% This file contains macros that can be called up from connected TeX files % It helps to summarise repeated code, e.g. figure insertion (see below). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Colores de la UNAM % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Azul Pantone 541 -->(0,63,119) RGB \definecolor{Azul}{RGB}{0,63,119} %Oro Pantone 460 -->(234,221,150) RGB \definecolor{Oro}{RGB}{234,221,150} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Comandos para líneas % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Se define un comando \colorvrule para hacer líneas verticales de color con 3 argumentos: color, ancho, alto \newcommand{\colorvrule}[3]{ \begingroup\color{#1}\vrule width#2 height#3 \endgroup} %Se define un comando \colorhrule para hacer líneas horizontales de color con 2 argumentos: color, ancho \newcommand{\colorhrule}[2]{ \begingroup\color{#1}\hrule height#2 \endgroup} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Comando para derivadas % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\derivada}[3][]{\ensuremath{\dfrac{\mbox{d}^{#1}#2}{\mbox{d}#3^{#1}}}} %primer argumento(opcional): orden de la derivada %segundo argumento: función a derivar %tercer argumento: variable respecto a la que se deriva %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Comando para la exponencial % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\e}[1][]{\ensuremath{\mbox{e}^{#1}}} %primer argumento(opcional): exponente de la exponencial % insert a centered figure with caption and description % parameters 1:filename, 2:title, 3:description and label \newcommand{\figuremacro}[3]{ \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{#1} \caption[#2]{\textbf{#2} - #3} \label{condicion} \end{figure} } % insert a centered figure with caption and description AND WIDTH % parameters 1:filename, 2:title, 3:description and label, 4: textwidth % textwidth 1 means as text, 0.5 means half the width of the text \newcommand{\figuremacroW}[4]{ \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=#4\textwidth]{#1} \caption[#2]{\textbf{#2} - #3} \label{#1} \end{figure} } % inserts a figure with wrapped around text; only suitable for NARROW figs % o is for outside on a double paged document; others: l, r, i(inside) % text and figure will each be half of the document width % note: long captions often crash with adjacent content; take care % in general: above 2 macro produce more reliable layout \newcommand{\figuremacroN}[3]{ \begin{wrapfigure}{o}{0.5\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.48\textwidth]{#1} \caption[#2]{{\small\textbf{#2} - #3}} \label{#1} \end{wrapfigure} } % predefined commands by Harish \newcommand{\PdfPsText}[2]{ \ifpdf #1 \else #2 \fi } \newcommand{\IncludeGraphicsH}[3]{ \PdfPsText{\includegraphics[height=#2]{#1}}{\includegraphics[bb = #3, height=#2]{#1}} } \newcommand{\IncludeGraphicsW}[3]{ \PdfPsText{\includegraphics[width=#2]{#1}}{\includegraphics[bb = #3, width=#2]{#1}} } \newcommand{\InsertFig}[3]{ \begin{figure}[!htbp] \begin{center} \leavevmode #1 \caption{#2} \label{#3} \end{center} \end{figure} } %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "~/Documents/LaTeX/CUEDThesisPSnPDF/thesis" %%% End: