# Package Verifiche ## Abstract The purpose of the package is to mange the exercises for a test, their points, the difficulty level and their solutions. Some typical format of exercises are already implemented: 1. Plain exercise 2. Complete the Text - exercise 3. True or false 4. Closed questions 5. Open questtions 6. Find the Error - exercise ## Installation To install the package run: - `latex verifiche.ins` - `pdflatex verifiche.dtx` - `makeindex -s gind.ist -o verifiche.ind verifiche.idx` - `makeindex -s gglo.ist -o verifiche.gls verifiche.glo` - `pdflatex verifiche.dtx` - copy verifiche.sty and verifiche.pdf to the correct places in the texmf tree (e.g. \tex\latex\verifiche). ## Example Run `pdflatex Esempio.tex` to see some examples. ### To do - swhich into english and if "babel" is implemented use the selected language. - remove the marginpar command and use only a box.