%% newbug.tex 2005/04/17 demonstrates tameflts.sty bug. %% (C) 2005 Uwe Lueck http://contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% %% RIGHTS: LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) v1.3 %% -- author-maintained. % % Remove the next `%' to see the bug (bug? see bottom): \documentclass[12pt]{article} % \usepackage{tameflts} \nofiles \begin{document} \newcommand{\footnobreakpar}{Test.\footnote{A note.}\par\nobreak} \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar \footnobreakpar Test.\footnote{A note.} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \leavevmode\vrule height 10em \end{center} \caption{An upright stroke.} \end{figure} \newcommand{\testpar}{Test.\par} \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \testpar \enddocument REMARKS: * Bug? This may be a matter of taste. However, I expect agreement here that it is better to use two pages instead of three (unless the user explicitly demands that the figure goes to its own page). * I think the present example is rather artificial. * `License' may be funny with a demo file. Yet the part of LPPL on changing/redistributing is useful here especially with the \usepackage line, which should remain commented out for distribution.