% local01.tex -- updated for thesis1e 15 Apr 1996 % updated for LaTeX2e 11 Dec 1994 % first released 1 Sept 1993 % % Copyright (C) 1993, 1996 by Wenzel Matiaske, mati1831@perform.ww.tu-berlin.de % % As input to the local LaTeX-guide "`local.tex"'. % % For distribution of this document see the copyright notice in the % original sources mentioned below. % \makeatletter \newif\iflocalin \newif\ifappendixin \@ifundefined{localin}{\localintrue}{\localinfalse} \@ifundefined{appendixin}{\appendixinfalse}{\appendixintrue} \@ifundefined{docdir}{\def\docdir{\dots /emtex/doc/}}{} \makeatother \iflocalin \subsubsection{The style files \texttt{thesis} and \texttt{thema}} \fi \ifappendixin \subsection{The style files \texttt{thesis} and \texttt{thema}} \fi The style files \verb|thesis| and \verb|thema| base on the standard layout \verb|report|. In contrast to this standard document style the outlook of these styles is more European and more flexible. The layout may easily be changed via options like (defaults are underlined): \begin{description} \item[\underline{\texttt{indent}} or \texttt{noindent}] (no) indent of paragraphs and footnotes, \item[\texttt{itemization} or \underline{\texttt{noitemization}}] (no) bullets, stars etc. in the \texttt{itemize} environ\-ment, \item[\underline{\texttt{enumeration}} or \texttt{noenumeration}] alphanumeric or numeric \texttt{enumerate} environ\-ment, \item[\underline{\texttt{headline}} or \texttt{noheadline}, \texttt{headcount} or \underline{\texttt{noheadcount}}] change the layout of the headings, \item[\underline{\texttt{center}} or \texttt{nocenter}, \underline{\texttt{upper}} or \texttt{noupper}] change the style of the sectioning, \item[\underline{\texttt{slanted}} or \texttt{bold} or \texttt{sfbold}] change the fonts used in chapters, titles or headings, \item[\texttt{crosshair}] marks empty pages with a crosshair, which is useful for camera reproducing of the output, and \item[\texttt{chapterbib}] for chapter bibliographies with \BibTeX. \end{description} For default, the text ``Chapter'' is not printed in front of a chapter. If you want a more standard \LaTeX-layout define \verb|\chapapp{|{\em Chapter}\verb|}| in the preamble. The style defines an advanced section of commands for the title page. The commands \verb|\subtitle{|\emph{text}\verb|}| and \verb|\translator{|\emph{text}\verb|}| take some text for the title page; \verb|\dedication{|\emph{text}\verb|}| produce a separate dedication page, and notes on the backside of the title page \verb|\uppertitleback{|\emph{text}\verb|}|, \verb|\middletitleback|, and \verb|\lowertitleback| may be used. The style file \texttt{thema} defines some more commands, which may be useful in collections. The command \verb|\chapterauthors{|{\em authors}\verb|}| takes the authors as an argument, which are printed in the chapter title and in the table of contents. If you want to put the author into the headline of the odd side pages the command \verb|\shortauthor{|\emph{text}\verb|}| may be used. This command must be specified before the corresponding \verb|\chapter|. The environment \texttt{chapterabstract} prints the abstract of the chapter. Especially with \texttt{thema} the style option \texttt{chapterbib} may be useful. This option allows \BibTeX{} to produce a bibliography for every file which is read by the command \verb|\include{|\emph{file}\verb|}| in a control file. The fonts used in \texttt{thesis} and \texttt{thema} may be changed with the following commands which take a font declaration as argument: \begin{center}\small \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \verb|\partfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\theorembodyfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| \\ \verb|\chapterfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\itemfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| \\ \verb|\chapterauthorfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\examplefont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| \\ \verb|\sectionfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\headingstextfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\subsectionfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\pagenumberfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\subsubsectionfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\captionheaderfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\paragraphfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\captionbodyfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\subparagraphfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\figurefont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\titlefont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\tablefont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\subtitlefont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\indexsize{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\authorfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\bibsize{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\translatorfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\verb|\theoremheaderfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}|\\ \verb|\institutionfont{|\emph{decl}\verb|}| &\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \iflocalin For more details see the German documentation \file{\docdir thesis}. \fi