\documentclass[12pt,screen]{talk} %\documentclass[12pt,slides]{talk} %\documentclass[12pt,notes]{talk} \usepackage{sidebars} \slidesmag{1.5} \title{My Test Talk} \author[John Smith]{John Smith\thanks{Some bloke.}} \begin{document} \begin{slide}[plain]{} \maketitle \end{slide} \begin{slide}[outline]{My Table of Contents} \tableofcontents \end{slide} \section{First Section} \begin{slide}{My Title} Stuff.\footnote{My footnote} \end{slide} \begin{notes} Some notes about this slide. \end{notes} \subsection{First Subsection} \begin{slide}{Another Title} More stuff. \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Yet Another Title} Even more stuff. \end{slide} \subsection{Second Subsection} \begin{slide}{First Slide in Second Subsection} Blah blah bla... \end{slide} \section{Second Section} \begin{slide}{A Slide in Section Two} ...you get the idea. \end{slide} \subsection{Subsection 2.1} \begin{multislide}{3}{Multislide Example} A few bullet points: \begin{itemize} \item Bullet 1 \fromslide{2}{\item Bullet 2} {\onlyslide*{3}{\color{red}}\item Bullet 3} \end{itemize} \onlyslide*{1}{You can only see bullets 1 and 3.}% \onlyslide*{2}{You can see all bullets.} \onlyslide*{3}{Now bullet 3 is red.} \end{multislide} \end{document}