# tkz-euclide — for euclidan geometry Release 3.0§c 2020/04/06 ## Description `tkz-euclide` is a package (latex) which allows you to draw two-dimensional geometric figures, in other words to create figures of Euclidean geometry. It uses a Cartesian coordinate system orthogonal provided by the `tkz-base` package as well as tools to define the unique coordinates of points and to manipulate them. The idea is to allow you to follow step by step a construction that would be done by hand as naturally as possible. ## Licence The scontents package may be modified and distributed under the terms and conditions of the [LaTeX Project Public License](https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/), version 1.3c or greater. ## Requirements The package compiles with utf8, pdflatex and lualatex, loads and depends on updated versions of: - [tkz-base](https://ctan.org/pkg/tkz-base) - [xfp](https://ctan.org/pkg/xfp) - [numprint](https://ctan.org/pkg/numprint) - [tikz](https://ctan.org/pkg/tikz) ## Installation The package `tkz-eculide` is present in TeXLive and MiKTeX, use the package manager to install. You can experiment with the `tkz-euclide` package by placing all of the distribution files in the directory containing your current tex file. The different files must be moved into the different directories in your installation `TDS` tree or in your `TEXMFHOME`: ``` doc/cheatsheet_euclide_2.pdf -> TDS:doc/latex/tkz-euclide/cheatsheet_euclide_2.pdf doc/cheatsheet_euclide_1.pdf -> TDS:doc/latex/tkz-euclide/cheatsheet_euclide_1.pdf doc/Euclidean_geometry.pdf -> TDS:doc/latex/tkz-euclide/Euclidean_geometry.pdf doc/TKZdoc-euclide.pdf -> TDS:doc/latex/tkz-euclide/TKZdoc-euclide.pdf doc/README.md -> TDS:doc/latex/tkz-euclide/README.md doc/examples/*.* -> TDS:doc/latex/tkz-euclide/examples/*.* doc/sourcedoc/*.* -> TDS:doc/latex/tkz-euclide/sourcedoc/*.* code/*.* -> TDS:tex/latex/tkz-euclide/*.* ``` ## How to use it To use the package `tkz-euclide`, place the following lines in the preamble of your LaTeX document: ``` \usepackage{tkz-euclide} ``` The line `\usetkzobj{all}` is no longer required with `tkz-euclide` but you can use it with other packages. If you use the `xcolor` package, load that package before `tkz-euclide` to avoid package conflicts. ## Documentation Documentation for `tkz-euclide` is available on `CTAN`. You have two cheatsheets about tkz-euclide in the archive. Use `texdoc tkz-euclide`. ## Examples All examples given in documentation will be stored on `CTAN` as standalone files, ready for compilation. You can use the main.tex file to load and compile an example. The archive contains a litle document about Euclidean Geometry with four examples. Other examples, en français, are on my site: [http://altermundus.fr](http://altermundus.fr) ## Compatibility The new version of `tkz-euclide` is *not* fully compatible with the version 1.16 but the differences are minor. ## History - 3.06 correction of bugs, amelioration of the documentation. - 3.05 correction of bugs, amelioration of the documentation. - 3.02 replacement french documentation by english documentation, correction of bugs. - 3.01 replacement `fp` for `xfp`, addition of some macros, correction of bugs - 1.16 correction of bugs - 1.13 first version ## Author Alain Matthes, 5 rue de Valence, Paris 75005, al (dot) ma (at) mac (dot) com