% arara: pdflatex % arara: bib2gls: {group: on} % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex \documentclass{report} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[bib2gls]{testidx-glossaries} \setglossarystyle{mcolindexspannav} \renewcommand*{\glstreenamefmt}[1]{#1} \renewcommand*{\glstreegroupheaderfmt}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \tstidxmakegloss[ % Try with different languages: % sort={no}% norsk % sort={nn}% nynorsk % sort={nl}% dutch % sort={is}% icelandic % sort={cy}% welsh % sort={ga}% irish % sort={pl}% polish % sort={hu}% hungarian % Or use a custom rule: sort={custom}, sort-rule={% custom sort rule (only used with sort=custom) ' '; % space \string\u0300;% combining grave accent \string\u0301;% combining acute accent \string\u0302;% combining circumflex accent \string\u0303;% combining tilde accent \string\u0304;% combining macron accent \string\u0305;% combining overline accent \string\u0306;% combining breve accent \string\u0307;% combining dot above accent \string\u0308;% combining diaeresis accent \string\u0309;% combining hook above accent \string\u030A;% combining ring above accent \string\u030B;% combining double acute accent \string\u030C;% combining caron accent \string\u0327;% combining cedilla accent \string\u0328;% combining ogonek accent \string\u20D7% combining right arrow above accent <'\string_'< ','< ';'< ':'< '!'< '?'< '/'< '.'< '<'<'>'<'('<')'% punctuation < 0 < 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < 6 < 7 < 8 < 9 < a,A < b,B < c,C < d,D < dd,Dd,DD < dz,DZ < dzs,DZS < \string\u00F0,\string\u00D0 % eth < e,E < f,F < ff,Ff,FF < g,G < h,H < i,I < ij,IJ < j,J < k,K < l,L < ll,Ll,LL < m,M < n,N < ng,Ng,NG < o,O < p,P < q,Q < r,R < s,S < t,T < u,U < v,V < w,W < x,X < y,Y < z,Z < \string\u00E6,\string\u00C6 % (ae ligature) < \string\u0153,\string\u0152 % (oe ligature) < \string\u00FE,\string\u00DE % (thorn) < \string\u00F8,\string\u00D8 % (o slash) < \string\u0142,\string\u0141 % (l stroke) } ] \begin{document} \testidx \tstidxprintglossaries \end{document}