\section{Macros and Styles} \subsection{How to change the background color and text color} You can use the following macro : \begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzSetUpColors}{\oarg{local options}} \begin{tabular}{llc} Options & default & definition \\ \midrule \TOline{background} {white} {couleur du fond } \TOline{text} {black} {couleur du texte } \end{tabular} \end{NewMacroBox} \subsection{Modification of labels \tkzcname{AssignVertexLabel}} \begin{NewMacroBox}{AssignVertexLabel}{\oarg{local options}\var{prefix}\var{List of names}} \begin{tabular}{lll} Arguments & & example \\ \midrule \TAline{prefix} {} {\tkzcname{AssignVertexLabel\{a\}\{Alter\}}} \TAline{List of names} {} {\tkzcname{AssignVertexLabel\{a\}\{Paris,Lyon\}}} \bottomrule \end{tabular} \medskip \begin{tabular}{llc} Options & default & definition \\ \midrule \TOline{size} {\tkzcname{normalsize}} {taille de la fonte } \TOline{color} {black} {couleur du texte } \TOline{Math} {false} {math mode } \end{tabular} \end{NewMacroBox} \medskip \subsubsection{AssignStyle and \tkzcname{AssignVertexLabel}} First step : We create an empty graph without labels. Second step : We place labels with the macro \tkzcname{AssignVertexLabel} \begin{center} \begin{tkzexample}[vbox] \begin{tikzpicture} \SetVertexNoLabel \grCycle{6} \tikzset{AssignStyle/.append style = {below=12pt}} \AssignVertexLabel[color = blue,% size = \footnotesize]{a}{% Paris,Lyon,Marseille,Bordeaux,Reims,Saint-Etienne} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tkzexample} \end{center} \endinput