\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{scalebar} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{moreverb} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0.4\baselineskip} {\huge \centering Examples for the \texttt{scalebars} Package } \vspace{2\baselineskip} {\raggedleft Michael Lake\\ \small http://www.speleonics.com.au/mikes/\\ \makeatletter mikeL@speleonics.com.au \makeatother } \vspace{2\baselineskip} Usage:\\ \verb+\scalebar[inverse]{length}{minordivs}{majordivs}+\\ \verb+ {starting No.}{ending No.}{units}+ where:\\ \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lX} \texttt{length} &the desired length of the scalebar e.g.\ 10cm or 4in\\ \texttt{minordivs} &number of minor divisions within the first major division e.g.\ 4 (the first major division will always be subdivided unless this value is set to 1)\\ \texttt{majordivs} &number of major divisions e.g.\ 5 \\ \texttt{starting No.}&the number that the scalebar text will start from e.g.\ 0 or -0.5\\ \texttt{ending No.}&the number that the scalebar text will end with e.g.\ 2.5 or 25\\ \texttt{units}&the units for the scalebar text e.g.\ $\mu$m or km \end{tabularx} \section*{Examples} \verb+\scalebar{10cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}+\\ \scalebar{10cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m} \vspace{\baselineskip} This is how to indent a scalebar:\\ \verb+\hspace*{2cm}\scalebar{10cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}+\\ \hspace*{2cm}\scalebar{10cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m} \vspace{\baselineskip} Change the length of the scalebar:\\ \verb+\scalebar{12cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}+\\ \scalebar{12cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m} \newpage In the following three examples notice how I have scaled the total length of the scalebar by roughly the same scale as the font change to maintain a nice aspect ratio. Make a larger scalebar:\\ I have scaled the length of the scalebar up (10cm to 12cm) by the same scale as the font change (\verb+\normal+ to \verb+\large+) to maintain a nice ratio of the length to its height.\\ \verb+\large\scalebar{12cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}\normalsize+\\ \large\scalebar{12cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}\normalsize \vspace{\baselineskip} Make a smaller scalebar:\\ Here I scale down the length by an amount similar to the font change.\\ \verb+\small\scalebar{8cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}\normalsize+\\ \small\scalebar{8cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}\normalsize \vspace{\baselineskip} Make a tiny scalebar:\\ Here I have to really reduce the length so I don't get a long, skinny and ugly looking scalebar.\\ \verb+\tiny\scalebar{4cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}\normalsize+\\ \tiny\scalebar{4cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}\normalsize \vspace{\baselineskip} Change the number of minor and major divisions in the scalebar:\\ \verb+\scalebar{10cm}{3}{4}{0}{10}{m}+\\ \scalebar{10cm}{3}{4}{0}{12}{m} \vspace{\baselineskip} Change the starting and ending numbers:\\ \verb+\scalebar{10cm}{4}{5}{-2}{8}{m}+\\ \scalebar{10cm}{4}{5}{-2}{8}{m} \vspace{\baselineskip} Change the units of the scalebar:\\ \verb+\scalebar{10cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{$\mu$m}+\\ \scalebar{10cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{$\mu$m} \vspace{\baselineskip} \newpage Use fractional values for starting and ending numbers:\\ \verb+\scalebar{10cm}{4}{6}{-0.5}{2.5}{m}+\\ \scalebar{10cm}{4}{6}{-0.5}{2.5}{m} \vspace{\baselineskip} Supress the minor divisions:\\ \verb+\scalebar{10cm}{1}{5}{0}{10}{m}+\\ \scalebar{10cm}{1}{5}{0}{10}{m} \vspace{\baselineskip} Invert the black/white bars:\\ \verb+\scalebar[inverse]{10cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}+\\ \scalebar[inverse]{10cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m} \vspace{\baselineskip} Position a scalebar within a picture environment: \begin{verbatim} \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \fbox{\begin{picture}(120,50)% create picture 120mm x 50mm \put(2,11){Scale 1:200} \put(2,7){\small\scalebar{5cm}{2}{5}{0}{10}{m}} \end{picture}} \end{verbatim} \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \fbox{\begin{picture}(120,50)% create picture 120mm x 50mm \put(2,11){Scale 1:200} \put(2,7){\small\scalebar{5cm}{2}{5}{0}{10}{m}} \end{picture}} \newpage \section*{Problems} If the length of the scalebar is longer than the page width it will break:\\ (the page width here is: \the\textwidth)\\ \verb+\scalebar{15cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m}+\\ \scalebar{15cm}{4}{5}{0}{10}{m} \vspace{\baselineskip} Several mathematical operations are performed and silly use of zero in some parameters will result in a mathematical error. Consult the package documentation for what is happening. Also these math calculations do seem to take \TeX\ quite a while to perform -- perhaps there is a way to do these calculations faster. If you discover any serious problems please let me know. \vfill Michael Lake\\ \today \end{document}