\begin{sfragment}{The \texttt{mathstructure} Environment} \begin{smodule}[ns=https://github.com/slatex/sTeX/doc]{MathStructures} A common occurence in mathematics is bundling several interrelated ``declarations'' together into \emph{structures}. For example: \begin{itemize} \item A \emph{monoid} is a structure $\mathstruct{M,\circ,e}$ with $\circ:M\times M\to M$ and $e\in M$ such that... \item A \emph{topological space} is a structure $\mathstruct{X,\mathcal T}$ where $X$ is a set and $\mathcal T$ is a topology on $X$ \item A \emph{partial order} is a structure $\mathstruct{S,\leq}$ where $\leq$ is a binary relation on $S$ such that... \end{itemize} This phenomenon is important and common enough to warrant special support, in particular because it requires being able to \emph{instantiate} such structures (or, rather, structure \emph{signatures}) in order to talk about (concrete or variable) \emph{particular} monoids, topological spaces, partial orders etc. \begin{environment}{mathstructure} The \stexcode"mathstructure" environment allows us to do exactly that. It behaves exactly like the \stexcode"smodule" environment, but is itself only allowed inside an \stexcode"smodule" environment, and allows for instantiation later on. \end{environment} How this works is again best demonstrated by example: \symdef{funtype}[args=ai]{#1 \comp\to #2}{##1 \comp\times ##2} \symdef{fun}[args=bi]{#1 \comp\mapsto #2} \symdef{set}{\comp{\texttt{Set}}} \stexexample{% \begin{mathstructure}{monoid} \symdef{universe}[type=\set]{\comp{U}} \symdef{op}[ args=2, type=\funtype{\universe,\universe}{\universe}, op=\circ ]{#1 \comp{\circ} #2} \symdef{unit}[type=\universe]{\comp{e}} \end{mathstructure} A \symname{monoid} is... } Note that the \stexcode"\symname{monoid}" is appropriately highlighted and (depending on your pdf viewer) shows a URI on hovering -- implying that the \stexcode"mathstructure" environment has generated a \emph{symbol} |monoid| for us. It has not generated a semantic macro though, since we can not use the |monoid|-symbol \emph{directly}. Instead, we can instantiate it, for example for integers: \stexexample{% \symdef{Int}[type=\set]{\comp{\mathbb Z}} \symdef{addition}[ type=\funtype{\Int,\Int}{\Int}, args=2, op=+ ]{##1 \comp{+} ##2} \symdef{zero}[type=\Int]{\comp{0}} $\mathstruct{\Int,\addition!,\zero}$ is a \symname{monoid}. } So far, we have not actually instantiated |monoid|, but now that we have all the symbols to do so, we can: \stexexample{% \instantiate{intmonoid}{monoid}{\mathbb{Z}_{+,0}}[ universe = Int , op = addition , unit = zero ] $\intmonoid{universe}$, $\intmonoid{unit}$ and $\intmonoid{op}{a}{b}$. Also: $\intmonoid!$ } \begin{function}{\instantiate} So summarizing: \stexcode"\instantiate" takes four arguments: The (macro-)name of the instance, a key-value pair assigning declarations in the corresponding \stexcode"mathstructure" to symbols currently in scope, the name of the \stexcode"mathstructure" to instantiate, and lastly a notation for the instance itself. It then generates a semantic macro that takes as argument the name of a declaration in the instantiated \stexcode"mathstructure" and resolves it to the corresponding instance of that particular declaration. \end{function} \begin{mmtbox} \stexcode"\instantiate" and \stexcode"mathstructure" make use of the \emph{Theories-as-Types} paradigm (see \cite{MueRabKoh:tat18}): \stexcode"mathstructure{}" simply creates a nested theory with name |-structure|. The \emph{constant} || is defined as |Mod(-structure)| -- a \emph{dependent record type with manifest fields}, the fields of which are generated from (and correspond to) the constants in |-structure|. \stexcode"\instantiate" generates a constant whose definiens is a record term of type |Mod(-structure)|, with the fields assigned based on the respective key-value-list. \end{mmtbox} Notably, \stexcode"\instantiate" throws an error if not \emph{every} declaration in the instantiated \stexcode"mathstructure" is being assigned. You might consequently ask what the usefulness of \stexcode"mathstructure" even is. \begin{function}{\varinstantiate} The answer is that we can also instantiate a \stexcode"mathstructure" with a \emph{variable}. The syntax of \stexcode"\varianstantiate" is equivalent to that of \stexcode"\instantiate", but all of the key-value-pairs are optional, and if not explicitly assigned (to a symbol \emph{or} a variable declared with \stexcode"\vardef") inherit their notation from the one in the \stexcode"mathstructure" environment. \end{function} This allows us to do things like: \stexexample{% \varinstantiate{varM}{monoid}{M} A \symname{monoid} is a structure $\varM!:=\mathstruct{\varM{universe},\varM{op}!,\varM{unit}}$ such that $\varM{op}!:\funtype{\varM{universe},\varM{universe}}{\varM{universe}}$ ... } and \stexexample{% \varinstantiate{varMb}{monoid}{M_2}[universe = Int] Let $\varMb!:=\mathstruct{\varMb{universe},\varMb{op}!,\varMb{unit}}$ be a \symname{monoid} on $\Int$ ... } We will return to these two example later, when we also know how to handle the \emph{axioms} of a monoid. \begin{environment}{usestructure} The |usestructure{}| environment is used in multilingual settings as a parallel to the |mathstructure|. It opens a group and then issues a |\usemodule{.../-structure}| that gives the body access to all the semantic macros in the referenced structure. \end{environment} \end{smodule} \end{sfragment} \begin{sfragment}{The \texttt{copymodule} Environment} \textcolor{red}{TODO: explain} Given modules: \stexexample{% \begin{smodule}{magma} \symdef{universe}{\comp{\mathcal U}} \symdef{operation}[args=2,op=\circ]{#1 \comp\circ #2} \end{smodule} \begin{smodule}{monoid} \importmodule{magma} \symdef{unit}{\comp e} \end{smodule} \begin{smodule}{group} \importmodule{monoid} \symdef{inverse}[args=1]{{#1}^{\comp{-1}}} \end{smodule} } We can form a module for \emph{rings} by ``cloning'' an instance of |group| (for addition) and |monoid| (for multiplication), respectively, and ``glueing them together'' to ensure they share the same universe: \stexexample{% \begin{smodule}{ring} \begin{copymodule}{group}{addition} \renamedecl[name=universe]{universe}{runiverse} \renamedecl[name=plus]{operation}{rplus} \renamedecl[name=zero]{unit}{rzero} \renamedecl[name=uminus]{inverse}{ruminus} \end{copymodule} \notation*{rplus}[plus,op=+,prec=60]{#1 \comp+ #2} %\setnotation{rplus}{plus} \notation*{rzero}[zero]{\comp0} %\setnotation{rzero}{zero} \notation*{ruminus}[uminus,op=-]{\comp- #1} %\setnotation{ruminus}{uminus} \begin{copymodule}{monoid}{multiplication} \assign{universe}{\runiverse} \renamedecl[name=times]{operation}{rtimes} \renamedecl[name=one]{unit}{rone} \end{copymodule} \notation*{rtimes}[cdot,op=\cdot,prec=50]{#1 \comp\cdot #2} %\setnotation{rtimes}{cdot} \notation*{rone}[one]{\comp1} %\setnotation{rone}{one} Test: $\rtimes a{\rplus c{\rtimes de}}$ \end{smodule} } \textcolor{red}{TODO: explain donotclone} \end{sfragment} \begin{sfragment}{The \texttt{interpretmodule} Environment} \textcolor{red}{TODO: explain} \stexexample{% \begin{smodule}{int} \symdef{Integers}{\comp{\mathbb Z}} \symdef{plus}[args=2,op=+]{#1 \comp+ #2} \symdef{zero}{\comp0} \symdef{uminus}[args=1,op=-]{\comp-#1} \begin{interpretmodule}{group}{intisgroup} \assign{universe}{\Integers} \assign{operation}{\plus!} \assign{unit}{\zero} \assign{inverse}{\uminus!} \end{interpretmodule} \end{smodule} } \end{sfragment} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "../stex-manual" %%% End: % LocalWords: circ,e intmonoid MueRabKoh:tat18 varinstantiate 2,op runiverse rplus prec % LocalWords: rzero uminus ruminus plus,op uminus,op rtimes cdot,op cdot,prec 1,op % LocalWords: donotclone intisgroup