% spdef is part of aeb-mobile package % I'm using it as a convenience, so I can have a dual % setup between the web package and not loading the % web package \RequirePackage[use=forweb]{spdef} % try !use=forweb \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amstext} \ifforweb\usepackage[forcolorpaper]{web}\fi \expexe{\usepackage[usesumrytbls,allowrandomize\ifforweb\else,forcolorpaper\fi]{exerquiz}} \usepackage{ran_toks} \usepackage[usebatch]{thorshammer} \DeclareQuiz{q1} \thQzName{Grammatik 1} \title{Pr\"{u}fung: \thqzname} \author{Odon, Thor, Loki} \ifforweb \subject{Testing Thor's way} \keywords{LaTeX, acrotex, thorshammer} \university{Thor University} \email{thor@valhalla.gov} \version{1700 Today} \versionLabel{Due by} \copyrightyears{1999-\the\year} \nocopyright \revisionLabel{} \fi % It is important to freeze the seed to that (1) you can reproduce the exact % same quiz at a later time; (2) allow content written to the AUX file to % come up to date. This is important when using summary tables. \useThisSeed{1344524586} \renewcommand\sqslsectitle{L\"{o}sungen: \thqzname\space(Ver~\QzVer)} %\thQzHeaderL{Thor's Class} \thQzHeaderCQ{Prüfung: \thqzname\space(Ver~\QzVer)} \thQzHeaderCS{L\"{o}sungen: \thqzname\space(Ver~\QzVer)} \ifforweb \thQzHeaderR{Seite \thepage} \else \thQzHeaderR{Herr Thor} \fi \thQzName{Grammatik 1} \setInitMag{fitwidth} \hypersetup{pdfpagemode=UseNone} % don't need to see bookmarks \hypersetup{pdfpagelayout=OneColumn} \reversemarginpar \showCreditMarkup %\previewOn\pmpvOn \useBeginQuizButton[\CA{Begin}] \useEndQuizButton[\CA{End}] \PTsHook{($\eqPTs^{\text{pts}}$)} \useMCCircles % An example of how to re-format how the % \Fullname field appears. \thfullnameFmt{#2+", "+#1} \makeatletter % An example of redefining \thQuizHeaderLayout, here % we make \Firstname and \Lastname field hidden and taking % up no space \renewcommand\thQuizHeaderLayout{\noindent \smash{\rlap{\FirstName[\F\FHidden]{0bp}{0bp}}\rlap{\LastName[\F\FHidden]{0bp}{0bp}}}% \begin{minipage}[t]{1.2in}\kern0pt \makebox[0pt][r]{\raggedleft\markQz{}{11bp}% \hspace{\marginparsep}}% \th@QHPoints\studentReport{\widthof{000/000}}{11bp}\vcgBdry[6pt] \makebox[0pt][r]{\raggedleft\freezeOrSave{}{11bp}% \hspace{\marginparsep}}% \th@QHGrade\studentGrade{14bp}{14bp}\vcgBdry[6pt] \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth-1em-1.2in}\kern0pt \begin{sumryTblAux}{\currQuiz} \displaySumryTbl[ntables=1,showmarkup]{\currQuiz} \end{sumryTblAux} \end{minipage}} \makeatother % reset the paths for \instrPath and \classPath for your system \instrPath{/C/Users/dpstory/Desktop/Test Folder/target/_Thor} \classPath{/C/Users/dpstory/Desktop/Test Folder/target/myClass} \classMember{Peter}{Pan}{A/_Thor} \classMember{J\oct374rgen}{Gilg}{B/_Thor} \classMember{Thors}{Hammer}{C/_Thor} \autoCopyOn %\distrToInstrOff %\distrToStudentsOff \DeclareCoverPage{0} \begin{makeClassFiles} \sadQuizzes \end{makeClassFiles} \begin{document} \ifforweb \makeinlinetitle \else \maketitle \fi \thispagestyle{empty} %\thQzHeaderR{Herr Thor} \noindent Student Name: \FullName{1.5in}{11bp} \section*{Instructions} Solve each problem to the best of your ability. Do not look a little to the left or a little to the right -- Thor is watching !! You have a time limit of 2 minutes to complete the quiz. \paragraph*{The Procedure} \begin{enumerate} \item The quiz begins on the next page \item Go to the next page \verb!:-{)! \item To begin the quiz, press the `\textsf{Begin}' button \item Answer each of the questions \item To end the quiz, press the `\textsf{End}' button. You will be asked whether you really want to end the quiz. Press the `\textsf{Yes}' button, or the `\textsf{No}' button to continue with the quiz \item After ending the quiz, press the `\textsf{Save}' button; save the file back to the original folder \item Close \textsf{Adobe Reader}, and go have lunch. \end{enumerate} Good luck, no, I wish you \emph{good knowledge} ! \newpage \declareQuizBody{qzbody1} \declareQuizBody{qzbody2} % The qzbody env encloses the entire body of the quiz \begin{qzbody1} \bRTVToks{\currQuiz} \thQuizHeader \noindent\textbf{Instructions:} (For the student) Press `\textsf{Begin}' to begin the quiz; after completing the quiz, press `\textsf{End}'. Use the `\textsf{Save}' button to save the document. \begin{quiz*}{\currQuiz} Solve each of these problems, passing is 100\%. \begin{questions} \begin{rtVW} \item\PTs{3} Which of these are true ? \begin{answers}{4} \Ans1 True & \Ans0 False \end{answers} \end{rtVW} \begin{rtVW} \item \PTs{4} Select which of the following is true. \begin{answers}{4} \Ans1 True & \Ans0 False & \Ans0 Maybe & \Ans0 Sometimes \end{answers} \end{rtVW} \begin{rtVW} \item\PTs{2} $9+8=\RespBoxMath{17}*{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}$ \begin{solution} Everyone knows that $ 9 + 8 = 17$, why don't you ? \end{solution} \end{rtVW} \begin{rtVW} \essayQ{5} % num points assigned \item\PTs{5} Write a short history of Acro\negthinspace\TeX.\par \RespBoxEssay*{\linewidth}{1in} \begin{solution} Acro\negthinspace\TeX{} was created by D. P. Story and supported for many years by J\"{u}gen Gilg. Special inspiration was provided by K. F. Story, who suggested the name Acro\negthinspace\TeX. \end{solution} \end{rtVW} \begin{rtVW} \item\PTs{3} Which of the following are numbers? \begin{manswers}{6} \bChoices[random=true] \Ans[-1]{0}d\eAns \Ans[1]{1}17\eAns \Ans[-1]{0}p\eAns \Ans[1]{1}88\eAns \Ans[-1]{0}s\eAns \Ans[1]{1}105\eAns \eChoices \end{manswers} \end{rtVW} \begin{rtVW} \multipartquestion \item\PTs{20} Answer each of the following multiple selection problems. Each correct answer is worth $3$ points, and each incorrect answer is worth $-2$ points. \begin{questions} \rowsep{3pt} \item\PTs{9} Select which people who served as a President of the United States. (Select all correct choices.) \begin{manswers}*{2}% \bChoices[random=true] \Ans[-2]{0} Henry Clay\eAns \Ans[-2]{0} Ben Franklin\eAns \Ans[3]{1} Andrew Jackson\eAns \Ans[3]{1} Ronald Reagan\eAns \Ans[-2]{0} George Meade\eAns \Ans[3]{1} Grover Cleveland\eAns \Ans[-2]{0} John Jay\eAns \Ans[-2]{0} Paul Revere\eAns \eChoices \end{manswers} \rowsep{3pt} \item\PTs{9} Select which people who served as a Chancellor of the German Republic. (Select all correct choices.) \begin{manswers}*{2}% \bChoices[nCols=2,random=true] \Ans[-2]{0} Gustav Heinemann\eAns \Ans[-2]{0} Theodor Heu{\ss}\eAns \Ans[3]{1} Konrad Adenauer\eAns \Ans[-2]{0} Richard von Weizs\"{a}cker\eAns \Ans[3]{1} Willy Brandt\eAns \Ans[-2]{0} Heinrich L\"{u}bke\eAns \Ans[-2]{0} Roman Herzog\eAns \Ans[3]{1} Ludwig Erhard\eAns \eChoices \end{manswers} \rowsep{3pt} \item\PTs{2} If you select all choices in part~(a), you will receive -1 points as a penalty for bad guessing. \textbf{Question:} Determine the \emph{number of correct choices} in part~(a)? \begin{answers}{4} \bChoices[random=true] \Ans0 1\eAns \Ans0 2\eAns \Ans1 3\eAns \Ans0 4\eAns \Ans0 5\eAns \Ans0 6\eAns \Ans0 7\eAns \Ans0 8\eAns \eChoices \end{answers} \end{questions} \end{rtVW} \eRTVToks % Ok, now display this questions in a random order. \displayListRandomly{\thisQuiz} \end{questions} \writeProListAux \end{quiz*}\quad\thQuizTrailer \end{qzbody1} \begin{qzbody2} \thQuizHeader \begin{quiz*}{\currQuiz} Solve each of these problems, passing is 100\%. \begin{questions} \essayitem{3} Comment on the experience of taking a quiz the `Thorsten way.'.\par \RespBoxEssay*{\linewidth}{1in} \begin{solution} This was a very wonderful experience, I'm privileged to have been in this class with such a wonderful German teacher. As you can read, I am fluent in German now. Thank you Thor, wherever you are. A second paragraph should convince of my sincerity, remember me when you mark this quiz. \end{solution} \end{questions} \writeProListAux \end{quiz*}\quad\thQuizTrailer \end{qzbody2} % Now we input the qzbody back in two times, though it can be more than that. The quiz name % modified in each instance. % % Each instance of the quiz has a randomized order % \InputQuizBody{qzbody1} \InputQuizBody{qzbody2} \InputQuizBody{qzbody1} \end{document}