\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{unicode-math} \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{csquotes} \newcommand{\package}[1]{\emph{#1}} \begin{document} \title{Page layout with \package{reledpar}} \author{Domenico Cufalo and Maïeul Rouquette} \date{August 17, 2017} \maketitle \begin{figure}[p]\centering \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=above,font=\scriptsize}] \draw (0,0) rectangle (6,8); \draw (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (7.5,9.5); \draw (0.5,1) rectangle (2.5,5); \draw (3.5,1) rectangle (5.5,5); \draw[blue,thick,|<->|] (0,8.5) -- node[above] {textwidth ($T$)} (6,8.5); \draw[blue,thick,<->] (-1.5,7) -- node[above] {$Lmargin$} (0,7); \draw[blue,thick,<->] (0,7) -- node[above] {numb. text width ($N$)} (6,7); \draw[blue,thick,<->] (6,7) -- node[above] {$Rmargin$} (7.5,7); \draw[blue,thick,|<->|] (0.5,6) -- node[above] {$widthliketwocolumns$} (5.5,6); \draw[red] (3,1) -- (3,5) node[above] {colsep ($S$)}; \draw[blue,thick,<->] (0,3) -- node[above] {$LM$} (0.5,3); \draw[blue,thick,<->] (0.5,3) -- node[above] {$L$} (2.5,3); \draw[blue,thick,<->] (2.5,3) -- node[above] {$B$} (3,3); \draw[blue,thick,<->] (3,3) -- node[above] {$A$} (3.5,3); \draw[blue,thick,<->] (3.5,3) -- node[above] {$R$} (5.5,3); \draw[blue,thick,<->] (5.5,3) -- node[above] {$RM$} (6,3); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Page layout}\label{pic:page} \end{figure} \section{General} \package{Reledmac} doesn't care neither text width ($T$) nor margins, whose sizes are calculated by \LaTeX{} itself or depends on other packages like \package{geometry}. In normal typesetting, line numbers and sidenotes are in the margin. In parallel typesetting, sidenotes and lines numbers can be, or not, in page margins. Normally, we get: \begin{equation} T = LM + L + B + S + A + R + RM \end{equation} The only possible exceptions occur when the user makes mistakes when fixing $L$ and / or $A$ and / or $B$ and / or $R$. \section{Parameters} The parameters that can be controlled by \package{reledmac} are (see fig.~\ref{pic:page}): \begin{description} \item[N] The numbered text width, \emph{i. e.} the width of text which is between \verb+\beginnumbering+ and \verb+\endnumbering+ in normal tyepsetting. By default $N=T$, but can be also modified by the \package{reledmac}/\package{reledpar} option \verb!widthliketwocolumns!: in this case, $N=L+B+S+A+R$ \item[L] \verb!\Lcolwidth!; fixed width, by default \verb!{0.45\textwidth}! \item[R] \verb!\Rcolwidth!; fixed width, by default \verb!{0.45\textwidth}! \item[S] \verb!\columnseparator!; \package{reledpar} inserts a vertical rule of width \verb!\columnrulewidth!, by default set to be $0\,pt$. You can redefine \verb!\columnrulewidth! by \begin{verbatim} \setlength{\columnrulewidth}{0.4pt} \end{verbatim} \item[B] \verb!\beforecolumnseparator!: automatically calculated, but can be redefined by \begin{verbatim} \setlength{\beforecolumnseparator}{} \end{verbatim} \item[A] \verb!\aftercolumnseparator!: automatically calculated, but can be redefined by \begin{verbatim} \setlength{\aftercolumnseparator}{} \end{verbatim} \end{description} \section{Columns' position} By default, columns are positioned to the right of the page. However, you can use \verb!\columnsposition{L}! to align them to the left, or \verb!\columnsposition{C}! to center them. In this case $LM$ and $RM$ are modified: \begin{itemize} \item with \verb!\columnsposition{L}!, $LM=0$ and $RM$ is automatically calculated; \item with \verb!\columnsposition{R}!, $RM=0$ and $LM$ is automatically calculated; \item with \verb!\columnsposition{C}!, $RM$ and $LM$ are automatically calculated. \end{itemize} \section{Automatically calculated parameters} Therefore, the lengths automatically calculated are $LM$, $RM$, and, if not fixed by user, $B$ and $A$. \subsection{If $LM$, $RM$, $B$ and $A$ are calculated} \begin{equation} LM = RM = B = A = \frac{T - (L + S + R)}{4} \end{equation} \subsection{If $LM$, $RM$, $B$ are calculated} \begin{equation} LM = RM = B = \frac{T - (L + A + S + R)}{3} \end{equation} \subsection{If $LM$, $RM$, $A$ are calculated} \begin{equation} LM = RM = A = \frac{T - (L + B + S + R)}{3} \end{equation} \subsection{If only $LM$ and $RM$ are calculated} \begin{equation} LM = RM = \frac{T - (L + B + S + A + R)}{2} \end{equation} \subsection{In any case} $LM$, $B$, $A$, $RM$ can't have a negative value. If the result of one the previous equation is negative, then that means the value equals $0$. Technically, the \enquote{calculated values} are determined using \verb+\hfill+. \end{document}