\documentclass[draft,a4paper]{article} %\usepackage[columns=4,headings=false,margin=false]{typogrid} \usepackage[columns=4,colorgrid]{typogrid} \usepackage[dvips]{geometry} \flushbottom \long\def\text{This is a sample text without any meaning. It contains some arbitrary text. But I don't know more. I really have no idea what I could now write. This is the next try to build a new sentence. Somehow, I have to fill the page with arbitrary text.\par} \pagestyle{headings} \begin{document} \text \text \text \text \text \section{Test} \text \noindent\rule{\gridwidth}{2pt} \text \text \marginpar[This is left margin text.]{This is right margin text.} \text \text \text \text \text \text \typogridsetup{columns=6,margin=false}% \text \noindent\rule{\gridwidth}{2pt} \text \text \text \text \text \text \text \begin{figure} \centering \thicklines \framebox[2\gridwidth][c]{Hello}% \caption{A figure fitting into the grid}% \label{fig:grid}% \end{figure} \end{document}