%-------------------------------------% % Configuration file for SWIMGRAF.STY % %-------------------------------------% % Path for records files \def\swg@filepath{c:/xy/swimming/} % % Data filename. (File must be in same directory as .tex file containing % \swimgraph macro.) \def\swg@datafile{swg.dat} % %-------------------------------------% % Colors % %-------------------------------------% % \definecolor{gold}{rgb}{1.0,.8,.1} \definecolor{lightgold}{rgb}{1.0,.9,.2} \definecolor{silver}{rgb}{.7,.7,.7} \definecolor{lightsilver}{rgb}{.9,.9,.9} \definecolor{lightmagenta}{cmyk}{0, 0.3, 0, 0} \definecolor{lightgreen}{cmyk}{.3, 0, .3, 0} \definecolor{lightblue}{cmyk}{0.3, 0.3, 0, 0} \definecolor{lightcyan}{cmyk}{0.3, 0, 0, 0} % world record % short course \def\swg@wsccolor{gold} % long course \def\swg@wlccolor{lightgold} % National record % short course \def\swg@nsccolor{cyan} % long course \def\swg@nlccolor{lightcyan} % Age-specific records % age record a % short course \def\swg@asccolor{magenta} % long course \def\swg@alccolor{lightmagenta} % age record b % short course \def\swg@bsccolor{blue} % long course \def\swg@blccolor{lightblue} % age record c % short course \def\swg@csccolor{yellow} % long course \def\swg@clccolor{yellow} % age record d % short course \def\swg@dsccolor{yellow} % long course \def\swg@dlccolor{yellow} % age record e % short course \def\swg@esccolor{yellow} % long course \def\swg@elccolor{yellow} % age record f % short course \def\swg@fsccolor{yellow} % long course \def\swg@flccolor{yellow} % % swimmer's times % short course \def\swg@sccolor{green} % long course \def\swg@lccolor{lightgreen} % labels for meet names \def\swg@labelcolor{green} % % vertical lines for months \def\swg@monthlinecolor{lightgray} % vertical lines for years \def\swg@yearlinecolor{black} % horizontal lines at one second intervals \def\swg@oneseclinecolor{lightgray} % horizontal lines at five second intervals \def\swg@fiveseclinecolor{black} %-------------------------------------% % Font size for meet name labels % %-------------------------------------% % Can be empty (in which case default font size for document used) % or \small, \tiny, etc. \def\swg@labelfontsize{} %-------------------------------------% % Distances % %-------------------------------------% % All distances can be numbers or dimensions (e.g. 5mm). If a dimension, the % distance is fixed. If a number, it depends on the value of the xunit % (if horizontal) or yunit (if vertical). If you have graphs using various % yunits, a dimension may be best. % % At top: % Vertical distance between top of graph and base of key. \def\swg@keyvsep{8mm} % % At bottom: % Vertical distance between baseline of graph and month labels. \def\swg@monthvsep{5mm} % Vertical distance between baseline of month labels and year labels. \def\swg@yearvsep{5mm} % Vertical distance between baseline of year labels and title. \def\swg@titlevsep{5mm} % Vertical distance between plotted dots and meet labels \def\swg@labelvsep{3mm} % At side: % Horizontal distance between "time" label and y-axis \def\swg@tlabelpos{14mm} % Line width for plot of swimmer's times \def\swg@linewidth{1mm} % Line width for record lines \def\swg@reclinewidth{0.8mm} %-------------------------------------% % Default options % %-------------------------------------% % Record series a, b, n, and w \ExecuteOptions{a,b,n,w} %-------------------------------------% % Units % %-------------------------------------% % The units xunit and yunit determine the size of the plot. % Changing them here changes the default. You can override this % setting by using an optional argument of \swimgraph: e.g. % \swimgraph[xunit=1mm,yunit=4mm]... % The framesep determines the amount of white space around the boxes % of text that block out the background (the labels for records). \psset{xunit=.4mm,yunit=3.5mm,framesep=0pt} %-------------------------------------% % Formats used by \swimtext % %-------------------------------------% % For interpretation, see p. 24 of LaTeX Companion \renewcommand{\section}% {\@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}% {-2ex \@plus -.5ex \@minus -.1ex}% {0.7ex \@plus.1ex}% {\hskip-\parindent\hskip -7pt\hbox to 0pt{\hss\rule[1.8pt]{5pt}{5pt}\hss}% \hskip 7pt\reset@font\bfseries}} \renewcommand{\subsection}{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}% {-1.5ex\@plus -.5ex \@minus -.1ex}% {.5ex \@plus .1ex}% {\reset@font\itshape}} \newenvironment{swgdescription} {\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin \let\makelabel\swgdescriptionlabel \parsep 0\p@ \itemsep 0\p@ \topsep 0\p@}} {\endlist} \newcommand*\swgdescriptionlabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep \normalfont #1}