%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% english readme %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% readme-tkz-fct.txt 2020/02/06 version 1.2 c tkz-fct.sty uses tkz-base version > 3 to draw graph of functions with a Cartesian (rectangular) coordinate system. Licence -------------------------- This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. Features -------------------------- -- needs tkz-base, fp.sty and gnuplot; -- automatically loads the package TikZ; -- compiles with utf8, pdflatex, lualatex. Installation ------------------------- You can experiment with the tkz-fct package by placing all of the distribution files in the directory containing your current tex file. You can also place all of the distribution files in the directory : /texmf/tex/latex/tkz. How to use it -------------------------- To use the package tkz-fct, place the following line in the preamble of your LaTeX document. \usepackage{tkz-fct} \usepackage[your-language]{babel} \usepackage[autolanguage]{numprint} If you use the xcolor package, load that package before tkz-fct to avoid package conflicts. \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} \usepackage{tkz-fct} In order to format the numbers correctly, you place the following two lines \usepackage[your-language]{babel} \usepackage[autolanguage]{numprint} Documentation -------------------------- Documentation for tkz-fct and tkz-base is available on my site : http://altermundus.fr (en français) Examples --------------------- All examples given in documentation will be stored on my site as standalone files, ready for compilation. History -------------------------- -- 1.2 Add compatibility with tkz-base > 3.01 add couverture.tex and tkz-doc.cfg -- 1.16 c correction of bugs now default domain is xmin:xmax and not -5:5. -- 1.13 first version --------------------------------------- Alain Matthes 5 rue de Valence Paris 75005 al (dot) ma (at) mac (dot) com