sTeX: An Infrastructure for Semantic Preloading of LaTeX Documents ==== ![CI Status]( This repository contains the sTeX package collection, a version of TeX/LaTeX that allows to markup TeX/LaTeX documents semantically without leaving the document format, essentially turning it into a document format for mathematical knowledge management (MKM). ## Copyright & License Copyright (c) 2022 Michael Kohlhase The package is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) ## Maintainers Michael Kohlhase, Dennis Müller, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. ## Documentation See the [documentation of the sTeX package]( for details. ## Setup The GIT version can just be cloned in a directory `` of your choosing. ``` cd git clone ``` Then update your `TEXINPUTS` environment variable, e.g. by placing the following line in your `.bashrc`: ``` export TEXINPUTS="$(TEXINPUTS)://: ``` Similarly, set your `MATHHUB` environment variable to where you intend to keep your sTeX archives. For details, see the documentation linked above. For a LaTeX IDE, update the directory path where `pdflatex` looks for paths. For larger documents it may be necessary to enlarge the internal memory allocation of the TEX/LATEX executables. This can be done by adding the following configurations in `texmf.cnf` (or changing them, if they already exist). ``` param_size = 20000 % simultaneous macro parameters, also applies to MP nest_size = 1000 % simultaneous semantic levels (e.g., groups) stack_size = 10000 % simultaneous input sources main_memory = 12000000 ``` Note that you will probably need `sudo` to do this. After that, you have to run the command ``` sudo fmtutil-sys --all ``` ## Manifest The sTeX distribution contains the following directories (conformant with the CTAN organization * `source`: The [Documented LaTeX sources (dtx files)]( * `tex`: packages and classes of the sTeX distribution * `lib`: bibTeX bibliography * `doc`: the sTeX manual and further documentation