Abstract ======== - Package: tableof (Tables of tagged contents) - Version: 1.4b (2018/10/02) - License: LPPL 1.3c - Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Jean-Francois Burnol The commands `\toftagstart`, `\toftagstop`, `\toftagthis`, `\tofuntagthis` are used to tag chapters, sections or any other sectioning units destined to end up in the table(s) of contents. Then: \nexttocwithtags{req. 1, req. 2, ... }{excl. 1, excl. 2, ... } \tableofcontents % or equivalent command specifies which tags are to be required and which ones are to be excluded from the typeset TOC. For documents with classes where `\tableofcontents` is only single-use, the package provides: \tableoftaggedcontents{req. 1, req. 2, ... }{excl. 1, excl. 2, ... } which does not have this restriction. Installation ============ For extracting the style file: latex tableof.dtx Files `tableof.sty`, `tableof.ins` and `tableoftest.tex` are generated on the first latex run. Move `tableof.sty` to a suitable location within the TeX installation: tableof.sty -> /tex/latex/tableof/ To produce the documentation: latex tableof.dtx (a second time) dvipdfmx tableof.dvi `tableof.ins` is for TeX distributions expecting it. `tableoftest.tex` is an example of use of the package commands. Run latex twice on it to see examples of tagged tables of contents. Change History ============== * v1.4b (2018/10/02) fix to bug when a document ended with `\clearpage` before the `\end{document}`. `tableof` now requires `atveryend` package. * v1.4a (2015/03/10) changes for enhanced compatibility with `etoc`. * v1.4 (2015/02/20) under the hood code improvements. * v1.3 (2015/02/11) comma separated lists of tags now allow spaces. * v1.2 (2013/03/04) added command `\tableoftaggedcontents`. * v1.1 (2012/12/13) added command `\nexttocwithtags`. * v1.0 (2012/12/06) first release. License ======= This Work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c. This version of this license is in The Author of this Work is: Jean-Francois Burnol