% THIS IS BOTH A MINIMAL USER-MANUAL % OF THE PACKAGE rectopma.sty % AND AN EXAMPLE OF ITS USE % % File : TestTitle.tex % Author: Battista Benciolini % E-mail: % Date : January 2002 % See file rectopma.sty for more information % \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{rectopma} % \date{ } \title{Test of the package \texttt{rectopma} \intitlebreak and suggestions for its use \intitlebreakvs (I need a long title)\thanks{ Comments are welcome !}} \author{B.Benciolini\thanks{e-mail: battista.benciolini@ing.uitn.it} \and No Second Author\thanks{No-Where Institute}} % \SaveTopMatter % \begin{document} \maketitle % \section{Introduction} The package \verb+rectopma+ makes it possible to reuse the main content of \verb+\title+ and \verb+\author+ in different parts of a document. It is also possible to force linebreaks in the title with a command that is only active inside the top-matter, not when the title is re-printed elsewhere. % \section{Instruction} The new commands \verb+\intitlebreak+ and \verb+\intitlebreakvs+ (vs= vertical skip) are used to force a line break in the title that disappears when the title itself is re-used outside the top matter of the paper. The content of \verb+\title+ and \verb+\author+ must be saved with the command \verb+\SaveTopMatter+ before the action of \verb+\maketitle+ and can be reprinted with the new commands \verb+\SavedAuthor+ and \verb+\SavedTitle+. When they are reprinted the names of the various authors are simply separated by commas and the content of \verb+\thanks+ is ignored. % \section{Examples} The authors of this paper are listed here after: \SavedAuthor. This is obtained with \verb+\SavedAuthor+. It is also possible to reprint the title, by means of \verb+\SavedTitle+, and the result is: \SavedTitle. The title can be printed with a different style, as in: \textbf{\SavedTitle}, obtained with \verb+\textbf{\SavedTitle}+. % \end{document} \endinput % % End of file TestPaper.tex