ufrgscca ========== This bundled is aimed at undergraduate students' final work/report (tcc) at UFRGS/EE closely following ABNT rules ABNT stands for Brazilian Association for Technical Norms,
UFRGS for Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul,
EE for Engineering School. For more details, see the documentation, [ufrgscca.pdf](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/ufrgscca/doc/ufrgscca.pdf) -------------- ## Requirements * a fairly recent LaTeX distribution as recent as 2022/06/01 (with the new in kernel *\ProcessKeyOptions* and *\NewDocumentCommand*) ## Installation The stable version is available at [CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/ufrgscca). ## Usage ### Stable version Just place, for example ```latex \usepackage[xlists,xpacks]{ufrgscca} ``` in the preamble and compile away. Be aware that options might change between versions, so you have to check them manually. ## More Information and documentation More Information can be found in the documentation; you can find a "bleeding edge" version at [the github page](http://github.com/alceu-frigeri/ufrgscca) ## Contacting Author For bug reports and enhacement suggestions, the preferred way is to use [the project's issue page](https://github.com/alceu-frigeri/ufrgscca/issues). Please be ready to provide an example code showing the bug, if any. Please do not use the issue page for generic help on how to use the package. * git: https://github.com/alceu-frigeri/ufrgscca ------------- Copyright 2022-23 by Alceu Frigeri This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of * The [LaTeX Project Public License](http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt), version 1.3c (or later), and/or * The [GNU Affero General Public License](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html), version 3 (or later) This work has the LPPL maintenance status *maintained*. The Current Maintainer of this work is Alceu Frigeri ------------- ## This work consist of the files * ufrgscca.cls - main class (bundle) * ufrgscca-abnt.sty - abnt page geometry, and chapter/sectioning/etc. settings * ufrgscca-core.sty - core macros (students related data, advisor, work title, etc.) * ufrgscca-cover.sty - cover pages macros * ufrgscca-lists.sty - New float environments (for code listing, for instance) * ufrgscca-gen.sty - a switch/case macro construct and 'macro factory', for instance to create commands used in the .def files. * ufrgscca-forms.sty - forms creation macros (course specific) * ufrgscca-coord.sty - student work coordenation related macros (course specific) * ufrgscca-ppc.sty - ppc specific macros (ppc stands for Course Pedagogic Project) * ufrgscca-curr.sty - curricula specific macros (as a set of semesters and class dependency lists) * ufrgscca-curr-tab.sty - curricula tabular macros (to display the curricula as tables) * ufrgscca-curr-graph.sty - curricula graph macros (to display the curricula as a dependency graph) * ufrgscca-en-base.def - locale, English, base def's (for babel) * ufrgscca-en-core.def - locale, English, for -core.sty * ufrgscca-en-forms.def - locale, English, for -forms.sty * ufrgscca-en-coord.def - locale, English, for -coord.sty * ufrgscca-ptBR-base.def - locale, Portuguese, base def's (for babel) * ufrgscca-ptBR-core.def - locale, Portuguese, for -core.sty * ufrgscca-ptBR-forms.def - locale, Portuguese, for -forms.sty * ufrgscca-ptBR-coord.def - locale, Portuguese, for -coord.sty * README.md (this file) - quick introduction * ufrgscca.tex - pakcage/bundle documentation * ufrgscca.pdf - documentation in PDF format ------------- ## Changelog * Version 1.0.8 (this) - fixed another counter bug (related to relnum option) * Version 1.0.7 - fixed a counter bug when mixing annex with appendix environments * Version 1.0.6 - added a package option: nonrequired (ref. internship, see documentation) - documentation update * Version 1.0.5 - added a package option: yearsonly - added some forms (internship related, see documentation) - added some coord related reports (see documentation) - documentation update * Version 1.0.4 - added some package options: pretextontoc and timesroman - changed default included elements in the Table of Contents (related to the new options, see documentation) * Version 1.0.3 - ufrgscca-cover typo correction * Version 1.0.2 - ufrgscca-coord code cleanup - documentation cleanup (typos) - adding class hooks (in case an emergency workaround is needed) * Version 1.0.1 - readme file cleanup (switch to markdown) - text files CRLF / LF 'corrected' (hopefully) - copyright cleanup * Version 1.0 - Initial release by CTAN.