This directory contains two Makefiles for inclusion into Makefile-based build systems. file contains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makefile.base.vars general variable declarations (include before all others) general rules (include before all others) Makefile.latexml.vars variable declarations for the LaTeXML conversion rules for producing OMDoc via LaTeXML Makefile.latex.vars variable declarations for LaTeX formatting rules for LaTeX formatting Makefile.vars combines all *.vars above combines all *.in above The usual setup for this will be to create SVN externals - the deployed instance of sTeX (i.e. or /latest) - to this directory and use the lines STEXDIR = include $(STEXDIR)/make/Makefile.vars include $(STEXDIR)/make/ at appropriate places in the calling Makefile. It is crucial to set STEXDIR variable to make this setup work.