% localndx.tex -- updated for LaTeX2e 5 Jan 1995 % first released 31 July 93 % % Copyright (C) 1996 by Wenzel Matiaske, mati1831@perform.ww.tu-berlin.de % % As input to the local LaTeX-guide "`local.tex"'. % % For distribution of this document see the copyright notice in the % original sources mentioned below. % \makeatletter \newif\iflocalin \newif\ifappendixin \@ifundefined{localin}{\localintrue}{\localinfalse} \@ifundefined{appendixin}{\appendixinfalse}{\appendixintrue} \@ifundefined{docdir}{\def\docdir{\dots /emtex/doc/}}{} \makeatother \iflocalin \subsubsection{The \texttt{makendx} package} \fi \ifappendixin \subsection{The \texttt{makendx} package} \fi The package \verb|makendx| provides some commands which help to produce a name index. To use \verb|makendx| you must put the commands \verb|\makenameindex| and \verb|\printnameindex| in your document. Put the command \verb|\makenameindex| in the preamble and the command \verb|\printnameindex| where you want the name index to appear. Before you use \verb|\printnameindex| it is useful to change the index name, e.~g. |\renewcommand{\indexname}{Nameindex}|. The command \verb|\nameindex{|\emph{name}\verb|}| is provided to produce an index entry. If you want that the name appears not only in the index but also in the text use the command \verb|\name{|\emph{name}\verb|}|. This command provides an option which is useful if the index entry differs from the name in the text, e.~g. \verb|\name[Knuth, Donald E.]{Knuth}|. The name \emph{Knuth} is printed in the text, the entry ``Knuth, Donald E.'' appears in your name index. For default, the \verb|\name| command emphasizes the name. Use the command \verb|\fontname{|\emph{font}\verb|}| to change the font. The $\star$-form \verb|\name*{|\emph{name}\verb|}| suppresses the index entry. After you have run \LaTeX{} on your document call \emph{MakeIndex} by typing: \begin{verbatim} makeindex -s nameind.ist -o myfile.nin myfile.ndx \end{verbatim} \iflocalin For more details see the German documentation \file{\docdir makendx}. \fi %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: plain-tex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: