\newpage \section{Class and object} % (fold) \label{sec:class_and_object} \subsection{Class} % (fold) \label{sub:class} Object-oriented programming (OOP) is defined as a programming model built on the concept of objects. An object can be defined as a data table that has unique attributes and methods (operations) that define its behavior. \vspace{1em} A class is essentially a user-defined data type. It describes the contents of the objects that belong to it. A class is a blueprint of an object, providing initial values for attributes and implementations of methods\footnote{action which an object is able to perform.} common to all objects of a certain kind. % subsection class (end) \subsection{Object} % (fold) \label{sub:object} An Object is an instance of a class. Each object contains attributes and methods. Attributes are information or object characteristics stored in the date table (called field). The methods define behavior. \vspace{1em} All objects in the package are typed. The object types currently defined and used are: \tkzNameObj{point}, \tkzNameObj{line}, \tkzNameObj{circle}, \tkzNameObj{triangle}, \tkzNameObj{ellipse}, \tkzNameObj{quadrilateral}, \tkzNameObj{square}, \tkzNameObj{rectangle}, \tkzNameObj{parallelogram} and \tkzNameObj{regular\_polygon}. They can be created directly using the method \Imeth{obj}{new} by giving points, with the exception of the \Iclass{class}{point} class which requires a pair of reals, and \Iclass{class}{regular\_polygon} which needs two points and an integer. Objects can also be obtained by applying methods to other objects. For example, |T.ABC : circum_circle ()| creates an object \tkzNameObj{circle}. Some object attributes are also objects, such as |T.ABC.bc| which creates the object \tkzNameObj{line}, a straight line passing through the last two points defining the triangle. \vspace{1em} \subsubsection{Attributes} % (fold) \label{ssub:attributes} Attributes are accessed using the classic method, so |T.pc| gives the third point of the triangle and |C.OH.center| gives the center of the circle, but I've added a |get_points| function that returns the points of an object. This applies to straight lines (pa and pc), triangles (pa, pb and pc) and circles (center and through). \vspace{1em} Example: |z.O,z.T = get_points (C)| recovers the center and a point of the circle. % subsubsection attributes (end) \subsubsection{Methods} % (fold) \label{ssub:methods} A method is an operation (function or procedure) associated (linked) with an object. Example: The point object is used to vertically determine a new point object located at a certain distance from it (here 2). Then it is possible to rotate objects around it. \begin{verbatim} \begin{tkzelements} z.A = point (1,0) z.B = z.A : north (2) z.C = z.A : rotation (math.pi/3,z.B) tex.print(tostring(z.C)) \end{tkzelements} \end{verbatim} \begin{tkzelements} z.A = point (1,0) z.B = z.A : north (2) z.C = z.A : rotation (math.pi/3,z.B) tex.print(tostring("The coordinates of $C$ are: " .. z.C.re .." and "..z.C.im)) \end{tkzelements} % subsubsection methods (end) % subsection object (end) % section class_and_object (end) \endinput