\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{unitn-bimrep}[2017/09/18 University of Trento Bimonthly Report - Matteo Ragni] \newif\if@TNbiboption \@TNbiboptionfalse \DeclareOption{bib}{\@TNbiboptiontrue} \ProcessOptions\relax \LoadClass[a4paper,12pt]{report} \let\@author\@empty \let\@title\@empty \let\@cycle\@empty \let\@advisor\@empty \newcounter{TNenvflag} \RequirePackage[english]{babel} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} \RequirePackage[a4paper, top=1cm, bottom=1cm, left=1.4cm, right=1.4cm, marginparwidth=0pt, headheight=0pt, footskip=0pt ]{geometry} \RequirePackage{graphicx} \RequirePackage{array} \RequirePackage{libertine} \RequirePackage{framed} \if@TNbiboption \RequirePackage[refsection=none,style=ieee,indexing=false]{biblatex} \let\TNprintbibliography\printbibliography \renewcommand{\printbibliography}{\TNprintbibliography[heading=none]} \fi % Page Numbering \pagenumbering{gobble} % Command Declarations \newcommand{\advisor}[1]{\def\@advisor{#1}} \newcommand{\cycle}[1]{\def\@cycle{#1}} \newcommand{\@TNhlinenew}{\noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\rule{\linewidth}{0.4pt}}} % Variable Checker \newcommand{\@TNcheckvariables}{% \ifx\@author\@empty{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep}{Report Author is undefined}{Use the \author{...} command to define it} }\fi \ifx\@title\@empty{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep}{Student Thesis title is undefined}{Use the \title{...} command to define it} }\fi \ifx\@advisor\@empty{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep}{Student Advisor is undefined}{Use the \advisor{...} command to define it} }\fi \ifx\@cycle\@empty{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep}{Student Cycle is undefined}{Use the \cycle{...} command to define it} }\fi} \newcommand{\@TNcheckenvs}{% \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}<1{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep}{Missing Research activities Environment} {Please define it in \begin{research} ... \end{research}} } \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}<2{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep}{Missing School and Seminars attendance Environment} {Please define it in \begin{attendance} ... \end{attendance}} } \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}<3{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep}{Missing Production Environment} {Please define it in \begin{production} ... \end{production}} } } % Environment Checker % Title Declaration \renewcommand{\maketitle}{% \@TNcheckvariables \begin{centering} \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{unitn-bimrep.jpg} \\ \textsc{{\bfseries Doctoral School in Materials,}} \\ \textsc{{\bfseries Mechatronics and Systems Engineering}} \vspace{0.3cm} \\ BIMONTHLY REPORT. \textit{Send to: {dii.phd@unitn.it}} \vspace{0.3cm} \\ \textsc{Deadlines}: 22.02, 22.04, 22.06, 22.08, 22.10, 20.12 (every year) \\ \hspace{\linewidth} \\ \end{tabular} \end{centering} \begin{framed} \noindent Student Name: \textbf{\@author} \hfill Cycle/Year: \textbf{\@cycle} \\ Thesis: \textbf{\@title} \\ Supervisor: \textbf{\@advisor} \hfill Date: \textbf{\today} \end{framed}% } % document environment last fixes \AtBeginDocument{% \maketitle \begin{framed} } \AtEndDocument{ \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}=10\else{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep} {One of the required environment is missing.} {Please remember that the correct order is 1) Research Activities, 2) School and Seminars, 3) Publications} }\fi \end{framed}} % May be empty itemize environment wrkaround (sorurce: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/86547) \let\@oldnoitemerr\@noitemerr \newcommand\noitemerroroff{\let\@noitemerr\relax} \newcommand\noitemerroron{\let\@noitemerr\@oldnoitemerr} \newenvironment{TN may be empty itemize} {\itemize\noitemerroroff} {\enditemize\noitemerroron} % Research - Bullet list environment \newenvironment{research}{% \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}=0{ \setcounter{TNenvflag}{1} }\else{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep} {Reasearch activities already defined} {The research environment has already been used. 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Please use it only once.} }\else{ \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}=1{ \setcounter{TNenvflag}{5} }\else{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep} {Schools and Seminars attendance defined before Research Activities} {Please remember that the correct order is 1) Research Activities, 2) School and Seminars, 3) Publications} }\fi }\fi \@TNhlinenew \vspace{0.2cm} {\large \textbf{Attendance at Schools/Classes/Seminars}} (title, length (day/hours), credits): \\ }{} % Production - Bullet list environment \newenvironment{production}{% \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}=10{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep} {List of new publications and congress participation already defined} {The production environment has already been used. Please use it only once.} }\else{ \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}=5{ \setcounter{TNenvflag}{10} }\else{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep} {Schools and Seminars attendance defined before Research Activities} {Please remember that the correct order is 1) Research Activities, 2) School and Seminars, 3) Publications} }\fi }\fi \let\@TNitem\item \renewcommand{\item}[3]{\@TNitem {\small##1}:\\ \emph{##2}\\ {\small##3}} \@TNhlinenew \vspace{0.2cm} {\large\textbf{Publications/Congress participation}:} \begin{TN may be empty itemize} } { \end{TN may be empty itemize} \vspace{0.2cm} } % Production - Plain Environment \newenvironment{production*}{% \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}=10{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep} {List of new publications and congress participation already defined} {The production environment has already been used. Please use it only once.} }\else{ \ifnum\value{TNenvflag}=5{ \setcounter{TNenvflag}{10} }\else{ \ClassError{unitn-bimrep} {Schools and Seminars attendance defined before Research Activities} {Please remember that the correct order is 1) Research Activities, 2) School and Seminars, 3) Publications} }\fi }\fi \@TNhlinenew \vspace{0.2cm} {\large\textbf{Publications/Congress participation}:} \\ } { \vspace{0.2cm} }