%%% Testing: switching between absolute and relative mode \documentclass{article} \usepackage[absolute,showboxes]{textpos} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \TPHorizModule=1cm \TPVertModule=1cm \begin{document} Here is some text, which appears in the body of the page. \begin{textblock}{5}(0,0) This text is at (0,0), and should appear at the very top-left corner. \end{textblock} Here is more text, which also appears in the body. \begin{textblock}{5}(1,1) This text is at (1,1), and should appear near the top-left corner, 1cm in and down. \end{textblock} \newpage \TPoptions{ absolute=false, showboxes = false} Here is some text, which appears in the body of page two. \begin{textblock}{5}(0,0) This text is at (0,0), and appears at the top-left of the text block, just under `Here is some text'. It should not have a box around it. \end{textblock} \vskip4cm Here is more text, which also appears in the body of p.2. \begin{textblock}{5}(1,1) This text is at (1,1), and also appears in the text block 1cm along and down from the `Here is more text', and without a surrounding box. \end{textblock} \TPoptions{absolute=true, showboxes=true, showtext=false} \vskip4cm Text. The corresponding text block should appear only as a box, with no text inside it. It appears in the top-left corner of the page. \begin{textblock}{5}(0,0) This text should not appear (just the box, positioned 2cm along and down from `Text.' \end{textblock} \TPoptions{absolute=false, showboxes=true, showtext=true} \vskip4cm Text 2. \begin{textblock}{5}(6,0) This text should appear surrounded by a box, level with, but along from, `Text 2'. \end{textblock} \newpage \TPoptions{absolute=true} Page 3. \begin{textblock}{5}(0,0) This text appears at the extreme top-left of page three. \end{textblock} \end{document}