%%% Testing: floats \documentclass{article} \usepackage[showboxes]{textpos} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{document} \listoffigures Here is some text. \marginpar{\dots with a marginal note} \begin{figure} Hello, this is a normal figure \caption[short normal 1]{\label{normal1}long normal 1} \end{figure} \begin{textblock}{5}(0,5) In this document we have figures~\ref{figa} and~\ref{figb}. \end{textblock} \tracingcommands=2 \tracingmacros=2 \begin{textblock}{5}(1,6) Here is a figure. \begin{figure} Text \caption[short textblock caption]{This is the first textblock figure (with short)} \label{figa} \end{figure} \end{textblock} \tracingcommands=0 \tracingmacros=0 \begin{textblock}{5}(2,7) Here is another figure.%error: \marginpar{\dots and a marginpar in block} % perhaps the following ought to be OK %\begin{minipage}{4cm} Hello minipage\marginpar{ping!}\end{minipage} \begin{figure} More text \caption{\label{figb}This is the second textblock figure (no short)} \end{figure} \end{textblock} \begin{textblock}{5}(3,8) We can still refer to figures~\ref{figb} and~\ref{figa}. \end{textblock} Here is text, just before the outer figure. \begin{figure} \hrule This is another normal figure \hrule \caption[short normal 2]{\label{figc}This is the final figure, with short} \end{figure} \end{document}