\ProvidesExplPackage {tagpdf-space-code} {2019/07/02} {0.61} {part of tagpdf - code related to real space chars} % luatex uses an attribute (declared in the driver file) and some luacode in tagpdf.lua % perhaps I will split the code by engine in the future \sys_if_engine_pdftex:T { \pdfglyphtounicode{space}{0020} \keys_define:nn { uftag / setup } { interwordspace .choices:nn = { true, on } { \pdfinterwordspaceon }, interwordspace .choices:nn = { false, off }{ \pdfinterwordspaceon }, show-spaces .bool_set:N = \l__uftag_showspaces_bool } } \sys_if_engine_luatex:T { \keys_define:nn { uftag / setup } { interwordspace .choices:nn = { true, on } { \directlua{uftag.func.markspaceon()} }, interwordspace .choices:nn = { false, off } {\directlua{uftag.func.markspaceoff()} }, show-spaces .choice:, show-spaces / true .code:n = {\directlua{uftag.trace.showspaces=true}}, show-spaces / false .code:n = {\directlua{uftag.trace.showspaces=nil}}, show-spaces .default:n = true } \cs_new_protected:Nn \__uftag_fakespace: { \group_begin: \setattribute\g__uftag_interwordspace_attr{1} \setattribute\g__uftag_interwordfont_attr{\directlua{tex.print(\the\catcodetable@latex, font.current())}} \skip_horizontal:n{\c_zero_skip} \group_end: } } \endinput