@string{kpmessage = "READ the README please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"} @STRING{stexyear = 2016} @unpublished{IMKT-charter, label = {IMKT}, url = {http://mathontheweb.org/gdml/IMKT-Charter-final.pdf}, title = {International Mathematical Knowledge Trust Charter}, year = {2016}, author = {The Global Digital Mathematics Library Working Group}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @unpublished{DehKohKon:iop16, title = {Interoperability in the {OpenDreamKit} Project: The Math-in-the-Middle Approach}, author = {Paul-Olivier Dehaye and Michael Kohlhase and Alexander Konovalov and Samuel Leli{\`e}vre and Markus Pfeiffer and Nicolas M. Thi{\'e}ry}, url = {https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/blob/master/WP6/CICM2016/submission.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}, crossref = {CICM16}} @unpublished{IanKohRab:upmsm16, title = {Understanding the Pragmatics of Module Systems for Mathematics}, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, pubs = {mkohlhase,miancu,frabe}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/structural-extensions16.pdf}, crossref = {CICM16}} @unpublished{KalKohMue:samc16, title = {A Standard for Aligning Mathematical Concepts}, author = {Cezary Kaliszyk and Michael Kohlhase and Dennis M{\"u}ller and Florian Rabe}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/alignments16.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dmueller,frabe}, crossref = {CICM16}} @unpublished{IanKohRab:mslo16, title = {Mixing Surface Languages for OMDoc}, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe and Hang Yuan}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/alignments16.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,miancu,frabe}, crossref = {CICM16}} @online{MMTsurface:on, label = {MMT}, title = {The MMT Surface Syntax}, author = {Florian Rabe}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/MMT/doc/html/index.html#syntax/text.html}, urldate = {2016-03-19}} @inproceedings{HamKoh:fsfm15, author = {Radu Hambasan and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Faceted Search for Mathematics}, crossref = {LWA15}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1458/D05_CRC1_Hambasan.pdf}, pages = {33--44}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @unpublished{KohKoh:faetd12, title = {Frames: Active Examples for Technical Documents}, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/activeex-2012.pdf}, year = {2012}} @inproceedings{GinLalKoh:katsd15, author = {Deyan Ginev and Sourabh Lal and Michael Kohlhase and Tom Wiesing}, title = {KAT: an Annotation Tool for STEM Documents}, crossref = {MathUI15}, url = {http://www.cermat.org/events/MathUI/15/proceedings/Lal-Kohlhase-Ginev_KAT_annotations_MathUI_15.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dginev,twiesing}} @inproceedings{PenKoh:rpscsmc15, author = {Naomi Pentrel and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Relational Presentations Using Semantic Closeness Spatial Narrative for Mathematical Content}, crossref = {MathUI15}, url = {http://www.cermat.org/events/MathUI/15/proceedings/Pentrel-Kohlhase_Semantic_Closness-MathUI_15.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @inproceedings{LuzIanKoh:iolo15, author = {Enxhell Luzhnica and Mihnea Iancu and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Importing the {OEIS} Library into {OMDoc}}, crossref = {LWA15}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1458/F13_CRC73_Luzhnica.pdf}, pages = {296--303}, pubs = {miancu,mkohlhase}} @inproceedings{ToaKohKoh:sfs15, title = {Assessment for Spreadsheets}, author = {Alexandru Toader and Michael Kohlhase and Andrea Kohlhase}, crossref = {SEMS15}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/sems15-assessment.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase,atoader}} @unpublished{ToaKohKoh:sfstg15, title = {Assessment for Spreadsheets via Theory Graphs}, author = {Alexandru Toader and Michael Kohlhase and Andrea Kohlhase}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/cicm15-assessment.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase,atoader}} @inproceedings{IanKoh:fmkdam15, title = {A Flexiformal Model of Knowledge Dissemination and Aggregation in Mathematics}, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM15}, pages = {137--152}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cicm15-recaps.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,miancu}} @inproceedings{IanKoh:mlkmim15, title = {Math Literate Knowledge Management via Induced Material}, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM15}, pages = {187--202}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cicm15-induced.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,miancu}} @unpublished{Rabe:tes15, title = {Theory Expressions (a Survey)}, author = {Florian Rabe}, crossref = {CICM15}, pubs = {frabe}} @inproceedings{GusKohKoh:sfs15, title = {Context in Spreadsheet Comprehension}, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase and Ana Guseva}, crossref = {SEMS15}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/sems15-context.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase}} @inproceedings{BreCodJuc:tospsme14, author = {Thilo Breitsprecher and Mihai Codescu and Constantin Jucovschi and Michael Kohlhase and Lutz Schr{\"{o}}der and Sandro Wartzack}, title = {Towards Ontological Support for Principle Solutions in Mechanical Engineering}, year = {2014}, pages = {427--432}, crossref = {FOIS14}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-438-1-427}, doi = {10.3233/978-1-61499-438-1-427}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cjucovschi}} @MISC{flatsearch-demo,crossref={flatsearch-demo:base}, key={FS}, howpublished = {\url{http://cds.omdoc.org:8181/search.html}}} @online{flatsearch-demo:on,crossref={flatsearch-demo:base}, label={FS}, urldate={2015-04-23}} @MISC{flatsearch-demo:base, title = {FlatSearch Demo}, url= {http://cds.omdoc.org:8181/search.html}} @inproceedings{IanKohProd:rassmk14, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Michael Kohlhase and Corneliu{-}Claudiu Prodescu}, title = {Representing, Archiving, and Searching the Space of Mathematical Knowledge}, year = {2014}, pages = {26--30}, crossref = {ICMS14}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44199-2_5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-44199-2_5}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cprodescu,miancu}} @inproceedings{KohIan:dlpmmaftg14, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Mihnea Iancu}, title = {Discourse-Level Parallel Markup and Meaning Adoption in Flexiformal Theory Graphs}, year = {2014}, pages = {36--40}, crossref = {ICMS14}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44199-2_7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-44199-2_7}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,miancu}} @article{KohMihSperTes:mfs13, title={Zentralblatt Column: Mathematical Formula Search}, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt and Wolfram Sperber and Olaf Teschke}, url = {http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2013-09-89.pdf}, pages = {56--57}, journal = {EMS Newsletter}, month = sep, year = {2013}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{CorTeX:on, label = {CT}, title = {{Cor\TeX} Framework}, url = {http://cortex.mathweb.org}, urldate = {2014-02-14}, pubs = {dginev,project/llamapun}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:OLE14, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {OpenMath Language Extensions}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1186/paper-14.pdf}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2014}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:MathGenerationGap:2014,crossref={Kohlhase:mwsiggm14}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:mwsiggm14, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {Math Web Search Interfaces and the Generation Gap of Mathematicians}, year = {2014}, pages = {586--593}, crossref = {ICMS14}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44199-2_88}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-44199-2_88}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:eprpo14, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Extension Proposal: Records in Pragmatic OpenMath}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1186/paper-13.pdf}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2014}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{MathHub:law:on, label = {LMH}, title = {MathHub Offline Authoring}, url = {http://mathhub.info/help/offline-authoring.html}, urldate = {2016-04-07}} @online{MathHub:oa:on, label = {MH}, title = {MathHub Online Authoring}, url = {http://mathhub.info/help/online-authoring.html}, urldate = {2016-04-07}} % better use the journal article: KohRab:som12 @InProceedings{KohRab:som09, title = "Semantics of {OpenMath} and {MathML3}", author = {Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, crossref = {OM09}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/om09-semantics.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,projects/latin,projects/omdoc}} @article{Kohlhase:mkmtobbtg14, title={Mathematical Knowledge Management: Transcending the One-Brain-Barrier with Theory Graphs}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, url = {http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2014-06-92.pdf}, pages = {22--27}, journal = {EMS Newsletter}, month = jun, year = {2014}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @article{KohIan:crsmmd14, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Mihnea Iancu}, title = {Co-Representing Structure and Meaning of Mathematical Documents}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/omdoc-semantics.pdf}, journal = {Sprache und Datenverarbeitung, International Journal for Language Data Processing}, note = {Special Issue ``The language of mathematics -- computational, linguistic and logical aspects''; in press}, year = {2016}, pubs = {mkohlhase,miancu}} @misc{CKLR:SoundCombVickCode13, author = {Marco B. Caminati and Manfred Kerber and Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat}, title = {Proving soundness of combinatorial {Vickrey} auctions and generating verified executable code}, year = 2013, eprint = {1308.1779}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.GT}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}} @online{KRL:ForMaREproject13, author = {Manfred Kerber and Colin Rowat and Christoph Lange}, title = {The {ForMaRE} Project}, subtitle = {Formal Mathematical Reasoning in Economics}, date = {2013-05-29}, urldate = {2013-06-10}, url = {https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/eps/news/public/ForMaRE.aspx}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @inproceedings{KerberEtAl:AutoReasEcon13, title = {Automated Reasoning for Economics}, booktitle = {20\textsuperscript{th} Automated Reasoning Workshop (ARW)}, author = {Manfred Kerber and Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat}, editor = {Alexander Bolotov and Simon Colton and David Crocker and Louise Dennis and Clare Dixon and Jacques Fleuriot and Ullrich Hustadt and Mateja Jamnik and Katya Komendantskaya and Alice Miller and Renate Schmidt and Volker Sorge and J{\'o}nathan Heras}, note = {Invited paper}, year = 2013, venue = {Dundee, UK}, eventdate = {2013-04-11/2013-04-12}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @InProceedings{KohProLig:xses13, title={{XLSearch}: A Search Engine for Spreadsheets}, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Corneliu Prodescu and Christian Liguda}, crossref = {EUSPRIG13}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/eusprig13-xlsearch.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/mws,cprodescu,projects/sissi}} @inproceedings{KohManRab:aumftg13, title = {A Universal Machine for Biform Theory Graphs}, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Felix Mance and Florian Rabe}, crossref = {CICM13}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cicm13-uom.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/latin,frabe,projects/omdoc}} @online{OpenMathMap:github, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/openmathmap}, title = {KWARC/openmathmap - github}} @inProceedings{DoeKoh:mamim13, title = {{OpenMathMap}: accessing math via interactive maps}, author = {Jan Wilken D{\"o}rrie and Michael Kohlhase}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1010/paper-12.pdf}, keywords = {workshop}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2013}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/mathsearch}} @unpublished{KohGinMer:fspmco13, title = {A Framework for Semantic Publishing of Modular Content Objects}, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Deyan Ginev and Vlad Merticariu}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cicm13-sepcomp.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/latin,frabe,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{LangeEtAl:CompProvAuctThy13, title = {A Qualitative Comparison of the Suitability of Four Theorem Provers for Basic Auction Theory}, author = {Christoph Lange\selfedit and Marco B. Caminati and Manfred Kerber and Till Mossakowski and Colin Rowat and Makarius Wenzel and Wolfgang Windsteiger}, pages = {200--215}, crossref = {CICM13}, eprint = {1303.4193}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LO}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @inproceedings{LRK:FormareProject13, title = {The ForMaRE Project -- Formal Mathematical Reasoning in Economics}, author = {Christoph Lange\selfedit and Colin Rowat and Manfred Kerber}, pages = {330--334}, crossref = {CICM13}, eprint = {1303.4194}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.CE}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @misc{LKR:MechReasEcon13, title = {Applying Mechanised Reasoning in Economics -- Making Reasoners Applicable for Domain Experts}, author = {Christoph Lange and Manfred Kerber and Colin Rowat}, editor = {Ulrich Furbach and R{\"u}diger Grimm and Felix Hampe and Steffen Staab and Maria Wimmer}, note = {Tutorial at INFORMATIK 2013, Computer science adapted to humans, organization and the environment, 43\textsuperscript{rd} annual meeting of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V. (GI))}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-09-17}, venue = {Koblenz, Germany}, url = {http://cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/formare/events/informatik2013}, keywords = {tutorial}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @inproceedings{LKR:MechReasEcon13:Abstract, title = {Applying Mechanised Reasoning in Economics -- Making Reasoners Applicable for Domain Experts}, author = {Christoph Lange and Manfred Kerber and Colin Rowat}, editor = {Matthias Horbach}, booktitle = {INFORMATIK 2013: Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt}, eventtitle = {43\textsuperscript{rd} annual meeting of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V. (GI))}, year = {2013}, eventdate = {2013-09-16/2013-09-20}, venue = {Koblenz, Germany}, pages = {153--156}, isbn = {978-3-88579-614-5}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics}, number = {P-220}, publisher = {K{\"o}llen}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @inproceedings{MKL:DOLSemanticsInstitutes13, author = {Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange}, title = {Semantics of the Distributed Ontology Language: Institutes and Institutions}, crossref = {WADT12}, pages = {212--230}, pubs={clange,projects/ontoiop} } @unpublished{MCKLG:ProofSupportCommonLogic13, crossref = {MCKLG:ProofSupportCommonLogic14}} @inproceedings{MCKLG:ProofSupportCommonLogic14, title = {Proof Support for {Common Logic}}, author = {Till Mossakowski and Mihai Codescu and Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange and Michael Gr{\"u}ninger}, year = 2014, editor = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Jens Otten}, booktitle = {Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL)}, venue = {Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {EasyChair}, series = {EasyChair Proceedings in Computing}, number = {33}, pages = {42--58}, eventdate = {2014-07-23}, url = {http://easychair.org/publications/paper/Proof_Support_for_Common_Logic}, pubs = {clange}} @online{HundredTheoremsEconomics, title = {Formalising ``100'' Theorems/\allowbreak Models/\allowbreak Theories in Economics}, author = {Colin Rowat and Christoph Lange and Manfred Kerber}, url = {http://cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/formare/planetary/content/100-theorems}, urldate = {2013-02-21}, date = {2012-09-27}, year = 2012, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @online{AuctionTheoryToolbox, title = {Auction Theory Toolbox}, author = {Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat and Manfred Kerber and Makarius Wenzel and Marco B. Caminati and Till Mossakowski and Wolfgang Windsteiger}, url = {http://cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/formare/code/auction-theory/}, urldate = {2015-12-27}, date = {2015-07-02}, year = 2015, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, keywords = {formalization}} @inproceedings{LRWK:AuctionsDoForm13, title = {Developing an Auction Theory Toolbox}, author = {Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat and Wolfgang Windsteiger and Manfred Kerber}, crossref = {DoForm13}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare} } @inproceedings{MKL:cMapOntoIOp12, author = {Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange}, title = {{cMap}'s Product Classification Mapping from an Ontology Interoperability Perspective}, year = 2012, editor = {Aur{\'e}lie Virgili and others}, booktitle = {Mapping of classifications and other light-weight ontologies}, eventtitle = {Workshop of the cMap project (Classification Mapping for open and standardized product classification usage in eBusiness)}, eventdate = {2012-06-22}, venue = {Madrid, Spain}, keywords = {workshop}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}, } @online{formare, author = {Manfred Kerber and Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat}, title = {{ForMaRE}}, subtitle = {Formal Mathematical Reasoning in Economics}, urldate = {2013-02-10}, url = {http://cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/formare/}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare} } @inproceedings{IanRab:mocdl12, author = "Mihnea Iancu and Florian Rabe", title = "{Management of Change in Declarative Languages}", pages = "325--340", crossref = {CICM12}, pubs={frabe,miancu,projects/latin,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:kmsedcs13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Knowledge Management for Systematic Engineering Design in {CAD} Systems}, crossref = {ProWM13}, pages = {202-217}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/wm13-formalcad.pdf}, pubs={mkohlhase,projects/formalcad}} @mastersthesis{cdavid:mscthesis, author = {Catalin David}, title = {{Semantic Alliance Framework}: Integrating Documents and Semantic Services}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2012, type = {M.\,Sc.\ Thesis}, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/msc-2012/cdavid.pdf}, pubs = {cdavid,mscthesis,projects/sissi}} @mastersthesis{cprodescu:mscthesis, author = {Corneliu C. Prodescu}, title = {Text and Formula Search on {ArXiv} Documents}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2014, type = {M.\,Sc.\ Thesis}, SOONurl = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/msc-2012/cdavid.pdf}, Pubs = {crpodescu,mscthesis,projects/mws}} @inproceedings{KKLMN:BabelSemWebInteroperability12, title = {The {Babel} of the Semantic Web Tongues -- In Search of the {Rosetta} Stone of Interoperability}, author = {Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange and Till Mossakowski and C. Maria Keet and Fabian Neuhaus and Michael Gr{\"u}ninger}, booktitle = {What will the Semantic Web look like 10 Years from now? Workshop at ISWC}, editor = {Frank van Harmelen and James A. Hendler and Pascal Hitzler and Krzysztof Janowicz and Denny Vrande{\v c}i{\'c}}, year = {2012}, url = {http://stko.geog.ucsb.edu/sw2022/}, keywords = {workshop}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}} @InBook{LanKoh:MathMashups12, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Mashups using Mathematical Knowledge}, pages = {171--204}, pubs={mkohlhase,clange,projects/planetary,projects/sissi}, url = {https://sites.google.com/site/mashupbookchapters/semantic-mashups/mathknowledge}, crossref = {EndresNiggemeyer:SemanticMashups13}} @misc{Lange:MatheLernenSemWiki08, title = {Mathematik lernen in einem semantischen Wiki}, author = {Christoph Lange}, note = {Invited talk at the 99\textsuperscript{th} MNU-Kongress (Deutscher Verein zur F{\"o}rderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts e.V.)}, year = {2008}, month = mar, venue = {Kaiserslautern, Germany}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/swim/pubs/mnu08-mathe-lernen-semwiki.pdf}, keywords = {invited-talk}, pubs = {clange}, hyphenation = {ngerman}} @misc{KLR:EconomistsMechanizedReasoning12, title = {An economist's guide to mechanized reasoning or {My} computer just proved 84 impossibility theorems}, author = {Manfred Kerber and Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat}, editor = {Kenneth Judd}, note = {Invited lecture at the Initiative for Computational Economics summer school}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-07-25}, venue = {Chicago, US}, url = {http://cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/formare/pubs/ice2012/2012-07-25-ice-mech-reas-econ.pdf}, keywords = {invited-talk}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @inproceedings{KLR:FormReprProofCoopGames12, title = {Formal representation and proof for cooperative games}, author = {Manfred Kerber and Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat}, booktitle = {Symposium on Mathematical Practice and Cognition II}, editor = {Alison Pease and Brendan Larvor}, pages = {15--18}, year = {2012}, eventdate = {2012-07-02/2012-07-03}, venue = {Birmingham, UK}, url = {http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/apease/aisb12/1.pdf}, isbn = {978-1-908187-10-9}, publisher = {{Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB)}}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @online{OAF:on, label = {OAF}, url = {http://oaf.mathhub.info}, title = {The OAF Project \& System}, urldate={2015-04-23}} @online{OpenDreamKit:on, label = {ODK}, url = {http://opendreamkit.org}, title = {OpenDreamKit Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics}, urldate={2015-05-21}} @online{MathHub:on, label = {MH}, url = {http://mathhub.info}, title = {MathHub.info: Active Mathematics}, urldate={2014-01-28}} @online{sissi:SPSHP:on, url = {https://tnt.kwarc.info/repos/stc/projects/sissi/trunk/spshp}, key = {SPSHP}, label = {SPSHP}, title = {An Ontology for Spreadsheet Programs}} @misc{sissi:URL,crossref = {sissi:base}, howpublished = {Project home page at \url{http://trac.kwarc.info/sissi/}}} @online{sissi:on,crossref={sissi:base},urldate={2013-01-04}} @misc{sissi:base, key = {SiSsI}, label = {SiSsI}, title = {{Software Engineering for Spreadsheet Interaction}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/sissi/}, note = {Project Homepage}} @inproceedings{Rabe:qlfml12, author = "Florian Rabe", title = "{A Query Language for Formal Mathematical Libraries}", pages = "142--157", crossref = {CICM12}, eprint = {1204.4685}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LO}, pubs={frabe,projects/latin}} @misc{project:FormalCAD, author = "Michael Kohlhase and Lutz Schroeder", title = "{The FormalCAD Project}", year = "2011", note = "see \url{http://trac.kwarc.info/FormalCAD/}", pubs={mkohlhase,projects/formalcad}} @misc{Kohlhase:mdadmls12, title = {Mathematical Documents want to be Active, Digital Math Libraries want to be Semantic --- Position paper for WDML 2012}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, type = {Position Paper at {WDML} Symposium}, year = 2012, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/wdml12-position.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @inProceedings{LangeEtAl:MSC-LOD12, title = {Reimplementing the Mathematics Subject Classification ({MSC}) as a Linked Open Dataset}, author = {Christoph Lange and Patrick Ion and Anastasia Dimou and Charalampos Bratsas and Joseph Corneli and Wolfram Sperber and Michael Kohlhase and Ioannis Antoniou}, crossref = {CICM12}, pages = {458--462}, vgwortseiten = {8}, eprint = {1204.5086}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.DL}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {clange}} @inproceedings{TLU:DocumentingFormalMathByReference12, title = {Point-and-write --- Documenting Formal Mathematics by Reference}, author = {Carst Tankink and Christoph Lange and Josef Urban}, crossref = {CICM12}, pages = {169--185}, vgwortseiten = {30}, eprint = {1204.5094}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.MS}, pubs = {clange}} @inproceedings{LMK:LoLaModularOntologyLogLangTrans12, title = {{LoLa}: A Modular Ontology of Logics, Languages, and Translations}, author = {Christoph Lange and Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz}, booktitle = {Modular Ontologies}, editor = {Thomas Schneider and Dirk Walther}, eventtitle = {6\textsuperscript{th} International Workshop (WoMO)}, year = {2012}, eventdate = {2012-07-24}, venue = {Graz, Austria}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, number = 875, address = {Aachen}, issn = {1613-0073}, url = {http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-875}, keywords = {workshop}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}} @inproceedings{MKCL:DOL13, title = {The Distributed Ontology, Modeling and Specification Language}, author = {Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Mihai Codescu and Christoph Lange}, note = {Invited paper}, booktitle = {Modular Ontologies}, editor = {Del Vescovo, Chiara and Torsten Hahmann and David Pearce and Dirk Walther}, eventtitle = {7\textsuperscript{th} International Workshop (WoMO)}, year = {2013}, eventdate = {2013-09-15}, venue = {Corunna, Spain}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, number = 1081, address = {Aachen}, issn = {1613-0073}, url = {http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-1081}, keywords = {workshop}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}} @inproceedings{LKMG:DistributedOntologyLanguage12, title = {The Distributed Ontology Language ({DOL}): Ontology Integration and Interoperability Applied to Mathematical Formalization}, author = {Christoph Lange and Oliver Kutz and Till Mossakowski and Michael Gr{\"u}ninger}, crossref = {CICM12}, pages = {463--467}, vgwortseiten = {9}, eprint = {1204.5093}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LO}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}} @inproceedings{DavJucKoh:safusa12, title = {\texttt{Semantic Alliance}: A Framework for Semantic Allies}, author = {Catalin David and Constantin Jucovschi and Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM12}, pages = {49--64}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm12-SAlly.pdf}, keywords={conference}, Pubs = {mkohlhase,cdavid,cjucovschi,akohlhase,projects/sissi}} @inproceedings{HorKohRab:emfsl12, title = {Extending {MKM} Formats at the Statement Level}, author = {Fulya Horozal and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, crossref = {CICM12}, pages = {65--80}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm12-p2s.pdf}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,fhorozal,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:ppte12, title = {The {Planetary} Project: Towards {eMath3.0}}, Author = {Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM12}, eprint = {1206.5048}, pages = {448--452}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.DL}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/planetary}} @report{HetsForCommonLogic, title = {{Hets} for {Common Logic} Users}, author = {Till Mossakowski and Christian Maeder and Mihai Codescu and Eugen Kuksa and Christoph Lange}, version = {0.99}, institution = {DFKI GmbH, Bremen}, date = {2013-01-10}, year = 2013, url = {https://svn-agbkb.informatik.uni-bremen.de/Hets/trunk/doc/UserGuideCommonLogic.pdf}, pubs = {clange} } @article{KohRab:som12, author = "Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe", title = "{Semantics of OpenMath and MathML3}", year = 2012, journal = {Mathematics in Computer Science}, pages = {235--260}, volume = 6, number = 3, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mcs12.pdf}, pubs={frabe,mkohlhase,projects/omdoc} } @online{NTCIR-Math,crossref={NTCIR10-Math:on}} @online{NTCIR10-Math:on, label={NTM}, title = {{NTCIR} Math Track -- Pilot Task}, url = {http://ntcir-math.nii.ac.jp/}, urldate = {2012-05-18}} @online{NTCIR11-Math2:on, label={NTM}, title = {{NTCIR}-11 Task: Math2}, url = {http://ntcir-math.nii.ac.jp/}, urldate = {2014-02-18}} @online{NTCIR12-MathIR:on, label={NTM}, title = {{NTCIR}-12 MathIR}, url = {http://ntcir-math.nii.ac.jp/}, urldate = {2015-12-18}} @online{CICM, title = {Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics ({CICM})}, url = {http://cicm-conference.org}, urldate = {2012-03-18}} @article{KohRab:qrtpflmk15, title = {{QED} Reloaded: Towards a Pluralistic Formal Library of Mathematical Knowledge}, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, year = {2016}, journal = {Journal of Formalized Reasoning}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {201--234}, url = {http://jfr.unibo.it/article/download/4570/5733}, pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,projects/oaf}} @inproceedings{KohIan:ssmk12, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Mihnea Iancu}, title = {Searching the Space of Mathematical Knowledge}, crossref = {DML12}, year = 2012, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mir12.pdf}, note = {in press}, pubs={mkohlhase,miancu,projects/mws}} @online{MIR-happening, label = {MIRH}, title = {Math {IR} Happening at {MIR} 2012}, url = {http://cicm2012.cicm-conference.org/cicm.php?event=mir&menu=happening}, urldate = {2012-03-18}} @inproceedings{LIDBSKA:MSC-SKOS12, author = {Christoph Lange and Patrick Ion and Anastasia Dimou and Charalampos Bratsas and Wolfram Sperber and Michael Kohlhase and Ioannis Antoniou}, title = {Bringing Mathematics To the Web of Data: the Case of the Mathematics Subject Classification}, pages = {763--777}, vgwortseiten = {29}, url = {http://kwarc.info/clange/pubs/eswc2012-msc-skos.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-30284-8_58}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {clange,mkohlhase,projects/planetary}, crossref = {eswc2012}, } @ONLINE{MSC-SKOS, label = {MSC}, title = {Mathematics Subject Classification ({MSC}) {SKOS}}, url = {http://msc2010.org/resources/MSC/2010/info/}, year = 2012, urldate = {2012-08-31}, keywords = {ontology}, pubs = {clange}, } @ONLINE{MSCLinkedWiki:on, author = {Ioannis Antoniou and Charalampos Bratsas and Anastasia Dimou and Patrick Ion and Christoph Lange and Wolfram Sperber}, title = {Mathematics Subject Classification Linked Wiki}, url = {http://sci-class.math.auth.gr/MSCLW/}, date = {2011-12-03}, year = 2011, pubs = {clange}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ProKoh:mwsofse11, author = {Corneliu C. Prodescu and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {MathWebSearch 0.5 - Open Formula Search Engine}, url = {https://svn.mathweb.org/repos/mws/doc/2011/newmws/main.pdf}, crossref = {LWA11}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cprodescu,projects/mws} } @PhdThesis{Normann:phd, author = {Immanuel Normann}, title = {Automated Theory Interpretation}, school = {Jacobs University}, year = 2008, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/phd-2008/normann.pdf}, address = "Bremen, Germany"} @INPROCEEDINGS{Normann:etrpti06, author = {Immanuel Normann}, title = {Enhanced Theorem Reuse by Partial Theory Inclusions}, pages = {40--52}, crossref = {AISC06}} @UNPUBLISHED{Normann:cmde06, author = {Immanuel Normann}, title = {Extended Normalization for $E$-Retrieval of Formulae}, year = {2006}} @inproceedings{ProKoh:mwssofse12, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Bogdan A. Matican and Corneliu C. Prodescu}, title = "{MathWebSearch 0.5 -- Scaling an Open Formula Search Engine}", url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/aisc12-mws.pdf}, crossref = {CICM12}, pages = {342--357}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cprodescu,projects/mws} } @misc{cdavid:bscthesis, author = {Catalin David}, title = {Interactive Documents as Interfaces to Computer Algebra Systems: {JOBAD} and {Wolfram|Alpha}}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2010, type = {B.\,Sc.\ Thesis}, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/bsc-2010/cdavid.pdf}, pubs = {cdavid,bscthesis}} @misc{doerrie:oamim13, author = {Jan Wilken Doerrie}, title = {{OpenMathMap}: Accessing Math via Interactive Maps}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2013, type = {B.\,Sc.\ Thesis}, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/bsc-2013/jdoerrie.pdf}, pubs = {bscthesis}} @article{KohDavGin:psewads11, journal = {Procedia Computer Science}, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Joe Corneli and Catalin David and Deyan Ginev and Constantin Jucovschi and Andrea Kohlhase and Christoph Lange and Bogdan Matican and Stefan Mirea and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {The Planetary System: Web 3.0 \& Active Documents for STEM}, issuetitle = {Special issue: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)}, editor = {Mitsuhisa Sato and Satoshi Matsuoka and Peter M. Sloot and G. Dick van Albada and Jack Dongarra}, pages = {598--607}, venue = {Nanyang Technological University, Singapore}, eventdate = {2011-06-01/2011-06-03}, note = {Finalist at the Executable Paper Grand Challenge}, year = 2011, volume = 4, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/epc11.pdf}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2011.04.063}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cdavid,dginev,akohlhase,clange,bmatican,smirea,vzholudev,projects/planetary,projects/ikyda2012}, acceptancerate = {14}, acceptancerateCOMMENT = {10/70 accepted into the finals}} @TechReport{IanKohRab:tmmlof11, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, title = {Translating the {Mizar Mathematical Library} into {OMDoc} format}, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2011, type = {{KWARC} Report}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/latin/public/Mizar2OMDoc-Report.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/latin/public/Mizar2OMDoc-Report.pdf}}, pubs={mkohlhase,frabe,miancu,projects/latin}} @article{IanKohRabUrb:tmmliotaa13, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe and Josef Urban}, title = {The Mizar Mathematical Library in {OMDoc}: Translation and Applications}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/latin/public/MizarOMDocAppl.pdf}, journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, volume = {50}, number = {2}, pages = {191-202}, year = {2013}, doi = {10.1007/s10817-012-9271-4}, pubs={mkohlhase,frabe,miancu,projects/latin}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:fund13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Formula Understanding with Notation Definitions}, note = {LaMaPUn Blue Note}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/lamapun/doc/blue/ndparse/note.pdf}, year = 2013} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:sp14, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {SMGloM Primer}, note = {SMGloM Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/smglom/manuals/raw/master/primer/primer.pdf}, year = 2014} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:tsmgs13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{SMGloM}: a Semantic Multilingual Glossary System for Mathematics}, note = {SMGloM Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/smglom/blue/raw/master/smglom/note.pdf}, year = 2013} @Unpublished{KohJuc:edsmglom14, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Constantin Jucovschi}, title = {Editing Workflows in SMGloM}, note = {SMGloM Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/smglom/blue/raw/master/editing/note.pdf}, year = 2014} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:cmsmglom14, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Content Management in SMGloM}, note = {SMGloM Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/smglom/blue/raw/master/contmgt/note.pdf}, year = 2014} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:dmsmglom14, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Data Model and Encoding for {SMGloM}}, note = {SMGloM Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/smglom/blue/raw/master/datamdl/note.pdf}, year = 2014} @online{SMGloM:git, title = {SMGloM Git Repository}, url={http://gl.mathhub.info/smglom/smglom}, urldate = {2013-07-10}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:fsgo13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Flexible Symbol Grounding in OMDoc}, note = {KWARC Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/omdoc/blue/raw/master/grounding/note.pdf}, year = 2013} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:rdrtg14, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The Role of Discourse Referents in Theory Graphs}, note = {KWARC Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/omdoc/blue/raw/master/drt-graph/note.pdf}, year = 2014} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:osslepsdl13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Organizing Symbols between Slides, Lecture Notes, Encyclopedias, and Original Papers in Semantic Digital Libraries}, note = {KWARC Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/omdoc/blue/raw/master/slides-notes/note.pdf}, year = 2013} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:tffm13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The Flexiformalist Manifesto}, crossref = {SYNASC13}, pages = {30--36}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/synasc13.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:doo13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Document Ontology for {OMDoc2}}, note = {KWARC Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/omdoc/blue/raw/master/ontology/note.pdf}, year = 2013} @Unpublished{KohIan:hlpmo13, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Mihnea Iancu}, title = {Higher-Level Parallel Markup in {OMDoc}}, note = {KWARC Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/omdoc/blue/raw/master/parallel/note.pdf}, year = 2013} @Unpublished{LigKoh:comesf13, author = {Christian Liguda and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Content Ontology and MathML Export for Spreadsheet Formulae}, note = {KWARC Blue Note}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/sissi/doc/blue/mathml-formulae/note.pdf}, year = 2013} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:old13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The {OMDoc2} Language Design}, note = {KWARC Blue Note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/omdoc/blue/raw/master/design/note.pdf}, year = 2013} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:eco13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Examples and Counterexamples in {OMDoc}}, note = {KWARC blue note}, url = {http://gl.kwarc.info/omdoc/blue/raw/master/example/note.pdf}, year = 2013} % use the CICM paper CarFarKoh:rsckmt14 instead. @Unpublished{CarFarKoh:tr13, author = {Jacues Carette and William Farmer and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {TetraPod Realms}, note = {TetraPod Blue Note}, year = 2013} @inproceedings{LKDGKMMZ:PlanetaryExecutableSTEM11, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase and Catalin David and Deyan Ginev and Andrea Kohlhase and Bogdan Matican and Stefan Mirea and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {The Planetary System: Executable Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Papers}, eprint = {1103.1482}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.DL}, crossref = {eswc2011-2}, pages = {471--475}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cdavid,dginev,akohlhase,clange,bmatican,smirea,vzholudev,projects/planetary,projects/ikyda2012},} @article{Lange:OntoLangMathSemWeb, title = {Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web}, author = {Christoph Lange}, year = 2013, journal = {Semantic Web Journal}, impactfactor = {not yet known; journal established in 2010}, publisher = {IOS Press}, volume = 4, number = 2, pages = {119--158}, doi = {10.3233/SW-2012-0059}, url = {http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/ontologies-and-languages-representing-mathematical-knowledge-semantic-web}, pubs = {clange,projects/ikyda2012}, } @inproceedings{MLK:3SemanticsForDistributedOntologies12:citeijcai, author = {Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange}, title = {Three Semantics for the Core of the {Distributed Ontology Language}}, booktitle = {Formal Ontology in Information Systems}, editor = {Maureen Donnelly and Giancarlo Guizzardi}, pages = {337--352}, eventtitle = {7\textsuperscript{th} International Conference (FOIS 2012)}, eventdate = {2012-07-24/2012-07-27}, venue = {Graz, Austria}, year = 2012, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}, series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, number = 239, publisher = {IOS Press}, location = {Amsterdam}, vgwortseiten = {33}, isbn = {978-1-61499-084-0}, keywords = {conference}, note = {Extended abstract published as \cite{MLK:3SemanticsDOL:IJCAI13}}, url = {http://interop.cim3.net/file/pub/OntoIOp/Publications/FOIS_2012/paper.pdf}, acceptancerate = {34}, acceptancerateCOMMENT = {24 out of 71}, } @inproceedings{MLK:3SemanticsForDistributedOntologies12:plain, author = {Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange}, title = {Three Semantics for the Core of the {Distributed Ontology Language}}, booktitle = {Formal Ontology in Information Systems}, editor = {Maureen Donnelly and Giancarlo Guizzardi}, pages = {337--352}, eventtitle = {7\textsuperscript{th} International Conference (FOIS 2012)}, eventdate = {2012-07-24/2012-07-27}, venue = {Graz, Austria}, year = 2012, series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, number = 239, publisher = {IOS Press}, location = {Amsterdam}, vgwortseiten = {33}, isbn = {978-1-61499-084-0}, keywords = {conference}, url = {http://interop.cim3.net/file/pub/OntoIOp/Publications/FOIS_2012/paper.pdf}, acceptancerate = {34}, acceptancerateCOMMENT = {24 out of 71}, } @inproceedings{MLK:3SemanticsForDistributedOntologies12, author = {Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange}, title = {Three Semantics for the Core of the {Distributed Ontology Language}}, booktitle = {Formal Ontology in Information Systems}, editor = {Maureen Donnelly and Giancarlo Guizzardi}, pages = {337--352}, eventtitle = {7\textsuperscript{th} International Conference (FOIS 2012)}, eventdate = {2012-07-24/2012-07-27}, venue = {Graz, Austria}, year = 2012, series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, number = 239, publisher = {IOS Press}, location = {Amsterdam}, vgwortseiten = {33}, isbn = {978-1-61499-084-0}, keywords = {conference}, note = {(\emph{The paper has won the best paper award. Also published at IJCAI 2013 track on Best Papers in Sister Conferences.})}, url = {http://interop.cim3.net/file/pub/OntoIOp/Publications/FOIS_2012/paper.pdf}, acceptancerate = {34}, acceptancerateCOMMENT = {24 out of 71}, } @inproceedings{MLK:3SemanticsDOL:IJCAI13, author = {Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange}, title = {Three Semantics for the Core of the {Distributed Ontology Language} (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = {International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, editor = {Francesca Rossi}, eventtitle = {23\textsuperscript{rd} International Conference (IJCAI 2013), track on best papers in sister conferences}, eventdate = {2013-08-03/2013-08-09}, venue = {Beijing, China}, year = 2013, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, location = {Palo Alto, CA, USA}, keywords = {conference}, } @report{OntoIOpStandard, label = {OntoIOp}, title = {{OntoIOp} (Ontology Integration and Interoperability) Part 1: The Distributed Ontology Language ({DOL})}, institution = {ISO}, number= {17347}, type = {International Standard (Working Draft)}, keywords = {standard}, url = {http://ontoiop.org}, date = {2012-06-04}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}, } @online{OntoIOp, label = {OntoIOp}, title = {{OntoIOp} (Ontology, Model and Specification Integration and Interoperability), an {OMG} Standard Development Initiative}, url = {http://ontoiop.org}, urldate = {2013-10-09}, year = {2013}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}, } @inproceedings{GKLM:DOLUseSyntaxSemantics12, author = {Christoph Lange and Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Christian Galinski and Michael Gr{\"u}ninger and Couto Vale, Daniel}, title = {The {Distributed Ontology Language} ({DOL}): Use Cases, Syntax, and Extensibility}, eprint = {1208.0293}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.AI}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}, pages = {33--48}, crossref = {tke2012}} @inproceedings{KMGL:HetOntoInteropStandard11, author = {Christoph Lange and Till Mossakowski and Christian Galinski and Oliver Kutz}, title = {Making Heterogeneous Ontologies Interoperable Through Standardisation}, subtitle = {A Meta Ontology Language to be Standardised: Ontology Integration and Interoperability ({OntoIOp})}, booktitle = {Accessibility Reaching Everywhere}, pages = {185--196}, eventtitle = {AEGIS 2\textsuperscript{nd} International Conference}, month = nov, year = {2011}, eventdate = {2011-11-29/2011-11-30}, venue = {Brussels, Belgium}, url = {http://www.epr.eu/aegis/?cat=46}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}, keywords = {conference,nopub}} @inproceedings{KMGL:StdHetOntoIntegrInterop11, author = {Oliver Kutz and Till Mossakowski and Christian Galinski and Christoph Lange}, title = {Towards a Standard for Heterogeneous Ontology Integration and Interoperability}, booktitle = {First International Conference on Terminology, Language and Content Resources (LaRC)}, editor = {Key-Sun Choi and others}, pages = {101--110}, year = {2011}, month = jun, eventdate = {2011-06-10/2011-06-11}, venue = {Seoul, Korea}, publisher = {KATS}, location = {Seoul}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}, keywords = {conference,nopub}, url = {http://ke.yu.ac.kr/LaRC11/Proceedings_LaRC.pdf}} @inproceedings{cdavid:ParEMNS, author = {David, Catalin and Brennan, Conor and Ormond, Olga and Mullen, Marie}, title = {Parallelised EM wave propagation modelling for accurate network simulation}, booktitle = {{9\textsuperscript{th} IT\&T Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology}}, year = 2009, pubs= {cdavid}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:UAForDocs, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, crossref={KI10}, title = {Towards User Assistance for Documents via Interactional Semantic Technology}, pages = {107--115}, keywords={conference}, pubs={akohlhase,projects/sissi}} @InProceedings{Lange:MathWebOfData10, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Integrating Mathematics into the Web of Data}, booktitle = {Linked Data in the Future Internet}, editor = {S{\"o}ren Auer and Stefan Decker and Manfred Hauswirth}, year = {2010}, eventtitle = {Future Internet Assembly}, eventdate = {2010-12-16/2010-12-17}, venue = {Ghent, Belgium}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, number = 700, address = {Aachen}, issn = {1613-0073}, url = {http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-700}, keywords = {workshop}, pubs = {clange,projects/ikyda2012}} @Unpublished{KohDavGin:fspmco12, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Catalin David and Deyan Ginev and Bogdan Matican and Vlad Merticariu and Stefan Mirea}, title = {A Framework for Semantic Publishing of Modular Content Objects}, year = 2012, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/doceng12.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dginev,cdavid,projects/omdoc} } @InProceedings{Lange:OpenMathCDLinkedData10, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Towards {OpenMath} Content Dictionaries as Linked Data}, crossref = {OM10}, eprint = {1006.4057v1}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.DL}, pubs = {clange,projects/ikyda2012}} @inproceedings{am:doceng10,crossref={DOCENG10}, author = {Serge Autexier and Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {Semantics-based Change Impact Analysis for Heterogeneous Collections of Documents}, pages = {97--106}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1860559.1860580}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1860559.1860580}, acmid = {1860580}, keywords = {change impact analysis, document collections, document management, graph rewriting, semantics}, pubs = {nmueller}} @inproceedings{KohKoh:micvl11, title = {Maintaining Islands of Consistency via Versioned Links}, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {SIGDOC11}, keywords={conference}, pages = {167--174}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/sigdoc2011-verslinks.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{KohKoh:tfndc11, title = {Towards a Flexible Notion of Document Context}, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/sigdoc2011-flexiforms.pdf}, crossref = {SIGDOC11}, pages = {181--188}, keywords={conference,lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @article{Lange:FreeXSemanticWeb1:12, title = {Vokabelheft f{\"u}rs Web}, author = {Christoph Lange}, journal = {freeX Magazin f{\"u}r Netz\-werk\allowbreak/\allowbreak Vir\-tu\-a\-li\-sie\-rung\allowbreak/\allowbreak Si\-cher\-heit}, year = 2012, volume = 1, pages={42--45}, vgwortseiten = {13}, publisher = {C\&L Computer- und Literaturverlag}, url = {http://www.cul.de/data/freex12012pr.pdf}, keywords={magazine}, hyphenation={ngerman}, pubs = {clange}} @article{Lange:FreeXSemanticWeb2:12, title = {Desktop mit Dolmetscher}, author = {Christoph Lange}, journal = {freeX Magazin f{\"u}r Netz\-werk\allowbreak/\allowbreak Vir\-tu\-a\-li\-sie\-rung\allowbreak/\allowbreak Si\-cher\-heit}, year = 2012, volume = 2, pages={90--94}, vgwortseiten = {16}, publisher = {C\&L Computer- und Literaturverlag}, keywords={magazine}, hyphenation={ngerman}, pubs = {clange}} @inProceedings{KohKoh:vl11, title = {Maintaining Islands of Consistency via Versioned Links}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/VersionedLinks_WiP.pdf}, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM11WIP}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase,projects/omdoc}, keywords={conference}} @inProceedings{KohJuc:pcmpm11, title = {{planMP}: Collecting Mathematical Practices for MKM}, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Constantin Jucovschi}, crossref = {CICM11WIP}, pubs = {akohlhase,cjucovschi}} @InProceedings{Lange:KrextorSystem11, title = {Krextor -- An Extensible Framework for Contributing Content Math to the Web of Data}, author = {Christoph Lange}, url = {http://kwarc.info/clange/pubs/krextor-system.pdf}, crossref = {CICM11}, pages = {304--306}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {projects/krextor,clange,projects/ikyda2012}} @InProceedings{CodHorKoh:palai11, title = {Project Abstract: Logic Atlas and Integrator ({LATIN})}, author = {Mihai Codescu and Fulya Horozal and Michael Kohlhase and Till Mossakowski and Florian Rabe}, pages = {289--291}, crossref = {CICM11}, keywords = {conference}, url = {https://kwarc.info/people/frabe/Research/CHKMR_latinabs_11.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,fhorozal,projects/omdoc,projects/latin}} @InProceedings{HorIacJuc:cscpnrr11, title = {Combining Source, Content, Presentation, Narration, and Relational Representation}, author = {Fulya Horozal and Alin Iacob and Constantin Jucovschi and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, pages = {212--227}, crossref = {CICM11}, url = {http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/HIJKR_dimensions_11.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,fhorozal,aiacob,cjucovschi,mkohlhase,frabe,projects/latin,projects/planetary}} @InProceedings{AlaKohMam:lmml11, title = {Licensing the Mizar Mathematical Library}, author = {Jesse Alama and Michael Kohlhase and Lionel Mamane and Adam Naumowicz and Piotr Rudnicki and Josef Urban}, pages = {149--163}, crossref = {CICM11}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlahse}} @InProceedings{GinMil:latexmlCICM13, title = {{\LaTeX}ML 2012 - A Year of {\LaTeX}ML}, author = {Deyan Ginev and Bruce Miller}, pages = {335--338}, crossref = {CICM13}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {dginev}} @InProceedings{GinMilOpr:latexml:14, title = {E-books and Graphics with {\LaTeX}ML}, author = {Deyan Ginev and Bruce Miller and Silviu Oprea}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {427--430}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.6547}, pubs = {dginev}} @InProceedings{GinStaKoh:latexmldaemon11, title = {The {{\LaTeX}ML} Daemon: Editable Math on the Collaborative Web}, author = {Deyan Ginev and Heinrich Stamerjohanns and Michael Kohlhase}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/arXMLiv/doc/cicm-systems11/paper.pdf}, pages = {292--294}, crossref = {CICM11}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {dginev,stamer,mkohlhase,projects/lamapun}} @InProceedings{CKLR:SetThyHOLAuctIsa14, title = {Set Theory or Higher Order Logic to Represent Auction Concepts in {Isabelle}?}, author = {Marco B. Caminati and Manfred Kerber and Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat}, pages = {236--251}, eprint = {1406.0774}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.LO}, crossref = {CICM14}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {clange}, vgwortseiten = 29, } @inproceedings{DC:BauDenkMalNetz11, title = {BauDenkMalNetz -- Creating a Semantically Annotated Web Resource of Historical Buildings}, author = {Anca Dumitrache and Christoph Lange}, url = {http://kwarc.info/clange/pubs/bdmn-sepublica.pdf}, crossref = {SEPUBLICA11}, pubs = {adumitrache,clange,projects/baudenkmalnetz}} @inproceedings{CGL:PublishingUnitsQuantitiesPost11, title = {Authoring and Publishing of Units and Quantities in Semantic Documents}, author = {Mihai C{\^i}rl{\u a}naru and Deyan Ginev and Christoph Lange}, pages = {202--216}, crossref = {ESWC2011Post}, keywords={conference}, url = {http://kwarc.info/clange/pubs/eswc2011-units.pdf}, pubs = {mcirlanaru,dginev,clange,projects/lamapun}, vgwortseiten = {26}} @inproceedings{CGL:PublishingUnitsQuantities11, title = {Authoring and Publishing of Units and Quantities in Semantic Documents}, author = {Mihai C{\^i}rl{\u a}naru and Deyan Ginev and Christoph Lange}, url = {http://kwarc.info/clange/pubs/units-sepublica.pdf}, crossref = {SEPUBLICA11}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mcirlanaru,dginev,clange,projects/lamapun}} @inproceedings{DavGin+:fmspscdl11, title = {A Framework for Modular Semantic Publishing with Separate Compilation and Dynamic Linking}, author = {Catalin David and Deyan Ginev and Michael Kohlhase and Bogdan Matican and Stefan Mirea}, url = {https://svn.mathweb.org/repos/planetary/doc/sepublica11/paper.pdf}, crossref = {SEPUBLICA11}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cdavid,dginev,bmatican,smirea,projects/planetary,projects/ikyda2012}} @inproceedings{AutDav+:wfcs11, author = {Serge Autexier and Catalin David and Dominik Dietrich and Michael Kohlhase and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/planetary-moc.pdf}, title = {Workflows for the Management of Change in Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics}, pages = {164--179}, crossref = {CICM11}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,vzholudev,cdavid,projects/planetary}} @InProceedings{KohKohLan:difcsmse10:biblatex, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase and Christoph Lange}, title = {Dimensions of Formality: A Case Study for {MKM} in Software Engineering}, pages = {355--369}, eprint = {1004.5071v1}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.DL}, crossref = {CICM10}, keywords = {conference,clange-phd}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase,clange,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{KohRabSac:fvip11, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe and Sacerdoti Coen, Claudio}, title = {A Foundational View on Integration Problems}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cicm11-integration.pdf}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cicm11-integration.pdf}, pages = {107--122}, crossref = {CICM11}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,projects/latin}} @inproceedings{DLR:InteractDocCAS-JOBAD-Alpha10, author = {Catalin David and Christoph Lange and Florian Rabe}, title = {Interactive Documents as Interfaces to Computer Algebra Systems: {JOBAD} and {Wolfram|Alpha}}, crossref = {CALCULEMUS10-ET}, pages = {13--30}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/jomdoc/doc/pubs/calculemus10/jobad-cas.pdf}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {cdavid,clange,frabe,projects/jobad,projects/omdoc}} @inProceedings{KohRabZho:tmlmrsca10:biblatex, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {Towards {MKM} in the Large: Modular Representation and Scalable Software Architecture}, crossref = {CICM10}, pages = {370--384}, eprint = {1005.5232v2}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.OH}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,vzholudev,projects/omdoc,projects/latin}} @inproceedings{BlackburnBosKohlhase1999Tbilisi, title = {Automated Reasoning for Computational Semantics}, author = {Blackburn, Patrick and Bos, Johan and Kohlhase, Michael}, booktitle = {The Third International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation}, address = {Batumi, Georgia}, year = {1999}, pubs = {mkohlhase} } @unpublished{ZhoLan:tntbaseXSYM10, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Christoph Lange}, title = {{TNTBase} -- a Versioned {XML} Database}, url = {http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/xsym2010.pdf}, pubs = {vzholudev,clange}} @InProceedings{JucKoh:sidesc10, author = {Constantin Jucovschi and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{sTeXIDE}: An Integrated Development Environment for {sTeX} Collections}, crossref = {CICM10}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm10-stexide.pdf}} @InProceedings{JucKoh:sidesc10:biblatex, author = {Constantin Jucovschi and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{sTeXIDE}: An Integrated Development Environment for {sTeX} Collections}, crossref = {CICM10}, eprint = {1005.5489v1}, pages = {336--344}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.OH}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cjucovschi,projects/stex}} @InProceedings{KohKohLan:ssffld10:biblatex, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase and Christoph Lange}, title = {{sTeX} -- A System for Flexible Formalization of Linked Data}, crossref = {ISEMANTICS2010}, eprint = {1006.4474v1}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.SE}, doi = {10.1145/1839707.1839712}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase,clange,projects/docOnto,projects/ikyda2012}} @inproceedings{VLHBD:SemGovStatData10, author = {Denny Vrande{\v c}i{\'c} and Christoph Lange and Michael Hausenblas and Jie Bao and Li Ding}, title = {Semantics of Governmental Statistics Data}, url = {http://journal.webscience.org/400/}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {clange}, crossref = {WebSci2010}} @misc{Lange:phd-surveys, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Survey Results on Collaborative Mathematical Knowledge Management}, note = {Appendix to the Ph.D.\ thesis ``Enabling Collaboration on Semiformal Mathematical Knowledge by Semantic Web Integration''}, year = 2011, url = {http://kwarc.info/clange/pubs/phd-surveys.pdf}, pubs = {clange,projects/swim}} @book{Lange:PhD:book, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Enabling Collaboration on Semiformal Mathematical Knowledge by Semantic Web Integration}, year = 2011, publisher = {AKA Verlag and IOS Press}, address = {Heidelberg and Amsterdam}, series = {Studies on the Semantic Web}, number = 11, isbn = {978-1-60750-840-3}, url = {http://www.semantic-web-studies.net}, note = {Book edition of thesis \cite{Lange:PhD}}, pubs = {clange,projects/docOnto,projects/krextor,projects/omdoc,projects/jobad,projects/swim,projects/stex}} @phdthesis{Lange:PhD, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Enabling Collaboration on Semiformal Mathematical Knowledge by Semantic Web Integration}, year = 2011, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/swim/doc/phd/phd.pdf}, note = {Also available as a book \cite{Lange:PhD:book}}, pubs = {clange,projects/docOnto,projects/krextor,projects/omdoc,projects/jobad,projects/swim,projects/stex,projects/ikyda2012}} @online{ZhoKohRab:tntbasef10long:online,crossref={ZhoKohRab:tntbasef10long},urldate={2009-12-21}} @techreport{ZhoKohRab:tntbasef10long, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, title = {A [insert XML Format] Database for [insert cool application] (extended version)}, howpublished={\url{http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/XMLPrague_long.pdf}}, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = {2010}, url = {http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/XMLPrague_long.pdf}, pubs = {vzholudev,mkohlhase,frabe}} @inproceedings{ZhoKohRab:tntbasef10, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, title = {A [insert XML Format] Database for [insert cool application]}, crossref = {XMLPrague2010}, url = {http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/XMLPrague.pdf}, pubs = {vzholudev,kohlhase,frabe}} @online{MMTSVN:on,crossref={MMT:base},label={MMT}} @misc{Rabe:MMTLanguageSystem09,crossref={MMT:base}, date = {2011-10-11},key={MMT}} @misc{MMT:base, author = {Florian Rabe}, title = {The {MMT} Language and System}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/MMT/doc/html}, urldate = {2011-10-11}, pubs = {frabe}} @inproceedings{Rabe:MAGMS13, author = "Florian Rabe", title = "{The MMT API: A Generic MKM System}", crossref = {CICM13}, pages={339--343}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {frabe}} @inproceedings{IanManRab:semlmui13, author = "Mihnea Iancu and Felix Mance and Florian Rabe", title = "{The Scala-REPL + MMT as a lightweight mathematical user interface}", crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2013}, pubs={miancu,frabe}} @Article{StaKoh:tlcspx10, author = {Heinrich Stamerjohanns and Michael Kohlhase and Deyan Ginev and Catalin David and Bruce Miller}, title = {Transforming large collections of scientific publications to {XML}}, journal = {Mathematics in Computer Science}, issuetitle = {Special Issue on Authoring, Digitalization and Management of Mathematical Knowledge}, editor = {Serge Autexier and Petr Sojka and Masakazu Suzuki}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, volume = 3, number = 3, pages = {299--307}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mcs10.pdf}, year = 2010, pubs = {mkohlhase,stamer,dginev,cdavid,projects/arXMLiv,projects/ikyda2012}} @Article{StaGinDav:calxmec10, author = {Heinrich Stamerjohanns and Deyan Ginev and Catalin David and Dimitar Misev and Vladimir Zamdzhiev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Conversion d'articles en {\LaTeX} vers {XML} avec {MathML} : une {\'e}tude comparative}, journal = {Cahiers GUTenberg}, url = {http://cahiers.gutenberg.eu.org/fitem?id=CG_2008___51_7_0}, year = 2010, volume = 51, pages = {7--28}, pubs = {mkohlhase,stamer,dginev,cdavid,projects/arXMLiv}} @misc{Ginev:armlocc09, author = {Deyan Ginev}, title = {An Architecture for Recovering Meaning in a {\LaTeX} to {OMDoc} Conversion}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2009, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/bsc-2009/dginev.pdf}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {dginev,bscthesis,projects-omdocbiblio}} @misc{Iacob:ratm09, author = {Alin Iacob}, title = {Reasoning about Theory Morphisms}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2009, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/bsc-2009/aiacob.pdf}, pubs = {aiacob,bscthesis}} @InProceedings{Shirota:mwbmlm05, author = {Yukari Shirota}, title = {Metadata for Web-Based Mathematical Learning Materials}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Data Engineering Workshop DEWS}, year = 2005, url = {http://www.ieice.org/~de/DEWS/DEWS2005/procs/papers/2B-o2.pdf}, pubs= {projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{Lange:DocOntMathPoster09, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Documenting Ontologies the Mathematical Way}, booktitle = {Poster Proceedings of the 6\textsuperscript{th} European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC)}, editors = {Elena Simperl and Philipp Cimiano}, url = {http://www.eswc2009.org/program-menu/posters}, pubs = {clange,mkohlhase,projects/krextor,projects/omdoc,projects/docOnto}, year = 2009, month = jun} @inProceedings{WolGRi:sdmwcs10, author = {Magdalena Wolska and Mihai Grigore}, title = {Symbol Declarations in Mathematical Writing: A Corpus Study}, pages = {119--127}, crossref = {DML10}, url = {http://dml.cz/bitstream/handle/10338.dmlcz/702580/DML_003-2010-1_14.pdf}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {projects/lamapun}} @inProceedings{DoeKohLin:oamim13, author = {D{\"o}rrie, Jan Wilken and Michael Kohlhase and Lars Linsen}, title = {\textsc{OpenMathMap}: Accessing Math via Interactive Maps}, booktitle={Contemporary Issues in Mathematical Publishing, JMM San Diego Special Session}, editor = {Klaus Kaiser and Steven Krantz and Bernd Wegner}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cimp13.pdf}, publisher = {EMIS}, pages = {81-98}, year = {2013}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/mathsearch}} @inProceedings{GinJucAnc:alsaacl09, author = {Deyan Ginev and Constantin Jucovschi and Stefan Anca and Mihai Grigore and Catalin David and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {An Architecture for Linguistic and Semantic Analysis on the {arXMLiv} Corpus}, booktitle = {Applications of Semantic Technologies (AST) Workshop at Informatik 2009}, year = {2009}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, url = {http://www.kwarc.info/projects/lamapun/pubs/AST09_LaMaPUn+appendix.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dginev,cjucovschi,cdavid,projects/arXMLiv}} @inproceedings{GriWolKoh:tcbdme09, author = {Mihai Grigore and Magdalena Wolska and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Towards Context-Based Disambiguation of Mathematical Expressions}, booktitle = {The Joint Conference of ASCM 2009 and MACIS 2009: Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics and Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences}, editor = {Masakazu Suzuki and Hoon Hong and Hirokazu Anai and Chee Yap and Yousuke Sato and Hiroshi Yoshida}, pages = {262--271}, day = 14, month = dec, year = 2009, address = {Fukuoka, Japan}, series = {COE Lecture Notes}, volume = 22, ISSN = {1881-4042}, publisher = {Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/ASCM-DML09.pdf}, keywords = {conference,lamapunbibs}, pubs= {mkohlhase,projects/lamapun}} @MastersThesis{Ginev-11, author = {Deyan Ginev}, title = {The Structure of Mathematical Expressions}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, address = {Bremen, Germany}, type = {Master's Thesis}, month = aug, url = {http://kwarc.info/people/dginev/publications/DeyanGinev_Mastersthesis.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/people/dginev/publications/DeyanGinev_MScThesis.pdf}}, pubs = {dginev}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, year = {2011}} @MastersThesis{Iacob-11, author = {Alin Iacob}, title = {{Towards Project-Based Workflows in Twelf}}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, address = {Bremen, Germany}, type = {Master's Thesis}, month = aug, url = {http://kwarc.info/people/aiacob/publications/MasterThesis.pdf}, pubs = {aiacob}, year = {2011}} @inproceedings{StaGinDav:maacl09, author = {Heinrich Stamerjohanns and Deyan Ginev and Catalin David and Dimitar Misev and Vladimir Zamdzhiev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {MathML-aware article conversion from {\LaTeX}, A comparison study}, crossref = {DML09}, pages = {109--120}, year = {2009}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/dml09-conversion.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dginev,cdavid,projects/arXMLiv}} @TechReport{StaGinDav:acsmlcl09, author = {Heinrich Stamerjohanns and Deyan Ginev and Catalin David and Dimitar Misev and Vladimir Zamdzhiev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A comparison study of MathML-aware {\LaTeX} converters}, type = {KWARC Report}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/arXMLiv/doc/dml09/report.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/arXMLiv/doc/dml09/report.pdf}}, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = {2009}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dginev,cdavid,projects/arXMLiv}} @InProceedings{KohLemSchSch:fmccp09a, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Johannes Lemburg and Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Ewaryst Schulz}, title = {Formal Management of {CAD/CAM} Processes}, pages = {223--238}, crossref = {FM09}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/fm09.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/formalcad}} @InProceedings{ZhoKoh:tvsx09:biblatex, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{TNTBase}: a Versioned Storage for {XML}}, crossref = {BALISAGE09:biblatex}, doi = {10.4242/BalisageVol3.Zholudev01}} @InProceedings{ZhoKoh:tvsx09, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{TNTBase}: a Versioned Storage for {XML}}, crossref = {BALISAGE09}, url = {http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/balisage.pdf}, note = {available at \url{http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/balisage.pdf}}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {vzholudev,mkohlhase,projects/tntbase}} @InProceedings{ZhoKoh:sdxvdt10:biblatex, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Scripting Documents with XQuery: Virtual Documents in {TNTBase}}, crossref = {BALISAGE10:biblatex}, doi = {10.4242/BalisageVol5.Zholudev01}} @InProceedings{ZhoKoh:sdxvdt10:online, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Scripting Documents with XQuery: Virtual Documents in {TNTBase}}, crossref = {BALISAGE10}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/balisage10.pdf}} @InProceedings{ZhoKoh:sdxvdt10, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Scripting Documents with XQuery: Virtual Documents in {TNTBase}}, crossref = {BALISAGE10}, url = {http://www.balisage.net/Proceedings/vol3/html/Zholudev01/BalisageVol3-Zholudev01.html}, note = {available at \url{http://www.balisage.net/Proceedings/vol3/html/Zholudev01/BalisageVol3-Zholudev01.html}}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {vzholudev,mkohlhase,projects/tntbase}} @inproceedings{Hennum:Zholudev:XSTag, title = {Tag Libraries for XSLT and XQuery}, author = {Erik Hennum and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, url = {http://www.balisage.net/Proceedings/vol7/print/Hennum01/BalisageVol7-Hennum01.html} } @InProceedings{HenZho:tlxx11:biblatex, author = {Erik Hennum and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {Tag Libraries for {XSLT} and {XQuery}}, crossref = {BALISAGE11:biblatex}, doi = {doi:10.4242/BalisageVol7.Hennum01}} @online{OMDoc1.3:online,crossref={OMDoc1.3:base}, urldate = {2010-12-09}} @misc{OMDoc1.3:URL,crossref={OMDoc1.3:base},year = 2010} @misc{OMDoc1.3:base, label = {OMDoc1.3}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{OMDoc} Version 1.3}, url = {http://trac.omdoc.org/OMDoc/wiki/OMDoc1.3}} @online{OMDoc1.6:online,crossref={OMDoc1.6:base}, urldate = {2010-12-09}} @misc{OMDoc1.6:URL,crossref={OMDoc1.6:base},year = 2010} @misc{OMDoc1.6:base, label={OMDoc1.6}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{OMDoc} Version 1.6}, url = {http://trac.omdoc.org/OMDoc/wiki/OMDoc1.6}} @InProceedings{Zho:lwa09:plain, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {The {TNTBase} {System} and {Validation} of {XML} {Documents}}, crossref = {FGWM09:plain}, pages = {57--63}, url = {http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/lwa09.pdf}, } @InProceedings{Zho:lwa09, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {The {TNTBase} {System} and {Validation} of {XML} {Documents}}, crossref = {FGWM09}, pages = {57--63}, url = {http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/lwa09.pdf}, pubs = {vzholudev}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:OMDoc1.6spec, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents {\omdoc} [Version 1.6 (pre-2.0)]}, note = {Draft Specification}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/spec/main.pdf}, year = 2010, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:OMDoc1.3, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents {\omdoc} [Version 1.3]}, note = {Draft Specification}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/branches/omdoc-1.3/doc/spec/main.pdf}, year = 2010, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:OMDoc1.6book, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\omdoc}: An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents; Language Specification, Primer, Projects, Applications [Version 1.6 (pre-2.0)]}, note = {Draft Specification \url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/spec/main.pdf}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/spec/main.pdf}, year = 2009, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:OMDoc1.6primer, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {An {\omdoc} Primer [Version 1.6 (pre-2.0)]}, note = {Draft \url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/primer/main.pdf}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/primer/main.pdf}, year = 2009, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:OMDoc1.6processing, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Processing {\omdoc} [Version 1.6 (pre-2.0)]}, note = {Draft \url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/processing/main.pdf}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/processing/main.pdf}, year = 2009, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:OMDoc1.6projects, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\omdoc} Projects and Applications [Version 1.6 (pre-2.0)]}, note = {Draft \url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/projects/main.pdf}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/projects/main.pdf}, year = 2009, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @Article{TLCSK:SemanticBugSearch09, author = {Ha Manh Tran and Christoph Lange and Georgi Chulkov and J{\"u}rgen Sch{\"o}nw{\"a}lder and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Applying Semantic Techniques to Search and Analyze Bug Tracking Data}, journal = {Journal of Network and Systems Management}, issuetitle = {Special Issue on Ontologies for Network and Service Management}, volume = 17, number = 3, pages = {285--308}, year = {2009}, impactfactor = {2009 = 1.356; 2010 = 0.45; 2011 = 0.452}, month = may, doi = {10.1007/s10922-009-9134-4}, pubs = {mkohlhase,clange}} @inProceedings{DavKoh:umoattsea09, title = "{Unifying Math Ontologies: A tale of two standards}", author = {James H. Davenport and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {MKM09}, pages = {263--278}, url = {http://opus.bath.ac.uk/13079/1/MKM2009v2.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/ikyda2012,projects/omdoc}} @MISC{DavKoh:umoattsfp09, title = "{Unifying Math Ontologies: A tale of two standards (full paper)}", author = {James H. Davenport and Michael Kohlhase}, howpublished = {\url{http://opus.bath.ac.uk/13079}}, url = {http://opus.bath.ac.uk/13079}, year = {2009}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{DavKoh:qio09, title = "Quantifiers and Big Operators in OpenMath", author = {James H. Davenport and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {OM09}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/om09-quantifiers.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{RabKoh:abrsom09, title = "A better Role System for {OpenMath}", author = {Florian Rabe and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {OM09}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/om09-roles.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,projects/latin,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{Lange:omwiki09, title = {{\texttt{wiki.openmath.org}} -- how it works, how you can participate}, author = {Christoph Lange}, crossref = {OM09}, eprint = {1003.5192v1}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.DL}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {clange,projects/ikyda2012}} @inproceedings{KGLZ:JOBADabstract09, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Jana Giceva and Christoph Lange and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {{JOBAD} -- Interactive Mathematical Documents}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/jomdoc/doc/pubs/ai-mashup09/jobad.pdf}, crossref = {AIMashup09}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {jgiceva,clange,mkohlhase,vzholudev,projects/jobad,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{DKLRZ:JOBAD-MMT-AIMashup10, author = {Catalin David and Michael Kohlhase and Christoph Lange and Florian Rabe and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {{JOBAD/MMT} -- Interactive Mathematics}, url = {http://sites.google.com/a/fh-hannover.de/aimashup/home/jobad}, crossref = {AIMashup10}, pubs = {cdavid,clange,mkohlhase,vzholudev,frabe,projects/jobad,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{GLR:WebSvcActMathDoc09, author = {Jana Giceva and Christoph Lange and Florian Rabe}, title = {Integrating Web Services into Active Mathematical Documents}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/jomdoc/doc/pubs/mkm09/jobad/jobad-server.pdf}, crossref = {MKM09}, pages = {279--293}, keywords = {conference,clange-phd}, pubs = {jgiceva,clange,frabe,projects/jobad,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{LK:MathOntoAuthDoc09, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mathematical Approach to Ontology Authoring and Documentation}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm09-omdoc4onto.pdf}, crossref = {MKM09}, pages = {389--404}, keywords = {conference,clange-phd}, pubs = {clange,mkohlhase,projects/krextor,projects/omdoc,projects/docOnto}} @inproceedings{LK:MathOntoAuthDoc09:FGWM:plain, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mathematical Approach to Ontology Authoring and Documentation}, crossref = {FGWM09}, } @inproceedings{LK:MathOntoAuthDoc09:FGWM, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mathematical Approach to Ontology Authoring and Documentation}, crossref = {FGWM09}, pubs = {clange,mkohlhase,projects/krextor,projects/omdoc,projects/docOnto}} @inproceedings{calMue:fprcu09, author = {Cristian Calude and Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Formal Proofs: Reconciling Correctness and Understanding}}, crossref = {MKM09}, year = {2009}, pubs = {cmueller}} @TechReport{TR:CM:FPRCAU, author = {Cristian Calude and Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Formal Proofs: Reconciling Correctness and Understanding}}, type = {Research Reports}, institution = {{Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, University of Auckland}}, url = {http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/CDMTCS//researchreports/354cris.pdf}, howpublished = {http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/CDMTCS//researchreports/354cris.pdf}, year = 2009, pubs = {cmueller}, month = mar} @online{OpenMathWiki:on, urldate = {2009-10-22}, pubs = {clange}, crossref = {OpenMathWiki:base}} @InCollection{KohLemSchSch:fmccp09, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Johannes Lemburg and Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Ewaryst Schulz}, title = {Formal Management of {CAD/CAM} Processes}, crossref = {BKB60}, pages = {201--216}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/formalcad}} @InCollection{KohKoh:ccbss09, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Compensating the Computational Bias of Spreadsheets}, crossref = {BKB60}, pages = {184--200}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}} @inproceedings{KohKoh:sifemp09, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Spreadsheet Interaction with Frames: Exploring a Mathematical Practice}, pages = {341--356}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm09-framing.pdf}, crossref = {MKM09}, keywords = {conference,lamapunbibs}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}} @inproceedings{KohKoh:ccbssmt09, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Compensating the Computational Bias of Spreadsheets with {MKM} Techniques}, pages = {357--372}, crossref = {MKM09}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm09-sachs.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}} @techreport{LK:OMDocOntologyLanguage08, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mathematical Approach to Ontology Authoring and Documentation}, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/blue/foaf/note.pdf}, pubs = {projects/omdoc,clange,kohlhase,projects/krextor,kwarc-report,projects/docOnto}, number = {2008-3}, year = 2008, month = dec, type = {{KWARC} Report}} @unpublished{Kohlhase:BootstrappingPragmaticStrictOMDoc, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Towards Bootstrapping the Pragmatic to Strict Mapping in {OMDoc}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/blue/p2s-bootstrap/note.pdf}, howpublished = {unpublished {KWARC} blue notes}, pubs = {projects/omdoc,kohlhase}, year = {2009}, month = aug} @InProceedings{RabeKohlhase:ExchangeModularKnowledge, Author = "Florian Rabe and Michael Kohlhase", Year = "2008", Title = "An Exchange Format for Modular Knowledge", Editor = "G. Sutcliffe and P. Rudnicki and R. Schmidt and B. Konev and S. Schulz", Booktitle = "{Proceedings of the LPAR Workshops: Knowledge Exchange: Automated Provers and Proof Assistants, and The 7\textsuperscript{th} International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics}", Series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", address = {Aachen}, issn = {1613-0073}, Number = "418", Pages = "50--68", pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,projects/latin}} @inproceedings{CM:CoPSW, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Communities of Practice \& Semantic Web: Stimulating Collaboration by Document Markup}}, year = 2009, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, pages = {432--437}, url = {http://kwarc.info/cmueller/papers/UNISCON2009.pdf}, editor = {J. Yang and others}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the United International Systems Conference (UNISCON) LNBIP 20}, pubs = {cmueller}} @inproceedings{CM:CoPSW:DC, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Communities of Practice \& Semantic Web: Stimulating Collaboration by Document Markup}}, year = 2009, url = {http://kwarc.info/cmueller/papers/UNISCON2009.pdf}, pages = {1--8}, publisher = {University of Western Sydney}, booktitle = {UNISCON 2009 Supplementary Proceedings: Doctoral Consortium Papers}, pubs = {cmueller}} @TechReport{TR:KLMMR:NfAD, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Christoph Lange and Christine M{\"u}ller and Normen M{\"u}ller and Florian Rabe}, title = {Notations for Active Mathematical Documents}, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, type = {{KWARC} Report}, number = {2009-1}, year = 2009, month = feb, url = {http://kwarc.info/publications/papers/KLMMR_NfAD.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/publications/papers/KLMMR_NfAD.pdf}}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {mkohlhase,clange,cmueller,nmueller,frabe,kwarc-report,projects/omdoc}} @unpublished{NM:CMoSSD, title = {Change Management on Semi-Structured Documents}, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller}, year = {2009}, url = {http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/doceng09.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/doceng09.pdf}}, pubs = {nmueller}} @TechReport{TR:MK:CAAACoMN, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Context Aware Adaptation: A Case Study on Mathematical Notations}}, type = {Research Report}, institution = {{Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, University of Auckland}}, url = {http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/CDMTCS//researchreports/341christine.pdf}, year = 2008, pubs = {cmueller,mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}, month = nov} @article{MK:CAAACoMN, title = {{Context-Aware Adaptation: A Case Study on Mathematical Notations}}, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, year = {2009}, journal = {Information Systems Management}, issn = {1934-8703}, volume = 26, number = 3, pages = {215--230}, pubs={mkohlhase,cmueller,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{LBGBH08:SIOC-argumentation, author = {Christoph Lange and Uldis Boj{\=a}rs and Tudor Groza and John Breslin and Siegfried Handschuh}, title = {Expressing Argumentative Discussions in Social Media Sites}, crossref = {SDoW2008}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {clange}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-405/paper4.pdf}} @InProceedings{HuKeKo:gcccp94, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Daniel Nesmith and J{\"o}rn Richts}, title = {Guaranteeing Correctness through the Communication of Checkable Proofs (or: Would You Really Trust an Automated Reasoning System?)}, booktitle = {CADE-14 Workshop}, year = 1994, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omega}} @PHDThesis{Kohlhase:SemanticInteractionDesignDiss:biblatex, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, school = {Computer Science, Universit{\"a}t Bremen}, title = {Semantic Interaction Design: Composing Knowledge with {CPoint}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/ako/pubs/AKo_Promo.pdf}, year = 2008, month = apr, pubs = {akohlhase}} @phdthesis{Horozal:afddl14, title = {A Framework for Defining Declarative Languages}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = {2014}, month = nov, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/fhorozal/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf}, pubs = {fhorozal}} @TechReport{TR:MK:CoPiMeL, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Communities of Practice in Mathematical E-Learning}, type = {Research Report}, institution = {{Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, University of Auckland}}, url = {http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/CDMTCS//researchreports/340christine.pdf}, year = 2008, pubs = {cmueller,mkohlhase,projects/planetary}, month = nov} @TECHREPORT{JG:CRAiMDuOaS, author = {Jana Giceva}, title = {Capturing Rhetorical Aspects in Mathematical Documents using {OMDoc} and {SALT}}, institution = {Jacobs University {and} DERI Galway}, year = {2008}, type = {Technical Report}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/supervision/intern/2008/giceva_jana/project/internship%20report.pdf}, urldate = {2010-08-11}, pubs = {jgiceva,projects/omdoc}} @TECHREPORT{KohPro:MWSmanual, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Corneliu Prodescu}, title = {MathWebSearch Manual}, institution = {Jacobs University}, type = {Web Manual}, url = {https://svn.mathweb.org/repos/mws/doc/manual/manual.pdf}, urldate = {2012-04-07}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cprodescu,projects/mws}} @InProceedings{LangeGonzalez:SWiM-Sentido08, author = {Christoph Lange and Gonz{\'a}lez Palomo, Alberto}, title = {Easily Editing and Browsing Complex {OpenMath} Markup with {SWiM}}, crossref = {MathUI08}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {clange,projects/swim}, url = {http://www.activemath.org/workshops/MathUI/08/proceedings/LangeGonzales-OMEdit.html}} @InProceedings{Lange:Krextor09, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Krextor -- An Extensible {XML}$\to${RDF} Extraction Framework}, crossref = {SFSW09}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-449/ShortPaper2.pdf}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {clange,projects/docOnto,projects/krextor}} @online{Zholudev:TNTBaseVDs10, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and others}, title = {{TNTBase} -- Virtual Documents}, year = {2010}, url = {http://tntbase.org/wiki/VD}, urldate = {2010-03-03}, pubs = {vzholudev}} @online{Zholudev:TNTBaseRESTful, crossref = {Zholudev:TNTBaseRESTful:base}, urldate = {2012-04-02}, pubs = {vzholudev}} @misc{Zholudev:TNTBaseRESTful:web, crossref = {Zholudev:TNTBaseRESTful:base}, howpublished = {\url{http://tntbase.org/wiki/restful}}, pubs = {vzholudev}} @online{Rabe:MMT, label = {MMT}, author = {Florian Rabe}, title = {The {MMT} System}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/MMT/doc/html/}, urldate = {2014-07-16}, pubs = {frabe,projects/latin,projects/omdoc}} @online{krextor:on, label = {Krextor}, crossref = {krextor:base}, keywords = {software}, urldate = {2015-12-26}, date = {2013-01-16}, pubs = {clange,projects/docOnto}} @inproceedings{LangeEtAl:ArgumentationSWiM08, author = {Christoph Lange and Tuukka Hastrup and St{\'e}phane Corlosquet}, year = {2008}, title = {Arguing on Issues with Mathematical Knowledge Items in a Semantic Wiki}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {clange,projects/swim,projects/omdoc}, crossref = {LWA08}} @inproceedings{KohKoh:csbs08, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, year = {2008}, title = {Compensating the Semantic Bias of Spreadsheets}, url = {http://omdoc.org/pubs/kohkoh-lwa08.pdf}, pubs={akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}, crossref = {LWA08}, keywords={workshop}, pubs = {projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{LangeEtAl:ArgumentationSWiMSCooP08, author = {Christoph Lange and Tuukka Hastrup and St{\'e}phane Corlosquet}, year = {2008}, title = {Improving mathematical knowledge items by acting on issue-based community feedback}, pubs = {clange,projects/swim}, crossref = {SCOOP08}} @InProceedings{MK:CTACoPT, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Towards A Community of Practice Toolkit}}, crossref = {SCOOP08}, pubs={cmueller,mkohlhase,projects/planetary}} @incollection{Kohlhase:wcl08, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Wissensrepr{\"a}sentation f{\"u}r computerunterst{\"u}tzte Lehre}}, pages = {248--251}, crossref = {HorLucKal:sli08}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/planetary}} @incollection{KohMelSie:oma99, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Erica Melis and J{\"o}rg Siekmann}, editor = {Jelle Gerbrandy and Maarten Marx and de Rijke, Maarten and Yde Venema}, title = {{$\Omega$MEGA} -- A Mathematical Assistant}, booktitle = {Liber Amicorum for the Fiftieth Birthday of Johan van Benthem}, pages = {248--251}, publisher = {ILLC}, year = {1999}, url = {http://www.wins.uva.nl/~j50/cdrom/}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omega}} @incollection{Kohlhase:ar03, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Artificial Intelligence: Automated Reasoning}, pages = {247--250}, booktitle = {Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia}, publisher = {Van Nostrand}, year = {2003}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @inproceedings{CM:TCwIO, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, year = {2008}, title = {{Towards CoPing with Information Overload}}, crossref = {LWA08}, pubs={cmueller}} @inproceedings{CM:TACCMCOP, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, year = {2008}, title = {{Towards the Adaptation of Scientific Course Material powered by Community of Practice}}, crossref = {LWA08}, pubs={cmueller,projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{MueKoh:cpme08, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Communities of Practice in Mathematical eLearning}, booktitle= {In proceedings of the Workshop in Mathematical and Scientific eContent}, pages = {34--35}, year = 2008, pubs={cmueller,mkohlhase,projects/planetary}} @inproceedings{MueKoh:cptsma08, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, year = 2008, editor = {M. D. Lytras and others}, title = {Towards A Community of Practice Toolkit Based On Semantically Marked Up Artifacts}, booktitle ={Proceedings of the 1\textsuperscript{st} World Summit of the Knowledge Society: Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society}, series = {LNAI}, number = {5288}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, pages = {41--50}, keywords = {conference}, pubs={cmueller,mkohlhase,projects/planetary}} @inproceedings{NRM08:fst, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Fine-Granular Version Control \& Redundancy Resolution}}, crossref = {LWA08}, url = {http://www.kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/lwa08-fst.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/lwa08-fst.pdf}}, pubs = {nmueller,mkohlhase,projects/omoc}} @inproceedings{KohKoh:AssessmentInSACHS, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {What you get is what you understand: Assessment in {SACHS}}, crossref = {FGWM09}, pages = {22--29}, url = {http://www.kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/lwa09-sachs.pdf}, Year = 2009, keywords={workshop}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}} @inproceedings{KohKoh:SACHSCoverage10, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {What we understand is what we get: Assessment in Spreadsheets}, crossref = {EUSPRIG10}, pages = {111--121}, url = {http://www.kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/eusprig10-coverage.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}} @inProceedings{KohKoh:stuas09, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Semantic Transparency in User Assistance Systems}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/sigdoc09-semtrans.pdf}, crossref = {SIGDOC09}, pages = {89--96}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}} @inProceedings{KohKoh:mteuas09, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Modeling Task Experience in User Assistance Systems}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/sigdoc09-taskexperience.pdf}, pages = {135--142}, crossref = {SIGDOC09}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}} @misc{Ionita:ExtractingRDFFromOMDoc08, author = {Andrei Ioni{\c t}{\u a}}, title = {Extracting {RDF} knowledge from {OMDoc}}, type = {Bachelor's thesis}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2008, pubs = {projects/omdoc}} @misc{URL:omdocspec, label = {OMDoc}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\sc{OMDoc}}: An open markup format for mathematical documents (latest released version)}, note = {Specification, \url{http://www.omdoc.org/pubs/spec.pdf}}, url = {http://www.omdoc.org/pubs/spec.pdf}} @MISC{VZ:resprop, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {Towards Distributed Mathematical Knowledge Management}, year = {2008}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/proposal.pdf}}, institution = {Jacobs University of Bremen}, url = {http://kwarc.info/vzholudev/pubs/proposal.pdf}, pubs = {vzholudev}} @MISC{AI:internrep, author = {Andrei Ioni{\c t}{\u a}}, title = {Developing a REST interface to a database for OMDoc}, year = {2007}, institution = {Deutsches Forschungszentrum f{\"u}r K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) Bremen}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/ombase/pubs/report2.pdf}, pubs = {projects/omdoc}} @inproceedings{lange:swim-demo08, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {{SWiM} -- A semantic wiki for mathematical knowledge management}, crossref={eswc2008}, pages={832--837}, eprint = {1003.5196v1}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.DL}, pubs={clange,projects/swim,projects/krextor,projects/docOnto}} @TechReport{cm:mn:08, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{A Survey on Mathematical Notations}}, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = {2008}, number = {2008-1}, type = {{KWARC} Report}, url = {http://kwarc.info/cmueller/papers/ntn-techreport.pdf}, pubs={cmueller,kwarc-report}} @TechReport{KLMMR:AoNiLMD, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Christoph Lange and Christine M{\"u}ller and Normen M{\"u}ller and Florian Rabe}, title = {Adaptation of Notations in Living Mathematical Documents}, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, type = {{KWARC} Report}, number = {2008-2}, year = {2008}, month = apr, url = {http://kwarc.info/publications/papers/KLMMR_AoNiLMD.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,clange,cmueller,nmueller,frabe,kwarc-report,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{lange:swim-notation-semantics08, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Mathematical Semantic Markup in a Wiki: The Roles of Symbols and Notations}, crossref = {SemWiki08}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs={clange,projects/swim,projects/krextor,projects/docOnto}} @InProceedings{Lange:SWiM-OpenMath08, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Editing {\openmath} Content Dictionaries with {SWiM}}, url = {http://jem-thematic.net/node/524}, year = 2008, month = feb, booktitle = {3\textsuperscript{rd} JEM Workshop (Joining Educational Mathematics)}, pubs={clange,projects/swim}} @InProceedings{LangeMcLRabe:FlyspeckWiki08, author = {Christoph Lange and Sean McLaughlin and Florian Rabe}, title = {Flyspeck in a Semantic Wiki -- Collaborating on a Large Scale Formalization of the {Kepler} Conjecture}, crossref = {SemWiki08}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs={clange,projects/swim,frabe}} @InProceedings{KMR:NoLMD08-short, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Christine M{\"u}ller and Florian Rabe}, title = {Notations for Living Mathematical Documents}, crossref = {CICM08}, pages = {504--519}, url = {http://omdoc.org/pubs/mkm08-notations.pdf}} @InProceedings{KMR:NoLMD08, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Christine M{\"u}ller and Florian Rabe}, title = {Notations for Living Mathematical Documents}, crossref = {CICM08}, pages = {504--519}, url = {http://omdoc.org/pubs/mkm08-notations.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs={mkohlhase,frabe,cmueller,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{StaKoh:tax08, author = {Heinrich Stamerjohanns and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Transforming the {arXiv} to {XML}}, crossref = {CICM08}, pages = {574--582}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm08-arXMLiv.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs={mkohlhase,stamer,projects/arXMLiv}} @unpublished{KohAncJuc:MWS08:biblatex, author= {Michael Kohlhase and {\c S}tefan Anca and Constantin Jucovschi and Gonz{\'a}lez Palomo, Alberto and Ioan A. {\c S}ucan}, title = {{MathWebSearch} 0.4, A Semantic Search Engine for Mathematics}, year = 2008, note = {manuscript}, url={http://mathweb.org/projects/mws/pubs/mkm08.pdf}, pubs = {sanca,cjucovschi}} @unpublished{KohAncJuc:MWS08, author= {Michael Kohlhase and {\c S}tefan Anca and Constantin Jucovschi and Gonz{\'a}lez Palomo, Alberto and Ioan A. {\c S}ucan}, title = {{MathWebSearch} 0.4, A Semantic Search Engine for Mathematics}, year = 2008, note = {manuscript, see \url{http://mathweb.org/projects/mws/pubs/mkm08.pdf}}, url={http://mathweb.org/projects/mws/pubs/mkm08.pdf}} @inproceedings{Lange:SWiMSciColl07, title = {Towards Scientific Collaboration in a Semantic Wiki}, author = {Christoph Lange}, crossref = {SemNet2007}, pubs={clange,projects/swim,projects/krextor}} @TECHREPORT{CarlisleEd:MathML3,crossref={CarlisleEd:MathML3:base},howpublished={\url{http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3}}} @TECHREPORT{CarlisleEd:MathML3:base, author = {Ron Ausbrooks and Stephen Buswell and David Carlisle and Giorgi Chavchanidze and St{\'e}phane Dalmas and Stan Devitt and Angel Diaz and Sam Dooley and Roger Hunter and Patrick Ion and Michael Kohlhase and Azzeddine Lazrek and Paul Libbrecht and Bruce Miller and Robert Miner and Murray Sargent and Bruce Smith and Neil Soiffer and Robert Sutor and Stephen Watt}, title = {{Mathematical} {Markup} {Language} ({MathML}) Version 3.0}, institution = {World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)}, year = {2010}, type = {{W3C Recommendation}}, editor = {David Carlisle and Patrick Ion and Robert Miner}, key = {MathML3}, keywords = {standard}, pubtype = {standard}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/ikyda2012,projects/omdoc}} @MASTERSTHESIS{NRM:DA05, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {{OMDoc-Repr{\"a}sentation von Programmen und Beweisen in VeriFun}}, year = {2005}, url = {http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/dt.pdf}, howpublished = {http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/dt.pdf}, school = {Programmiermethodik, Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, pubs={nmueller,projects/omdoc}} @INCOLLECTION{MK:Proofs:omdoc2vf06, chapter = {17}, pages = {167--179}, title = {{Representing Proofs (Module PF)}}, crossref = {Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, pubs = {projects/omdoc}} @INCOLLECTION{MK:ProofObjects:omdoc2vf06, chapter = {17.4}, pages = {177--179}, title = {{Formal Proofs as Mathematical Objects}}, crossref = {Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, pubs = {projects/omdoc}} @MISC{NRM:resprop, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Towards} an {Ontology}-{Driven} {Management} of {Change} -- {Research} proposal for a {Ph.D.} thesis}, year = {2006}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/resprop.pdf}}, institution = {International University Bremen}, url = {http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/resprop.pdf}, pubs = {projects/omoc,projects/docOnto,nmueller}} @Unpublished{NRM:wp1:07, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Towards an Ontology-Driven Management of Change}}, note = {Expos{\'e} of PhD research proposal}, month = jun, year = 2007, annote = {white paper} } @online{panta:on,urldate = {2010-01},crossref = {panta:base}} @MISC{panta:URL,crossref = {panta:base}, howpublished = {\url{http://trac.kwarc.info/panta}}, note = {seen January 2010}} @MISC{panta:base, key = {panta}, label = {panta}, title = {{Panta: The PHP Frontend of panta rhei}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/panta}} @MISC{janta:URL, key = {janta}, title = {{Janta: The RESTFul Web Service of panta rhei}}, howpublished = {\url{http://trac.kwarc.info/janta}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/janta}, note = {seen March 2009}} @online{pr-project:on, label = {Pan}, title = {panta rhei}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/panta-rhei}, urldate = {2009-10-22}} @MISC{Panta:web,crossref={pr-project:web}} @MISC{pr-project:web, key = {panta-rhei}, title = {{The panta rhei Project}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/panta-rhei}, note = {seen March 2009}} @MISC{Panta:demo, key = {Panta Rei}, title = {The panta rhei demo}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/projects/panta-rhei/demo/htdocs/}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/panta-rhei/demo/htdocs/}, year = 2007} @MISC{Panta:gencs, key = {panta rei}, title = {{The GenCS project}}, howpublished = {\url{http://panta-rhei.kwarc.info/}}, url = {http://panta-rhei.kwarc.info/}, year = 2008} @MISC{AA:BTIPR08, key = {AA:BTIPR08}, author = {Andrei Aiordachioaie}, title = {{Improving Panta Rhei}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/panta-rhei/papers/thesis_aiordachioaie_andrei.pdf}} @MISC{Panta:cs:precourse:on, crossref={Panta:cs:precourse:base}, urldate = {2009-11-25}} @MISC{Panta:cs:precourse, key = {panta rhei}, howpublished = {\url{http://cs-precourse.kwarc.info/}}, crossref={Panta:cs:precourse:base}} @MISC{Panta:cs:precourse:base, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {The {CS} precourse project}, url = {http://cs-precourse.kwarc.info/}, year = 2008} @online{SWiM:on, crossref={SWiM:base}, urldate = {2015-12-27}, date = {2010-09-08}, keywords = {software}, pubs = {clange}, } @MISC{URL:SWiM, crossref={SWiM:base}, key = {SWiM}, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://old.kwarc.info/projects/swim/}}, note = {seen October 2008}} @MISC{URL:SWiM:SHORT, crossref={SWiM:base}, key = {SWiM}, note = {seen February 2008}} @misc{SWiM:base, title = {{\sc{SWiM}}: A Semantic Wiki for Mathematical Knowledge Management}, author = {Christoph Lange}, url = {http://old.kwarc.info/projects/swim/}, } @MISC{URL:sTeX:github,crossref={sTeX:github:base}, key = {sTeX}, howpublished = {GitHub repository at \url{https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX}}, note = {accessed 15. 5. 2015}} @online{sTeX:github:on,crossref={sTeX:github:base}, label = {sTeX}, urldate = {2015-05-15}} @misc{sTeX:github:base, title = {{KWARC/sTeX}}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX}} @MISC{URL:lmh:github,crossref={lmh:github:base}, key = {lmh}, howpublished = {GitHub repository at \url{https://github.com/KWARC/lmh}}, note = {accessed 15. 5. 2015}} @online{lmh:github:on,crossref={lmh:github:base}, label = {lmh}, urldate = {2015-05-15}} @misc{lmh:github:base, title = {{KWARC/lmh}}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/lmh}} @MISC{URL:LaTeX2Office:github, key = {L2O}, howpublished = {GitHub repository at \url{https://github.com/KWARC/LaTeXML-Plugin-Doc}}} @online{LaTeX2Office:github:on, label = {L2O}, note = {GitHub repository}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/LaTeXML-Plugin-Doc}} @MISC{URL:LaTeXMLsTeX:github, key = {L2O}, howpublished = {GitHub repository at \url{https://github.com/KWARC/LaTeXML-Plugin-sTeX}}} @online{LaTeXMLsTeX:github:on, label = {L2O}, note = {GitHub repository}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/LaTeXML-Plugin-sTeX}} @online{sTeX-mode:on, urldate = {2009-11-10}, crossref={sTeX-mode:base}} @MISC{URL:sTeX-mode, note = {\seen May 2008}, howpublished = {\svnrepoat\url{https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/stex/projects/emacs}}, crossref={sTeX-mode:base}} @MISC{sTeX-mode:base, key = {sTeX-Mode}, title = {{sTeX} {Emacs} Mode}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/stex/projects/emacs}} @MISC{URL:sTeX-slides:head, key = {sTeX-slides}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/stex-content/slides}, howpublished = {\svnrepoat\url{https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/stex-content/slides}}} @INPROCEEDINGS{NRM:lwa06, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {{An {Ontology}-{Driven} {Management} of {Change}}}, year = {2006}, booktitle = {{Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement LWA (Lernen, Wissensentdeckung und Adaptivit{\"a}t) conference proceedings}}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Hildesheim}, pages = {186--193}, url = {http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/lwa06.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/lwa06.pdf}}, pubs={projects/omoc,projects/docOnto,nmueller}} @INPROCEEDINGS{MW:lwa07, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller and Marc Wagner}, title = {{Towards Improving Interactive Mathematical Authoring by Ontology-driven Management of Change}}, year = 2007, url = {http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/lwa07.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/lwa07.pdf}}, pages = {289--295}, crossref={LWA07}, pubs = {projects/omoc,nmueller}} @ARTICLE{NRM:kij07, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Tagungsbericht -- LWA 2006}}, journal = {{KI} -- {Zeitschrift K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz}}, year = {2007}, volume = {1}, pages = {61}, url = {http://www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/index.php?id=7754}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/index.php?id=7754}}, pubs = {nmueller}} @article{KuKeKo:bo96, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Erica Melis and Dan Nesmith and J{\"o}rn Richts and J{\"o}rg Siekmann}, title = {{Die Beweisentwicklungsumgebung $\Omega$mega}}, journal = {Informatik -- Forschung und Entwicklung}, year = 1996, volume = {11}, pages = {20--26}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, pubs={mkohlhase,projects/omega}} @MISC{mueller07:lectora-resprop, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Lectora: Towards an Interactive, Collaborative Reader for Mathematical Documents}}, month = mar, year = 2007, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, note = {Research proposal}, url = {http://kwarc.info/cmueller/papers/Mueller_ResearchProposal_2007-03-14.pdf}, pubs={cmueller}} @InProceedings{Lange07:kwepsy, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {{Towards a Semantic Wiki for Science}}, crossref = {KWEPSY2007}, pubs={clange,projects/swim,projects/docOnto,projects/ikyda2012}} @MISC{Lange07:swimplus-resprop, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {{Towards a Semantic Wiki for Science}}, month = feb, year = 2007, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/projects/swim/pubs/swimplus-resprop.pdf}}, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, note = {Research proposal for a Ph.~D.\ thesis}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/swim/pubs/swimplus-resprop.pdf}, pubs={clange,projects/swim,projects/docOnto}} @Misc{wikipedia:omdoc, key = {Wikipedia: OMDoc}, author = {Christoph Lange and others}, title = {{OMDoc (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)}}, howpublished = {\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=OMDoc&oldid=112340133}}, month = mar, year = 2007, crossref = {wikipedia}, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=OMDoc&oldid=112340133}, pubs={clange}} @MISC{Panta:CSFall2007, key = {CSFall2007}, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Panta Rhei: Case Study Fall2007}}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/projects/panta-rhei/papers/cs_Fall2007.pdf}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/panta-rhei/papers/cs_Fall2007.pdf}, pubs = {cmueller}, year = 2007} @InBook{LanKoh:swmkm07, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{SWiM}: A Semantic Wiki for Mathematical Knowledge Management}, crossref = {ReDeRa:SWE07}, pages = {47--68}, NOTWORKINGdoi = {10.4018/978-1-59904-877-2.ch004}, url = {http://www.igi-global.com/Bookstore/Chapter.aspx?TitleId=10143}, pubs={mkohlhase,clange,projects/swim,projects/docOnto,projects/ikyda2012}} @TECHREPORT{Lange:swmkm-tr07, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {{SWiM} -- A Semantic Wiki for Mathematical Knowledge Management}, number = 5, institution = {Jacobs University Bremen}, month = mar, year = {2007}, url = {http://jpubs.jacobs-university.de/handle/579/143}, note = {Revised, updated and reviewed version of thesis \cite{Lange:swmkm06}}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs={clange,projects/swim,projects/docOnto}} @MastersThesis{Pesikan:cwcr06, author = {Darko Pesikan}, title = {Coping with Content Representations of Mathematics in Editor Environments: {nOMDoc} mode}, school = {Computer Science, Jacobs University, Bremen}, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, year = 2007, pubs = {projects/omdoc}} @misc{Misev:sumo2omdoc, author = {Dimitar Misev}, title = {Integrating {SUMO} and {OMDoc}}, school = {Computer Science, Jacobs University, Bremen}, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, year = 2010, pubs = {projects/omdoc,projects/krextor}} @misc{Acevedo:OMMI, author = {Carmela Acevedo}, school = {Computer Science, Jacobs University, Bremen}, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, year = {2014}, title = {{OpenMathMap}: Interaction}, url = {http://map.mathweb.org/media/openmathmap-interaction.pdf}} @misc{Hasegan:sum14, author = {Daniel Hasegan}, school = {Computer Science, Jacobs University, Bremen}, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, year = {2014}, title = {Sorted Unification in {MathWebSearch}}, SOONurl = {http://map.mathweb.org/media/openmathmap-interaction.pdf}} @inproceedings{AceKoh:OMMI14, author = {Carmela Acevedo and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2014}, title = {{OpenMathMap}: Interaction}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1186/paper-01.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:dsim14, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2014}, title = {Design of Search Interfaces for Mathematicians}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1186/paper-02.pdf}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:fsfe14, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Alexandru Toader}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2014}, title = {{FEncy}: Spreadsheet Formulae Exploration}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1186/paper-03.pdf}, pubs = {akohlhase,atoader,projects/sissi}} @unpublished{HR:tptp:12, author = "Fulya Horozal and Florian Rabe", title = {Representing Logics of Theorem Provers --- {TLTP}: Tens of Logics for Theorem Provers}, year = "2012", note = "see \url{http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/HR_tptp_12.pdf}" } @unpublished{HorKohRab:tal10, author = {Fulya Horozal and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe and Kristina Sojakova}, title = {Towards an Atlas of Logics}, url = {http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/HKRS_latinlf_10.pdf}, year = {2010}, pubs = {frabe,fhorozal,mkohlhase,ksojakova,projects/latin}} @inproceedings{IR:ui:12, author = "Mihnea Iancu and Florian Rabe", title = "{(Work-in-Progress) An MMT-Based User-Interface}", year = "2012", booktitle = "Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers", pubs = {miancu,frabe}, } @inproceedings{CHMR:compiling:12, author = "Mihai Codescu and Fulya Horozal and Till Mossakowski and Florian Rabe", title = "{Compiling Logics}", year = "2012", pubs = {fhorozal,frabe}, booktitle = "Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques" } @inproceedings{CHIR:casl:12, author = "Mihai Codescu and Fulya Horozal and Iulia Ignatov and Florian Rabe", title = "{Representing CASL in a Proof-Theoretical Logical Framework}", year = "2012", booktitle = "Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques", pubs = {fhorozal,frabe}, } @inproceedings{HR:patterns:12, author = "Fulya Horozal and Florian Rabe", title = "{Representing Categories of Theories in a Proof-Theoretical Logical Framework}", year = "2012", booktitle = "Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques", pubs = {fhorozal,frabe}, } @misc{zamdzhiev:bsc:cs, author = "V. Zamdzhiev", title = "{Universal OpenMath Machine}", year = "2011", note = "Bachelor's thesis, Jacobs University Bremen", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @mastersthesis{dumbrava:msc, author = "Stefania Dumbrava", title = "{A Type Theory based on Reflection}", year = "2012", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @misc{alecu:bsc, author = "Maria Alecu", title = "{Generic unification for type theories}", year = "2012", note = "Bachelor's thesis, Jacobs University Bremen", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @mastersthesis{iancu:msc, author = "Mihnea Iancu", title = "{Management of Change in Declarative Languages}", year = "2012", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @mastersthesis{horozal:msc, author = "Figen F{\"u}sun Horozal", title = "{Management of Change in the Web Ontology Language}", year = "2012", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @misc{ignatov:bsc, author = "Iulia Ignatov", title = "{Modular Encoding of Type Theory}", year = "2012", note = "Bachelor's thesis, Jacobs University Bremen", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @misc{zamdzhiev:bsc:math, author = "Vladimir Zamdzhiev", title = "{Formalizing Syntactical Objects within Formalized Set Theory}", year = "2011", note = "Bachelor's thesis, Jacobs University Bremen", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @mastersthesis{iacob:msc, author = "Alin Iacob", title = "{Towards Project-Based Workflows in Twelf}", year = "2011", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @inproceedings{HKR:sequences:11, author = "Fulya Horozal and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe", title = "{Extending OpenMath with Sequences}", pages = "58--72", url = {http://kwarc.eecs.iu-bremen.de/frabe/Research/HKR_sequences_11.pdf}, crossref = {DFRU:cicmwip:11}, pubs={frabe,mkohlhase,fhorozal,projects/latin,projects/omdoc} } @unpublished{AR:lamkrip_long:09, author = "S. Awodey and F. Rabe", title = "{Kripke Semantics for Martin-L{\"o}f's Extensional Type Theory}", year = "2009", note = "see \url{http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/LamKrip.pdf}", pubs={frabe} } @article{AR:lamkrip:11, author = "Stephen Awodey and Florian Rabe", title = "{Kripke Semantics for Martin-L{\"o}f's Extensional Type Theory}", year = "2011", journal = "Logical Methods in Computer Science", volume = "7", number = "3", pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{AR:lamkrip:09, author = "S. Awodey and F. Rabe", title = "{Kripke Semantics for Martin-L{\"o}f's Extensional Type Theory}", year = "2009", pages = "249--263", booktitle = "Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA)", editor = "P. Curien", series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", volume = "5608", keywords = {conference}, pubs={frabe} } @article{HR:folsound:10, author = "F. Horozal and F. Rabe", title = "{Representing Model Theory in a Type-Theoretical Logical Framework}", year = "2011", pages = "4919--4945", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "412", number = "37", pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{CHKMRS:lfhets:11, author = "M. Codescu and F. Horozal and M. Kohlhase and T. Mossakowski and F. Rabe and K. Sojakova", title = "{Towards Logical Frameworks in the Heterogeneous Tool Set Hets}", crossref = {WADT10}, pubs={frabe,mkohlhase,projects/latin} } @inproceedings{CHKMRS:lfhets:10, author = "M. Codescu and F. Horozal and M. Kohlhase and T. Mossakowski and F. Rabe and K. Sojakova", title = "{Towards Logical Frameworks in the Heterogeneous Tool Set Hets}", year = "2010", booktitle = "Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques", pubs={frabe,mkohlhase,project/latin} } @MastersThesis{Iancu:mcdl12, author = {Mihnea Iancu}, title = {Management of Change in Declarative Languages}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2012, pubs={miancu,projects/omdoc}} @techreport{IKR:mizar:11, author = "M. Iancu and M. Kohlhase and F. Rabe", title = "{Translating the Mizar Mathematical Library into OMDoc format}", year = "2011", institution = "Jacobs University Bremen", number = "KWARC Report-01/11", pubs={frabe,mkohlhase,projects/oaff} } @misc{rabeEA:isabelle-lf:10, author = "M. Iancu and F. Rabe", title = "{A Formal Semantics of Isabelle/HOL}", year = "2010", note = "see \url{https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/twelf/projects/isabelle}", pubs={frabe} } @unpublished{RI:isabelle:10, author = "F. Rabe and M. Iancu", title = "{A Formalized Set-Theoretical Semantics of Isabelle/HOL}", year = "2010", note = "see \url{http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/rabeEA_isabelle_10.pdf}", pubs={frabe} } @article{Rabe:lfcmpt13, author = "F. Rabe", title = "{A Logical Framework Combining Model and Proof Theory}", year = "2013", pages = "945--1001", journal = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", volume = "23", number = "5" } @masterthesis{Mance:bsc, author = "Felix Mance", title = "{A Practical OpenMath Machine}", year = "2013", note = "Bachelor's thesis, Jacobs University Bremen", school = "Jacobs University Bremen" } @article{rabe:combining:10:biblatex, author = "Florian Rabe", title = "A Logical Framework Combining Model and Proof Theory", year = "2012", pubstate = {forthcoming}, url = {http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/rabe_combining_10.pdf}, journal = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", pubs = {frabe} } @inproceedings{CHKMR:hiding:11, author = "M. Codescu and F. Horozal and M. Kohlhase and T. Mossakowski and F. Rabe", title = "{A Proof Theoretic Interpretation of Model Theoretic Hiding}", crossref = {WADT10}, keywords = {conference}, pubs={frabe,mkohlhase,projects/latin} } @inproceedings{CHKMR:hiding:10, author = "M. Codescu and F. Horozal and M. Kohlhase and T. Mossakowski and F. Rabe", title = "{A Proof Theoretic Interpretation of Model Theoretic Hiding}", year = "2010", booktitle = "Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques", pubs={frabe,mkohlhase,projects/latin} } @article{IR:foundations:10, author = "Mihnea Iancu and Florian Rabe", title = "{Formalizing Foundations of Mathematics}", year = "2011", pages = "883--911", journal = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", volume = "21", number = "4", pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{DLR:jobad:10, author = "C. David and C. Lange and F. Rabe", title = "{Interactive Documents as Interfaces to Computer Algebra Systems: JOBAD and Wolfram|Alpha}", year = "2010", pages = "13--30", booktitle = "CALCULEMUS (Emerging Trends)", editor = "D. Delahaye and R. Rioboo", series = "Technical Reports of CEDRIC (CNAM/ENSIIE)", publisher = "Centre d'{\'E}tude et de Recherche en Informatique du CNAM (C{\'e}dric)", keywords = {conference}, pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{RS:vertrans:12, author = "Florian Rabe and Kristina Sojakova", title = "{Mechanically Verifying Logic Translations}", year = "2012", booktitle = "Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques", pubs = {frabe}, } @misc{kristina:ml_fol, author = "Kristina Sojakova", title = "{Mechanically Verifying Logic Translations}", year = "2010", note = "Master's thesis, Jacobs University Bremen" } @inproceedings{DKLRZ:PubMathLectNotLinkedData10, author = {Catalin David and Michael Kohlhase and Christoph Lange and Florian Rabe and Nikita Zhiltsov and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {Publishing Math Lecture Notes as Linked Data}, pages = {370--375}, crossref = {eswc2010-2}, eprint = {1004.3390v1}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, eprintclass = {cs.DL}, keywords = {conference,clange-phd}, pubs = {cdavid,clange,mkohlhase,vzholudev,frabe,projects/jobad,projects/omdoc,projects/docOnto,projects/ikyda2012}} @inproceedings{rabe:isalf:10, author = "F. Rabe", title = "{Representing Isabelle in LF}", year = "2010", pages = "85--100", booktitle = "Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice", editor = "K. Crary and M. Miculan", series = "Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science", publisher = "Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "34", pubs={frabe} } @article{RS:logrels:12, author = "Florian Rabe and Kristina Sojakova", title = "{Logical Relations for a Logical Framework}", year = "2013", note = "to appear; see \url{http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/RS_logrels_12.pdf}", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computational Logic" } @inproceedings{DHS:algebra:09, author = "Stefania Dumbrava and Fulya Horozal and Kristina Sojakova", title = "{A Case Study on Formalizing Algebra in a Module System}", year = "2009", pages = "11--18", booktitle = "Workshop on Modules and Libraries for Proof Assistants", editor = "F. Rabe and C. Sch{\"u}rmann", series = "ACM International Conference Proceeding Series", publisher = "ACM", volume = "429" } @misc{rabeEA:folsound-lf:09, author = "F. Horozal and F. Rabe", title = "{A Formal Proof of the Soundness of First-order Logic}", year = "2009", note = "see \url{https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/twelf/fol-soundness.cfg}", pubs={frabe} } @misc{project:mmtlf, author = "F. Rabe and C. Sch{\"u}rmann", title = "{A Module System for Twelf}", year = "2009", note = "see \url{https://cvs.concert.cs.cmu.edu/twelf/branches/twelf-mod}", pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{RS:twelfmod:09, author = "F. Rabe and C. Sch{\"u}rmann", title = "{A Practical Module System for LF}", year = "2009", pages = "40--48", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Logical Frameworks: Meta-Theory and Practice (LFMTP)", editor = "J. Cheney and A. Felty", series = "ACM International Conference Proceeding Series", publisher = "ACM Press", volume = "LFMTP'09", pubs={frabe} } @techreport{KLMMR:notations-tr:2009, author = "M. Kohlhase and C. Lange and C. M{\"u}ller and N. M{\"u}ller and F. Rabe", title = "{Notations for Active Mathematical Documents}", year = "2009", institution = "Jacobs University Bremen", number = "2009-1", pubs={frabe,mkohlhase} } @unpublished{rabeEA:presentation:09, author = "M. Kohlhase and C. Lange and C. M{\"u}ller and N. M{\"u}ller and F. Rabe", title = "{Notations for Active Mathematical Documents}", year = "2009", pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{rabe:gi:09, author = "F. Rabe", title = "{Representing Logics and Logic Translations}", year = "2009", note = "English title: Outstanding Dissertations in Computer Science 2008", pages = "201--210", booktitle = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2008", editor = "D. {Wagner et al.}", series = "Lecture Notes in Informatics", publisher = "Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V. (GI)", volume = "D-9", pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{HR:folsound:09, author = "F. Horozal and F. Rabe", title = "{Representing Model Theory in a Type-Theoretical Logical Framework}", year = "2009", pages = "49--65", booktitle = "Fourth Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications", editor = "M. Ayala-Rinc{\'o}n and F. Kamareddine", series = "Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "256", pubs={frabe} } @misc{project:latin, author = "M. Kohlhase and T. Mossakowski and F. Rabe", title = "{The {LATIN} Project}", year = "2009", note = "see \url{https://trac.omdoc.org/LATIN/}", pubs={frabe,mkohlhase,projects/latin} } @unpublished{rabe:mmt:09, author = "F. Rabe", title = "{The MMT Language}", year = "2009", pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{RK:keappa:08, author = "Florian Rabe and Michael Kohlhase", title = "{An Exchange Format for Modular Knowledge}", year = "2008", pages = "50--68", booktitle = "Proceedings of the LPAR Workshops on Knowledge Exchange: Automated Provers and Proof Assistants, and The 7th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics", editor = "G. Sutcliffe and P. Rudnicki and R. Schmidt and B. Konev and S. Schulz", series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", publisher = "CEUR-WS.org", volume = "418", pubs={frabe,mkohlhase} } @inproceedings{SR:dfol_fol:08, author = "K. Sojakova and F. Rabe", title = "{Translating Dependently-Typed Logic to First-Order Logic}", year = "2009", pages = "326--341", booktitle = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques", editor = "A. Corradini and U. Montanari", series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", volume = "5486", keywords = {conference}, pubs={frabe} } @inproceedings{BRS:tptphol:08, author = "C. Benzm{\"u}ller and Florian Rabe and G. Sutcliffe", title = "{THF0 -- The core of the TPTP Language for Higher-Order Logic}", booktitle = "{4\textsuperscript{th} International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning}", editor = "A. Armando and P. Baumgartner and G. Dowek", year = "2008", series = "{LNCS}", number = "5195", pages = "491--506", pubs = {frabe}} @phdthesis{rabe:thesis:08, author = {Florian Rabe}, title = "{Representing Logics and Logic Translations}", year = 2008, school = "Jacobs University Bremen", url = {http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/phdthesis.pdf}, pubs = {frabe,projects/omdoc}} @article{RPSS:moloss:07, author = {Florian Rabe and P. Pudl{\'a}k and G. Sutcliffe and W. Shen}, title = "{Solving the \$100 Modal Logic Challenge}", journal = {Journal of Applied Logic}, year = 2007, volume = 1, number = 1, pubs = {frabe}} @article{GMPRS:catlog:07, author = {J. Goguen and T. Mossakowski and V. de Paiva and Florian Rabe and L. Schr{\"o}der}, title = "{An Institutional View on Categorical Logic}", journal = "{International Journal of Software and Informatics}", volume = "1", number = "1", pages = "129--152", year = 2008, pubs={frabe}} @inproceedings{rabe:graphs:07, author = "Florian Rabe", title = "{{\omdoc} Theory Graphs Revisited}", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the {\openmath}/JEM workshop}", year = 2007, pubs={frabe,projects/omdoc}} @unpublished{rabe:instlf:07, author = "Florian Rabe", title = "{Institutions with Proofs and their Representation in a Logical Framework}", year = "2008", note = "Submitted, see \url{http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/rabe_instlf_07.pdf}", url = {http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/rabe_instlf_07.pdf}, pubs={frabe}} @inproceedings{rabe:moloss:06, author = "Florian Rabe", title = "{Towards Determining the Subset Relation between Propositional Modal Logics}", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the FLoC 06 Workshop on Empirically Successful Computerized Reasoning, 3\textsuperscript{rd} International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning}", editor = "G. Sutcliffe and R. Schmidt and S. Schulz", year = 2006, series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", address = {Aachen}, issn = {1613-0073}, number = "192", pages = "126--140", pubs={frabe}} @inproceedings{rabe:dfol:06, author = "Florian Rabe", title = "{First-Order Logic with Dependent Types}", crossref = {IJCAR06}, pages = "377--391", pubs={frabe}} @inproceedings{rabeEA:promela:05, author = "Florian Rabe and S. Schlager and P. Schmitt", title = "{A Sequent Calculus for a First-order Dynamic Logic with Trace Modalities for Promela$^+$}", booktitle = "{Short Paper Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning}", editor = "G. Sutcliffe and A. Voronkov", year = "2005", pages = "21--27", pubs={frabe}} @phdthesis{cmueller:thesis:10, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Adaptation of Mathematical Documents}}, year = 2010, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, url = {http://kwarc.info/cmueller/papers/thesis.pdf}, pubs = {cmueller}} @INPROCEEDINGS{BenBroKoh:csil06, author = {Christoph E. Benzm{\"u}ller and Chad E. Brown and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Cut-Simulation in Impredicative Logics}, pages = {220--234}, crossref = {IJCAR06}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/ijcar06.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @article{BenBroKoh:lmcs09, author = {Christoph E. Benzm{\"u}ller and Chad E. Brown and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Cut-Simulation and Impredicativity}, journal = {Logical Methods in Computer Science}, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = {1--21}, url = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/0902.0043}, year = {2009}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @Article{Kohlhase:oaifocdi00, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\textsc{OMDoc}: An Infrastructure for \textsc{OpenMath} Content Dictionary Information}, journal = {Bulletin of the ACM Special Interest Group on Symbolic and Automated Mathematics (SIGSAM)}, volume = {34}, number = {2}, pages = {43--48}, year = 2000, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/sigsam.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @Article{KohFra:rkcimss01, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Andreas Franke}, title = {{MBase}: Representing Knowledge and Context for the Integration of Mathematical Software Systems}, journal = {Journal of Symbolic Computation; Special Issue on the Integration of Computer Algebra and Deduction Systems}, year = 2001, volume = 32, number = 4, pages = {365--402}, doi = {10.1006/jsco.2000.0468}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/jsc.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/tntbase}} @online{MathSearch:on,crossref={MathSearch:base},urldate = {2013-02-22}} @misc{MathSearch:base, key = {MathSearch}, label = {MathSearch}, title = {MathSearch}, url = {http://mathsearch.kwarc.info/}, note = {Project Homepage}} @online{LATIN:online,crossref="LATIN:base",urldate={2010-09-15}} @misc{LATIN:url,crossref="LATIN:base", howpublished={\url{http://latin.omdoc.org}}} @misc{LATIN:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Till Mossakowski and Florian Rabe}, key = {LATIN}, label = {LATIN}, title = {LATIN: Logic Atlas and Integrator}, type = {Project Homepage}, url = {http://latin.omdoc.org}} @online{TetraPod:online,crossref="TetraPod:base",urldate={2012-09-15}} @misc{TetraPod:url,crossref="TetraPod:base", howpublished={\url{https://trac.mathweb.org/tetrapod/}}} @misc{TetraPod:base, key = {TetraPod}, label = {TetraPod}, title = {The {TetraPod} Project}, type = {Project Homepage}, url = {https://trac.mathweb.org/tetrapod/}} @online{JOMDoc:on,urldate={2011-05-07},crossref={JOMDoc:base}} @MISC{JOMDoc:web, label = {JOMDoc}, key = {JOMDoc}, crossref={JOMDoc:base}, note = {seen Feb.}, year = {2010}, howpublished = {\url{http://jomdoc.omdoc.org}}} @misc{JOMDoc:base, key = {JOMDoc}, title = {{JOMDoc} Project --- {Java} Library for {OMDoc} documents}, url = {http://jomdoc.omdoc.org}} @MISC{PhysML:web, key = {PhysML}, title = {{PhysML} -- {Capturing} the {Content} of {Physics}}, howpublished = {available at \url{http://www.omdoc.org/projects/physml/}}, url = {http://www.omdoc.org/projects/physml/}, note = {seen February 2008}} @MISC{PhysML:webpage, key = {PhysML}, title = {{PhysML} -- {Capturing} the {Content} of {Physics}}, url = {http://www.omdoc.org/projects/physml/}, lastchecked = {February 2008}} @MISC{OMBase:web, key = {OMBase}, title = {{OMBase} {Project}}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/projects/ombase/}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/ombase/}, note = {seen Dec. 2008}} @online{OMBase:webpage, key = {OMBase}, title = {{OMBase} {Project}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/ombase/}, lastchecked = {April 2008}} @online{locutor:on, urldate = {2009-10-22}, crossref = {locutor:base}} @MISC{locutor:trac, title = {The {{\texttt{{\emph{locutor}}}}} Project}, howpublished = {\url{https://locutor.kwarc.info}}, year = 2008, crossref = {locutor:base}} @MISC{locutor:web, crossref = {locutor:base}, howpublished = {system homepage at \url{https://locutor.kwarc.info}}, url = {https://locutor.kwarc.info}, note = {seen June 2007}} @online{locutor:webpage, crossref = {locutor:base}, lastchecked = {June 2007}} @misc{locutor:base, key = {locutor}, title = {\texttt{\emph{locutor}}: An Ontology-Driven Management of Change}, url = {http://locutor.kwarc.info}} @online{OMDocDocOnto:on, urldate = {2012-02-03}, date = {2011-01-08}, pubs = {clange}, keywords = {ontology}, crossref = {OMDocDocOnto:base}} @misc{OMDocDocOnto:web, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://old.kwarc.info/projects/docOnto/omdoc.html}}, note = {seen 2/2012}, crossref = {OMDocDocOnto:base}} @misc{OMDocDocOnto:base, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {The {OMDoc} Ontology}, url = {http://old.kwarc.info/projects/docOnto/omdoc.html}} @MISC{KWARC:web, key = {{KWARC}}, crossref = {KWARC:base}, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://kwarc.info/}}, note = {seen June 2008}} @Online{KWARC:online,crossref = {KWARC:base},urldate = {2011-05-12},label={KWARC}} @MISC{KWARC:base, title = {{Knowledge Adaptation and Reasoning for Content}}, url = {http://kwarc.info}} @MISC{JOBAD:demo, key = {JOBAD.Demo}, title = {{JOBAD} Demo}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/jomdoc/src/prj/jobad/tags/jobad-prototype-0.4/examples/index.xhtml}, note = {seen March 2009}, lastchecked = {March 2009}} @MISC{JOBAD:demo:folding, howpublished = {\url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/jomdoc/src/prj/jobad/tags/jobad-prototype-0.4/examples/folding/testcase.xhtml}}, title = {{JOBAD} Folding Demo}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/jomdoc/src/prj/jobad/tags/jobad-prototype-0.4/examples/folding/testcase.xhtml}, lastchecked = {March 2009}} @MISC{JOBAD:demo:elision, howpublished = {\url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/jomdoc/src/prj/jobad/tags/jobad-prototype-0.4/examples/elision/elision_testcase.xhtml}}, title = {{JOBAD} Elision Demo}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/jomdoc/src/prj/jobad/tags/jobad-prototype-0.4/examples/elision/elision_testcase.xhtml}, lastchecked = {March 2009}} @MISC{JOBAD:demo:rhetoric, howpublished = {\url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/examples/varia/rhetoricalrelations-visualization.html}}, title = {{Interactive Visualization of Rhetorical Blocks and Relations}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/examples/varia/rhetoricalrelations-visualization.html}, lastchecked = {March 2009}} @online{JOBAD:on, urldate = {2012-02-18}, shorthand = {JOBAD}, keywords = {software}, pubs = {clange,frabe,cdavid,jgiceva}, crossref = {JOBAD:base}} @MISC{JOBAD:web, howpublished = {\url{http://jomdoc.omdoc.org/wiki/JOBAD}}, year = 2008, crossref = {JOBAD:base}} @online{JOBAD:webpage, lastchecked = feb, year = 2009, crossref = {JOBAD:base}} @misc{JOBAD:base, key = {JOBAD}, label = {JOBAD}, title = {{JOBAD} Framework -- {JavaScript} {API} for {OMDoc}-based active documents}, url = {http://jobad.omdoc.org}} @misc{docOnto:web, author = {Christoph Lange and Normen M{\"u}ller and Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {Document Ontologies}, note = {project homepage at \url{http://kwarc.info/projects/docOnto/}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/docOnto/}, pubs={clange,projects/docOnto}} @online{Kohlhase:GenCSI:on,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSI:base},urldate={2011-03-03}} @misc{Kohlhase:GenCSI:url,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSI:base}, howpublished = {Online course notes at \url{http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS1/notes.pdf}}} @MISC{Kohlhase:GenCSI:base, key = {GenCS1}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, label = {GenCS1}, title = {{General Computer Science; 320101: GenCS I Lecture Notes}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS1/notes.pdf}, year = 2011, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{Kohlhase:GenCSIproblems:on,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSIproblems:base},urldate={2011-03-03}} @misc{Kohlhase:GenCSIproblems:url,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSIproblems:base}, howpublished = {Online practice problems at \url{http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS1/problems.pdf}}} @MISC{Kohlhase:GenCSIproblems:base, key = {GenCS1}, label = {GenCS1}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{General Computer Science; Problems for 320101 GenCS I}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS1/problems.pdf}, year = 2011, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{Kohlhase:GenCSIsolutions:on,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSIsolutions:base},urldate={2011-03-03}} @misc{Kohlhase:GenCSIsolutions:url,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSIsolutions:base}, howpublished = {Online practice problems with solutions at \url{http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS1/solutions.pdf}}} @MISC{Kohlhase:GenCSIsolutions:base, key = {GenCS1}, label = {GenCS1}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{General Computer Science; Problems and Solutions for 320101 GenCS I}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS1/solutions.pdf}, year = 2011, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{Kohlhase:GenCSII:on,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSII:base},urldate={2011-03-03}, note = {See also\cite{Kohlhase:PlanetGenCS:on}}} @misc{Kohlhase:GenCSII:url,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSII:base}, howpublished = {Online course notes at \url{http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS2/notes.pdf}}} @MISC{Kohlhase:GenCSII:base, key = {GenCS2}, label = {GenCS2}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{General Computer Science: 320201 GenCS II Lecture Notes}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS2/notes.pdf}, year = 2011, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{Kohlhase:GenCSIIproblems:on,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSIproblems:base},urldate={2011-03-03}} @misc{Kohlhase:GenCSIIproblems:url,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSIIproblems:base}, howpublished = {Online practice problems at \url{http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS2/problems.pdf}}} @MISC{Kohlhase:GenCSIIproblems:base, key = {GenCS2}, label = {GenCS2}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{General Computer Science: Problems for 320201 GenCS II}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS2/problems.pdf}, year = 2011, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{Kohlhase:GenCSIIsolutions:on,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSIsolutions:base},urldate={2011-03-03}} @misc{Kohlhase:GenCSIIsolutions:url,crossref={Kohlhase:GenCSII:base}, howpublished = {Online practice problems with solutions at \url{http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS2/solutions.pdf}}} @MISC{Kohlhase:GenCSIIsolutions:base, key = {GenCS2}, label = {GenCS2}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{General Computer Science: Problems and Solutions for 320201 GenCS II}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/teaching/GenCS2/solutions.pdf}, year = 2011, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohSuc:asemf06, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Ioan {\c S}ucan}, title = {A Search Engine for Mathematical Formulae}, pages = {241--253}, crossref = {AISC06}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/aisc06.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/mws}} @INPROCEEDINGS{ArmKoh:cpmsbko00, author = {Alessandro Armando and Michael Kohlhase and Silvio Ranise}, title = {Communication Protocols for mathematical Services based on {KQML} and {OMRS}}, pages = {34--48}, crossref = {CALCULEMUS00}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/calculemus00.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{arXMLiv-buildsys:online,crossref={arXMLiv-buildsys:base},urldate={2010-05-15},label={arXMLiv}} @Misc{arXMLiv-buildsys:URL, crossref = {arXMLiv-buildsys:base}, note = {\seen May 2010}, howpublished = {\url{http://arxmliv.kwarc.info}}} @Misc{arXMLiv-buildsys:base, key = {arXMLiv}, title = {{arXMLiv} Build System}, url = {http://arxmliv.kwarc.info}} @online{arXMLiv-frontend:online,crossref={arXMLiv-frontend:base},urldate={2010-09-27},label={arX}} @Misc{arXMLiv-frontend:URL, crossref = {arXMLiv-frontend:base}, note = {\seen Sept. 2010}, howpublished = {\url{http://arxivdemo.mathweb.org}}} @Misc{arXMLiv-frontend:base, key = {arXMLiv}, title = {Planetary {arXiv} Demo}, url = {http://arxivdemo.mathweb.org}} @online{arXMLiv:online,crossref={arXMLiv:base},urldate = {2010-05-10}} @Misc{URL:arXMLiv, crossref = {arXMLiv:base}, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://trac.kwarc.info/arXMLiv/}}, note = {\seen{\April} 2010}} @Misc{arXMLiv:base, label = {arXMLiv}, key = {arXMLiv}, title = {{\texttt{arXMLiv}: Translating the Math Archives to XML\-+\-MathML}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/arXMLiv/}} @online{arXMLiv:demo:online,crossref={arXMLiv:demo:base},urldate = {2011-09-08}} @Misc{URL:demo:arXMLiv, crossref = {arXMLiv:demo:base}, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://trac.kwarc.info/arXMLiv/wiki/Demo}}, note = {\seen{\March} 2011}} @Misc{arXMLiv:demo:base, key = {arXMLiv}, label = {arXMLiv}, title = {{\texttt{arXMLiv}: Showcase Demo Page}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/arXMLiv/wiki/Demo}} @online{sTeXIDE:online,crossref={sTeXIDE:base},urldate = {2010-05-10}} @Misc{URL:sTeXIDE, crossref = {sTeXIDE:base}, howpublished = {\projectpageat\url{http://stexide.googlecode.com/}}, note = {\seen{\April} 2010}} @Misc{sTeXIDE:base, key = {sTeXIDE}, title = {{sTeXIDE}}, url = {http://stexide.googlecode.com/}} @INPROCEEDINGS{AspKoht:mimp02, author = {Andrea Asperti and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {MathML in the {\sc{MoWGLI}} Project}, url = {http://www.mathmlconference.org/2002/presentations/asperti/}, crossref = {MathML02}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{NorKoh:efnrsmk07, author = {Immanuel Normann and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Extended Formula Normalization for $\epsilon$-Retrieval and Sharing of Mathematical Knowledge}, pages = {266--279}, crossref = {MKM07}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohKoh:rmvp07, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{{\emph{Re}}examining the {MKM} Value Proposition: From Math Web Search to Math Web {\emph{Re}}Search}}, year = 2007, pages = {266--279}, crossref = {MKM07}, url = {http://mathweb.org/projects/mws/pubs/mkm07.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase,projects/mws}} @Article{KohKoh:skmfe08, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Semantic Knowledge Management for Education}, year = 2008, journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE; Special Issue on Educational Technology}, volume = {96}, number = 6, publisher = {IEEE}, month = jun, pages = {970--989}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/semkm4ed.pdf}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/ikyda2012}} @INPROCEEDINGS{BenzmuellerEtAl:otama97, author = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Lassaad Cheikhrouhou and Detlef Fehrer and Armin Fiedler and Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Karsten Konrad and Erica Melis and Andreas Meier and Wolfgang Schaarschmidt and J{\"o}rg Siekmann and Volker Sorge}, title = {{$\Omega$\sc mega}: Towards a mathematical assistant}, year = {1997}, pages = {252--255}, crossref = {CADE97}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/Omega97-CADE.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{BenKoh:ehor98, author = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Extensional Higher Order Resolution}, year = {1998}, pages = {56--72}, crossref = {CADE98}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/BeKo2-CADE98.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{BlaBos:atpfnlu98, author = {Blackburn, Patrick and Bos, Johan and Kohlhase, Michael and de Nivelle, Hans}, title = {Automated Theorem Proving for Natural Language Understanding}, booktitle = {CADE-15 Workshop ``Problem-solving Methodologies with Automated Deduction''}, year = {1998}, editor = {Peter Baumgartner and Ulrich Furbach and Michael Kohlhase and William McCune and Wolfgang Reif and Mark Stickel and Tom{\`a}s Uribe}, crossref = {CADE15-WS-PSMAD}, keywords = {!OMEGA!,lamapunbibs,ARTICLE,LISA,SFB}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{ClaKoh:ratp03, author = {Edmund Clarke and Michael Kohlhase and Jo{\"e}l Ouaknine and Klaus Sutner}, title = {Resurrecting the {Analytica} Theorem Prover}, crossref = {QPQ03}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{ClaKoh:sda03, author = {Edmund Clarke and Michael Kohlhase and Jo{\"e}l Ouaknine and Klaus Sutner}, title = {System Description: Analytica 2}, crossref = {CALCULEMUS03}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/calculemus03.pdf}, pages = {69--74}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HuKe:katfad94, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Erica Melis and Dan Nesmith and J{\"o}rn Richts and J{\"o}rg Siekmann}, title = {KEIM: A Toolkit for Automated Deduction}, pages = {807--810}, crossref = {CADE94}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/Keim94-CADE.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HKK94a, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Wolfgang Reif}, title = {A Test for Evaluating the Practical Usefulness of Deduction Systems}, pages = {12--12}, crossref = {DEDTREFF94}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HuKe94b, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and J{\"o}rn Richts}, title = {Adapting Methods to Novel Tasks in Proof Planning}, year = {1994}, pages = {379--390}, crossref = {KI94}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/HuKe94-KI.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INCOLLECTION{AK:mbase06, author = {Andreas Franke and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{MBase}, an Open Mathematical Knowledge Base}, chapter = {26.4}, crossref = {Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}, pubs = {projects/omdoc,mkohlhase}} @InBook{LanKoh:swim06, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{SWiM} -- An {OMDoc}-based Semantic Wiki}, chapter = {26.10}, crossref = {Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}, pubs={mkohlhase,clange,projects/swim,projects/omdoc,projects/docOnto}} @INCOLLECTION{Kohlhase:albwo06, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {s{\TeX}: A {\LaTeX}-Based Workflow for {OMDoc}}, chapter = {26.15}, crossref = {Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @InCollection{Kohlhase:shlssc06, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Standardizing Context in System Interoperability}, chapter = {26.18}, crossref = {Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @INCOLLECTION{NRM:omdoc2vf06, chapter = {26.20}, pages = {329--332}, title = {{OMDoc} as a {Data} {Format} for {VeriFun}}, crossref = {Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller}, pubs = {projects/omdoc,nmueller}} @online{Kohlhase:OAFFlexiForms10, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{OAF}: {FlexiForms}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/oaf/wiki/FlexiForms?version=5}, urldate = {2010-08-11}, date = {2010-07-23}} @online{Kohlhase:SemiformalizationDef09, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{OAF}: Semiformalizations}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/oaf/wiki/semiformalizations?version=1}, urldate = {2009-12-14}} @misc{OAFF:URL,crossref={OAFF:base},year=2011} @online{OAFF:online,crossref={OAFF:base}, urldate = {2011-01-17}} @misc{OAFF:base, key = {OAFF}, label = {OAFF}, type = {Web Portal}, title = {The Open Archive for FlexiForms}, url = {http://oaff.info}} @INPROCEEDINGS{JoKo:uiaelc94, author = {Patricia Johann and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Unification in an Extensional Lambda Calculus with Ordered Function Sorts and Constant Overloading}, year = {1994}, pages = {620--634}, crossref = {CADE94}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/JoKo94-CADE.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KeKo:mpwri97, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Mechanising Partiality without Re-Implementation}, pages = {123--134}, crossref = {KI97}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/ki97.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KeKoSo:icawpp96, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Volker Sorge}, title = {Integrating Computer Algebra with Proof Planning}, pages = {204--215}, crossref = {DISCO96}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohKoh:cdad04, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{CPoint}: Dissolving the Author's Dilemma}, pages = {175--189}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm04.pdf}, crossref = {MKM04}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohKoh:copmem06, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Communities of Practice in {MKM}: An Extensional Model}}, crossref = {MKM06}, pages = {179--193}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm06cp.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HilKohSta:copmem06, author = {Eberhard Hilf and Michael Kohlhase and Heinrich Stamerjohanns}, title = {Capturing the Content of Physics: Systems, Observables, and Experiments}, crossref = {MKM06}, pages = {165--178}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm06physml.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohKoh:esmk05, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {An Exploration in the Space of Mathematical Knowledge}, crossref = {MKM05}, pages = {17--32}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm05.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase}} @INCOLLECTION{Kohlhase:hoatp98, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher-Order Automated Theorem Proving}, pages = {431--462}, volume = {2}, crossref = {BibSch:adabfa98}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/Kohlhase-hoatp98.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INCOLLECTION{Kohlhase:atpm98, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Automated Theorem Proving in Mathematics}, pages = {3--7}, volume = {3}, crossref = {BibSch:adabfa98}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase94b, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Unification in a $\lambda$-calculus with term declarations and function sorts}, year = {1994}, crossref = {KI94}, pages = {331--342}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/ki94.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase:uiostt92, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Unification in Order-Sorted Type Theory}, year = {1992}, pages = {421--432}, crossref = {LPAR92}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohAng:tccmvc03, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Romeo Anghelache}, title = {Towards Collaborative Content Management And Version Control For Structured Mathematical Knowledge}, pages = {147--161}, crossref = {MKM03}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mkm03.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HanKoh:atcnl03, author = {Benjamin Han and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A time calculus for natural language}, crossref = {ICOS03}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/icos04.pdf}, pages = {113--127}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohKol:ttmlu00, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Alexander Koller}, title = {Towards A Tableaux Machine for Language Understanding}, pages = {57--88}, crossref = {ICOS00}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohSut:amcas02, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Klaus Sutner and Peter Jansen and Andrea Kohlhase and Peter Lee and Dana Scott and Matthew Szudzik}, title = {Acquisition of Math Content in an Academic Setting}, url = {http://www.mathmlconference.org/2002/presentations/kohlhase/}, crossref = {MathML02}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,akohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase:autxdm03, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Applying Unification Techniques to XML Document Management?}, crossref = {UNIF03}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @MASTERSTHESIS{Lange:swmkm06, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {{A Semantic Wiki for Mathematical Knowledge Management}}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Trier}, type = {Diploma thesis}, year = 2006, month = aug, keywords = {clange-phd}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/swim/pubs/swim-thesis-final.pdf}, pubs={clange,projects/swim,projects/omdoc}} @INPROCEEDINGS{LanKoh:swmkm06, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Semantic Wiki for Mathematical Knowledge Management}, crossref = {semwiki06}, pubs = {mkohlhase,clange,projects/swim}} @INPROCEEDINGS{SiekmannEtAl:pdwo02, author = {J{\"o}rg Siekmann and Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Vladimir Brezhnev and Lassaad Cheikhrouhou and Armin Fiedler and Andreas Franke and Helmut Horacek and Michael Kohlhase and Andreas Meier and Erica Melis and Markus Moschner and Immanuel Normann and Martin Pollet and Volker Sorge and Carsten Ullrich and Claus-Peter Wirth and J{\"u}rgen Zimmer}, title = {Proof Development with {$\Omega$\sc mega}}, pages = {144--149}, crossref = {CADE02}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @Misc{TNTVDSkel:URL, key = {TNTVDSkel}, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The {RelaxNG} {Schema} for {VDoc} {Specifications}}, howpublished = {\url{https://svn.tntbase.org/repos/tntbase/trunk/DbXmlAccessLib/resources/tnt-vd-spec.rnc}}, url = {https://svn.tntbase.org/repos/tntbase/trunk/DbXmlAccessLib/resources/tnt-vd-spec.rnc}} @Misc{TNTVDUseCases:URL, key = {TNTVDUseCases}, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {Sandbox for {Balisage 2010} -- {Virtual Documents}}, howpublished = {\url{http://tntbase.org/wiki/balisage2010}}, url = {http://tntbase.org/wiki/balisage2010}} @online{TNTBaseIntegration, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and others}, title = {{TNTBase} -- {Integration}}, url = {http://tntbase.org/wiki/Integration}, urldate = {2010-09-29}} @online{Rabe:TNTBaseMMTPlugin, author = {Florian Rabe}, title = {{TNTBase} -- {MMT} Plugin}, url = {http://tntbase.org/wiki/MMTPlugin}, urldate = {2010-05-10}} @Misc{OMDoc:svn, key = {OMDoc SVN}, title = {The OMDoc Subversion Repository}, howpublished = {Repository at \url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc}} @Misc{OMDocRNC:URL, key = {OMDocRNC}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The {OMDoc} {RelaxNG} Schema}, howpublished = {\url{http://omdoc.org/rnc/omdoc.rnc}}, url = {http://omdoc.org/rnc/omdoc.rnc}} @Misc{OMDocXSD:URL, key = {OMDocXSD}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The {OMDoc} {XML} Schema}, howpublished = {\url{http://omdoc.org/rnc/omdoc.xsd}}, url = {http://omdoc.org/rnc/omdoc.xsd}} @Misc{mathweb.org:svn, key = {MathWeb SVN}, title = {Using the {\tt{mathweb.org}} Subversion Repository}, howpublished = {Web page at \url{http://www.mathweb.org/svn.html}}, url = {http://www.mathweb.org/svn.html}} @Misc{OMDocXSL:URL, key = {OMDocXSL}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{XSL} Style Sheets for {OMDoc}}, howpublished = {\url{http://omdoc.org/xsl/}}, url = {http://omdoc.org/xsl/}} @Misc{OMDoc-mailinglists:URL, key = {OMDoc Mailing Lists}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{OMDoc} Mailing Lists}, note = {\seen May 2008}, howpublished = {\url{http://omdoc.org/resources/mailing-lists.html}}, url = {http://omdoc.org/resources/mailing-lists.html}} @Misc{mkm-mailinglists:URL, key = {MKM-IG Mailing Lists}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{MKM-IG} Mailing Lists}, note = {\seen May 2008}, url = {http://lists.jacobs-university.de/mailman/admin/projects-mkm-ig}} @TECHREPORT{BusCapCar:2oms03, title = {The {\openmath} Standard, Version 2.0 Public Draft 4}, year = {2003}, institution = {The {\openmath} Society}, url = {http://www.openmath.org/standard/om20-2003-11-24/}, author = {Stephen Buswell and Olga Caprotti and David P. Carlisle and Michael C. Dewar and Marc Gaetano and Michael Kohlhase}, key = {Caprotti}} @TECHREPORT{Kohlhase:NTCIR10-topics, title = {Topics for the {NTCIR-10} Math Task; Math Retrieval Subtask}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, year = {2012}, institution = {NTCIR}, url = {https://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/NTCIR10-topics.pdf}, editor = {Michael Kohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{Kohlhase:NTCIR11-topics, title = {Formats for Topics and Submissions for the Math2 Task at NTCIR-11}, year = {2014}, institution = {NTCIR}, url = {http://ntcir-math.nii.ac.jp/wp-content/blogs.dir/13/files/2014/05/NTCIR11-Math-topics.pdf}, editor = {Michael Kohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{Kohlhase:NTCIR12-topics, title = {Formats for Topics and Submissions for the Math-2 Task at NTCIR-12}, year = {2015}, institution = {NTCIR}, NOurl = {http://ntcir-math.nii.ac.jp/wp-content/blogs.dir/13/files/2014/05/NTCIR11-Math-topics.pdf}, editor = {Michael Kohlhase}} @MISC{ek:dsxcc, author = {Frederick Eberhardt and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{A} {Document}-{Sensitive} {XML}-{CVS} {Client}}, howpublished = {unpublished KWARC blue notes}, year = {2004}} @UNPUBLISHED{Kohlhase:hoatp-lnai, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher-Order Automated Theorem Proving}, type = {Manuscript}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/lnai.ps}} @InProceedings{MuKo:pr07-small, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {panta rhei}, pages = {318--323}, editor = {Alexander Hinneburg}, booktitle = {{LWA Conference Proceedings}}, year = {2007}} @UNPUBLISHED{KohSim:escpmge01, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Mandy Simons}, title = {Explaining some cases of Presupposition by Model Generation with Events}, note = {draft}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, year = {2001}} @Misc{CD:inference-rules, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Inference Rules}, year = {\seen{Jan 2005}}, howpublished = {OMDoc Content Dictionary at \url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/examples/logics/inference-rules.omdoc}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/examples/logics/inference-rules.omdoc}} @Misc{OMDocDTD:URL, key = {OMDocDTD}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The {OMDoc} {Document Type Definition}}, url = {http://omdoc.org/dtd/omdoc.dtd}, howpublished = {\url{http://omdoc.org/dtd/omdoc.dtd}}} @Unpublished{FormalSafeProposal, author = {Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Dieter Hutter and Michael Kohlhase and Christoph L{\"u}th and Till Mossakowski and Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Werner Stephan}, title = {Formal Development for Safe Robotics}, year = 2007} @online{MWSProj:on,crossref={MWSProj:base},label={MWS},urldate={2013-04-26}} @online{MWSProj:url,crossref={MWSProj:base},howpublished={Project page at \url{http://search.mathweb.org}}} @misc{MWSProj:base, title = {{MathWebSearch} -- Searching Mathematics on the Web}, url = {http://search.mathweb.org}, key = {MWS}} @online{MWSZBL:on, label = {MWSZBL}, title = {{MathWeb Search}: Zentralblatt Math}, url = {http://search.mathweb.org/zbl/}, urldate = {2013-04-21}} @INPROCEEDINGS{AizKohOun:nmpto13, author = {Aizawa, Akiko and Kohlhase, Michael and Ounis, Iadh}, title = {{NTCIR-10 Math} Pilot Task Overview}, url = {http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/workshop/OnlineProceedings10/pdf/NTCIR/OVERVIEW/01-NTCIR10-OV-MATH-AizawaA.pdf}, crossref={NTCIR10}, pages = {1--8}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/mws}} @INPROCEEDINGS{AizKohOunSch:nmto14, author = {Aizawa, Akiko and Kohlhase, Michael and Ounis, Iadh and Moritz Schubotz}, title = {{NTCIR-11} {Math-2} Task Overview}, url = {http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/workshop/OnlineProceedings11/pdf/NTCIR/OVERVIEW/01-NTCIR11-OV-MATH-AizawaA.pdf}, crossref={NTCIR11}, pages = {88--98}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/mws}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohPro:man13, author = {Kohlhase, Michael and Prodescu, Corneliu}, title = {{MathWebSearch} at {NTCIR-10}}, url = {http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/workshop/OnlineProceedings10/pdf/NTCIR/MATH/04-NTCIR10-MATH-KohlhaseM.pdf}, crossref={NTCIR10}, pages = {675--679}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cprodescu,projects/mws}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HamKohPro:man14, author = {Radu Hambasan and Kohlhase, Michael and Prodescu, Corneliu}, title = {{MathWebSearch} at {NTCIR-11}}, url = {http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/workshop/OnlineProceedings11/pdf/NTCIR/Math-2/05-NTCIR11-MATH-HambasanR.pdf}, crossref={NTCIR11}, pages = {114--119}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cprodescu,rhambasan,projects/mws}} @INPROCEEDINGS{SieHes:adgui98, author = {J{\"o}rg Siekmann and Stephan Hess and Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Lassaad Cheikhrouhou and Detlef Fehrer and Armin Fiedler and Helmut Horacek and Michael Kohlhase and Karsten Konrad and Andreas Meier and Erica Melis and Volker Sorge}, title = {A Distributed Graphical User Interface for the Interactive Proof System {OMEGA}}, year = {1998}, pages = {130--138}, crossref = {UITP98}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @inproceedings{Rabe:LII14, author = "Florian Rabe", title = "{A Logic-Independent {IDE}}", pages = "48--60", url = {https://kwarc.info/people/frabe/Research/rabe_ui_14.pdf}, crossref = {UITP14}, pubs = {frabe}} @MISC{CPoint:Web, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {CPoint}, year = {2005}, note = {http://kwarc.info/projects/CPoint/}, key = {CPoint}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{AspKohSac:dtdop03, author = {Andrea Asperti and Michael Kohlhase and Sacerdoti Coen, Claudio}, title = {Prototype n. D2.b Document Type Descriptors: {OMDoc} Proofs}, institution = {The MoWGLI Project}, year = {2003}, type = {MoWGLI Deliverable}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @MastersThesis{Laubner:utgmm07, author = {Bastian Laubner}, title = {Using Theory Graphs to Map Mathematics: A Case Study and a Prototype.}, school = {Jacobs University}, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/msc-2007/blaubner.pdf}, year = 2007, address = {Bremen}, month = aug} @MISC{w3c:web:mathml,crossref={CarIon:MathML03},date={2003-10-21}} @TECHREPORT{W3C:MathML2:biblatex,crossref={CarIon:MathML03},date={2003-10-21}} @TECHREPORT{CarIon:MathML03, author = {Ron Ausbrooks and Stephen Buswell and David Carlisle and St{\'e}phane Dalmas and Stan Devitt and Angel Diaz and Max Froumentin and Roger Hunter and Patrick Ion and Michael Kohlhase and Robert Miner and Nico Poppelier and Bruce Smith and Neil Soiffer and Robert Sutor and Stephen Watt}, title = {{Mathematical} {Markup} {Language} ({MathML}) Version 2.0 (second edition)}, institution = {World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)}, year = 2003, type = {{W3C} Recommendation}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2}, editor = {David Carlisle and Patrick Ion and Robert Miner and Nico Poppelier}, keywords = {standard}, pubtype = {standard}, key = {Carlisle}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{AutEbe:dkmvc03, author = {Serge Autexier and Frederick Eberhardt and Dieter Hutter and Michael Kohlhase and Romeo Anghelache}, title = {Distributed Knowledge Management and Version Control}, institution = {The MoWGLI Project}, year = {2003}, type = {Deliverable}, number = {D5.a}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{BenBroKoh:hose04, author = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Chad Brown and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher Order Semantics and Extensionality}, journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}, volume= {69}, pages = {1027--1088}, year = {2004}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/jslbbk04.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InCollection{BenBroKoh:cexf08, author = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Chad Brown and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Cut Elimination with Xi-Functionality}, crossref = {BenBroSieSta:fhpab08}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cutelimxi.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @article{FraKoh:mrmkrdb99, author = {Andreas Franke and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{MBase}: Representing mathematical knowledge in a relational data base}, journal = {Electronic Notes Theoretical Computer Science}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, year = {1999}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{BenKoh:lahotp98, author = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{LEO} -- a Higher Order Theorem Prover}, crossref = {CADE98}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/BeKo1-CADE98.pdf}, pages = {139--144}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{BenKoh:mefhol97, author = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Model Existence for Higher-Order Logic}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1997}, type = {SEKI-Report}, number = {SR-97-09}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{BenKoh:rfhm97, author = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Resolution for Henkin Models}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1997}, type = {SEKI-Report}, number = {SR-97-10}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{BenKohBro:hose03, author = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase and Chad E. Brown}, title = {Higher Order Semantics and Extensionality.}, institution = {Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University}, year = {2003}, type = {Technical Report}, number = {03-001}, chrisnote = {R22}, url = {http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~chris/papers/R22.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @article{BlaKoh:ics04, author = {Patrick Blackburn and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Inference and Computational Semantics}, journal = {Journal of Logic, Language and Information}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, year = {2004}, pages = {117--120}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/j1552255x22990u7/fulltext.pdf}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:JLLI.0000024788.38738.bb}, pubs ={mkohlhase}} @Techreport{BlaBos:arfcl98,crossref = {BlaBos:iacs98}} @TECHREPORT{BlaBos:iacs98, author = {Blackburn, Patrick and Bos, Johan and Kohlhase, Michael and de Nivelle, Hans}, title = {Inference and Computational Semantics}, institution = {University of the Saarland}, year = {1998}, type = {CLAUS Report}, number = {99}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InCollection{BlaBosKoh:iacs01, author = {Blackburn, Patrick and Bos, Johan and Kohlhase, Michael and de Nivelle, Hans}, title = {Inference and Computational Semantics}, crossref = {BunKieMus:cmii01}, pages = {11--28}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{BlaBos:iacs99, author = {Blackburn, Patrick and Bos, Johan and Kohlhase, Michael and de Nivelle, Hans}, title = {Inference and Computational Semantics}, crossref = {IWCS99}, pages = {5--19}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{BusCapCar:2oms04, Author = {Stephen Buswell and Olga Caprotti and David P. Carlisle and Michael C. Dewar and Marc Ga{\"e}tano and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The {Open Math} Standard, Version 2.0}, institution = {The OpenMath Society}, year = 2004, url = {http://www.openmath.org/standard/om20}, key = {Caprotti}, pubtype = {standard}, keywords = {standard}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{EggGarKoh:sid98, author = {Markus Egg and Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Steuerung der Inferenz in der Diskursverarbeitung}}, journal = {Kognitionswissenschaft}, year = {1998}, volume = {7}, pages = {106--110}, number = {3}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/EgGaKo98-Kognition.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{KerKoh:fmds94, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Formalizing Mathematics with Dependent Sorts}, booktitle = {Proceedings des Deduktionstreffen}, series = {AIDA-Report}, year = 1994, organization = {Darmstadt University}, pubs={mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KerKoh:pwtc96, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Partiality without the Cost}, booktitle = {Workshop on ``Mechanization of Partial Functions'' at CADE-13}, year = {1996}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{EggKoh:dcqs97, author = {Egg, Markus and Kohlhase, Michael}, title = {Dynamic Control of Quantifier Scope}, year = {1997}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11\textsuperscript{th} {Amsterdam Colloquium}}, editor = {Dekker, Paul}, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, pages = {109--114}, publisher = {ILLC}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{EggKoh:uqs97, author = {Egg, Markus and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Underspecification of quantifier scope}, booktitle = {Proceedings der 6. {Fachtagung} der {Sektion} {Computerlinguistik} der {DGfS}}, year = {1997}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/amscoll97.pdf}, address = {{Heidelberg}}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @UNPUBLISHED{FraKoh:cwmik99, author = {Andreas Franke and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Communicating with {\sc MBase} in {\sc KQML}}, url = {http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~omega/www/projects/mbase}, year = {1999}} @UNPUBLISHED{FraKoh:dm99, author = {Andreas Franke and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Distributing {\sc MBase}}, url = {http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~omega/www/projects/mbase}, year = {1999}} @ARTICLE{FraHes:aoidms99, author = {Andreas Franke and Stephan M. Hess and Christoph G. Jung and Michael Kohlhase and Volker Sorge}, title = {Agent-Oriented Integration of Distributed Mathematical Services}, journal = {Journal of Universal Computer Science}, year = {1999}, volume = {5}, pages = {156--187}, nuber = {3}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/jucs.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{FraKoh:mabdl99, author = {Andreas Franke and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {System Description: {\sc MathWeb}, an Agent-Based Communication Layer for Distributed Automated Theorem Proving}, crossref = {CADE99}, pages = {217--221}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cade99.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{FraKoh:sdmaomkb00, author = {Andreas Franke and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {System Description: {\sc MBase}, an Open Mathematical Knowledge Base}, crossref = {CADE00}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cade00.pdf}, pages = {455--459}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{GarKoh:cpid97, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Computing parallelism in Discourse}, crossref = {IJCAI97}, pages = {1016--1021}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/ijcai97.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{GarKoh:fahou96, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Focus and Higher--Order Unification}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16\textsuperscript{th} {International} {Conference} on {Computational} {Linguistics}}, year = {1996}, address = {Copenhagen}, pages = {268--279}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/coling96.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{GarKoh:hocuanls96, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher--Order Coloured Unification and Natural Language Semantics}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34\textsuperscript{th} Annual Meeting of the {Association} for {Computational} {Linguistics}}, year = {1996}, pages = {1--9}, address = {Santa Cruz}, publisher = {ACL}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/acl96.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{GarKohKon:hocuala99, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase and Karsten Konrad}, title = {Higher-Order Colored Unification: A Linguistic Application}, journal = {T{\'e}chniqe et Sciences Informatiques, special issue for JFPLC-UNIF'97}, year = {1999}, volume = {18}, pages = {1--28}, number = {2}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/tsi.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{GarKohKon:hocuala97, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase and Karsten Konrad}, title = {Higher--Order Coloured Unification: a linguistic application}, institution = {University of the Saarland}, year = {1997}, type = {CLAUS Report}, number = {97}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{GarKohKon:chou96, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase and van Leusen, Noor}, title = {Corrections and Higher-Order Unification}, institution = {University of the Saarland}, year = {1996}, type = {CLAUS Report}, number = {77}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{GarKoh:hounls96, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher--Order Coloured Unification and Natural Language Semantics}, institution = {University of the Saarland}, year = {1996}, type = {CLAUS Report}, number = {76}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{GarKoh:hfhou96, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Focus and Higher--Order Coloured Unification}, institution = {University of the Saarland}, year = {1996}, type = {CLAUS Report}, number = {75}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{GarKohLeu:cahou96, author = {Claire Gardent and Michael Kohlhase and van Leusen, Noor}, title = {Corrections and {Higher-Order Unification}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {KONVENS}'96}, year = {1996}, pages = {268--279}, address = {Bielefeld, Germany}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/konvens96.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InCollection{BanKoh:mmlof07, author = {Grzegorz Bancerek and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Towards a {Mizar} {Mathematical} {Library} in {OMD}oc Format}, pages = {265--275}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/trybook.pdf}, crossref = {MatZal:fip07}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HeJuKoSo:aidms98, author = {Stefan Hess and Christoph Jung and Michael Kohlhase and Volker Sorge}, title = {An Implementation of Distributed Mathematical Services}, crossref = {CALCULEMUS98}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{HuangEtAl:SR-92-20, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Methods --- The Basic Unit for Planning and Verifying Proofs}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1992}, type = {SEKI-Report}, number = {SR-92-20}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken\GERMANY}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HuKe:oapde94, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Erica Melis and Daniel Nesmith and J{\"o}rn Richts and J{\"o}rg Siekmann}, title = {{$\Omega$-MKRP} A Proof Development Environment}, year = {1994}, pages = {788--792}, crossref = {CADE94}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/Omega94-CADE.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{HuKe:oapde92, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Erica Melis and Daniel Nesmith and J{\"o}rn Richts and J{\"o}rg Siekmann}, title = { {$\Omega$-MKRP} -- a proof development environment}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1992}, type = {Technical Report}, number = {SR-92-22}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @MISC{HuKe94a, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Daniel Nesmith and J{\"o}rn Richts}, title = { A Test for Evaluating the Practical Usefulness of Deduction Systems}, howpublished = {Workshop ``Evaluation of Automated Theorem Proving Systems'' on CADE'94}, year = {1994}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{HutKoh:msihocu00, author = {Dieter Hutter and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Managing Structural Information by Higher-Order Colored Unification}, journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning}, year = {2000}, volume = {25}, pages = {123--164}, number = {2}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/jar00.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{HutKoh:acvotlc97, author = {Dieter Hutter and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Coloured Version of the $\lambda$-Calculus}, crossref = {CADE97}, pages = {291--305}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{KohSch:homvr95, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Ortwin Scheja}, title = {Higher-Order Multi-Valued Resolution}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1995}, type = {SEKI Report}, number = {SR-95-04}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{HuaKerKoh:oma95, author = {Xiaorong Huang and Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Erica Melis and Dan Nesmith and J{\"o}rn Richts and J{\"o}rg Siekmann}, title = {Omega-MKRP, ein mathematisches Assistenzsystem}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1995}, type = {SEKI Working Paper}, number = {SWP-95-01}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{Kohlhase:msholbrp94, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mechanization of Sorted Higher-Order Logic Based on the Resolution Principle}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1994}, type = {SEKI Report}, number = {SR-94-10}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{HuKo:acvotl95, author = {Dieter Hutter and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Coloured Version of the $\lambda$-Calculus}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1995}, type = {Technical Report}, number = {SR-95-05}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{JoKo93, author = {Patricia Johann and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Unification in an Extensional Lambda Calculus with Ordered Function Sorts and Constant Overloading}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1993}, type = {SEKI-Report}, number = {SR-93-14}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KeKo94, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mechanization of Strong {Kleene} Logic for Partial Functions}, crossref = {CADE94}, pages = {371--385}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/KeKo94-CADE.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KeKo:arcfp96, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Resolution Calculus for Presuppositions}, crossref = {ECAI96}, pages = {375--379}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/ecai96.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{KerberKohlhase97a, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Reasoning without Believing: On the Mechanization of Presuppositions and Partiality}, institution = {University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science}, year = {1997}, number = {CSRP-97-23}, month = sep, email = {M.Kerber.ac.uk}, file = {/1997/CSRP-97-23.ps.gz}, url = {ftp://ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk/pub/tech-reports/1997/CSRP-97-23.ps.gz}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{KeKo:atcfpf96, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Tableau Calculus for Partial Functions}, journal = {Collegium Logicum: Annals of the Kurt-G{\"o}del-Society}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1996}, volume = {2}, pages = {21--49}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/kgs95.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{KeKo93a, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mechanization of Strong {Kleene} Logic for Partial Functions}, institution = {{Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes, Saarbr{\"u}cken}}, year = {1993}, type = {SEKI-Report}, number = {SR-93-20 (SFB)}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{KeKoSo:icaipp98, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Volker Sorge}, title = {Integrating Computer Algebra Into Proof Planning}, journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, pages = {327--355}, number = {3}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/jar98.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{KeKoSo96, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase and Volker Sorge}, title = {{An} {Integration} of {Mechanised} {Reasoning} and {Computer} {Algebra} that {Respects} {Explicit} {Proofs}}, institution = {Fachbereich 14 Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1996}, type = {Seki Report}, number = {SR-96-06}, pages = {27}, url = {http://jswww.cs.uni-sb.de/~sorge/publications/SR-96-06.ps.gz}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase:ophcie05, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{Overcoming Proprietary Hurdles: CPoint as Invasive Editor}}, pages = {51--56}, crossref = {OSEE2005}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase:omdoc05, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{OMDoc: Open Mathematical Documents}}, pages = {137--143}, crossref = {OSEE2005}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:emPowerPoint, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{What if PowerPoint became emPowerPoint (through {CPoint})?}}, booktitle = {Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 17\textsuperscript{th} International Conference SITE 2006}, pages = {2934--2939}, year = 2006, editor = {Caroline M. Crawford}, organization = {SITE}, publisher = {AACE}, note = {Orlando (USA), 2006-03-20/24}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @article{JesKohSei:DMV04, title = {{eLearning}-, {eTeaching}- \& {eResearch}-Technologien -- Chancen und Potentiale f{\"u}r die Mathematik}, author = {Sabina Jeschke and Michael Kohlhase and Ruedi Seiler}, journal = {Mitteilungen der DMV}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/DMV_Nachrichten_04-2004.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:MediaOrMedeaSociety, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{Media or Medea Society? Learner and Learning Technology as Full Partners}}, booktitle = {ICDML2006}, pages = {6--12}, year = 2006, month = mar, editor = {Bundit Thipakorn}, volume = 1, publisher = {Tana Press}, note = {Bangkok (Thailand), 2006-03-13/14}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:CPointMUI, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{CPoint}'s Mathematical User Interface}, crossref={MathUI04}, url = {http://dimeb.informatik.uni-bremen.de/documents/DeLFI2006CPointContentAuthoringForELectures.pdf}, keywords={workshop}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:CPointWiederverwendbarerContent, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{CPoint -- ein invasiver, semantischer Editor f{\"u}r wiederverwendaren Content in {{MS PowerPoint}}}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings der Pre-Conference Workshops der 4.e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik DeLFI 2006}}, crossref = {Pre-ConferenceWorkshopsDeLFI2006}, pages = {35--42}, keywords={workshop}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:UserAsPrisoner, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{The User as Prisoner: How the Dilemma Might Dissolve}}, crossref = {LOKMOL2006}, booktitle = {2\textsuperscript{nd} Workshop on Learner Oriented Knowledge Management \& KM Oriented e-Learning}, pages = {26--31}, url = {http://dimeb.informatik.uni-bremen.de/documents/LOKMOL2006_UserAsPrisoner.pdf}, keywords={workshop}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase:horwc93, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher-Order Resolution with Combinators}, booktitle = {Informal Proceedings fo the Annual Meeting of ``{GI}-{Fachgruppe} `{Deduktionssysteme}' '' in {Kaiserslautern}, 1993}, year = {1993}, editor = {J. Avenhaus and J. Denzinger}, number = {SR-93-11 (SFB)}, series = {SEKI-Report}, pages = {15}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INCOLLECTION{Kohlhase92, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Beweissysteme mit Logiken h{\"o}herer Stufe}}, booktitle = {{Deduktionssysteme, Automatisierung des Logischen Denkens}}, publisher = {R. Oldenbourg Verlag}, year = {1992}, editor = {Karl Hans Bl{\"a}sius and Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert}, chapter = {6}, pages = {213--238}, edition = {2}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase:mgfdrt00, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Model Generation for Discourse Representation Theory}, crossref = {ECAI00}, pages = {441--445}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/ecai00.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{AKo:SPoKMaEL, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{Semantic Perspectives on Knowledge Management and E-Learning}}, pages = {281--288}, crossref = {LWA07}, keywords={conference}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @article{BosKoh:icos-editorial03, author = {Johan Bos and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Editorial}, journal = {Logic Journal of the IGPL}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, year = {2003}, pages = {381-384}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{MuKo:pr07, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {panta rhei}, pages = {318--323}, crossref = {LWA07}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cmueller}} @InProceedings{KoMaMu:MViDCaNS, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Achim Mahnke and Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {Managing Variants in Document Content and Narrative Structures}, pages = {324--229}, crossref = {LWA07}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cmueller}} @article{RabKoh:WSMSML13, author = {Florian Rabe and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Scalable Module System}, journal = {Information \& Computation}, url = {http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/mmt.pdf}, year="2013", number = "230", volume="0", pages = "1--54", pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,projects/omdoc}} @TechReport{RabKoh:xbsm12:web,crossref={RabKoh:xbsm12}, howpublished = {OMDoc Report~\url{https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/frabe/Papers/omdoc-spec/xmlsyntax/report.pdf}}} @TechReport{RabKoh:xbsm12, author = {Florian Rabe and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {An {XML}-based Syntax for {MMT}}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/frabe/Papers/omdoc-spec/xmlsyntax/report.pdf}, year = 2012, pubs = {mkohlhase,frabe,projects/omdoc}} @online{ODKproposal:on, label = {ODK}, url = {https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/raw/master/Proposal/proposal-www.pdf}, title = {Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics}, urldate = {2015-09-01}, type = {Project Proposal}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @Unpublished{Rabe:ttbor12, author = {Florian Rabe}, title = {A Type Theory Based on Reflection}, note = {Manuscript}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/frabe/Papers/ThyObj/paper.pdf}, year=2012, pubs = {frabe,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{WaMu:TCoPSfIMA, author = {Marc Wagner and Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Towards Community of Practice Support for Interactive Mathematical Authoring}}, crossref = {SCOOP07}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs={cmueller}} @InProceedings{CM:TtIaSosCoP07, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Towards the Identification and Support of Scientific Communities of Practice}}, crossref = {SCOOP07}, pubs={cmueller}} @InProceedings{CM:PoEIaSSCoPbosmosdawt, author = {Christine M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Presentation on Modeling Scientific Communities of Practice based on Semantic Markup of Scientific Documents and Web2.0. Technologies}}, crossref = {MC07}, pubs={cmueller}} @InProceedings{Lange:swmkm-ui07, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {{SWiM} -- A Semantic Wiki for Mathematical Knowledge Management}, crossref = {MathUI07}, pubs={clange,projects/swim}} @InProceedings{KohMueMue:dfncimk07, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Christine M{\"u}ller and Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {Documents with flexible Notation Contexts as Interfaces to Mathematical Knowledge}, crossref = {MathUI07}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cmueller,nmueller}} @InProceedings{KohLanRab:pmcfe07, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Christoph Lange and Florian Rabe}, title = {Presenting Mathematical Content With Flexible Elisions}, crossref = {OpenJEM07}, keywords = {clange-phd}, pubs = {mkohlhase,clange,projects/swim,frabe,projects/omdoc}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase04:stex, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Semantic Markup for {\TeX/\LaTeX}}, crossref = {MathUI04}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @MISC{Kohlhase:omfmd01, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{OMDoc}: An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents (Version 1.1)}, year = {2001}, url = {http://omdoc.org/pubs/omdoc1.1.pdf}, type = {Open Specification}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @online{Kohlhase:corfl00, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Creating {\sc OMDoc} representations from {\LaTeX}}, type = {Internet Draft}, url = {http://omdoc.org/pubs}, year = {2000}} @online{Kohlhase:ftga13, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Flexiformal Theory Graph for Arithmetics}, type = {Theory Graph}, url = {https://tnt.kwarc.info/repos/stc/oaff/flexarith/}, urldate = {2013-05-17}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase:otisadt00, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\sc OMDoc}: Towards an Internet Standard for the Administration, Distribution and Teaching of mathematical Knowledge}, crossref = {AISC00}, pages = {32--52}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/aisc.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @TECHREPORT{Kohlhase:otormd00, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\sc OMDoc}: Towards an {\sc OpenMath} Representation of Mathematical Documents}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {2000}, type = {Seki Report}, number = {SR-00-02}, url = {http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~cp/SEKI/2003/SR-2003-03/pdf.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omdoc}} @ARTICLE{Kohlhase:sat96, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Sorten} f{\"u}r das automatische {Beweisen} h{\"o}herer {Stufe}}, journal = {K{\"u}nstliche {Intelligenz}}, year = {1996}, publisher = {Scientec Publishing}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @techreport{Kohlhase:hotwc96, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher-Order Tableaux with Combinators}, institution = {Dept. of Computer Science, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes, Germany}, year = {1996}, type = {SEKI Report}, number = {SR-96-01}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{Kohlhase:hot95, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher-Order Tableaux}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tableau Workshop}, year = {1995}, pages = {294--309}, address = {Koblenz, Germany}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/Kohlhase95-Tableau.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @PHDTHESIS{Kohlhase:amosho94, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mechanization of Sorted Higher-Order Logic Based on the Resolution Principle}, school = {Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes}, year = {1994}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/diss.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{Kohlhase:hoosr94, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Higher-Order Order-Sorted Resolution}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Sarrlandes}, year = {1994}, type = {Seki Report}, number = {SR-94-1}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{Kohlhase:aupfeh93, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Unifying Principle for Extensional Higher-Order Logic}, institution = {Dept. of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University}, year = {1993}, type = {Technical Report}, number = {93--153}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{Kohlhase91, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Order-Sorted Type Theory {I}: Unification}, institution = {{Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes, Saarbr{\"u}cken}}, year = {1991}, type = {SEKI-Report}, number = {SR-91-18 (SFB)}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @MASTERSTHESIS{Kohlhase89, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Eine hinreichende Bedingung f{\"u}r die starke, homologische Minimalit{\"a}t von kompakten, ${\cal F}$-extremalen Hyperfl{\"a}chen in glatten Mannigfaltigkeiten}}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Bonn}, year = 1989, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/master.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @article{Kohlhase:ulsmf08, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Using {\LaTeX} as a Semantic Markup Format}, journal = {Mathematics in Computer Science}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, url = {https://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/mcs08-stex.pdf}, year = {2008}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {279--304}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @MISC{KohCar:ggm03, author = {Michael Kohlhase and David Carlisle}, title = {Guidelines for Graphics in MathML 2}, howpublished = {W3C Note}, keywords = {standard}, pubtype = {standard}, year = {2003}, url = {http://www.w3.org/Math/Documents/Notes/graphics.xml}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @MISC{KohDev:bvm03, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Stan Devitt}, title = {Bound Variables in MathML}, howpublished = {W3C Working Group Note}, year = {2003}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/mathml-bvar/}, pubtype = {standard}, keywords = {standard}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @Misc{DevKoh:stm03, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Stan Devitt}, title = {Structured Types in MathML 2.0}, howpublished = {W3C Note}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/mathml-types/}, year = 2003, pubtype = {standard}, keywords = {standard}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{KohKol:ramgpm03, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Alexander Koller}, title = {Resource-Adaptive Model Generation as a Performance Model}, year = {2003}, volume = {11}, pages = {435--456}, number = {4}, journal = {Logic Journal of the IGPL}, url = {http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/11/4/435}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{KohKon:mgfdrt99, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Karsten Konrad}, title = {Model Generation for Discourse Representation Theory}, institution = {Dept. of Computer Science, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes, Germany}, year = {1999}, type = {SEKI-Report}, number = {SR-99-01}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{KohKon:hoatpnls98, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Karsten Konrad}, title = {Higher-Order Automated Theorem Proving for Natural Language Semantics}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Saarbr{\"u}cken}, year = {1998}, type = {Seki Report}, number = {SR-98-04}, hardcopy = {no}, pages = {5}, url = {http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~konrad/papers/hotnl.ps.gz}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @TECHREPORT{KohKus:clausdlc97, title = {Dynamic Lambda Calculus}, publisher = {{CLAUS}-Report~91, Universit{\"a}t des {Saarlandes}}, year = {1997}, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Susanna Kuschert}, institution = {Computer Linguistics, Saarland University}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohKus:dlc97, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Susanna Kuschert}, title = {Dynamic Lambda Calculus}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5\textsuperscript{th} Meeting on Mathematics of Language -- MOL5}, year = {1997}, pages = {85--92}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohKusPin:attsfl96, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Susanna Kuschert and Manfred Pinkal}, title = {A type-theoretic semantics for $\lambda$-{DRT}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10\textsuperscript{th} {Amsterdam} {Colloquium}}, year = {1996}, editor = {P. Dekker and M. Stokhof}, pages = {479--498}, address = {Amsterdam}, organization = {ILLC}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/amscoll95.pdf}, keywords = {conference,lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KoPf:uialcw93, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Frank Pfenning}, title = {Unification in a $\lambda$-Calculus with Intersection Types}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Logic} {Programming} {Symposion} {ILPS}'93}, year = {1993}, editor = {Dale Miller}, pages = {488--505}, publisher = {MIT Press}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/ilps93.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{KerKoh:rwb11, author = {Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Reasoning without Believing: On the mechanization of Presuppositions and partiality}, journal = {Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics}, year = {2012}, volume = {22}, number = {4}, pages = {295--317}, doi = {10.1080/11663081.2012.705962}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{WolGriKoh:udc11, author = {Magdalena Wolska and Mihai Grigore and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Using discourse context to interpret object-denoting mathematical expressions}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/lamapun/doc/DML11/paper.pdf}, crossref = {DML11}, pages = {85--101}, keywords={lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/lamapun}} @ARTICLE{KohSch99:homvr, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Ortwin Scheja}, title = {Higher-Order Multi-Valued Resolution}, journal = {Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics}, year = {1999}, volume = {9}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/jancl99.pdf}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @techreport{KohSim:inid02, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Mandy Simons}, title = {Interpreting Negatives in Discourse}, institution = {Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University}, year = {2002}, number = {CMU-PHIL-127}, url = {http://www.hss.cmu.edu/philosophy/techreports/127_Kohlhase.pdf}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{PinKoh:flfdt00, author = {Manfred Pinkal and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Feature Logic for Dotted Types: A Formalism for Complex Word Meanings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38\textsuperscript{th} Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2000}, address = {Hongkong}, pages = {521--528}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/acl00.pdf}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @misc{Giceva:WSActiveMathDoc09, author = {Jana Giceva}, title = {Integrating Web Services into Active Mathematical Documents}, school = {Computer Science, Jacobs University, Bremen}, year = 2009, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/bsc-2009/jgiceva.pdf}, pubs = {jgiceva,projects/omdoc}, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}} @misc{Broecheler:tmsw07, author = {Matthias Br{\"o}cheler}, title = {A Mathematical Semantic Web}, school = {Computer Science, Jacobs University, Bremen}, year = 2007, url = {http://www.eecs.jacobs-university.de/archive/bsc-2007/broecheler.pdf}, pubs = {mbroecheler,projects/omdoc}, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}} @INPROCEEDINGS{LOUI98-UITP, author = {J{\"o}rg Siekmann and Stephan Hess and Christoph BenzM{\"u}ller and Lassaad Cheikhrouhou and Detlef Fehrer and Armin Fiedler and Helmut Horacek and Michael Kohlhase and Karsten Konrad and Andreas Meier and Erica Melis and Volker Sorge}, title = {{LOUI}: A Distributed Graphical User Interface for the Interactive Proof System {OMEGA}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop ``User Interfaces for Theorem Provers 1998'' (UITP'98)}, year = {1998}, address = {Eindhoven, Netherlands}, keywords = {!OMEGA!,ARTICLE,SFB}, url = {http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~omega/pub/postscript/LOUI98-UITP.ps.gz}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{SieHes:loui99, author = {J{\"o}rg Siekmann and Stephan M. Hess and Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Lassaad Cheikhrouhou and Armin Fiedler and Helmut Horacek and Michael Kohlhase and Karsten Konrad and Andreas Meier and Erica Melis and Martin Pollet and Volker Sorge}, title = {{L$\Omega$UI}: Lovely {$\Omega$\sc mega} User Interface}, journal = {Formal Aspects of Computing}, year = {1999}, volume = {3}, pages = {326--342}, number = {11}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/foascomp.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @INPROCEEDINGS{SieBen:acgap00, author = {J{\"o}rg Siekmann and Christoph BenzM{\"u}ller and Lassaad Cheikhrouhou and Armin Fiedler and Andreas Franke and Helmut Horacek and Michael Kohlhase and Andreas Meier and Erica Melis and Martin Pollet and Volker Sorge and Carsten Ullrich and J{\"u}rgen Zimmer}, title = {Adaptive Course Generation and Presentation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {ITS-2000} workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Web-Based Education Systems}, year = {2000}, editor = {P. Brusilovski and Chrisoph Peylo}, address = {Montreal}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @ARTICLE{SieKohMel:oema98, author = {J{\"o}rg Siekmann and Michael Kohlhase and Erica Melis}, title = {{$\Omega${\sc mega}}, Ein mathematisches {Assistenzsystem}}, journal = {Kognitionswissenschaft}, year = {1998}, volume = {7}, pages = {101--105}, number = {3}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/SiKoMe98-Kognition.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{ZimKoh:tmsbdmr02, author = {J{\"u}rgen Zimmer and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {System {Description}: {The} {MathWeb} Software Bus for Distributed Mathematical Reasoning}, pages = {247--252}, year = 2002, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cade02.pdf}, crossref = {CADE02}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{planetmathredux:on,crossref={planetmathredux:base},urldate={2011-09-08}} @MISC{planetmathredux,crossref={planetmathredux:base}, howpublished = {\url{http://planetmath.mathweb.org}}, note = {\seen{\January} 2011}} @MISC{planetmathredux:base, title = {{PlanetMath Redux}.org -- Math for the people, by the people}, key = {PlanetMathRedux.org}, label = {PlanetMathRedux.org}, url = {http://planetmath.mathweb.org}} @online{pantarheiredux:on,crossref={pantarheiredux:base},urldate={2010-09-30}} @MISC{pantarheiredux,crossref={pantarheiredux:base}, howpublished = {\url{http://planetary.mathweb.org/wiki/PantaRheiRedux}}, note = {\seen{\September} 2010}} @MISC{pantarheiredux:base, title = {{PlanetMath Redux}.org -- Math for the people, by the people}, key = {Pantarheiredux.org}, label = {Pantarheiredux.org}, url = {http://planetary.mathweb.org/wiki/PantaRheiRedux}, keywords = {projects/planetary}} @MISC{MathWebSearch:Web,crossref={URL:MathWebSearch:base}, howpublished = {\url{https://trac.mathweb.org/MWS/}}, note = {\seen Jan. 2011}} @online{MathWebSearch:online,crossref={URL:MathWebSearch:base},urldate = {2011-01-08}} @MISC{URL:MathWebSearch,crossref={URL:MathWebSearch:base}, howpublished = {\url{https://trac.mathweb.org/MWS/}}, note = {\seen Jan. 2011}} @MISC{URL:MathWebSearch:base, title = {{Math} {Web} {Search}}, url = {https://trac.mathweb.org/MWS/}, key = {MathWebSearch}, label = {MWS}} @techreport{Kohlhase:pplp:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:pplp:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/proposal/base/proposal.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:pplp:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:pplp:base}, url = {http://github.com/KWARC/LaTeX-proposal/base/proposal.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:pplp:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Preparing Proposals in {\LaTeX} with {\tt{proposal.cls}}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:pdrp:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:pdrp:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/proposal/dfg/dfgproposal.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:pdrp:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:pdrp:base}, url = {http://github.com/KWARC/LaTeX-proposal/dfg/dfgproposal.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:pdrp:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Preparing DFG Proposals and Reports in {\LaTeX} with {\texttt{dfgproposal.cls}}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:pfepr:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:pfepr:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/proposal/eu/euproposal.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:pfepr:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:pfepr:base}, url = {http://github.com/KWARC/LaTeX-proposal/eu/euproposal.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:pfepr:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Preparing FP7 EU Proposals and Reports in {\LaTeX} with {\texttt{euproposal.cls}}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:ed:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:ed:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, CHANGEurl = {http://www.ctan.org/get/macros/latex/contrib/ed/ed.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:ed:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:ed:base}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/kwarc/doc/macros/forCTAN/ed/ed.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:ed:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Editorial Notes for {\LaTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{KohAmb:smmssl:ctan,crossref={KohAmb:smmssl:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/get/macros/latex/contrib/stex/modules/modules.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{KohAmb:smmssl:svn,crossref={KohAmb:smmssl:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/modules/modules.pdf}} @techreport{KohAmb:smmssl:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Deyan Ginev and Rares Ambrus}, title = {{\texttt{modules.sty}}: Semantic Macros and Module Scoping in {sTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{KohGin:smss:ctan,crossref={KohGin:smss:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/get/macros/latex/contrib/stex/smultiling/smultiling.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{KohGin:smss:svn,crossref={KohGin:smss:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/smultiling/smultiling.pdf}} @techreport{KohGin:smss:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Deyan Ginev}, title = {{\texttt{smultiling.sty}}: Multilinguality Support for {sTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:ipsmsl:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:ipsmsl:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dginev,projects/stex}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/presentation/presentation.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:ipsmsl:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:ipsmsl:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/presentation/presentation.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:ipsmsl:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Deyan Ginev}, title = {\texttt{presentation.sty}: An Infrastructure for Presenting Semantic Macros in {sTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:cmath:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:cmath:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/cmath/cmath.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:cmath:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:cmath:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/cmath/cmath.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:cmath:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\texttt{cmath.sty}}: An Infrastructure for building Inline Content Math in {sTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/cmath/cmath.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smp:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:smp:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/sproof/sproof.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smp:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:smp:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/sproof/sproof.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smp:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{sproof.sty}: Structural Markup for Proofs}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/sproof/sproof.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:mikoslides:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:mikoslides:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/mikoslides/mikoslides.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:mikoslides:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:mikoslides:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/mikoslides/mikoslides.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:mikoslides:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Slides and Course Notes}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/mikoslides/mikoslides.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:reqdoc:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:reqdoc:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/reqdoc/reqdoc.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:reqdoc:svn, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/reqdoc/reqdoc.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:reqdoc:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\texttt{reqdoc.sty}}: Semantic Markup for Requirements Specification Documents}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:physml:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:physml:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/physml/physml.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:physml:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:physml:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/physml/physml.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:physml:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{physml.sty}: An Infrastructure for Marking Up {PhysML} in {\TeX/\LaTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:dcm:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:dcm:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/dcm/dcm.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:dcm:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:dcm:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/stex/dcm/dcm.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:dcm:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\texttt{dcm.sty}}: An Infrastructure for marking up {Dublin Core} Metadata in {\LaTeX} documents}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:workaddress:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:workaddress:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/workaddress/workaddress.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:workaddress:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:workaddress:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/stex/workaddress/workaddress.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:workaddress:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{\texttt{workaddress.sty}}: An Infrastructure for marking up {Dublin Core} Metadata in {\LaTeX} documents}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:hwexam:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:hwexam:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/hwexam/hwexam.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @misc{Kohlhase:hwexam*,crossref={Kohlhase:hwexam:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/hwexam/hwexam.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:hwexam:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{hwexam.sty/cls}: An Infrastructure for formatting Assignments and Exams}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:problem:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:problem:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/problem/problem.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @misc{Kohlhase:problem*,crossref={Kohlhase:problem:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/problem/problem.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:problem:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{problem.sty}: An Infrastructure for formatting Problems}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:sref:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:sref:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/sref/sref.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @misc{Kohlhase:sref*,crossref={Kohlhase:sref:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/sref/sref.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:sref:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{sref.sty}: Semantic Crossreferencing in {\LaTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:metakeys:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:metakeys:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/metakeys/metakeys.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:metakeys:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:metakeys:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/metakeys/metakeys.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:metakeys:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{metakeys.sty}: A generic framework for extensible Metadata in {\LaTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:rdfmeta:ctan,crossref = {Kohlhase:rdfmeta:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/rdfmeta/rdfmeta.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:rdfmeta:svn,crossref = {Kohlhase:rdfmeta:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/rdfmeta/rdfmeta.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:rdfmeta:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{RDFa} Metadata in {\LaTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:owl2onto:ctan,crossref = {Kohlhase:owl2onto:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/owl2onto/owl2onto.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:owl2onto:svn,crossref = {Kohlhase:owl2onto:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/owl2onto/owl2onto.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:owl2onto:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{owl2onto.cls}: Marking up {OWL2} Ontologies in {sTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:smms:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:smms:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/statements/statements.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smms:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:smms:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/statements/statements.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smms:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{statements.sty}: Structural Markup for Mathematical Statements}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:tbscml:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:tbscml:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/cmathml/cmathml.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:tbscml:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:tbscml:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/cmathml/cmathml.pdf}} @misc{Kohlhase:tbscml:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{cmathml.sty}: A {\TeX/\LaTeX}-based Syntax for Content MathML}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:clbscm:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:clbscm:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/cnx/cnx.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:clbscm:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:clbscm:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/cnx/cnx.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:clbscm:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{CNX{\LaTeX}}: A {\LaTeX}-based Syntax for {Connexions} Modules}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:smomdl:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:smomdl:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/omdoc/omdoc.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex,projects/omdoc}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smomdl*:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:smomdl:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/omdoc/omdoc.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smomdl:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{omdoc.sty/cls}: Semantic Markup for Open Mathematical Documents in {\LaTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:smmtf:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:smmtf:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/omtext/omtext.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex,projects/omdoc}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smmtf*:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:smmtf:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/omtext/omtext.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:smmtf:base, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {\texttt{omtext}: Semantic Markup for Mathematical Text Fragments in {\LaTeX}}, type = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package}, year = stexyear} @techreport{Kohlhase:ssmtl:ctan,crossref={Kohlhase:ssmtl:base}, institution = {Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive Network (CTAN)}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/get/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/stex.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/stex}} @techreport{Kohlhase:ssmtl:svn,crossref={Kohlhase:ssmtl:base}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX/raw/master/sty/stex.pdf}} @techreport{Kohlhase:ssmtl:base, key = {sTeX}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{sTeX}: Semantic Markup in {\TeX/\LaTeX}}, year = stexyear} @InBook{Kohlhase:atpm98chapter, editor = {Michael Kohlhase}, chapter = {Automated Theorem Proving in Mathematics}, crossref = {BibSch:adabfa98}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @Unpublished{Kohlhase:codemlspec, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{CodeML}: An Open Markup Format the Content and Presentatation of Program Code}, note = {Internet Draft at \url{https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/codeml/doc/spec/codeml.pdf}}, url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/codeml/doc/spec/codeml.pdf}, pubs = {projects/omdoc,mkohlhase}} @InProceedings{brownhorozal07, author = {Feryal Fulya Horozal and Chad E. Brown}, title = {Formal Representation of Mathematics in a Dependently Typed Set Theory}, pages = {265--279}, crossref = {MKM07}, pubs = {fhorozal} } @InProceedings{Kohlhase:friomkb01, author = {Michael Kohlahse}, title = {Formal Representation Issues in an Open Mathematical Knowledge Base}, url = {http://www.mkm-ig.org/meetings/mkm01/Proceedings/kohlhase.pdf}, crossref = {MKM01}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @inProceedings{LZ:OWLChangeRefactorXMLDB10, author = {Christoph Lange and Vyacheslav Zholudev}, title = {Previewing {OWL} Changes and Refactorings Using a Flexible {XML} Database}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-596/paper-08.pdf}, crossref = {ORES2010}, pubs = {clange,vzholudev}} @INPROCEEDINGS{DLKA:ProtoBrowserListedBuildSMW10, author = {Anca Dumitrache and Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase and Nils Aschenbeck}, title = {Prototyping a Browser for a Listed Buildings Database with {Semantic MediaWiki}}, crossref = {SemWiki10}, pubs = {clange,adumitrache,mkohlhase}} @MISC{HutKoh:OMoCProposal06, author = {Dieter Hutter and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Ontology-Driven Management of Change}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projets/omoc/pubs/proposal.pdf}, year = 2006, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/omoc}} @INCOLLECTION{KohMue:added-value07, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Added-Value: Getting People into Semantic Work Environments}}, crossref = {ReDeRa:SWE07}, pages = {185--205}, pubs = {akohlhase,nmueller}} @inProceedings{GraZho:rest2011, author = {Sebastian Graf and Vyacheslav Zholudev and Lukas Lewandowski and Marcel Waldvogel}, title = {Hecate, Managing Authorization with RESTful XML }, crossref = {WSREST2011}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1967428}} @misc{Zholudev:TNTBaseRESTful:base, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and others}, title = {{TNTBase} -- RESTful API}, year = {2010}, url = {http://tntbase.org/wiki/restful}} @misc{Zholudev:TNTBaseORES:base, author = {Vyacheslav Zholudev and Christoph Lange}, title = {{TNTBase} -- Sandbox for {ORES} 2010}, year = {2010}, url = {http://tntbase.org/wiki/usecase_ontologies}, urldate = {2010-04-25}} @online{krextor:webpage, crossref = {krextor:base}, lastchecked = nov, } @MISC{krextor, crossref = {krextor:base}, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://trac.kwarc.info/krextor/}}, month = jan, year = 2013} @MISC{krextor:base, key = {Krextor}, title = {Krextor -- The {KWARC} {RDF} Extractor}, author = {Christoph Lange and others}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/krextor/}, month = jan, year = 2013} @phdthesis{Lange:PhD:plain, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Enabling Collaboration on Semiformal Mathematical Knowledge by Semantic Web Integration}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2011, } @book{Lange:PhD:book:plain, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {Enabling Collaboration on Semiformal Mathematical Knowledge by Semantic Web Integration}, year = 2011, publisher = {AKA Verlag and IOS Press}, address = {Heidelberg and Amsterdam}, series = {Studies on the Semantic Web}, number = 11, isbn = {978-1-60750-840-3}, } @misc{OpenMathWiki:base, url = {http://wiki.openmath.org}, year = {2009}, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {{OpenMath} Wiki}} @online{RDFaHostLanguages, author = {Toby A. Inkster and Christoph Lange}, title = {{RDFa} Host Languages}, url = {http://rdfa.info/wiki/?title=RDFa_Host_Languages&oldid=1032}, date = {2010-02-23}, urldate = {2010-08-27}, crossref = {RDFaWiki}} @online{Lange:SWiMSubversionClient, author = {Christoph Lange}, title = {{SWiM} {Subversion} client}, url = {http://mathweb.org/w/index.php?title=SWiM/Subversion_client&oldid=8284}, date = {2008-09-24}, urldate = {2010-10-06}} @misc{Lange:wiki-argu-draft, author = {Christoph Lange and others}, title = {Improving mathematical knowledge items by acting on issue-based community feedback}, note = {Draft, \url{http://mathweb.org/wiki/SWiM/discussions/}}, url = {http://mathweb.org/wiki/SWiM/discussions/}, year = {2008}} @MISC{flyspeck-wiki:web, key = {Flyspeck}, author = {Christoph Lange and Florian Rabe and Sean McLaughlin}, title = {The {Flyspeck} wiki case study}, howpublished = {\url{http://mathweb.org/wiki/Flyspeck}}, url = {http://mathweb.org/wiki/Flyspeck}, note = {\seen November 2007}} @MISC{swim-bugzilla, key = {SWiM}, title = {{\sc{SWiM}} Trac}, author = {Christoph Lange and others}, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://trac.kwarc.info/swim/}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/swim/}, note = {\seen{\September} 2007}} @MISC{swim-roadmap, title = {{\sc{SWiM}} Development Roadmap}, author = {Christoph Lange}, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://trac.kwarc.info/swim/roadmap/}}, url = {http://trac.kwarc.info/swim/roadmap/}, note = {seen November 2007}} @phdthesis{NMueller:PhD, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller}, title = {Change Management on Semi-Structured Documents}, year = 2010, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, url = {http://kwarc.info/nmueller/papers/nrmphd.pdf}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:InvasiverEditor, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{CPoint --- ein invasiver, semantischer Editor f{\"u}r Content in {{MS PowerPoint}}}}, crossref = {EduMedia2007}, pages = {116--118}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:pufmp08, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {{{MS PowerPoint}} Use from a Micro-Perspective}, crossref = {EdMedia2008}, pages = {1279--1286}, pubs = {akohlhase}, keywords={conference}, url = {http://go.editlib.org/p/28550}} @online{Planetary:on,crossref={Planetary:base},urldate={2012-09-15},label={PDFm}} @misc{Planetary:URL,crossref={Planetary:base},howpublished={http://planetary.mathweb.org},key={PDFm}} @misc{Planetary:base, title = {Planetary Developer Forum}, url = {http://planetary.mathweb.org/},} @Online{PlanetaryEPCMilestone:on,crossref={PlanetaryEPCMilestone:base},urldate={2011-03-14},subtitle={Milestone EPCdemo}} @misc{PlanetaryEPCMilestone:URL,crossref={PlanetaryEPCMilestone:base}, howpublished={http://planetary.mathweb.org/milestone/EPCdemo}} @misc{PlanetaryEPCMilestone:base, title = {Planetary Developer Forum}, subtitle = {Milestone EPCdemo}, url = {http://planetary.mathweb.org/milestone/EPCdemo}, } @online{EPCsystem:on,crossref={EPCsystem:base},urldate={2011-01-07}} @misc{EPCsystem:URL,crossref={EPCsystem:base}, howpublished={http://planetary.mathweb.org/wiki/EPCSystem}} @misc{EPCsystem:base, title = {Executable Paper Challenge System}, url = {http://planetary.mathweb.org/wiki/EPCSystem}} @Online{LinkedLectures, author = {Michael Kohlhase and others}, title = {Lectures as Linked Data}, url = {http://kwarc.info/LinkedLectures/}, urldate = {2010-09-22}} @online{Kohlhase:PlanetGenCS:on,crossref={Kohlhase:PlanetGenCS:base},urldate={2011-03-03}} @misc{Kohlhase:PlanetGenCS:url,crossref={Kohlhase:PlanetGenCS:base}, howpublished = {\url{http://panta.kwarc.info/GenCS}}} @misc{Kohlhase:PlanetGenCS:base, key = {GenCS}, label = {GenCS}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{General Computer Science: GenCS I/II Lecture Notes}}, type = {Semantic Course Notes in Panta Rhei}, url = {http://panta.kwarc.info/GenCS}, year = 2011, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @online{PlanetGenCS:on,crossref={PantaRhei:base},urldate={2010-09-22}, keywords = {projects/planetary}, label={PR}} @online{PantaRhei:on,crossref={PantaRhei:base},urldate={2013-02-22}, keywords = {projects/planetary}, label={PR}} @misc{PlanetGenCS:URL,crossref={PantaRhei:base}, howpublished={\webpageat\url{http://panta.kwarc.info}}, note = {\seen{\January} 2011}} @misc{PantaRhei:base, title = {Panta Rhei, the Active Course Site at Jacobs University}, url = {http://panta.kwarc.info}} @online{PlanetLATIN:on,crossref={PlanetLATIN:base},urldate={2010-09-22},label={LA}} @misc{PlanetLATIN:URL,crossref={PlanetLATIN:base}, howpublished={\webpageat\url{logicatlas.omdoc.org}}, note = {\seen{\January} 2011}} @misc{PlanetLATIN:base, title = {Logic Atlas and Integrator}, url = {http://logicatlas.omdoc.org}} @online{PlanetBox:on,crossref={PlanetBox:base},urldate={2010-09-22}} @misc{PlanetBox:URL,crossref={PlanetBox:base}, howpublished={\webpageat\url{http://planetbox.kwarc.info}}, note = {\seen{\January} 2011}} @misc{PlanetBox:base, title = {Planetary Sandbox}, url = {http://planetbox.kwarc.info}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:SemanticPowerPoint, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {Semantic PowerPoint: Content and Semantic Technology for Educational Added-Value Services in {{MS PowerPoint}}}, pages = {3576--3583}, crossref = {EdMedia2007}, pubs = {akohlhase}, keywords={conference}, url = {http://go.editlib.org/p/25890}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:PPTforChildren, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Heidi Schelhowe and Michael Lund}, title = {What Can the Hundred Languages of Children Teach Us?}, crossref = {MuC2007}, booktitle= {{Interaktion im Plural}}, keywords= {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase}, pages = {189--198}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:EngagingPPT, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {The Music is not in the Piano: Engaging vs. Enabling {{MS PowerPoint}}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2007 (SITE'07)}, pages = {2026--2028}, year = 2007, editor = {Roger Carlsen and Karen McFerrin and Jerry Price and Roberta Weber and Dee Anna Willis}, publisher = {AACE}, keywords = {conference}, pubs = {akohlhase}, note = {St. Antonio, TX (USA), 2007-03-24/28}} @Article{Kohlhase:LearnerAndLearningTechnology, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {Learner and Learning Technology: The Interaction Process as a Full Partnership}, journal = {ECTI Transactions Journal}, year = 2007, note = {Under final review}, pubs = {akohlhase}, url = {http://www.ecti.or.th/}} @InProceedings{Reichel:FolksonomiesAsEmbodiedActions, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Milena Reichel}, title = {Embodied Constructionist Learning: Social Tagging and Folksonomies in E-Learning Environments }, booktitle = {Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education (mICTE06)}, year = { 2006}, address = { Badajoz, Spain }, volume ={3}, keywords={conference}, pubs={akohlhase}} @TechReport{DumMer:cwsat03, author = "Alex Dumitru and Vlad Merticariu", title = {Current Web State of Annotation Tools}, institution = "Jacobs University Bremen", month = may, year = "2013", } @Article{Reichel:EmbodiedConceptualizations, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Milena Reichel}, title = {Embodied Conceptualizations: Social Tagging and E-Learning}, journal = {International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies}, publisher = {Idea Group Inc.}, year = 2008, number = 1, pages = {58--67}, pubs = {akohlhase} } @InCollection{KohlhaseReichel:FuzzyLinePrivatePublic, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Milena Reichel}, title = {Social Tagging and Learning: The Fuzzy Line between Private and Public Space}, booktitle = {Novel Developments in Web-Based Learning Technologies: Tools for Modern Teaching}, publisher = {Information Science Reference}, month = jan, year = 2010, editor = {Nikos Karacapilidis}, chapter = {11}, series = {Advances in Web-based Learning (AWBL)}, note = {ISBN 978-1-60566-938-0}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @MastersThesis{Anca:NLMPforATS09, author = {{\c S}tefan Anca}, title = {Natural Language and Mathematics Processing for Applicable Theorem Search}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2009, pubs = {sanca}, type = {Master's Thesis}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, url = {https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/msc-2009/aanca.pdf} } @misc{Anca:matesearch07, author = {{\c S}tefan Anca}, title = {{MaTeSearch} A combined Math and Text search engine}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2007, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, pubs = {sanca}, url = {http://www.eecs.jacobs-university.de/archive/bsc-2007/anca.pdf}} @MastersThesis{Horozal07, author = {Feryal Fulya Horozal}, title = {{Towards a Natural Representation of Mathematics in Proof Assistants}}, school = {Saarland University}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany}, type = {Master's Thesis}, year = {2007}, pubs = {fhorozal} } @inproceedings{DHK:algebra:09, author = "Stefania Dumbrava and Fulya Horozal and Kristina Sojakova", title = "{A Case Study on Formalizing Algebra in a Module System}", booktitle = "{Workshop on Modules and Libraries for Proof Assistants}", editor = "Florian Rabe and Carsten Sch{\"u}rmann", publischer = "ACM", series = "{ACM International Conference Proceeding Series}", volume = "429", year = "2009", pages = "11--18", pubs = {fhorozal,sdumbrava} } @InProceedings{IVEB:SemEnabBusProcDisc10, author = {Jos{\'e} Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez, Mar{\'i}a and Gabriela Vulcu and Joaquin Ezpeleta and Sami Bhiri}, title = {Semantically Enabled Business Process Discovery}, booktitle = {Symposium on Applied Computing}, pages = {1396--1403}, year = 2010, publisher = {ACM}, eventdate = 2010, venue = {Sierre, Switzerland}, isbn = {978-1-60558-639-7}, pubs = {projects/krextor}} @InProceedings{DGKC:eMath30, author = {Catalin David and Deyan Ginev and Michael Kohlhase and Joe Corneli}, title = {{eMath} 3.0: Building Blocks for a social and semantic Web for online mathematics \& {ELearning}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/malog10.pdf}, crossref = {MALOG10}, pubs = {cdavid,dginev,mkohlhase,projects/planetary,projects/ikyda2012}} @InProceedings{FA:MathKnowReprEduSemWebLearnStyle10, author = {Farhana Md Mahtar, Ili and Azan Mat Zin, Nor}, title = {Mathematical Knowledge Representation for Education Semantic Web based on Learning Style}, booktitle = {International Symposium in Information Technology (ITSim)}, pages = {1--4}, year = {2010}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561332}, pubs = {projects/omdoc,projects/krextor}} @misc{DR:filtering:10, author = "Stefania Dumbrava and Florian Rabe", title = "{Structuring Theories with Partial Morphisms}", note = {Workshop on Abstract Development Techniques}, year = "2010", pubs = {frabe,sdumbrava}} @misc{Dumbrava:sshelf, author = {Stefania Dumbrava}, title = {Structured Specifications with Hiding in the Edinburgh Logical Framework {LF}}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2010, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, url = {http://kwarc.eecs.iu-bremen.de/frabe/students/dumbrava_10.pdf}, pubs = {sdumbrava,bscthesis}} @article{rabe:bslreview:10, author = {Florian Rabe}, title = "{Review of ``Reasoning in Simple Type Theory -- Festschrift in Honor of Peter B. Andrews on His 70th Birthday''}", journal = "{Bulletin of Symbolic Logic}", volume = 16, number = 3, year = 2010, pages = "409--411", pubs = {frabe}, } @Unpublished{KohKoh:tcmff10, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Towards a Conceptual Model for Flexible Formalization}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/mkm10-flexiform.pdf}} @online{ako:MicrodataVsRDFa, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {Microdata vs.\ {RDFa} -- What does it mean to us?}, note = {comment to a blog post}, date = {2009-10-29}, url = {http://kwarc.info/blog/2009/10/28/microdata-vs-rdfa/comment-page-1/#comment-1156}, urldate = {2009-12-01}} @unpublished{LK:OMDocOntologyLanguageESWC09, author = {Christoph Lange and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {A Mathematical Approach to Ontology Authoring and Documentation}, Url = {https://svn.omdoc.org/repos/omdoc/trunk/doc/blue/foaf/eswc2009.pdf}, year = 2009} @online{Kohlhase:MailGenericMetadata2008, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{Generic Metadata Element}}, note = {e-mail to \url{project-omdoc-dev@jacobs-university.de}}, url = {http://lists.jacobs-university.de/mailman/private/project-omdoc-dev/2008-July/thread.html#73}, date = {2008-07-01}} @Unpublished{LemKoh:cah08, author = {Johannes Lemburg and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Constructing a Hammer}, note = {A Collection of Semi-Formal Specifications}, url = {https://rlbsvn.informatik.uni-bremen.de/VI-Bot/FormalVI/doc/hammer/hammer.pdf}, year = 2008} @unpublished{KLMMR:NfAD, title = {Notations for Active Mathematical Documents}, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Christoph Lange and Christine M{\"u}ller and Normen M{\"u}ller and Florian Rabe}, journal = {Journal of Mathematics in Computer Science, Special Issue on Authoring, Digitalization, and Management of Mathematical Knowledge}, year = {2009}, pubstate = {submitted}, url = {http://kwarc.info/publications/papers/KLMMR_NfAD.pdf}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/publications/papers/KLMMR_NfAD.pdf}}} @InProceedings{Kohlhase:STS-RelaxNG08, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Compiling {\openmath} Type systems to {Relax NG} Grammars}, crossref = {JEM08}} @Unpublished{KohSuc:mwssse07, author = {Michael Kohlhase and Ioan {\c S}ucan}, title = {System Description: {\sc{MathWebSearch}} 0.3, A Semantic Search Engine}, year = 2007} @MISC{xslt:web, key = {xslt}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {{XSLT Stylesheet for converting OMDoc documents into XHTML.}}, howpublished = {\url{http://kwarc.info/projects/xslt}}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/xslt}, note = {\seen January 2008}} @unpublished{mmlkit:web, key = {mmlkit}, author = {Normen M{\"u}ller and Christine M{\"u}ller and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {The math markup language toolkit (mmlkit)}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/mmlkit}, month = jun, year = 2008} @ARTICLE{KohKoh:ssl13, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Spreadsheets with a Semantic Layer}, editor = {Till Mossakowski and Markus Roggenbach and Lutz Schr{\"o}der}, journal = {Electronic Communications of the EASST: Specification, Transformation, Navigation -- Special Issue dedicated to Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday}, year = {2013}, url = {http://journal.ub.tu-berlin.de/eceasst/article/view/870}, volume = {62}, pages = {1--20}, pubs = {akohlhase,mkohlhase,projects/sissi}} @misc{vzamdzhiev:bscthesis, author = {Vladimir Zamdzhiev}, title = {Universal {OpenMath} Machine}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2011, type = {B.\,Sc.\ Thesis}, pubs = {vzamdzhiev,bscthesis}} @misc{mcirlanaru:bscthesis, author = {Mihai C{\^i}rl{\u a}naru}, title = {Authoring, Publishing and Interacting with Units and Quantities in Technical Documents}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, year = 2011, type = {B.\,Sc.\ Thesis}, pubs = {mcirlanaru,bscthesis,unitsbibliography}} @misc{OntoIOpOASIS2001, author = {Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz and Christoph Lange}, title = {Ontology Integration and Interoperability ({OntoIOp}) -- Part 1: The Distributed Ontology Language ({DOL})}, howpublished = {Presentation at OASIS Symposium at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)}, year = 2011, date = {2011-10-24}, url = {http://www.oasis-project.eu/index.php/lang-en/news-topmenu-19/20-general-news/406-oasis_symposium_at_iswc_2011_a} } @online{Stamerjohanns:latexmleditor, author = {Heinrich Stamerjohanns}, title = {An in-browser editor for LaTeX fragments}, url = {http://tex2xml.kwarc.info/test/edit.php}, urldate = {2010-10-10}} @misc{AA:IPRaaCT, title = {{Improving Panta Rhei as a Community Tool}}, author = {Andrei Aiordachioaie}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, url = {http://kwarc.info/projects/panta-rhei/papers/thesis_aiordachioaie_andrei.pdf}, year = 2008} @Misc{OMDoc:wiki, key = {OMDoc Wiki}, title = {The {OMDoc} Wiki}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.mathweb.org/omdoc/wiki/}}, url = {http://www.mathweb.org/omdoc/wiki/}} @Misc{OMDocUG:web, key = {OMDoc}, title = {People involved with the {\omdoc} Project}, howpublished = {\webpageat\url{http://omdoc.org/people.html}}, url = {http://omdoc.org/people.html}, note = {\seen{\July} 2005}} @misc{Grigore-10, author = {Mihai Grigore}, title = {{Knowledge-poor Interpretation of Mathematical Expressions in Context}}, school = {Jacobs University Bremen}, address = {Bremen, Germany}, type = {Master's Thesis}, keywords = {lamapunbibs}, month = aug, url = {http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~mgrigore/mgrigore_MScThesis.pdf}, year = {2010}} @online{latexml:branch:online,crossref={latexml:branch:base},urldate={2013-03-12}} @Misc{latexml:branch,crossref={latexml:branch:base}, howpublished = {Web Manual at \url{http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/}}, note = {\seen{\September} 2011}} @Misc{latexml:branch:base, author = {Deyan Ginev}, title = {{\texttt{LaTeXML}}: A {\LaTeX} to {XML} Converter, {arXMLiv} branch}, url = {https://svn.mathweb.org/repos/LaTeXML/branches/arXMLiv}} @online{latexml-daemon, author = {Deyan Ginev}, title = {The {\LaTeX{}ML} Daemon: Editable Math for the Collaborative Web}, url = {http://latexml.mathweb.org}, urldate = {2012-03-31}, pubs = {dginev}, } @online{latexml-showcase, author = {Deyan Ginev}, title = {The {\LaTeX{}ML} Web Showcase}, url = {http://latexml.mathweb.org/editor}, urldate = {2013-03-12}, pubs = {dginev}, } @unpublished{Ginev:OnDigitalCorpora, author = {Deyan Ginev}, title = {On Digital Corpora of Scientific Documents - Knowledge Management and Representations}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/MathSearch/doc/blue/corpora/corpora.pdf}, howpublished = {unpublished {KWARC} blue notes}, pubs = {projects/mathsearch,dginev}, year = {2012}, month = jun} @unpublished{Ginev:TowardsABuildSystemForDigitalCorpora, author = {Deyan Ginev}, title = {Towards a Build System for Digital Corpora of Scientific Documents}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/MathSearch/doc/blue/buildsystem/buildsystem.pdf}, howpublished = {unpublished {KWARC} blue notes}, pubs = {projects/mathsearch,dginev}, year = {2012}, month = jun} @Misc{MGG:email, author = {Mihai Grigore}, title = {{Personal communication to D. Ginev}}, note = {February 23 2011}} @misc{Kuryla:OWLtoOMDocTranslation09, author = {Siarhei Kuryla}, title = {{OMDoc} as an Ontology Language: {OWL}$\to${OMDoc} translation implementation}, type = {Project report}, year = {2009}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/frabe/Teaching/Seminar09/Reports/siarhei.pdf}, pubs = {projects/docOnto,projects/omdoc}} @online{Ontohub:site, title = {Ontohub}, url = {http://ontohub.oor.net}, urldate = {2012-12-03}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}} @online{Ontohub, author = {Couto Vale, Daniel and Julian Kornberger and Christoph Lange and Till Mossakowski and Henning M{\"u}ller}, title = {Ontohub}, url = {http://github.com/ontohub/ontohub}, urldate = {2012-04-20}, pubs = {clange,projects/ontoiop}} @inproceedings{JucEth12:redsys, title = {Cost-Effective Integration of MKM Semantic Services into Editing Environments}, author = {Constantin Jucovschi}, crossref = {CICM12}, pages = {96--110}, url = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.3316v2.pdf}, pubs = {cjucovschi,projects/sissi}} @BOOK{lange05:wiki, title = {Wiki -- {Planen}, {Einrichten}, {Verwalten}}, publisher = {C\&L Computer- und Literaturverlag}, year = {2005}, month = sep, editor = {Christoph Lange}, isbn = {3-936546-28-2}, pubs={clange}, hyphenation = {ngerman}} @BOOK{lange06:wikiblog, title = {Wikis und Blogs -- {Planen}, {Einrichten}, {Verwalten}}, publisher = {C\&L Computer- und Literaturverlag}, year = {2006}, month = sep, editor = {Christoph Lange}, isbn = {3-936546-44-4}, pubs={clange}, hyphenation = {ngerman}} @InProceedings{Koh:NavigationInMathDocs2012, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {Navigation in Mathematical Documents}, pages = {12--23}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-921/mathui-02.pdf}, crossref = {MathUI12}, keywords = {workshop}, pubs = {akohlhase,projects/sissi}} @inproceedings{CorneliDumitru:OpenMathUIWiP2012, title = {{PlanetMath}/{Planetary}}, author = {Joseph Corneli and Mircea Alexandru Dumitru}, pages = {66--72}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-921/wip-02.pdf}, crossref = {OpenMathUIWiP2012}, } @inproceedings{GinCor:nnexus:14, title = {NNexus Reloaded}, author = {Deyan Ginev and Joseph Corneli}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {423--426}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.6548}, pubs = {dginev}} @inproceedings{HamKoh:fsm15, title = {Faceted Search for Mathematics}, author = {Radu Hambasan and Michael Kohlhase}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/macis15.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/mathsearch}, crossref = {MACIS15}} @inproceedings{KohlhaseEtAl:FullSemanticTransparency:2013, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase and Constantin Jucovschi and Alexandru Toader}, title = {Full Semantic Transparency: Overcoming Boundaries of Applications}, pages = {406--423}, crossref = {INTERACT13a}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/Interact2013_FST.pdf}, pubs={akohlhase,mkohlhase,cjucovschi,atoader, projects/sissi}, keywords={conference}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:HumanSpreadsheetInteraction:2013, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {Human-Spreadsheet Interaction}, pages={571-578}, crossref = {INTERACT13b}, pubs={akohlhase,projects/sissi}, keywords={conference}} @InProceedings{Koh:Spshts_FromDataToKnowledgeInterface:2013, title = {Spreadsheets: from data interfaces to knowledge interfaces}, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1010/paper-17.pdf}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2013}, keywords = {workshop}, pubs = {akohlhase,projects/sissi} } @inproceedings{Ginev:CICM-WS-WiP2013, title = {{NNexus} {Glasses}: a drop-in showcase for wikification}, author = {Deyan Ginev}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1010/paper-13.pdf}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2013}, } @inproceedings{IancuEtAl:CICM-WS-WiP2013, title = {The {Scala-REPL} + {MMT} as a lightweight mathematical user interface}, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Felix Mance and Florian Rabe}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1010/paper-15.pdf}, crossref = {CICM-WS-WiP2013}, } @TECHREPORT{ke-la-ro-14, AUTHOR = {Manfred Kerber and Christoph Lange and Colin Rowat}, TITLE = {A formal proof of {Vickrey}'s theorem by blast, simp, and rule}, INSTITUTION = {University of Birmingham, Department of Economics}, YEAR = {2014}, type = {Working Paper}, number = {14-01}, month = jan, url = {http://ssrn.com/abstract=2376205}, pubs = {clange,projects/formare}, } @Unpublished{BreiCodJuc:tospsme13,crossre={BreiCodJuc:tospsme13:biblatex}} @Unpublished{BreiCodJuc:tospsme13:biblatex, author = {Thilo Breitsprecher and Mihai Codescu and Constantin Jucovschi and Michael Kohlhase and Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Sandro Wartzack}, title = {Towards Ontological Support for Principle Solutions in Mechanical Engineering}, note = {see \url{http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/fm13.pdf}}, year = 2013, pubs = {mkohlhase,cjucovschi}} @Unpublished{BreiCodJuc:ssedp13,crossref={BreiCodJuc:ssedp13:biblatex}, note = {see \url{http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/fm13.pdf}}} @inproceedings{BreiCodJuc:ssedp13:biblatex, author = {Thilo Breitsprecher and Mihai Codescu and Constantin Jucovschi and Michael Kohlhase and Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Sandro Wartzack}, booktitle = {Proc. 13th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2014}, title = {Semantic Support for Engineering Design Processes}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/design14.pdf}, year = 2013, pubs = {mkohlhase,cjucovschi,projects/sissi,projects/formalcad}} @online{MathHub:authoring:on, label={MHA}, title={MathHub: Authoring Resources \& Workflows}, url = {http://mathhub.info/help/authoring}, urldate = {2014-02-01}} @online{katdemo:on, label={KD}, url={http://kwarc.flanche.net/katGit/test/}, urldate = {2014-02-15}} @online{KAT:github:on, label = {KG}, note = {GitHub repository}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/KAT/}} @online{CorTeX:github:on, label = {CG}, note = {GitHub repository}, url = {https://github.com/dginev/CorTeX/}} @online{SMGloM:gloss:on, label = {SMG}, title = {SMGloM Glossary}, urldate = {2014-04-21}, url = {http://mathhub.info/mh/glossary}} @misc{SMGloM:URL,crossref={SMGloM:base},key={SMG}, howpublished = {\url{http://smglom.mathhub.info}}, note = {System home page seen 2014-04-21}} @online{SMGloM:on,crossref={SMGloM:base}, label = {SMG}, urldate = {2014-04-21}} @misc{SMGloM:base, title = {SMGloM: A Semantic, Multilingual Terminology for Mathematics}, url = {http://smglom.mathhub.info}} @online{SMGloM:dict:on, label = {SMD}, title = {SMGloM Dictionary}, urldate = {2015-04-04}, url = {http://mathhub.info/mh/dictionary}} @inproceedings{KohKoh:sdsaloc14, title = {System Description: A Semantics-Aware {\LaTeX}-to-Office Converter}, author = {Lukas Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {440--443}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/cicm14-l2o.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase}} @unpublished{IanJucKoh:sps15, title = {The {SMGLoM} Project and System}, author = {Deyan Ginev and Mihnea Iancu and Constantin Jucovschi and Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase and Heinz Kr{\"o}ger and J{\"u}rgen Schefter and Wolfram Sperber}, year = {2015}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/cicm15-smglom.pdf}, pubs = {miancu,mkohlhase,akohlhase,cjucovschi,projects/llamapun,projects/mathsearch}} @inproceedings{Kohlhase:dmesmgm14, title = {A Data Model and Encoding for a Semantic, Multilingual Terminology of Mathematics}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {169--183}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/papers/cicm14-smglom.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,projects/llamapun,projects/mathsearch}} @unpublished{DumGinKoh:katsd14, title = {System Description: KAT an Annotation Tool for STEM Documents}, author = {Mircea Alex Dumitru and Deyan Ginev and Michael Kohlhase and Vlad Merticariu and Stefan Mirea and Tom Wiesing}, year = "2014", url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/cicm14-kat.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dginev,twiesing,projects/llamapun}} @inproceedings{IanJucKoh:sdm14, title = {System Description: MathHub.info}, author = {Mihnea Iancu and Constantin Jucovschi and Michael Kohlhase and Tom Wiesing}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {431--434}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/cicm14-mathhub.pdf}, pubs = {mkohlhase,cjucovschi,miancu,twiesing,projects/oaf}} @online{DumGinKoh:katsdm14, title = {KAT: An Annotation Tool for STEM Documents; Manual}, author = {Alex Dumitru and Deyan Ginev and Michael Kohlhase and Vlad Merticariu and Stefan Mirea and Tom Wiesing}, url = {https://github.com/KWARC/KAT/blob/master/doc/manual/katmanual.pdf}, year = {2014}, pubs = {mkohlhase,dginev,twiesing,projects/llamapun}} @inproceedings{CarFarKoh:rsckmt14, author = {Jacques Carette and William Farmer and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Realms: A Structure for Consolidating Knowledge about Mathematical Theories}, crossref = {CICM14}, url = {http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/cicm14-realms.pdf}, pages = {252--266}, pubs = {mkohlhase}, note = {MKM Best-Paper-Award}} @inproceedings{Koh:SearchInterfacesMath:2014, title = {Search Interfaces for Mathematicians}, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {153--168}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.3758}, pubs = {akohlhase}} @unpublished{Rabe:literal:14, author = {Florian Rabe}, title = "{Generic Literals}", url = {http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/rabe_literals_14.pdf}, pubs = {frabe}} @inproceedings{KalRab:hollight:14, author = {Cezary Kaliszyk and Florian Rabe}, title = {Towards Knowledge Management for {HOL Light}}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {357--372}, url = {http://kwarc.info/frabe/Research/KR_hollight_14.pdf}, pubs = {frabe}} @inproceedings{cjucovschi:interaction_integration:14, author = {Constantin Jucovschi}, title = {Towards an Interaction-based Integration of {MKM} Services into End-User Applications}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {344--356}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.5058}, pubs = {cjucovschi,projects/sissi}} @inproceedings{HKR:flexary:14, author = {Fulya Horozal and Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe}, title = {Flexary Operators for Formalized Mathematics}, crossref = {CICM14}, pages = {312--327}, url = {https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/fhorozal/papers/submitted/cicm14_flex-op.pdf}, pubs = {fhorozal,mkohlhase,frabe}} @online{SPL:on, label = {SPL}, title = {The SMGloM Public License (SPL) Version 0.1}, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, url = {https://mathhub.info/help/spl0.1.html}} @unpublished{KohKoh:InvasivesDesign:2014, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Invasives Design: Mashups f{\"u}r Desktop-Applikationen}, SOONcrossref = {MuC2014}, pubs = {akohlhase}, note = {submitted to Mensch und Computer 2014}} @INPROCEEDINGS{KohToa:Fency:2013, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Alexandru Toader}, title = {Exploration of Spreadsheet Formulae with Fency}, url = {http://www.minf.uni-bamberg.de/lwa2013/FinalPapers/lwa2013_submission_18.pdf}, crossref = {FGWM13}, pubs = {akohlhase,atoader, projects/sissi}} @InProceedings{KohGus:CoOccurrencesInSpreadsheets:2015, author = {Andrea Kohlhase and Ana Guseva}, title = {Co-Occurrences of Context Dimensions of Spreadsheets}, crossref = {MathUI15}, url ={http://www.cermat.org/events/MathUI/15/proceedings/Kohlhase-Guseva-Cooccurences-context-MathUI_15.pdf}, pubs = {akohlhase,aguseva}} % Officially: url = {http://jpubs.jacobs-university.de/handle/579/2453} @TECHREPORT{Koh:FramingsOfInformation:2013, author = {Andrea Kohlhase}, title = {Framings of Information: Readers' Perception of Information Sources in Spreadsheets}, number = 30, institution = {Jacobs University}, month = mar, year = {2013}, url = {kwarc.info/ako/pubs/tr_hsi_2013.pdf}, pubs={akohlhase,projects/sissi}} @misc{aguseva:bsc, author = "Ana Guseva", title = "Towards Understanding Context Dimensions of Spreadsheet Knowledge", year = "2013", annote = "Bachelor's Thesis", school = "Jacobs University", pubs = "projects/sissi" } @misc{agiurgiu:bsc, author = "Andrei-George Giurgiu", title = "Semantically Enhanced Text Documents", year = "2014", note = "Bachelor's Thesis", school = "Jacobs University", pubs = "projects/sissi" } @misc{alezza:bsc, author = "Andra Lidia Lezza", title = "Creating Semantic Interactions in Airbus Spreadsheet Reports", year = "2014", note = "Bachelor's Thesis", school = "Jacobs University", pubs = "projects/sissi" } @misc{atoader:bsc, author = "Alexandru Valentin Toader", title = "Assessment Service for Spreadsheet Documents", year = "2014", note = "Bachelor's Thesis, Jacobs University", pubs = "projects/sissi" } @misc{smirea:bsc, author = "Stefan Mirea", title = "An Evaluation of Responsive User Interface Options for Multi-modal and Mathematical Search Engines", year = "2013", note = "Bachelor's Thesis", school = "Jacobs University", pubs = "projects/mathsearch, projects/sissi" } @online{YTInters, label = {IntV15}, author = {Dennis M{\"u}ller}, title = {Theory Intersections in {MMT}}, url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXKaGuV7kLY}, Urldate = {2015-06-29}}