\newpage \section{Class \Iclass{vector}} % (fold) \label{sec:class_vector} In fact, they are more a class of oriented segments than vectors in the strict mathematical sense. A vector is defined by giving two points (i.e. two affixes). |V.AB = vector : new (z.A,z.B)| creates the vector $\overrightarrow(AB)$, i.e. the oriented segment with origin $A$ representing a vector. A few rudimentary operations are defined, such as sum, subtraction and multiplication by a scalar. The sum is defined as follows: Let V.AB + V.CD result in a vector V.AE defined as follows If $\overrightarrow{CD} = \overrightarrow{BE} $ then $\overrightarrow{AB} + \overrightarrow{CD} = \overrightarrow{AB} + \overrightarrow{BE} =\overrightarrow(AE)$ \begin{mybox} Creation |V.AB = vector: new (z.A,z.B)| \end{mybox} \begin{verbatim} z.A = ... z.B = ... z.C = ... z.D = ... V.AB = vector : new (z.A,z.B) V.CD = vector : new (z.C,z.D) V.AE = V.AB + V.CD -- possible V.AB : add (V.CD) z.E = V.AE.h -- we recover the final point (h = head) \end{verbatim} \subsection{Attributes of a vector} % (fold) \label{sub:attributes_of_a_vector} % subsection attributes_of_a_vector (end) \vspace{1em} \bgroup \small \catcode`_=12 \captionof{table}{Vector attributes.}\label{vector:att} \begin{tabular}{lll} \toprule \textbf{Attributes} & \textbf{Application}& \textbf{Example}\\ \Iattr{vector}{pa} & |V.AB.t = z.A| t for tail & see (\ref{ssub:methods}) \\ \Iattr{vector}{pb} & |V.AB.h = z.B| h for head & see (\ref{ssub:methods}) \\ \Iattr{vector}{type} & |V.AB.type = 'vector'| & \\ \Iattr{vector}{slope} & |V.AB.slope| & see (\ref{ssub:example_vector_attributes})\\ \Iattr{vector}{length} & |V.AB.norm|& see (\ref{ssub:example_vector_attributes})\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \egroup \subsubsection{Example vector attributes} % (fold) \label{ssub:example_vector_attributes} \begin{minipage}{.6\textwidth} \begin{verbatim} \begin{tkzelements} z.O = point: new (0,0) z.A = point: new (0,1) z.B = point: new (3,4) L.AB = line : new ( z.A , z.B ) z.C = point: new (1,2) z.D = point: new (2,1) u = vector : new (z.A,z.B) v = vector : new (z.C,z.D) w =u+v z.E = w.h \end{tkzelements} \begin{tikzpicture}[gridded] \tkzGetNodes \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,D,O,E) \tkzDrawSegments[->,red](A,B C,D A,E) \tkzLabelSegment(A,B){$\overrightarrow{u}$} \tkzLabelSegment(C,D){$\overrightarrow{v}$} \tkzLabelSegment(A,E){$\overrightarrow{w}$} \end{tikzpicture} $\overrightarrow{w}$ has slope : $\tkzDN{\tkzUseLua{math.deg(w.slope)}}^\circ$ \end{verbatim} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{.4\textwidth} \begin{tkzelements} z.O = point: new (0,0) z.A = point: new (0,1) z.B = point: new (3,4) L.AB = line : new ( z.A , z.B ) z.C = point: new (1,2) z.D = point: new (2,1) u = vector : new (z.A,z.B) v = vector : new (z.C,z.D) w = u+v z.E = w.h \end{tkzelements} \begin{tikzpicture}[gridded] \tkzGetNodes \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,D,O,E) \tkzDrawSegments[->,red](A,B C,D A,E) \tkzLabelSegment(A,B){$\overrightarrow{u}$} \tkzLabelSegment(C,D){$\overrightarrow{v}$} \tkzLabelSegment(A,E){$\overrightarrow{w}$} \end{tikzpicture} $\overrightarrow{w}$ has slope : $\tkzDN{\tkzUseLua{math.deg(w.slope)}}^\circ$ \end{minipage} % subsubsection example_vector_attributes (end) \subsection{Methods of the class vector} % (fold) \label{sub:methods_of_the_class_vector} \vspace{1em} \bgroup \catcode`_=12 \small \captionof{table}{Methods of the class vector.}\label{vector:met} \begin{tabular}{lll} \toprule \textbf{Metamethods} & \textbf{Application}& \\ \midrule \Imeth{vector}{\_\_add (u,v)} & |V.AB + V.CD| & \\ \Imeth{vector}{\_\_sub (u,v)} & |V.AB - V.CD| & \\ \Imeth{vector}{\_\_unm (u)} & |V.CD = -V.AB| & \\ \Imeth{vector}{\_\_mul (k,u)} & |V.CD = k*V.AB| & \\ \midrule \textbf{Methods} & \textbf{Application}& \\ \Imeth{vector}{new(pt, pt)} & |V.AB = vector: new (z.A,z.B) | & \\ \Imeth{vector}{normalize(V)} & |V.AB : normalize () | & \\ \Imeth{vector}{orthogonal(d)} & |V.AB : orthogonal (d) | & \\ \Imeth{vector}{scale(d)} & |V.CD = V.AB : scale (2) | & $\overrightarrow{CD} = 2\overrightarrow{AB} $ \\ \Imeth{vector}{at (V)} & |V.DB = V.AC : at (z.D) | & $\overrightarrow{DB} = \overrightarrow{AC} $ \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \egroup \subsubsection{Example of methods} % (fold) \label{ssub:example_of_methods} \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth} \begin{verbatim} \begin{tkzelements} z.O = point: new (0,0) z.A = point: new (0,1) z.B = point: new (3,4) V.AB = vector: new (z.A,z.B) V.AC = V.AB : scale (.5) z.C = V.AC.h V.AD = V.AB : orthogonal () z.D = V.AD.h V.AN = V.AB : normalize () z.N = V.AN.h V.AR = V.AB : orthogonal (2*math.sqrt(2)) z.R = V.AR.h V.AX = 2*V.AC - V.AR z.X = V.AX.h V.OY = V.AX : at (z.O) z.Y = V.OY.h \end{tkzelements} \begin{tikzpicture}[gridded] \tkzGetNodes \tkzDrawSegments[>=stealth,->,red](A,B A,C A,D A,N A,R A,X O,Y) \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,D,O,N,R,X,Y) \end{tikzpicture} \end{verbatim} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth} \begin{tkzelements} z.O = point: new (0,0) z.A = point: new (0,1) z.B = point: new (3,4) V.AB = vector: new (z.A,z.B) V.AC = V.AB : scale (.5) z.C = V.AC.h V.AD = V.AB : orthogonal () z.D = V.AD.h V.AN = V.AB : normalize () z.N = V.AN.h V.AR = V.AB : orthogonal (2*math.sqrt(2)) z.R = V.AR.h V.AX = 2*V.AC - V.AR z.X = V.AX.h V.OY = V.AX : at (z.O) z.Y = V.OY.h \end{tkzelements} \begin{tikzpicture}[gridded] \tkzGetNodes \tkzDrawSegments[>=stealth,->,red](A,B A,C A,D A,N A,R A,X O,Y) \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,D,O,N,R,X,Y) \end{tikzpicture} \end{minipage} % subsubsection example_of_methods (end) % section class_vector (end) \endinput