\documentstyle[12pt,slashbox]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{center} \large\bf Sample text for {\tt slashbox.sty} \end{center} The usage is pretty straightforward, such as \bigskip \noindent \begin{tabular}{|l||*{5}{c|}}\hline \backslashbox{Room}{Date} &\makebox[3em]{5/31}&\makebox[3em]{6/1}&\makebox[3em]{6/2} &\makebox[3em]{6/3}&\makebox[3em]{6/4}\\\hline\hline Meeting Room &&&&&\\\hline Auditorium &&&&&\\\hline Seminar Room &&&&&\\\hline \end{tabular} \bigskip You may include a newline (\verb+\\+) in `Room' and/or `Date'. Note that you will get spaces aside the slash line if there is a wider column in the same column of a different line. In such a case, you need to specify the width of the slashed column by saying \bigskip \noindent \begin{tabular}{|l||*{4}{c|}}\hline \backslashbox[48mm]{Room}{Date} &\makebox[3em]{5/31}&\makebox[3em]{6/1}&\makebox[3em]{6/2} &\makebox[3em]{6/3}\\\hline\hline Room With a Long Name &&&&\\\hline Auditorium &&&&\\\hline Seminar Room &&&&\\\hline \end{tabular} \bigskip The specified width is neglected if it is narrower than the natural width of the column. \verb+\(back)slashbox+ assumes by default that there is a blank space of width \verb+\tabcolsep+ on both sides of the column. Thus the slash line might exceeds the boundary when you use \verb+@{}+ etc. You can avoid it by specifying \bigskip \noindent \begin{tabular}{|@{\ $\bullet$\hspace*{3mm}}l||*{5}{c|}}\hline \multicolumn{1}{|@{}l||}{\backslashbox[0pt][l]{Room}{Date}} &\makebox[3em]{5/31}&\makebox[4em]{6/1}&\makebox[3em]{6/2} &\makebox[3em]{6/3}&\makebox[3em]{6/4}\\\hline\hline Meeting Room &&&&&\\\hline Auditorium &&&&&\\\hline Seminar Room &&&&&\\\hline \end{tabular} \bigskip Here \verb+[l]+ tells the command that there is no extra space on the left of this column. You can use \verb+[r]+ and \verb+[lr]+ likewise. You have to also specify the width of the column in this case, but it can be 0pt. \end{document}