\documentclass{article} \usepackage[osf,p]{libertinus} \usepackage[english]{babel} \babeltags{english = english} \usepackage[characterstyle=imprimerie-prose]{thalie} \usepackage[noeledsec,noend,noledgroup,nofamiliar,nocritical,antilabe]{reledmac} \setstanzaindents{1,0,1} \setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{1} \setcounter{startstanzaindentsrepetition}{2} \linenumincrement{1} \firstlinenum{1} %%retained from the thalie package, modifies the way a character's name is given in the first line of speech \renewcommand*{\speakswithoutdirection}[1]{% \noindent\textsc{#1}\xspace.% } % Space after \antilabe macro \renewcommand{\afterantilabe}{\hspace{1em}} \begin{document} \begin{abstract} This file provides an example of typesetting verse for a dramatic text with reledmac and thalie packages. We use the thalie features to manage characters. We use the following features of reledmac to typeset the verses: \begin{itemize} \item \verb+\antilabe+ to show correctly the second half of a split line of verse (antilabe); \item \verb+\afterantilabe+ to add more space after \verb+\antilabe+; \item \verb+\setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}+ and \\ \verb+\setcounter{startstanzaindentsrepetition}+ to have the first line of a reply/stanza indented, but not the following ones; \item \verb+\skipnumbering+ to avoid counting the first half of an antilabe in the line counting. \end{itemize} \end{abstract} ddd %%part of thalie's management of characters \begin{dramatis} \character[cmd={Buckingham}]{Buckingham} \character[cmd={Norfolk}]{Norfolk} \end{dramatis} % Normal typesetting \beginnumbering \stanza\Buckingham Good morrow and well met. How have ye done& \skipnumbering Since last we saw in France?\& \stanza\antilabe\Norfolk I thank your grace,& Healthful, and ever since a fresh admirer& \skipnumbering Of what I saw there.\& \stanza\antilabe\Buckingham An untimely ague& Stayed me a prisoner in my chamber when\& \endnumbering \end{document}