\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{memoir} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage{soul} \usepackage{xspace} \title{The \textsf{srbook-mem} package} \author{Zoran T. Filipovi\'{c} \\ Jurija Gagarina 263/6 \\ 11070 New Belgrade, Serbia} \usepackage[serbian,english]{babel} \usepackage[wilson]{srbook-mem} %%% NICE WIDHTOUT WILSONDOB OPTIONS IN SRBOOK-MEM (NO LIGHT) %%% \usepackage{srbook-mem} %\chapterstyle{default} %\chapterstyle{companion} %\chapterstyle{chappell} %\chapterstyle{ell} %\chapterstyle{ger} %\chapterstyle{ntglike} %\chapterstyle{thatcher} %%% NICE WIDTH WILSONDOB OPTIONS IN SRBOOK-MEM (NO LIGHT) %%% \usepackage[wilsondob]{srbook-mem} \chapterstyle{wilsondob} %\chapterstyle{komalike} %\chapterstyle{crosshead} %\chapterstyle{section} %\chapterstyle{article} %\chapterstyle{tandh} %\chapterstyle{section} \begin{document} \frenchspacing \maketitle \begin{abstract} In this document I try to explain how to produce a number of the book, part and chapter in letters for serbian language in latin scripts. This package working very nice under \verb|memoir| documentclass. \end{abstract} \section*{Introduction} If you defines serbian language (latin scripts) in babel package, and type \verb|\book{},\part{},\chapter{}| that produce, in \verb|memoir| class, something like that: \textbf{Book I}, \textbf{Deo I} and \textbf{Glava I}. In many book in serbian language, and for many publisher we must produce something like that: \textbf{Knjiga Prva} like \textbf{First Book}, \textbf{Deo Prvi} like \textbf{First Part} and \textbf{Glava Prva} like \textbf{Chapter First}. In this meaning, I produce this package which working with \verb|memoir| documentclass. \section*{The package} If you want use this packages, you just put couple line like: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{memoir} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[serbian]{babel} \usepackage{srbook-mem} \begin{document} your text \end{document} \end{verbatim} and that is produce \verb|\book| to the ten numbers (in letters), \verb|\part| to the twenty numbers (in letters) and \verb|\chapter| to the fourty numbers (in letters). Package provide a options which I call \verb|light| which produce Knjiga Prva, Deo Prvi, Glava Prva, width \verb|normalfont|. The default font is bold. I find that is options \verb|light| is very nice and smooth. However, because is \verb|memoir| class is such to many predefines chapterstyle, you may choose just a package, typing \verb|\usepackage{srbook-mem}|, width no \verb|light| options. I find that the output is very nice for the following chapterstyle: \begin{center} \verb|default:companion:chappell:ell:ger:ntglike:thatcher| \end{center} That is produce number in letter in chapter for serbian language in latin script. The second options is to typing \verb|\usepackage[wilson]{srbook-mem}|, which produce Jedan, Dva, \dots{} like One, Two \dots{} I find that the output is very nice for the following chapterstyle: \begin{center} \verb|wilsondob:komalike:crosshead:section:article:tandh:section| \end{center} So, if you want to use this options you must typing, in preambula, line \verb|\usepackage[wilson]{srbook-mem}| push you machine to going, and the output is: \selectlanguage{serbian} \book{Ovo je prva knjiga} \part{Ovo je prvi deo} \selectlanguage{serbian} \chapter{Ovo je prva glava} However, you just see the \verb|Test.pdf| and \verb|TestLight.pdf| and---for my \TeX friend---evrything will be clear. \chapter{Ovo je druga glava} Or you just see this \verb|SerbianBookMem.tex| files, and \dots \chapter{Ovo je tre\'{c}a glava} Happy \TeX ing! In serbian language, of course! \end{document}