# Makefile for thucoursework # Compiling method: xelatex/pdflatex PACKAGE = thucoursework INSTALL_PACKAGE = install-tl-unx.tar.gz INSTALL_DIR = ./install-texlive # automatic configuration of mirror REMOTE_INSTALLER_URL = http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet # Set opts for latexmk if you use it LATEXMKOPTS = -xelatex -halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode .PHONY: doc all archive pre_install_dep install_dep after_install_dep clean test all: after_install_dep iihw.pdf ithw.pdf pre_install_dep: $(INSTALL_PACKAGE) after_install_dep: install_dep # tricky, to make variable assignment in recipe, and to execute shell command and assign the print result to a variable. $(eval PLATFORM1=`$(INSTALL_DIR)/install-tl --print-platform`) $(eval PLATFORM2=$(shell echo $(PLATFORM1))) $(eval PLATFORM3=$(shell pwd)) $(eval export PATH :=$(PLATFORM3)/texlive/bin/$(PLATFORM2):$(PATH)) echo $$PATH # to make tlmgr work, we need perl tlmgr install xkeyval matlab-prettifier caption doublestroke xcolor listings l3kernel l3packages ms ulem fontspec environ trimspaces booktabs moreenum mathtools oberdiek enumitem fmtcount etoolbox latex-bin install_dep: pre_install_dep mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR) tar -zxvf $(INSTALL_PACKAGE) -C $(INSTALL_DIR) --strip-components 1 $(INSTALL_DIR)/install-tl -profile tl.profile $(INSTALL_PACKAGE): wget $(REMOTE_INSTALLER_URL)/$(INSTALL_PACKAGE) clean: rm -fr $(INSTALL_DIR) rm -f *.idx *.ilg *.glo *.gls *.hd *.ind *.log *.out *.synctex.gz *.toc *.aux iihw.pdf: iihw.tex after_install_dep pdflatex iihw.tex ithw.pdf: ithw.tex after_install_dep xelatex ithw.tex archive: # make tar.gz which is submitted to ctan.org # first copy the necessary files to the dist dir cp README.md iihw.pdf ithw.pdf iihw.tex ithw.tex matlabscript.m pdf_normal.eps thucoursework.dtx thucoursework.pdf Makefile thucoursework/ # then tar it COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar -zcvf thucoursework.tar.gz thucoursework/ doc : $(PACKAGE).pdf $(PACKAGE).pdf : $(PACKAGE).dtx #latexmk $(LATEXXMKOPTS) $(PACKAGE).dtx xelatex $(PACKAGE).dtx makeindex -s gind.ist -o $(PACKAGE).ind $(PACKAGE).idx makeindex -s gglo.ist -o $(PACKAGE).gls $(PACKAGE).glo xelatex $(PACKAGE).dtx xelatex -synctex=1 $(PACKAGE).dtx test: # first clear out root texlive bin dir $(eval export PATH := /bin:/usr/bin) echo $$PATH $(eval PLATFORM1=`$(INSTALL_DIR)/install-tl --print-platform`) $(eval PLATFORM2=$(shell echo $(PLATFORM1))) $(eval PLATFORM3=$(shell pwd)) $(eval export PATH := $(PLATFORM3)/texlive/bin/$(PLATFORM2):$(PATH)) echo $$PATH tlmgr --version