% \iffalse meta-comment % An Infrastructure for marking up Assignments % Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved % this file is released under the % LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) % The original of this file is in the public repository at % http://github.com/sLaTeX/sTeX/ % \fi % % \iffalse % %<*driver> \def\stexdocpath{../doc} \input{\stexdocpath/stex-docheader} \stextoptitle{The \texttt{hwexam} Package}{hwexam} \docmodule % % \fi % % \begin{stexmanual} % \begin{sfragment}{HWExam Manual} % \input{\stexdocpath/packages/stex-hwexam} % \end{sfragment} % \end{stexmanual} % % \begin{documentation} % \begin{sfragment}{HWExam Documentation} % TODO % \end{sfragment} % \end{documentation} % %\begin{implementation} % % \section{Implementation: The hwexam Package} % % \subsection{Package Options} % % The first step is to declare (a few) package options that handle whether certain % information is printed or not. Some come with their own conditionals that are set by the % options, the rest is just passed on to the |problems| package. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \ProvidesExplPackage{hwexam}{2023/03/19}{3.3.0}{homework assignments and exams} \RequirePackage{l3keys2e} \keys_define:nn {hwexam / pkg}{ multiple .default:n = { false }, multiple .bool_set:N = \c_hwexam_multiple_bool, unknown .code:n = { \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{problem} } } \ProcessKeysOptions{ hwexam /pkg } \RequirePackage{problem} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\hwexam_kw_*} % For multilinguality, we define internal macros for keywords that can be specialized in % |*.ldf| files. % \begin{macrocode} \AddToHook{begindocument}{ \ExplSyntaxOn\makeatletter \input{hwexam-english.ldf} \ltx@ifpackageloaded{babel}{ \clist_set:Nx \l_tmpa_clist {\bbl@loaded} \exp_args:NNx \clist_if_in:NnT \l_tmpa_clist {\detokenize{ngerman}}{ \input{hwexam-ngerman.ldf} } \exp_args:NNx \clist_if_in:NnT \l_tmpa_clist {\detokenize{finnish}}{ \input{hwexam-finnish.ldf} } \exp_args:NNx \clist_if_in:NnT \l_tmpa_clist {\detokenize{french}}{ \input{hwexam-french.ldf} } \exp_args:NNx \clist_if_in:NnT \l_tmpa_clist {\detokenize{russian}}{ \input{hwexam-russian.ldf} } }{} \makeatother\ExplSyntaxOff } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Assignments} % % Then we set up a counter for problems and make the problem counter inherited from % |problem.sty| depend on it. Furthermore, we specialize the |\prob@label| macro to take % the assignment counter into account. % % \begin{environment}{assignment} % \begin{macrocode} \stex_keys_define:nnnn{ assignment }{ \tl_clear:N \l_stex_key_number_tl \tl_clear:N \l_stex_key_given_tl \tl_clear:N \l_stex_key_due_tl }{ number .tl_set:N = \l_stex_key_number_tl, given .tl_set:N = \l_stex_key_given_tl, due .tl_set:N = \l_stex_key_due_tl, unknown .code:n = {} }{id,title,style} \newcounter{assignment} \stex_new_stylable_env:nnnnnnn {assignment}{O{}}{ \cs_if_exist:NTF \l_hwexam_includeassignment_keys_tl { \tl_put_left:Nn \l_hwexam_includeassignment_keys_tl {#1,} \exp_args:Nno \stex_keys_set:nn{assignment}{ \l_hwexam_includeassignment_keys_tl } }{ \stex_keys_set:nn{assignment}{#1} } \tl_if_empty:NF \l_stex_key_number_tl { \global\setcounter{assignment}{\int_eval:n{\l_stex_key_number_tl-1}} } \global\refstepcounter{assignment} \setcounter{sproblem}{0} \def\thesproblem{\theassignment.\arabic{sproblem}} \stex_style_apply: \_stex_do_id: }{ \stex_style_apply: }{ \par\begin{center} \textbf{\Large\assignmentautorefname~\theassignment \tl_if_empty:NF \l_stex_key_title_tl { {~}--~\l_stex_key_title_tl } }\par\smallskip \textbf{ \tl_if_empty:NF \l_stex_key_given_tl { \hwexam@kw@given:~\l_stex_key_given_tl\quad } \tl_if_empty:NF \l_stex_key_due_tl { \hwexam@kw@due:~\l_stex_key_due_tl\quad } } \end{center} \par\bigskip }{ \par\pagebreak }{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{macro}{\includeassignment} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\includeassignment{O{} m}{ \group_begin: \tl_set:Nn \l_hwexam_includeassignment_keys_tl {#1} \stex_keys_set:nn{includeproblem}{#1} \exp_args:Nno \use:nn{\inputref[}\l_stex_key_mhrepos_str]{#2} \group_end: } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Restoring information about problems: % % \begin{macrocode} \prop_new:N \c_@@_problems_prop \tl_set:Nn \c_@@_total_mins_tl {0} \tl_set:Nn \c_@@_total_pts_tl {0} \int_new:N \c_@@_total_problems_int \cs_set_protected:Npn \problem@restore #1 #2 #3 { \int_gincr:N \c_@@_total_problems_int \prop_gput:Nnn \c_@@_problems_prop {#1}{{#2}{#3}} \tl_gset:Nx \c_@@_total_pts_tl { \int_eval:n { \c_@@_total_pts_tl + #2 }} \tl_gset:Nx \c_@@_total_mins_tl { \int_eval:n { \c_@@_total_mins_tl + #2 }} } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\correction@table} % This macro generates the correction table % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\correction@table{ \int_compare:nNnT \c_@@_total_problems_int = 0 { \int_incr:N \c_@@_total_problems_int \prop_put:Nnn \c_@@_problems_prop {~}{{~}{~}} } \tl_clear:N \l_tmpa_tl \tl_clear:N \l_tmpb_tl \tl_clear:N \l_tmpc_tl \prop_map_inline:Nn \c_@@_problems_prop { \tl_put_right:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { ##1 & } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_tmpb_tl { \use_i:nn ##2 & } \tl_put_right:Nn \l_tmpc_tl { & } } \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{% \exp_args:Nne \begin{tabular}{|l|*{\int_use:N \c_@@_total_problems_int}{c|}c||l|}\hline &\exp_args:Ne \multicolumn{\int_eval:n{ \c_@@_total_problems_int + 1}}{c||} {\footnotesize\hwexam@kw@forgrading} &\\\hline \hwexam@kw@probs & \l_tmpa_tl \hwexam@kw@sum & \hwexam@kw@grade\\\hline \hwexam@kw@pts & \l_tmpb_tl \c_@@_total_pts_tl & \\\hline \hwexam@kw@reached & \l_tmpc_tl & \\[.7cm]\hline \end{tabular}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\testheading} % \begin{macrocode} \def\hwexamheader{\input{hwexam-default.header}} \def\hwexamminutes{ \tl_if_empty:NTF \hwexam@duration { {\hwexam@min}~\hwexam@minutes@kw }{ \hwexam@duration } } \stex_keys_define:nnnn{ hwexam / testheading }{ \tl_clear:N \hwexam@min \tl_clear:N \hwexam@duration \tl_clear:N \hwexam@reqpts \tl_clear:N \hwexam@tools }{ min .tl_set:N = \hwexam@min, duration .tl_set:N = \hwexam@duration, reqpts .tl_set:N = \hwexam@reqpts, tools .tl_set:N = \hwexam@tools }{} \newenvironment{testheading}[1][]{ \stex_keys_set:nn { hwexam / testheading}{#1} \tl_set_eq:NN \hwexam@totalpts \c_@@_total_pts_tl \tl_set_eq:NN \hwexam@totalmin \c_@@_total_mins_tl \tl_set:Nx \hwexam@checktime {\int_eval:n { \hwexam@min - \hwexam@totalmin }} \newif\if@bonuspoints \tl_if_empty:NTF \hwexam@reqpts { \@bonuspointsfalse }{ \tl_set:Nx \hwexam@bonuspts { \int_eval:n{\hwexam@totalpts - \hwexam@reqpts} } \@bonuspointstrue } \makeatletter\hwexamheader\makeatother }{ \newpage } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\testemptypage} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\testemptypage[1][]{% \bool_if:NT \c__problems_test_bool {\ \vfill\begin{center}\hwexam@kw@testemptypage\end{center}\eject} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\testspace} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\testspace[1]{\bool_if:NT \c__problems_test_bool {\vspace*{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\testnewpage} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\testnewpage{\bool_if:NT \c__problems_test_bool {\newpage}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Leftovers} % % at some point, we may want to reactivate the logos font, then we use % \begin{verbatim} % here we define the logos that characterize the assignment % \font\bierfont=../assignments/bierglas % \font\denkerfont=../assignments/denker % \font\uhrfont=../assignments/uhr % \font\warnschildfont=../assignments/achtung % % \newcommand\bierglas{{\bierfont\char65}} % \newcommand\denker{{\denkerfont\char65}} % \newcommand\uhr{{\uhrfont\char65}} % \newcommand\warnschild{{\warnschildfont\char 65}} % \newcommand\hardA{\warnschild} % \newcommand\longA{\uhr} % \newcommand\thinkA{\denker} % \newcommand\discussA{\bierglas} % \end{verbatim} % \end{implementation} \endinput % \iffalse %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: doctex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: % \fi % LocalWords: texttt scsys sc latexml fileversion filedate maketitle setcounter newpage % LocalWords: tocdepth tableofcontents pts showmeta showmeta showignores omdoc extrefs % LocalWords: testspace testnewpage testemptypage testheading testheading reqpts reqpts % LocalWords: exfig makeatletter makeatother vspace hrule vspace vspace noindent textsf % LocalWords: includeassignment includeassignment HorIacJuc cscpnrr11 importmodule baz % LocalWords: includemhassignment includemhassignment importmhmodule foobar ldots sref % LocalWords: mhcurrentrepos mh-variants mh-variant compactenum printbibliography Cwd % LocalWords: langle rangle langle rangle ltxml.cls ltxml.sty respetively metakeys qw % LocalWords: cwd stex graphicx amssymb amstext amsmath newif iftest testfalse testtrue % LocalWords: ifsolutions solutionsfalse ifmultiple multiplefalse multipletrue keyval % LocalWords: ltxml assig srefaddidkey addmetakey ifx assignment@titleblock stepcounter % LocalWords: document@hwexamtype importmodules metasetkeys inclassig@title inclassig % LocalWords: inclassig@title inclassig@type inclassig@type inclassig@number xspace kv % LocalWords: inclassig@number inclassig@due inclassig@due inclassig@given ignorespaces % LocalWords: inclassig@given newenvironment currentsectionlevel OptionalKeyVals kvi % LocalWords: omgroup vals hwexamtype ednote textbackslash newcommand inputassignment % LocalWords: unlist quizheading tas hspace hfill textbf newcount vfill addtocounter % LocalWords: theassignment@totalmin theassignment@totalpts assignment@probs xdef hline % LocalWords: assignment@totalpts assignment@totalmin correction@probs correction@probs % LocalWords: newcounter theassignment@probs footnotesize mh@currentrepos endinput % LocalWords: inclassig@mhrepos inclassig@mhrepos doctex inputmhassignment % LocalWords: GPL structuresharing STR iffalse cls NeedsTeXFormat hwexam hwexam.dtx sc