\documentclass{simplecv} \begin{document} \leftheader{123 Hamlet Street\\ Stratford-upon-Avon} \rightheader{TEL: 888-PUCK\\ \texttt{\small bill@globe.org}} \title{William Shakespeare} \maketitle Some people put a summary here. Note: there are many \LaTeX{} variables you can set in the preamble to change the look of the CV. \section{Work Experience} \begin{topic} \item[1593--1609] Wrote and produced plays for the Queen, and then for the King. He really liked them a lot, but they reminded him of plays by this guy, the Earl of Oxford. You can have several paragraphs in the same topic entry \end{topic} \section{Education} \begin{topic} \item[1577--78] My Dad taught me stuff. \item[April to May 1581] Tried high school. Hated my English teacher. [note how a linebreak is inserted if your subtitle is too long] \end{topic} \section{Publications} \begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{firstref} First Folio. Me. 1623. \bibitem{secondref} These references could have been entered via Bib\TeX{}\ldots{} In any case, here I can cite my work of \cite{firstref}. \end{thebibliography} \end{document}