This directory contains the binaries for sTeX. We have four utilities and a perl libray. - sms generates sTeX module signatures - filedate and checksum are for managing metadata in the DTX files of the sTeX distribution - installFonts.sty is for chinese font support. ============== Details ================= sms "genreate sTeX Module Signatures" Usage: sms [options] Options: --input .tex file to split; default stdin --verbose verbose on --stop stop when \end{document} is found, not at EOF --help show help screen Generate .sms file from .tex file given at input; .sms files contain only the modules and the macros defined within, no other text. Example usage: ./sms -i slides.tex -s Interpretation: "Generate the slides.sms file for slides.tex; Stop when \end{document} is found." checksum "enable, update, and disable checksums in DTX files" Usage: checksum [options] Options: -- disable disable the checksum by wrapping in \iffalse ... \fi -- enable remove those again -- update update to the correct checksum filedate Purpose: Update the dates for a \ProvidePackage invocation in a given .dtx source Example: filedate omdoc.dtx