% !TEX root = main.tex % !TEX encoding = Windows Latin 1 % !TEX TS-program = pdflatex % % portada.tex (portadilla y portada de la tesis) % +++++++++++++++++++++++ Portadilla +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % \pagestyle{empty} \dosenblanco % Portadilla \begin{center} \scshape% % Aqui va el titulo de la tesis---------------------------------- Este es el t\'{i}tulo \\ de la tesis doctoral \\ % --------------------------------------------------------------- \end{center} \cleardoublepage % +++++++++++++++++++++++ Portada +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % \begin{center} {% \LARGE\scshape\bfseries% % Aqui va el titulo de la tesis --------------------------- Este es el t\'{i}tulo \\ [6pt] de la tesis doctoral \\ [6pt] % --------------------------------------------------------- } \vfill { \large\scshape% A dissertation\\ by\\ % Aqui va el autor de la tesis----------------------------- Este es el autor de la tesis % --------------------------------------------------------- } \vfill {% % Datos de la Universidad, el titulo, etc. ------------------ {\normalfont Submitted to the School of Engineering of the}\\[3pt] {\large\scshape Universidad de los Andes}\\[3pt] {\normalfont in partial fulfillment for the requirements for the Degree of}\\[3pt] {\large\scshape Doctor in Engineering} % ------------------------------------------------------------- } \vfill %----------------------- No tocar este codigo ---------------------- \makeatletter \iftui@spanish {\scshape Aprobada por:} \else {\scshape Approved by:} \fi \makeatother % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % Llenar esta informacion ------------------------------------------ \begin{tabbing} \hspace{6.5cm}\=\kill \hspace{1cm}Committee Chair: \> {\itshape Dr. . . . } \\ \hspace{1cm}Committee Members: \> {\itshape Prof. . . . } \\ \> {\itshape Prof. . . . } \\ \> {\itshape Prof. Dr. . . . } \\ \> {\itshape Prof. Dr. . . . } \\ \> {\itshape Prof. Dr. . . . } \\ \> {\itshape Prof. Dr. . . . } \\ \> {\itshape Prof. Dr. . . . } \\ \hspace{1cm}Dean School of Engineering: \> {\itshape Dr. Alain Gauthier} \\ \hspace{1cm}Assistant Dean: \> {\itshape Dr. Rubby Casallas} \end{tabbing} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \vfill {% \normalsize\scshape % Fecha y area -------------------------------------------------- February 2011\\ {\scshape% Field: Ingenier\'{i}a de Sistemas y Computaci\'{o}n % --------------------------------------------------------------- } } \end{center} % Fin de portada.tex \endinput