\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[iso,english]{isodate} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{parskip} \usepackage[color]{tiscreen} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{fancyvrb-ex} \fvset{ frame=single, label=\fbox{Source}, framesep=4mm, numbers=left, fontsize=\footnotesize, } \newcommand{\LCDsymb}[1]{\large \textLCD{1}|{#1}~|} \newcommand{\LCDcode}[1]{\texttt{\{#1\}}} \newcommand{\LCDcmd}{\textbackslash\texttt{LCD}\xspace} \title{TI calculator display\\{\small(TI-82 STATS)}} \author{Mustafa Ibrahim} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{center} \tiscreen |10^6*(4^7+1){rarrow}X | | 1.6385E10| |{sqrt}(X)*X/10! | | 577971782.1| |cos{ar}(cos(Ans)) | | 62.11246| |{fcur} | | | \end{center} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Quickstart} \begin{SideBySideExample}[xrightmargin=6cm] %\usepackage[color]{tiscreen} \tiscreen |4+1 | | 5| |Ans{sq} | | 25| |{fcur} | | | | | | | \end{SideBySideExample} \section{Package option(s)} \subsection{Color} Using the \texttt{color} option will change the colors used by the \LCDcmd command. The colors are defined as \texttt{tiscreenfg} (foreground. i.e. font color) and \texttt{tiscreenbg} (background). These colors can be redefined like this: \begin{Verbatim} % Add this to your preamble \definecolor{tiscreenbg}{HTML}{5d9345} \definecolor{tiscreenfg}{HTML}{FFFFFF} \end{Verbatim} \section{LCD size} The default LCD size is $8\times 16$ (the size of the TI-82 STATS). It can be changed by redefining the variables used to determine the size of the display or by using the original \LCDcmd command. \begin{Verbatim} % First method (For entire document) \def\tiscreenX{16} \def\tiscreenY{8} % Second method (Only once) \LCD{5}{11} |ANOTHER | |EXAMPLE | |WITH A | |DIFFERENT| |SIZE | \end{Verbatim} \section{Additional defined characters} \LCDcolors{black}{white} \begin{tabular}{l|l|>{\ttfamily}l} \hline \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Added characters}} \\ \hline \hline Name & Symbol &\normalfont{\LCDcmd Code} \\ \hline E & \LCDsymb{sciE} & \{sciE\} \\ $\sigma$ & \LCDsymb{sigma} & \{sigma\} \\ $\bar x$ & \LCDsymb{barx} & \{barx\} \\ $\bar y$ & \LCDsymb{bary} & \{bary\} \\ $x^2$ & \LCDsymb{sq} & \{sq\} \\ $x^{-1}$ & \LCDsymb{ar} & \{ar\} \\ $x_1$ & \LCDsymb{sub1} & \{sub1\} \\ $x_2$ & \LCDsymb{sub2} & \{sub2\} \\ $x_3$ & \LCDsymb{sub3} & \{sub3\} \\ $x_4$ & \LCDsymb{sub4} & \{sub4\} \\ $x_5$ & \LCDsymb{sub5} & \{sub5\} \\ $x_6$ & \LCDsymb{sub6} & \{sub6\} \\ \hline \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Redefined characters}} \\ \hline \hline ! & \LCDsymb{!} & \{!\} \\ $\sqrt{x}$ & \LCDsymb{sqrt} & \{sqrt\} \\ e & \LCDsymb{e} & e \\ i & \LCDsymb{i} & i \\ v & \LCDsymb{v} & v \\ w & \LCDsymb{w} & w \\ \end{tabular} \end{document}