize} \sloppy To change messages from \cmd{\excludeversion}, \cmd{\includeversion}, \cmd{\markversion}, or to change printed marks resulting from \cmd{\markversion}, take some of the following lines into your file, remove left hand comment marks (`\verb+%+'), and change the definition. (Must perhaps be enclosed in \cmd{\makeatletter}\dots\cmd{\makeatother} or \verb+\catcode`\@=12+ \dots \verb+\catcode`\@=11+.) % \begin{verbatim} \renewcommand\versionmessage[2]{\typeout{*** `#1' #2. ***}} \renewcommand\beginmarkversion{\@Vs@sffbox{\@currenvir$>$}} \renewcommand\endmarkversion{\@Vs@sffbox{$<$\@currenvir}} \end{verbatim} % (For \LaTeXe, replace \cmd{\renewcommand} by \cmd{\renewcommand*}.) \fussy \renewcommand*{\labelenumi}{(\theenumi)} \begin{enumerate} \item \cmd{\versionmessage} is the style of screen reports from \cmd{\excludeversion} etc. Any redefinition must use two arguments. The first is the version name (\meta{version}), the second is one out of `\texttt{excluded}', `\texttt{included}', `\texttt{included with marks}'. \item \cmd{\beginmarkversion} and \cmd{\endmarkversion} is the style of marks surrounding environments `\meta{version}' after \cmd{\markversion}\marg{version}. Any redefinition must use no argument. \cmd{\@currenvir} is `\meta{version}'. \cmd{\@Vs@sffbox}\marg{code} as in package definition typesets argument CODE as \cmd{\textsf}\marg{code} and puts into an \cmd{\fbox}. \end{enumerate} \subsection{General warnings:} (For legal warnings see top of file, for errors and requirements see `\hyperref[sec:short]{Short description}', option `\opt{tracing}' and `\hyperref[sec:user]{user commands}' above.) This package uses \cmd{\includeversion} and \cmd{\excludeversion} and thus cannot be used at the same time as Stephen Bellantoni's `\pkg{version.sty}'. \begin{framed} Please send bug reports and other comments to above e-mail address! \end{framed} \section{Comparison with Viktor Eijkhout's `\pkg{comment.sty}':} \label{sec:comment} `\pkg{Comment}' even works under \hologo{plainTeX} as well as \LaTeX, present package under \LaTeX\ only. \cmd{\specialcomment} in `\pkg{comment}' supports special surroundings---this is missing here (but could easily be supplied on request). Included environments never form groups in `\pkg{comment}', here user may choose whether they form groups or not, at least for simple including (not with marks). `\pkg{comment}' includes by writing on and reading from disk, present package needs no writing on disk. Unlike the present package, `\pkg{comment}' skips even \cmd{\outer} macros, \cs{if\dots}'s and \cs{fi}'s. (So `\pkg{comment}' is better for ``real'' comments. ---Concerning \cmd{\outer}, this feature is important for \hologo{plainTeX}, while under \LaTeX\ the only \cmd{\outer} macro usually is \verb+^^L+.) `\pkg{Comment}' sometimes produces wrong spaces and discovers `\verb+\end{comment}+' only if nothing else is in the input line. \section{Improvements vis-a-vis Stephen Bellantoni's `\pkg{version.sty}':} \label{sec:version} \begin{itemize} \item \cmd{\processifversion} added for excluding text inside arguments of, e.\,g., \cmd{\footnote} (where excluding \emph{environment} would break). \cmd{\processifversion} is even robust. \item \cmd{\@Esphack} instead of \cmd{\@esphack} at \cs{end} of excluded environment; needed for properly processing input space symbols there. \item \cmd{\begin} and \cmd{\end} of included environment may appear in separate lines without doubling spaces (\cmd{\@bsphack} and \cmd{\@esphack} used). \item Screen messages sent by \cmd{\includeversion} and \cmd{\excludeversion}. \item Large passages don't fill main memory when excluded. (`s' in `\pkg{versions}' means `safe'!) \item Optional tracing of excluded environments added. \item Option of including without grouping. \item Original \cmd{\gdef} and \verb+\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname+ in \cmd{\excludeversion} were superfluous. \end{itemize} \section{Version history:} \newcommand*{\ver}{} \def\ver#1.#2 #3.{\rlap{#1.#2}\hphantom{v0.00} #3} \begin{labeling}{\ver v0.55 2005/04/28.} \item[\ver v0.1 2003/09/29.] Very first; sent to Donald, Victor, Christian, Volker. \item[\ver v0.2 2003/09/30.] \cmd{\@sV@iffalse} replacing \verb+\csname iffalse\fi+; \cmd{\@sV@ex}: \cmd{\@Esphack} in group, extra \cmd{\ignorespaces}. \item[\ver v0.3 2003/10/01.] Documentation: added warnings about \cs{if\dots} \cs{fi} and \cmd{\outer}---thanks to Victor Eijkhout; sent it to him. \item[\ver v0.31 2003/10/03.] Documentation: added that `\pkg{comment.sty}' and `\pkg{verbatim.sty}' are superior in the respect discussed above; also added comparison with `\pkg{comment.sty}'. \item[\ver v0.4 2003/10/06.] Documentation: Replaced stupid proposal of \cmd{\aftergroup} for including (needs stack!); retreated offer of partially enable skipping \\ \cmd{\outer}/\cs{if\dots}/\cs{fi}. (\cmd{\process\dots} typically comes too late to change category codes.) \\ \cmd{\xdef} $\to$ \cmd{\gdef} for \cmd{\@sV@ex}. Then changed all `\texttt{@sV}' into `\texttt{@Vs}'. Documentation: Referred to \TeX book for character tokens in version names. Removed \cmd{\@Vs@sphgobble} from \cmd{\@Vs@iprocess} (leave spacing to user); now robust without \cmd{\Declare\dots} \\ Then `\texttt{phgobble}' $\to$ `\texttt{phnoop}'. Added option `\opt{nogroup}'. Added \cmd{\nor\-malfont} in \cmd{\@Vs@sffbox}. Sent to Victor E. 2005/10/05; minor changes in documentation afterwards. \item[\ver v0.5 2003/10/10.] \cmd{\@vS@iprocess} $\to$ \cmd{\@vS@iprocess}; \verb+\long\def\@Vs@iprocess+. Sent to CTAN. \item[\ver v0.51 2003/10/15.] Documentation: added `\pkg{comment}' drawback: \verb+\end{document}+ works in own line only. \item[\ver v0.52 2004/05/24.] One `makro' $\to$ `macro'. \item[\ver v0.53 2004/08/19.] Named LPPL~v1.3, added maintenance status. \item[\ver v0.54 2005/01/10.] \url{http://www.contact.uwe.lueck.de.vu}, LPPL v1.3a. \item[\ver v0.55 2005/04/28.] \url{http://contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu}; \verb+\global\@ignorefalse+. \end{labeling} \end{document}