% tkz-euclide.sty (utf8 encoding) % Copyright 2020 Alain Matthes % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Alain Matthes. % % This work consists of the files: % tkz-euclide.sty % tkz-obj-eu-angles.tex % tkz-obj-eu-arcs.tex % tkz-obj-eu-circles.tex % tkz-obj-eu-compass.tex % tkz-obj-eu-draw-circles.tex % tkz-obj-eu-draw-lines.tex % tkz-obj-eu-draw-polygons.tex % tkz-obj-eu-lines.tex % tkz-obj-eu-points-by.tex % tkz-obj-eu-points-rnd.tex % tkz-obj-eu-points-with.tex % tkz-obj-eu-points.tex % tkz-obj-eu-polygons.tex % tkz-obj-eu-protractor.tex % tkz-obj-eu-sectors.tex % tkz-obj-eu-show.tex % tkz-obj-eu-triangles.tex % tkz-tools-angles.tex % tkz-tools-intersections.tex % tkz-tools-math.tex %<------------------------------------------------------------–> \def\fileversion{3.06c} \def\filedate{2020/03/18} \typeout{2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-euclide.sty} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{tkz-euclide}[2020/03/18 3.06c for euclidan geometry ] \RequirePackage{tkz-base} \makeatletter \@ifpackagelater{tkz-base}{2020/03/18}{% % Package is new enough }{% \PackageError{tkz-euclide}{Package tkz-base is too old , you need a recent version}% } \makeatother \DeclareOption*{} \ProcessOptions %<----------------------------------------------------------–> % Initialisation %<----------------------------------------------------------–> \input{tkz-tools-intersections} \input{tkz-tools-angles} \usetkzobj{% eu-angles,% eu-arcs,% eu-compass,% eu-circles,% eu-draw-circles,% eu-draw-lines,% eu-draw-polygons,% eu-draw-triangles,% eu-lines,% eu-points,% eu-points-by,% eu-points-rnd,% eu-points-with,% eu-polygons,% eu-protractor,% eu-sectors,% eu-show,% eu-triangles} \endinput