% !Mode:: "TeX:DE:UTF-8:Main" %\input{regression-test} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tagpdf} \tagpdfsetup{tabsorder=structure, uncompress,activate-all} \tagpdfifpdftexT { %set language / can also be done with hyperref \pdfcatalog{/Lang (de-DE)} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \input glyphtounicode \pdfgentounicode=1 } \tagpdfifluatexT { %set language / can also be done with hyperref \pdfextension catalog{/Lang (de-DE)} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{unicode-math} \usepackage{luacode} \newfontface\zerowidthfont{freeserif} } \usepackage{graphicx} % This is not a perfectly tagged document! % one sentence is not marked (luatex will mark it as artifact) % with pdflatex there is a encoding problem with the math \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \tagstructbegin{tag=Document} %This isn't read by voice software Etwas unmarkierter Text. %This read ok by voice software \tagstructbegin{tag=P} \tagmcbegin{tag=P} Ein Satz ohne Umlaute. \tagmcend \tagstructend %This read ok by nvda, but adobe has difficulties with the umlauts \tagstructbegin{tag=P} \tagmcbegin{tag=P} Grüße an die Welt und die öde Wüste. \tagmcend \tagstructend \newpage % alttext is read, % actualtext copy & pasted \tagstructbegin{tag=P,alttext=Dies ist ein Text,actualtext=Copy} \tagmcbegin{tag=P} Test \tagmcend \tagstructend %alttext is read, %actualtext copy & pasted \tagstructbegin{tag=P} \tagmcbegin{tag=P,alttext=Dies ist ein zweiter Text,actualtext=Copy} Test \tagmcend \tagstructend %nvda: alttext of structure is read %adobe: alttext of inner mc is read % result of copy & paste of this page in adobe reader: % why twice?????? % Copy Copy % Copy Copy % Copystruct Copystruct \tagstructbegin{tag=P,alttext=Dies ist der Structuretext,actualtext=Copystruct} \tagmcbegin{tag=P,alttext=Dies ist der innere Text,actualtext=Copymc} Test \tagmcend \tagstructend \newpage % test of "Formula" tag: % content is more or less ignored. This is not against the documentation: % Formula is explicitly describes as an "illustration", something with a content % which can not be read directly. % But it is a problem that nvda ignores it even with an alt text. %test of Formula tag + alttext in the mc %pdflatex %nvda: content is ignored %adobe: reads the alt text but without {} and () %luatex (unicode-math): % nvda: doesn't read %adobe: doesn't read (warning "empty page") \tagstructbegin{tag=Formula} \tagmcbegin {tag=Formula,alttext={\frac{a}{b}+c + \int_1^n f(x)}} xxx $\frac{a}{b}+c + \int_1^n f(x)$ \tagmcend \tagstructend \newpage %test of Formula tag + alttext in the struct \tagstructbegin{tag=Formula,alttext=Dies ist eine Formel} \tagmcbegin {tag=Formula} formula \tagmcend \tagstructend \newpage % test of Formula tag without alttext % pdflatex % adobe: reads it more or less (without commands naturally) % nvda: ignores it %lualatex %nvda: ignores it %adobe: ignores it \tagstructbegin{tag=Formula} \tagmcbegin {tag=Formula} formula: $\frac{a}{b}+c + \int_1^n f(x)$ \tagmcend \tagstructend \newpage % luatex: % nvda: reads the alttext ok, {} and () are only read if the symbol level is (at leat) "most" % adobe: something is read but it is not understable \tagstructbegin{tag=P} \tagmcbegin {tag=P,alttext={\frac{x}{y}+c + \int_1^n f(x)}} $\frac{x}{y}+c + \int_1^n f(x)$ \tagmcend \tagstructend %pdftex % sum is read as "pi" %luatex %adobe: almost nothing read (only 1 and =) %nvda: similar, obviously both have problems with the unicode math symbols \tagstructbegin{tag=P} \tagmcbegin {tag=P} $\sum_1^n (1) = n $ \tagmcend \tagstructend \newpage \tagmcbegin{tag=P, actualtext=Ente, alttext=Dies ist eine Ente} %% a char is needed so that actualtext works, \tagpdfifluatexTF {{\zerowidthfont^^^^200c}}% {\makebox[0pt][l]{.}}% %it seems not to be needed for alttext and voice software .... \includegraphics[width=1cm]{example-image-duck} \tagmcend \tagmcbegin{tag=P, actualtext=Ente, alttext=Dies ist eine zweite Ente} %% a char is needed so that actualtext works, %\tagpdfifluatexTF % {{\zerowidthfont^^^^200c}}% % {\makebox[0pt][l]{.}}% %it seems not to be needed for alttext and voice software .... \includegraphics[width=1cm]{example-image-duck} \tagmcend \tagstructend \end{document}